Do the mods filter thoughts/discussions because they are possible storylines?

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Occasional Pre-Show
I don't know about all of you, but one other person and myself feel as though the mods have reach a nazish level of censorship when it comes to deleting people's discussion posts/threads. The other person speaking of has gone so far as to say that certain creative insiders in certain organizations agree to feed this site inside information in exchange for filtering said thoughts/discussions. Last night, a thread was made about Deception = Conspiracy. I asked a legit question to a poster asking if we think HHH will screw Punk out of the title. My response was a question itself, and I specifically mentioned I had searched the forums for a thread regarding what I was asking and had not found one. What happened? My post got deleted by the powers that be. How about one of the mods messaged me saying I can't start a new thread in the middle of another one. If this site had any intelligent mods, they'd have seen that I specifically said I was asking a question.
this thread wont last long at all but i have also been having posts deleted even when im breaking no rules (also know other users that have) and have recieved no explanation even when messaging mods for reasons why. I think it does boil down to the fact that they just may not agree with our opinions and there isnt a lot we can do about it which is a shame.
yup i agree!! It does seem that the powers that be on here have issues with certain posts! I have over 100 of em and not one rep point!! I have made some intelligent discussions. True there not 5 paragraphs worth but less is more you know!! So i do agree with what you said just be careful. We all know HHH is going to go heel sooner than later
My post # is 160 but should be around 190 so I feel what OP is coming from. Yes at times we will post an idea about a storyline then poof it's gone on a refresh. So your not losing your mind because your not alone.

If it is true that you say this site feeds inside information in exchange for filtered content from the forum that only means 2 things

1) That's 100% Un-American
2) WWE/TNA does read what goes on in internet forums
Some of them simply just dont read IMO, I've had threads deleted because apparently they were off topic. I started the topic, how is it off my topic?

Your idea about creative seems a bit far fetched but ive seen the same with other forums unrelated to wrestling.

I'm going to answer these questions, infract the posters who broke our rules in this thread, and then promptly lose the thread since we have an "Ask a Staff Member a Question" thread for this type of stuff.

I don't know about all of you, but one other person and myself feel as though the mods have reach a nazish level of censorship when it comes to deleting people's discussion posts/threads.

This should be fun. Here we go again...

The other person speaking of has gone so far as to say that certain creative insiders in certain organizations agree to feed this site inside information in exchange for filtering said thoughts/discussions. Last night, a thread was made about Deception = Conspiracy. I asked a legit question to a poster asking if we think HHH will screw Punk out of the title. My response was a question itself, and I specifically mentioned I had searched the forums for a thread regarding what I was asking and had not found one. What happened? My post got deleted by the powers that be.

Your post was deleted because it had nothing to do with the original poster's question to our readers. You replied in the thread by asking a completely different "conspiracy theory" question, thus completely derailing the thread topic. If you contributed towards the original poster's subject, your post would not have been deleted.

How about one of the mods messaged me saying I can't start a new thread in the middle of another one. If this site had any intelligent mods, they'd have seen that I specifically said I was asking a question.

We are plenty intelligent... I wish we could say the same of you. If you read our rules then you'd already know the answer to the question but I'll answer it anyway.

Why should it make a difference that you "specifically said" you were asking a question? You derailed the thread with that question. Stick to the topic. If you wanted to create a new topic then you should have created a new thread.

this thread wont last long at all but i have also been having posts deleted even when im breaking no rules (also know other users that have) and have recieved no explanation even when messaging mods for reasons why. I think it does boil down to the fact that they just may not agree with our opinions and there isnt a lot we can do about it which is a shame.

Ignorance at its best here.

We delete the post without notification for two reasons:
1. You should know the rules by now and realize that if a post was deleted then it violated our rules in some way, shape or form.
2. We did you a favor and didn't warn/infract you for breaking said rules. You're welcome.

They'll say this is "spamming"

You're right. That post WAS spamming. Enjoy the infraction for it.
PS - This is an example of us NOT doing you a favor.
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