Do we really need Randy Orton back?

WWE missed used Orton when they had perfect chance to mae Orton the next Stone Cold. Then mixed with his injurys and suspensions WWE had to work around him not being around. As hard as it is WWE needs Orton but they need him to be the Randy Orton that was Evolution of the Future not just sitting in the middle.
From a business standpoint, Yes WWE needs Orton back no question he is the top guy on SmackDown and top 3 in the entire WWE and is still a big money draw. From backstage standpoint, Hell no, he is nothing but a headache and will never learn because WWE always gives him big pushes I read WWE will put him right back in World Title picture when his suspension is over he should be used to put young talent over as punishment. Personally, I would love to see Orton back he been one of my favorites since he was in Evolution.
Kane, Wade Barret, Cody Rhodes, Mark Henry, Christian... Those have been Randy's feuds since he was drafted to Smackdown! a move made in order to have a top star in that show at a time when Edge was retiring and Christian was World Champion. Now Smackdown has always been the B show but if you look back on history it has always won the interpromotional battles which means that it is built to be powerful. Most superstars of today have risen to their prime on Smackdown. That wasn't the case with Orton. He managed to do so in Raw and then sent to Smackdown to help the show. In my opinion he has done perfectly. He gave Christian his most entertaining persona since his return, HE was the one to finally put Mark Henry OVER, He showed all of us why Cody Rhodes will be the future of the WWE (whether you want to accept it or not) He gave us reason to believe in Wade Barret and he gave Kane a crucial path back to relevence after being buried by Cena. And you think that is overated?

Can't agree that Orton has done well enough to justify anything else than a mid/upper mid push in those particular cases. Henry had gotten himself to the point where someone had to put him over, Orton was the only realistic guy on SD at that time, so he gets the nod. His feud with Barrett was built on Barrett being better at what Orton does than he is, and Rhodes... just no, he's a Jake Roberts not a Randy Savage...

Where Orton can be of use now is elevating those guys who are going to be Upper Mid in a year/18 months time or if he screws up. Guys like Sandow, Cesaro, Drew McIntyre but first they should use him to bring Ambrose in, perhaps as a partner who turns on him and whom he puts over strong. Then make him the next step for the previously mentioned guys. Barrett has moved past him now.

I get people's points about him being over now and main eventers being in short supply... but the problem WWE has is that anything that shows up on a wellness violation means he is gone. They cannot risk him in anything above mid-card feuds that can be easily written off if the worst happens. If he has a title or is main eventing a PPV WHEN strike 3 comes, it'll be murder on Vince and WWE and unless they use him to put new ones over now, they will be without Orton and still without replacements!

You only have so many chances and Randy has had (as someone else mentioned) far more than most and has spurned them. He has 3 suspensions in 8 years... his deal runs for 7 more for which he cannot show even a strong painkiller without prescription,the most hardened gambler isn't going to take those odds without a seriously re-written deal in their favour. Vince has just been seriously burned by Brock Lesnar, so I don't imagine patience with any talent is in great supply right now. It's like that phrase in Top Gun..."You have to be doing it better and cleaner than the other guy..."

If Randy gets to keep his money he should be happy to accept mid-card status... if he wants the main event and is serious about saving his career, then he should be suggesting a renegotiated deal. Ditto for Mysterio...

and for those who think the Marine stuff doesn't matter, it absolutely does... they gave him a 2nd chance, he did it again... Vince gave him a 2nd and he did it again... an 18 year ond making mistakes is one thing, to still be making them at 32 shows the kind of guy.
All of what The DragonSaga put is pure fact, but another fact is, his spot in the company can easily be replaced, ex: Rey Mysterio, although Mysterio doesn't have nearly as many combined World Title reigns, hes still polarized enough to carry the company in Orton's spot, love or hate the guy.
I think Orton can definitely still contribute. In his previous run, he was forced to play the white bread babyface role due to being one of the only top draws on Smackdown!. If he's allowed to either go back to being a sadistic heel or an intense face again, he could be put in programs with any one of the guys and draw.

