Do we really need Randy Orton back?

I don't think he is that over rated. He has had some memorable feuds and has been a top player for eight years now. There is no doubt he will go down as one of the top names of all time. His problem is unless whatever current program he is in has a lot of emotion and personal issues he can't save it on his own on the mic or in the ring.
Yes we get it. you dislike Orton and thinks he's overrated. Afterall it's the 'in thing' now with the IWC. I respect your opinion. But please state correct facts and arguments. Your claim that Cena, Del Rio, Daniel Bryan, Punk, Sheamus, Ziggler, Mysterio and Jericho are better than Orton in the ring is a joke buddy. Well maybe Jericho and DB yes. They are really good. But others? Cena? I'm a huge Cena mark but let's face it. He blows in the ring. When brett Hart calls randy the new excellence of execution and the best technical wrestler in the industry, When Triple H and Arn Anderson says that Orton glides in the ring in a way only Shawn michaels is capable of, When Cena admits Orton is the best in the business, When Paul frickin heyman marks out for Orton and you bash him being a sucky wrestler, you lose credibility kid. unless ofcourse you think you know more than the aforementioned gentlemen. As for orton being boring - that is a matter of opinion. You think he's boring okay fair enough. Most of IWC find Ziggler entertaining and Cena boring but for me it's vice versa. I'm not gonna argue with you on that. As for WWE and Orton it's sort of a (if I may) Jedi-Anakin relationship. WWE knows Orton is a draw (oh you siad he doesnt draw but the last time RAW got high ratings as much as the 1000th episode was when the Orton-HHH saga was going - FACT) and more importantly VERY talented and is destined to be an all time great. BUT at the same time, he's not the perfect cookie cutter person Cena is. Orton has had backstage issues and it's no secret he's damn arrogant and hot tempered. In other words he isnt WWE's perfect worker but at the same time he's too valuable for the WWE
i would love to see orton return. the reason being that there is just not enough top faces in the company at the moment. sure you have john (the cash cow) cena and in the next week or so you will have chris jericho once again a face but after that there is really not much else. shemus is boring and does not really have any mic skills. cm punk has turned heel and i dont see him turning face again until the new year and as far as the likes of undertaker and triple h go they cant compete week in week out any more. so unless they hurry up and turn ziggler face soon then wwe are realy going to need orton back
do the wwe need randy orton back well the answer is yes the the wwe need orton back because our world heavy weight champion shemus is boring he had no great fued with any one good. Bring orton back as a heel ll time heel nd watch how friday night smackdown would never be the same again
Lets look at this from a business perspective.

Do we really need a marketable name, profitable figure, who is over with the fans, can be placed on just about anything and make it sell, who can put on top quality in-ring matches, has a history with the company, is a former nine time World Heavyweight/WWE Champion, has been the top heel in the company, one of the top faces and in a company that lacks star power is nothing but a star and an asset, and isn't even in his late thirties yet, do we really need him?

It's pretty self self explanatory.
Didn't it say on here at the time of Randy Orton's suspension that John Cena was helping rally for the release of Randy Orton? If this is true then Orton will probably be kept away from Cena, probably meaning that Orton will be returning on Smackdown again. I hope Orton and Cena havn't fell out or anything because i would love to see another fued between the two somewhere down the line.
I'm not a fan of Orton's, and I've felt for the longest time that he's perhaps the most overrated wrestler on the entire roster.

I don't think he's needed at all, and personally, I haven't missed him at all. Orton, like Cena, tends to be loud in the ring when he calls the spots. He has an impressive arm drag, but outside of that, he's a middle of the road worker. He was able to get a rub by working with Triple H, and having the last name Orton. If you think back to his debut, he struggled in a fued with Hardcore Holly (a fued that was won by Holly), and seemed to be lost in the midcard shuffle until he was placed with HHH, and later put into an angle with HHH.

I also haven't missed Randy Orton's horrible promos. His delivery is out and out horrible, and he speaks so slowly in his promos, he comes off like a third rate actor reading bad lines.

There has been a poster who's been having interesing debates. He poses the question, asking who we'd job, who we'd released, and who we'd push. If Orton is mentioned in that mix, I'd release him. So what does that tell you about how much Orton is missed?
I would rather Orton not be brought back unless he is going to be used as a heel. We have Cena on Raw being a goody 2 shoes for the kids, I don't want Orton coming back and being the Smackdown version of Super Cena.

Orton has become so boring that besides a major heel turn I would rather the WWE to continue on without him. I know he's a big name and still draws but WWE has to start making other big names besides constantly relying on Cena and Orton to bring the veiwers. Punk, D. Bryan, Ziggler, Sheamus, Barrett, Rhodes, RyBack, hopefully Morrison and some others are the future of the WWE. I don't want Orton getting in there way to the top. Having Cena constantly on Raw doing that is bad enough.
No, we don't need him back. He was never a draw and never will be.

