Do you miss Sheamus?


Pre-Show Stalwart
He's been out since Money in the Bank and I just noticed that he's not wrestling. I'm not a massive fan of the guy, but I don't qualify as a hater either. I think he's a solid physical wrestler, but he never had "it" for me as a face or a heel. Ultimately, I have no strong feelings one way or the other.

I was just thinking are there those of you who feel different. Do some of you miss him or wish he never comes back? Any new ideas for when he does?
he was so so. i liked him some times. when he was a face now and then id laugh at his bs. when he was in midcard that was his best work to me. his best promo was when he said he was half jewish and his family would fight then feel really bad about it. do i miss him kinda not really tho. they need to tweek his gimik.
I cant say I miss him much at all. As heel he was great. Serious character, badass and dangerous. As a face, corny, unfunny and at this moment I don't miss him
I miss Sheamus quite a bit. He was hilarious as a face and as a heel he was the type I loved to hate. I wouldn't mind seeing him be Taker's next Wrestlemania victim. I would have him return at the Royal Rumble, lose after an impressive showing in the match, and call out Taker the following Raw to start the feud. He could tell all sorts of Celtic Warrior stories in his promos building up to the event, where he'd obviously lose. I'd want to see him win the WWE Championship later on. I imagine they will be keeping the WWE Championship's name and design upon the unification, seeing Sheamus' Celtic Crosses on the custom plates of the belt would be pretty cool if he became the champion again. Other than facing Taker, having his own plates on the WWE Championship, or winning Money In the Bank there really is nothing left for Sheamus to do. He doesn't need to win Money In the Bank, so that leaves only the other two options. Either way, I hope he returns soon regardless of if it's as a face or a heel.
not to say im not watching wwe because sheamus isnt on, but i enjoy watching sheamus in the ring. hes tough, hard hitting brawl style is great to watch. but other then that he is very bland and corny as a face but made a badass heel.
I think his return will be welcome by the WWE and expect him to join in the Main Event picture again eventually.
Personally, not his biggest fan, but I do think he is needed back and can do alot to enhance the product as a heel character.
I do miss Sheamus his injury came at such a bad time...
He would've been the perfect fit against Ryback "the bully"
Would've been great..
Just picture it....
Ryback is pushing some little jobber around and from off camera into the scene you see Sheamus coming in and saying something like "Try pushing me around now Fella?"
I miss Sheamus a lot. I was expecting him to answer Ryback's challenge at SS but Henry did and that was okay too. I can't wait for Sheamus to return and I'm interested in seeing who he'll feud with
i wanted cena vs sheamus for the unification match rather than jobber sissy randy sheamus is a much better brawler than any of them a real badass which is needed at TLC..........
I'm surprised so many people (like 5, innit!) have said they miss him.

For somebody who's been pushed the way he has, him not being on TV should be felt a whole lot more. I like Sheamus, but I don't miss him one bit. He's a talented all rounder but something just doesn't quite click. Him and Del Rio are very similar in that regard.
I don't really miss Sheamus at all, to be honest I had totally forgotten about him! While he isn't bad in the ring at all, the whole character does absolutely nothing for me as a face. I would say he is one of the most boring main event wrestlers I have ever seen in the WWE, and it amazes me how much he was pushed and how quickly it happened.

Sheamus is better as a heel but again he just doesn't really entertain me. I hope when he does return that he has a gimmick change in some way, or at least a change in appearance. I am so sick of that ridiculous spiked up red hair, he needs to look different and act differently on his return to freshen the whole character up.
I think he made a very good heel and a decent babyface. He could have been better as a face, but they were trying way too hard to make him funny. A happy go lucky "fella."

The truth is this guy couldn't make anyone so much as chuckle if his life depended on it. That's why in the last months of his run he began to seriously flounder. Make him a no nonsense badass. Few words, more ass-kicking. Think Batista. Then he could possibly be a great babyface.
I didn't get to see Sheamus as a heel as I stopped watching wrestling by then. However, the few occasions as a face where Sheamus showed intensity was very good. I don't like the corny, laughing, good guy Sheamus. I feel he has the ability to play a heel very well and heard other people claim that he was an fantastic heel.

It opens up feuds with Punk, Cena and Taker if he turns, seeing I've never seen him feud with these three, it would be fresh.
I can say I miss Sheamus, but as the same ol' face in squash matches, I don't know. He is a boring guy and I hope he brings back the whole decimating warrior thing he had when he feuded with HHH a few years back. He needs an edge.
Sheamus bores me. He doesn't have halfway decent enough mic skill to be an effective face OR heel. His face expressions are sort of dumb during matches, his ring work is alright at best, and he really has no business working with the best the industry has to offer. I don't understand what keeps him in the main event spotlight all the time.
Probably not as much as we should missed someone who's essentially a main eventer. I just don't... Get it with Sheamus. There's nothing there for me to connect with, regardless of whether he's a face or a heel.

