Randy Orton Injured


According to F4WOnline.com, Randy Orton is indeed legitimately injured and wasn't part of WWE's tour of Mexico. The report states that Orton suffered a dislocated shoulder and that he's set to have an MRI soon to determine if surgery is necessary. Furthermore, he's said to have been working with an injured shoulder that's gotten worse and was dislocated sometime last week.

The report doesn't specify if it's the same shoulder that's been giving him trouble for years, the one he injured in a motorcycle accident some years ago and has put him out of action a couple of times, I think he also suffered a broken collar bone during the accident. I'd say that it's probably likely that it's the same shoulder, he actually dislocated it once while pounding the canvas when he was setting up for the RKO.
Orton has Hypermobile shoulders, so he's more prone to injury than the average person, and the effects of wear & tear are accelerated.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if this results in him taking time off more often. The older he gets, the more breaks he needs to keep the shoulders in good condition (He's had back issues too).

At this stage of his career, he's accomplished a ton of things in WWE and doesn't need to work full time anymore. He's a 12 time WWE champion and has wrestled all kinds of guys from all kinds of eras and styles. He can have a good match with anyone.

I'm sure that when he comes back from this latest injury, he'll get a big pop even if he returns as a heel. Even wrestling crowds these days have respect for previous generations (Most of the time)
That sucks. I was really curious to see what would happen between him and Ambrose at HIAC. Would Orton turn? Would Ambrose turn? But I guess this could be a blessing in disguise as whenever Orton returns it'll be a big deal.
I've heard around somewhere that the Shoulder Injuries are worse and can traumatise your career like a plague. Barrett had suffered a lot from it and deemed as Injury prone and the similar to Sami Zayn. The latter actually got back from surgery but needed another one just because he uses the ropes to bounce or do some similar sort of thing.

Let's hope Randy Orton doesn't go into the category of Injury Prone Wrestler. Let's hope his return to the ring soon.

That's a shame for Orton, but he's been around forever, and really doesn't get injured that often.

Maybe if there is a time to get an injury this depending on how you look at it is either a horrible time or a good time. With Cena taking time off coming up, I would have thought they would have relied on Orton, as he is one of the bigger names left. That won't happen now.

But with him and Cena out, it gives the WWE chances to elevate some of their other guys in the hopes that someone will break out of the pack. Seems like there is one hell of a bottleneck and I'm wondering who they'll pick.

I hope Orton's back sooner rather than later, and when he does come back maybe they'll have something better for him than just inserting him into a storyline because they have nothing else for him to do.
This is unfortunate and unexpected. How severe is the injury? Randy Orton is one of the best wrestlers in WWE, so hopefully it's not severe.

As KB mentioned, he has had numerous problems with his shoulders. A few years ago, he was involved in a motorcycle wreck, which broke his collarbone. Although the report didn't specify if he injured that specific shoulder or not, it's definitely alarming and concerning.

This also has an impact on his storyline with the Wyatts. Who teams with Dean Ambrose now? A handicap match is unlikely, but there doesn't seem to be an obvious candidate. They shouldn't cancel the match all together.

Based off Raw, the mystery partner will probably be either Luke Harper or Erick Rowan, which would be interesting, different, strange, and boring all at the same time.

Anyways, Orton will be missed. When he returns, I would love to see him feud with either Ambrose or Wyatt.
This is unfortunate and unexpected. How severe is the injury? Randy Orton is one of the best wrestlers in WWE, so hopefully it's not severe.

As KB mentioned, he has had numerous problems with his shoulders. A few years ago, he was involved in a motorcycle wreck, which broke his collarbone. Although the report didn't specify if he injured that specific shoulder or not, it's definitely alarming and concerning.

This also has an impact on his storyline with the Wyatts. Who teams with Dean Ambrose now? A handicap match is unlikely, but there doesn't seem to be an obvious candidate. They shouldn't cancel the match all together.

Based off Raw, the mystery partner will probably be either Luke Harper or Erick Rowan, which would be interesting, different, strange, and boring all at the same time.

Anyways, Orton will be missed. When he returns, I would love to see him feud with either Ambrose or Wyatt.