As for Orton being more trouble than he's worth - He was definitely a problem child during his initial push, but has since changed his ways & become somewhat of a leader. He still has some bad blood with management, but only because he's not afraid to speak his mind and stick up for the underneath guys from time to time. Honestly, in my opinion, I think that in order to make their wellness policy appear legitimate, WWE has to ding one of the top guys now and then. Orton was the man, most likely because he does rub people the wrong way (just not for trashing hotel rooms anymore).
I think that if orton returns a feud between against cody rhodes/jack swagger/dolph ziggler can be good.there is another option that the wwe will use orton to get a big push for backup wrestlers in the roster that deserve a push like ted dibiase/mayson ryan/ezekiel jackson.
Sure WWE doesn t have to bring him back, but there is no way Vince would let him go to TNA. He is a talent, great character, great worker. Needs to be a heel though. I wish the Legend Killer would return and take out the guys like Vader and Pyscho Sid etc that have returned for RAW 1000, give him a kick start as a cold blooded heel.
Where Orton can be of use now is elevating those guys who are going to be Upper Mid in a year/18 months time or if he screws up. Guys like Sandow, Cesaro, Drew McIntyre but first they should use him to bring Ambrose in, perhaps as a partner who turns on him and whom he puts over strong. Then make him the next step for the previously mentioned guys. Barrett has moved past him now.

Yeah so what you are saying is Vinnie Mac should use his 32 year 2nd biggest star of the company to job other 30 odd year old IWC favorites who draw no reaction at all (maybe except Sandow) Good going. Randy will end up being a joke losing to everyone and vince mcmahon will be left with only Cena, Punk, DB, Rey Rey & Sheamus to carry the mainevent of 2 shows. Makes sense. WWE Universe doesnt give a hoot about Ambrose or McIntyre or Cesaro. Sink that in bro. It's very hard to get a reaction from the crowd let alone be a draw and only a handful of people can do that.

ou only have so many chances and Randy has had (as someone else mentioned) far more than most and has spurned them. He has 3 suspensions in 8 years... his deal runs for 7 more for which he cannot show even a strong painkiller without prescription,the most hardened gambler isn't going to take those odds without a seriously re-written deal in their favour. Vince has just been seriously burned by Brock Lesnar, so I don't imagine patience with any talent is in great supply right now. It's like that phrase in Top Gun..."You have to be doing it better and cleaner than the other guy..."

If Randy gets to keep his money he should be happy to accept mid-card status... if he wants the main event and is serious about saving his career, then he should be suggesting a renegotiated deal. Ditto for Mysterio...

and for those who think the Marine stuff doesn't matter, it absolutely does... they gave him a 2nd chance, he did it again... Vince gave him a 2nd and he did it again... an 18 year ond making mistakes is one thing, to still be making them at 32 shows the kind of guy.

The guy was suspended after what 5-6 years and that too for carelessly taking a tainted supplement NOT steroids. Give him a break. People always dig up the past. Fact - Stone Cold took steroids. Fact - Stone Cold was a headache backstage. Fact - Shawn Michaels was a headache backstage. but Vince gave them chances because they drew. ofcourse Orton may still not be in the SCSA & HBk league but he's the best available. The guy made a mistake and paid time. And TBH I remember the IWC riding the Orton wave in 2008/09 when it was 'cool' to cheer him and people didnt have any problem with backstage issues and AWOL. FYI Ziggler got suspended very early in hsi career. How are we to know that he wouldnt get suspended twice in 10 years. Rey and Regal has 2 strikes too. Maybe WWE should let them all job. yeah right. The logical thing to do is milk Orton as much as possible before (if) he screws up again. Remember even if he gets a 3rd strike he can come back after an year's lay off. As for backstage issues, Hell of alot of people backstage respect Orton now after his return from injury esp since he stands up for talent and is a different man.