I mean, I'm a big fan of unpredictability as long as it's not WCW 2000 type unpredictability. But when Sheamus beat John Cena for the WWE title it was like... Huh. So that just happened. I just didn't feel the excitement that you should feel during somebody's first title win.

I don't know if it's a lack of charisma, or if it's just because he's never been in an angle I'm interested in, but I've just never cared about Sheamus.

So, no, I don't miss him. And I won't be particularly glad to see him back.
Completely forgot about him, so I guess that answers the question for me.

I like him as a no nonsense, ass kicking heel, but the corny, cheesy, grinning face bit of his is a channel changer for me. It's like he's trying too hard to be John Cena 2.0, but only focusing on the most annoying parts of Cena's character.
Probably not as much as we should missed someone who's essentially a main eventer.

That could be a valid point, but I think a change in Sheamus' ring situation is all that's needed to get us caring about him. I expect the usual "I prefer him as a heel" stuff we read about almost everyone, but I think he could hit it big again as a face......if he has a specific mission. Give him a real crusade and watch him run with it.

After turning good guy, he was too "vanilla" (no pun intended), in that he wasn't mad at anyone, he had no real direction......he just pounded the shit out of his opponents, using that signature move of his way too much. (Honestly, since his enemy was outside the ropes while Sheamus was delivering the blows to the chest, he should have been disqualified a few times, no?)

But I confess to missing him. He's got the look of a barroom brawler, the guy you'd want at your back in a dark alley. He's big, he's tough, he can work a match.

I have a feeling he'll return initially as a face, then switch to bad guy in short order, although I wish they'd keep him good. Either way, we can always use a man like him. He's fun to watch.
To be honest, I haven't missed him, because his feuds have been rather dull in my opinion and he hasnt done stuff to make me want to see him , or better yet, the Vince & co. didint give him things to do.For a lot of time he floundered in the mid-card, upper-mid card but not really doing anything of importance, and all of this happened, if I recall correctly after he turned face.

He was good as a heel, I really digged him, but as a face, he wasnt funny with his "Mi oncle Larny blablalblalblalbblalblllblalba .........................I GONNA KICK YOUR ARSE" *with a HAHAHAHAHAA look on his face*

I do love his moveset tho, I like his brawling,hard-hitting style.His PPV match with Big Show was awesome.

But I cant say I actually feel the need to see him.Before I saw this post, I had forgotten about him.

People who I would actually miss are cm punk, Db and the Shield and even the Wyatts and Antonio Cesaro, as they actually are the thing that make me want to watch RAW/Smackdown just to see what they do.

le : Buttybox said smth about Sheamus' win giving the feeling of "that just happened".I think he's right because if they really wanted to push the guy he should have had a good match instead of a tables match.I dont like the stipulation of a tables match tbh.They should have at least had a NO DQ or smth , and show of Sheamus as this monster who is ready for the big game right from the start.
I miss monster heel Sheamus quite a bit, and thought he added a lot to the roster. I don't miss face "Hey Fella" Sheamus at all, though I gotta say, I've always liked the way he moves in the ring...he's one of those guys who's going to have a good match with a broad range of other wrestlers.

My thoughts on a return for Sheamus, if the top of the card is crowded, is to put him in a tag team with Ryback and have them become a Demolition/Powers of Pain style team: Two bruising, vicious monsters who plow through everyone on the way to the tag titles.
Considering that it's well known Sheamus was another hand-selected mentee of Triple H's, it's not far-fetched to see him return and align with The Authority.
Not a clue if he is ready for a return but TLC would be the perfect situation. It is the event where he shocked the world by taking the strap off Cena. He has political ties with Triple H so he would fit right into the Authority angle. If they are going screw job ending Shamus is the perfect fit.

By WM time, he should be back by then, he should be in a program with Big E. Those two could rip it up while bringing the IC title back.
Certainly. Sheamus is one of the top stars in the company and it is inevitable that the product isn't as good without him. He was impressive as heel and a face as well as being very enjoyable in the ring. He could wrestle any match against any opponent and how many guys could say they worked top quality matches with Daniel Bryan and The Big Show. John Cena perhaps but Sheamus has done that and I am missing his presence on the roster.

Admittedly, as a face he was getting a little bit annoying but he was definitely over. That being said, when he returns I don't mind if he is heel or face. There are plenty of options for him heading into WM: Lesnar, Taker or the WWE Title. All are fantastic options and TV will only get better when he is around.

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