Look up the ratings if you must, Smackdown had a lower rating during the time when Randy Orton was World Heavyweight Champion over Summer. As soon as Mark Henry became champion, ratings when back up.

EDIT: Not only that, but house shows for Smackdown were selling poorly. At the end of the day, does Randy Orton put asses in seats? No. When was the last time you bought a Pay Per View because Randy Orton was having a match? My answer to that is never.
Didn't it say on here at the time of Randy Orton's suspension that John Cena was helping rally for the release of Randy Orton? If this is true then Orton will probably be kept away from Cena, probably meaning that Orton will be returning on Smackdown again. I hope Orton and Cena havn't fell out or anything because i would love to see another fued between the two somewhere down the line.

Is there actually validity to this rumor?? I have never heard or read anything of the sort, and was honestly always under the impression that Cena and Orton were friends backstage. If this is true, this just makes Cena that much more shady in my eyes. As I have also read he has been a big proponent in getting talents like Mr. Kennedy and Daniel Bryan (after NXT's 1st attack, for Bryan kicking him to hard and spitting on him. Although I never really did believe too much of these rumors, as they weren't backed up very well with first hand accounts.) released :wtf:
I think every one in WWE can play a key position if given the opportunity. The same goes for Orton. Orton is best suited as a heel. The best work of his career has come while he was a "bad guy". I wouldn't be against Orton returning as a heel. There is no top heel at the moment so Orton can fill that void quickly...
The wwe lacks top guys, full time household name overall. You need top guys to help get the younger talents over. That is the key factors. You dont create stars by having midcarder going over another midcarder now do you?

Sheamus, del rio, christian, ziggler etc are upper-midcarders at best at the moment. Whether randy orton is a draw or not, you have to look at his others value that he can bring to the company.

LEGIT main eventers:
john cena
cm punk
rey mysterio (some can argue but he is over nontheless)

*daniel bryan is clearly over. But dont consider him full fledge household main eventer yet. Still need a little more time.

part timers
Is there actually validity to this rumor?? I have never heard or read anything of the sort

It probably is just rumors, i remember reading something when Randy Orton had a meeting with WWE Officials to discuss his future with WWE. Pretty sure i saw something there stating John Cena wanted Randy Orton released.

-Ahh i found the article :

"Fueling rumors that WWE may part ways with Randy Orton as a result of his second violation of the Talent Wellness Program, former WWE talent Kenn Doane (a/k/a Kenny Dykstra) said on Twitter that he believes John Cena is among those within the sports entertainment organization lobbying for the SmackDown wrestler's termination. Doane's belief is based on Cena admitting to him in 2006 that he wanted Orton fired for his first Wellness Program infraction."

-It wasn't off here the link to this is
I don't understand why so many of you here are against Randy Orton returning to the WWE. With Orton returning, it'll add more starpower to the roster, especially when Orton is over with crowd. Who cares if Orton isn't the top draw or isn't drawing. I'm sure that Dolph Ziggler, Cody Rhodes, Kane aren't getting huge draws either. Should we release them because of that? The WWE will benefit more off of Orton's return, and Vince doesn't give a damn if more than half of the IWC thinks that Orton is boring. I bet that almost all general fans would love to see Orton back.
Dose WWE need him back? No.
Can they use him? Yes.
Is he better than half of their roster? Yes.
Even if he dosen't come back as a main guy, can he be used to put over others? YES! YES! YES!

Orton is great in the ring, passable on the mic, and (despite what the internet says) always gets one of the biggest pops of the night. Orton is a top guy, but he isn't good enough to be THE top guy.

It was said that people don't pay to see Orton, and that may be true, but they do pay to see him loose. What I mean by that is he is good enough to be the #2 or #3 face in the company, but he's good enough to be the #1 heel.

Now with that said, the people saying he is a terrible baby face are wrong. Plain and simple. He gets huge pops, he sells merch, and he has good feuds. He's a good face. People on here say he's boring, but they say that about every top face.

Orton is a valuable commodity and in no way should they cut him. If they do, he will go be a top guy in TNA.
Orton needs to return, I respect your opinion but I whole heartedly disagree. The WWE need Orton as a main eventer, his presence may not have been missed. However, they are SERIOUSLY lacking in Smackdown main eveners right now. Del rio and Sheamus are not enough, Ziggler is not ready yet. Other than that, who else do they have?