As far as I as aware, the original tag match involving Orton teaming with Ambrose has been cancelled and replaced already.
Also, Rowan has already returned as part of the Wyatt family on last night's RAW.

Given the announcers went on and on about how Orton was taken out by the Wyatts, I am guessing his next feud is already set for whenever he returns.
According to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Orton's latest shoulder injury occurred at his home while he was at home doing the most mundane of household chores: taking out the trash. The report states that he was in tremendous pain and that it took some 3 hours to pop his shoulder back into place.

Due to this and other incidents, it seems pretty obvious that Orton's trick shoulder isn't gonna get any better as he ages and time goes by. If he can pop his shoulder out of place while doing something as easy as carrying out garbage, then it could happen under almost any circumstances.
Orton has been reported as working with an injury, which brings to mind where was the Wellness Policy then ? I'm sure a read a report way back when he asked for time off, but was brought back anyway to work the Wyatt's matches. I suppose if you are working injured, it's ok to take a few painkillers before and after the match, with a prescription of course. Point of the matter, seems like something from the past that I've heard before. Terrible timing with Cena taking time off for "personal reasons" too.
I tend to have the same problem as Randy Orton. I've never really gotten it checked out or anything, but after I dislocated my shoulder the first time, it would all of the sudden pop out of place in the most casual circumstances. Happened a few times when I moved in my sleep... and if you've never woken up to a dislocated shoulder, I'll tell you now it's not fun. I'm surprised he's able to wrestle with that condition as it's what ultimately stopped me from playing baseball. Usually I can pop my shoulder back in after a couple minutes, but 3 hours? My God, I can't even imagine how bad he must have fucked it up.

Anyway, I think what's being overlooked in all of this is Dean Ambrose. Guy can just not catch a break. It seemed as if Ambrose was finally going to get that high-profile feud he's been waiting for with Randy Orton, but that seems unlikely now. Maybe Jericho can come back and be Orton's replacement? Tough break for both guys.
unfortunately too many injuries are happening nowadays....
like Randy Orton; John Cena; Sting; Hideo Itami; Sami Zayn; Aj styles.....
Also i read somewhere he was going to be married on 11 Nov.....
The main page has updated information about Orton's injury. It would appear that the question is not will he dislocate it again, but when.

The WWE seems to think that surgery will be required and sooner rather than later. The recovery time has been noted as 4-6 months. So it looks like Orton might be out for quite some time, and I'm thinking he might not make it back until just before Mania.
The main page has updated information about Orton's injury. It would appear that the question is not will he dislocate it again, but when.

The WWE seems to think that surgery will be required and sooner rather than later. The recovery time has been noted as 4-6 months. So it looks like Orton might be out for quite some time, and I'm thinking he might not make it back until just before Mania.

If that is true, it's a rough sentence for Mr. Orton.

Not that his career was a dud by any stretch, just you hate to see a person's career cut short due to injury. All the best to him.

However, let's assume he is out till Mania season, which is similar to last year, when he returned to face Seth Rollins. It frees up a main event babyface slot and may allow someone to really get elevated come the spring. Also, I seriously doubt anyone could guess where Orton would be on the card come Wrestlemania anyway. He wouldn't be in the title picture, and doesn't have any foreseeable feuds on the horizon. Not that there is ever a good time to get injured, but the WWE won't need to scramble due to his immediate absence, and a glorious pop will await Randy when he returns in 2016.
Orton's career might be over. This shoulder injury can be healed, but with the specific damage done... ligament damage, rotator cuff damage, the shoulder will pop out consistently the rest of his life. It does this for the normal, average person with this sort of thing. Now imagine trying to pull off wrestling moves.

Terrible news.
Grim news for Randy, and a blow for WWE with another of their top stars injured with Cena already taking time off for whatever reason.

Orton has suffered with injury problems with his hyper-mobile shoulders for years, so this comes as no surprise. He'll probably continue to get shoulder injuries til he retires, which hopefully isn't for a good while yet. However, we've heard rumours of Orton wanting to work a more part-time schedule in order to prolong his career, so I reckon this injury will probably speed up that process.

Bad news for Dean Ambrose too, as I think a feud with Orton would have been brilliant. Hopefully Orton being on the shelf doesn't mean Deano becomes an afterthought.

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