Hulk Hogan on Randy Orton ; "he's got it figured out. There only very few who really get it"

Brett hart on randy Orton ; Randy doesn’t necessarily get credit for being a great technician, but he is. People always use that term for me, “The Excellence of Execution” — and that’s what Randy is. I expect that he’s going to get better and better and better."

John Cena ; "[Randy Orton is] certainly the best performer of my generation.Randy's kind of the measuring stick. He's unbelievably talented and he just seems to bring the best out of me".

^^Coming from a guy who used to call him an asshole in the past

In this week's Observer, Dave says that a lot of people are looking at Randy Orton as a locker-room hero. Basically, he's the one guy who will stand up to guys like Triple H & Shawn Michaels.

For example, during the Iraq show, Umaga was getting new tights made, and the seamstress said he couldn't use certain colors because they were "Hunter's colors." Umaga insisted anyways. When Shawn Michaels saw the tights, he threw a fit (think about that for a second... a 40 year old man throwing a hissy fit over someone else's pants). Orton, then stood up for Umaga, in front of everyone.

Tell me people say stuff that kind of stuff about the IWC faves Ziggler, Ambrose, McIntyre, Cesaro etc. Till then give credit where it's due. Vince is a billionaire and we shouldnt give him any business lessons

**Tell me when people start saying that kind of stuff about the IWC faves Ziggler, Ambrose, McIntyre, Barrett, Cesaro etc. Till then give credit where it's due. Vince is a billionaire and we shouldnt give him any business lessons.

Triple H : ''Randy just glides in the ring and he, [laughs] this is the best compliment I can give him, he reminds me of Shawn''

Paul Heyman : ''As much as Edge has perfected the art of the wrestling heel, Randy Orton is by far the most riveting character WWE has ever presented.
Orton's character is so far from the "laughing at his own actions, bragging about his villainous conquests, reveling in his own heeldom" type of character as I've ever seen.
He has done what very few others have been able to do. He's broken new ground. He's given us a different perspective. The Orton character is driven by his demons, but shocked by his own actions.''

Think I've proven my point now. These are not my words but of people from the wrestling industry who are more knowledgeable than you, me and your IWC buddies. Now we know who the real best of the world is

Barrett has moved past him now.

LOL I bet you think Ziggler is the best mic worker in the WWE right now.
Yes. Why not? I think he should go back to a heel or even a neutral person though. The WWE needs more of them I think. Remember when Austin, Rock, Kane, Undertaker it didn’t matter if you were face or heel he got the finisher.
I have no issue with Randy Orton - I have an issue with face Randy Orton, on the same show as face Sheamus. These are two guys who are both arguably better (and more believable) as heels, who are both built out of a similar mold. Sheamus has come a long was as the face of Friday nights, and having Orton return to that picture is going to be tedious at best, unless they make some big changes.

I can only get so excited about Randy Orton when the extent of his time on Raw every week is a three minute match ending in an RKO. Every - single - time. If it's possible, Orton on Raw is more one-dimensional than John Cena. Either keep him on Smackdown, or do something - anything - interesting with him outside of killing the hopes and dreams of Jack Swagger or anyone else unlucky enough to step into the ring with him on Monday nights.

I like Randy Orton, and I respect that he's almost always solid inside the ring and can draw one of the best crowd reactions in the industry. But unless they do something interesting with him, and this SHOULD go without saying, there'es no reason for me to get excited about his return.
Well, that was one of, if not, the weakest returns in WWE history.

- he looked horrible. so much older and less in shape.
- still a boring face.
- no real story.
- no real match (it wasn't even 2 minutes in length)

No. I watched the Randy Orton DVD. I know that he struggled with pain killer addictions years ago, and he went to rehab and got over it. For Pete's sake, the man has a little daughter! Plus, he is a main eventer that has thousands of kids looking up to him. It'd be a less awful if it was a jobber or lower mid carder. But Orton's one of WWE's top stars. He's already had his second chance. I don't think he deserves a third. At least, he shouldn't start where he left off as a main eventer. He should have to earn his way back.
I'm not a fan of Randy Orton, so I did not miss him at all. I was never too big on Orton. I think the WWE should not put Orton or Mysterio right to the top of the number 1 contender to the WWE or World Heavyweight Belts. The WWE should try to build the younger guys then two older guys who has history of using drugs and getting suspended.