Orton is the number 1 face of Smackdown and NEEDS to be in the main event.
In a world where bashing Randy Orton is almost as popular as bashing Triple H, I have to say yes. Orton is a good face and a great heel. They desperately need a #1 heel and even though CM Punk just turned heel Orton can be used in the #2 spot. He's a third generation superstar with A LOT of talent who gets consistently big pops in every arena. YES, they need him.
I've never been a fan...I get the feeling he'd be perfectly happy not wrestling anymore. If he does come back, he HAS to be a heel. He's a terrible face, there is no edge to him, he looks bored, his matches are all the same. He does have talent, but needs to be engaged to be engaging.
ehhh i mean randy orton ha never realli done anything to make me say wow ... ive seen him live and the crowd does pop for him but wether hes a face or a heel doesnt realli matter hes just a boring character no matter what you do with him
The WWE or wrestling as a whole for that matter, needs NO ONE MAN!

Hogan, Austin, Cena, all disposable.

As for Orton I think he WILL come back but SHOULD he?!?!

WWE has Orton under contract for years to come and would rather pay him off, then see him go to TNA or anywhere else. And with a lack of Main Eventers I couldn't see WWE paying him & keeping him away from TV for very long at all.

But my question, is WHY? Why bring Orton back?

Almost EVERYONE, even the most casual of fans seem to have a lack of interest in Orton as a face. And he has already done SO MUCH as a heel.

I am a big Orton fan, I have been since 2002 and probably will be the rest of my life. But I don't see any feuds or programs that Orton can have that will be anything different or better than he has done in the past!

I feel like Orton has plateued and the most he could do is comeback to SD and put younger guys over.
Randy is great in the ring, one of the best. Ill begin with that.
Randy gets probably in the top 3 best pops every night. Hes over, hes marketable.
But Randy sucks as a face. He's so generic and boring, his promo's are repetitive. Just turn him, I would have rather him than Punk, anyway. This is my opinion.

But I feel good with or without Randy. I enjoy WWE's current product. The entire 2 months Randy has been gone, I haven't really noticed or really cared. If I had to choose between a Randy Orton match taking away time from a Santino match, I am all for it. I love Randy's in-ring style, its unique, its fast, a bit repetitive but wrestling is alot of repetition anyway, so it doesn't bother me.

Randy is a lot of fun to watch. The only thing that comes from Randy returning is that WWE got a great talent back. Randy is one of the best in the WWE, in the ring. Unless they turn him heel and have something interesting for him to work with then don't give him any significant mic time. Just let him so out there, work his match, make the kids happy and that's it.

All in all, Randy coming back is a good thing. Do they need him? No, not exactly. Hes not a game changer right now, but he's a general in the ring, so expect more good matches. This is my opinion.
not really. his problem is that he really doesn't have a character other than being a former multitime world champ. not really a character. because of this, he can disappear and not really be missed much like he is now. but to be fair, a majority of the roster is like that right now. did anyone miss mysterio? how about mark henry? even with his status, how about taker? many of the established talents are just stale and no one really misses them when they are not there.
I would hate to see Orton go. The WWE does still need him around. Yeah at the moment his absence is fine but what thats because WWE has been building the 1000 Raw and has HHH, Rock, Lesnar all around. We aren't gonna have those guys forever and WWE is lacking so hard on top faces right now especially with the Punk turn on monday. Orton is needed. He is an established name and would be a perfect guy to put over young talents like Ziggler, Rhodes and Bryan. Those feuds would be great and the matches epic. And lets face it, Cena isn't going to put over Ziggler, Bryan & Rhodes(just using these guys because they are all moving up) and nor should he. But Orton could put over 1 or 2 of them to elevate them to the next level. And I know Orton is bland as a face, but then again most faces are pretty bland. Cena, Sheamus, Punk(the past few months), it happens. But the point is he could job to Brodus Clay for a month but is still a threat to anybody and can still put over young talent which is what WWE needs. So to answer your question, yes we do need him back.
The other issue not being talked about much is this...

Orton is 32. And yes, he does have a history of putting guys over BUT... does anyone really think he would return and never be involved in the world title picture again? That's the problem. WWE is going to be in a pickle because I can't see them JUST using him to put people over and never giving him a run with either the WHC or WWE Championship.

So, in order to save creative from having to give us another Orton run, just keep him away.
The other issue not being talked about much is this...

Orton is 32. And yes, he does have a history of putting guys over BUT... does anyone really think he would return and never be involved in the world title picture again? That's the problem. WWE is going to be in a pickle because I can't see them JUST using him to put people over and never giving him a run with either the WHC or WWE Championship.

So, in order to save creative from having to give us another Orton run, just keep him away.

But, why?

I mean, okay. If the Viper-Face gimmick stays, I agree. It's too generic, but hell, you can say that about every face champion, especially with how Sheamus currently is.

Yet, you can't just ignore all that Orton has going for him. He pops. He's great in the ring. He sells, he's over. It's been said a billion times in this thread: No, the WWE Does not need him, but there is no good reason not to have him.

I would rather have Randy go Heel or make him some sort of psycho-tweener, personally, but Randy offers a ton. Its in WWE's hands.

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