If the WWE releases Orton, and Orton goes to TNA. I don't think it would make a difference for TNA's ratings. Angle, Hogan, Foley, and RVD went to TNA and they did not make the impact that TNA wants on the rating's. I don't think Randy Orton would make a ton of impact also like the guys I mention above.
The biggest thing that the E should do with Orton is put him in the WWE title picture, have a face orton feud with Punk, this will be something relatively fresh and far better than what we are getting right now. Hell, toss orton in the summerslam title match and make it a fatal four way
The WWE should try to build the younger guys then two older guys who has history of using drugs and getting suspended.

Erm you do realize that Randy is just 32 years old despite being in the company for 10 years right? If you mean Cody Rhodes, JTG (cough) etc as younger guys, Okay I get it since they are in their 20's. But please dont spew the Ziggler crap. He's almost Orton's age and cannot draw 1/2 of what Orton can and has accomplishments that dont make even 10% of what Orton has.

He carelessly took a tainted supplement for pete's sake. Not narcotics or steroids (Although he used to) SCSA TOOK Steroids. IWC god Ziggler did. A hell lot of others did. Yet people continuously bag Orton because of his past misdeeds.
Well, that was one of, if not, the weakest returns in WWE history.

- he looked horrible. so much older and less in shape.
- still a boring face.
- no real story.
- no real match (it wasn't even 2 minutes in length)


I'll grant you the return was weak. They should've used it as an opportunity to capitalize on the pop he got and put him in a new feud rather than just feed him a glorified jobber.

As far as how he looked, WTF do you expect? He's not on gear anymore. And who knows how damaged his HPTA is now? Does the WWE wellness policy even allow wrestlers to go on TRT?
Do you know what.. i actually enjoyed seeing Randy Orton being back on TV. Although i grew so bored of him during his recent face run on Smackdown. It was far from a big-main event match, but i fully expected him to come back without too much shine.

I thought he looked in good shape - a lot smaller than i recalled, but i see that as a positive.

only negative though. what was his dopey shaved/mohawk all about.

There is something about Ortons face that reminds me of the BFG though...

I'll grant you the return was weak. They should've used it as an opportunity to capitalize on the pop he got and put him in a new feud rather than just feed him a glorified jobber.

As far as how he looked, WTF do you expect? He's not on gear anymore. And who knows how damaged his HPTA is now? Does the WWE wellness policy even allow wrestlers to go on TRT?

Yeah but even without gear or whatever he was taking (some claim tainted supp while others say full on roids), he should have used his time off to at least keep up with basic training and working out on a regular basis. I give Orton a lot of grief (much of it deserved) but he has always had the look of a wrestler. He now looks so small and even a bit chubby. He no longer has that "look" that one expects.
It has been quite a while since Randy Orton has been on WWE tv and I could say pretty confidently, he isn't missed. We can hear numerous reports of "roster depth issues" but in actuality, both RAW and SMACKDOWN have gone on splendidly without him. The main event scene isn't missing him and mid-card talent is being elevated in their own respective feuds. I don't even think the WWE Universe as it currently is is really missing him either. The company is flourishing, RAW 1000 was a huge success, and summer-fall stories look really exciting right now.

So, for all the trouble he is (and this isn't an opinion- the dude is obviously trouble), is he really worth even bringing back? I say, let him go. An Orton-less WWE is just fine.

He isn't the only person in the back room who is hard to deal with and even though WWE is doing alright without him, he still has a lot of fans who pay for his merchandise. The WWE offers refunds when he can't show up for events and they consider him to be a main event kind of guy.

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