Dixie Carter Teases "Big" Free Agent Signing

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As it's TNA we're talking about here whose rosters now includes Festus, Mike freaking Knox, D'Lo Brown, Garrett Bischoff and the worst talker in the history of the business (Wes Brisco), Dixie's big signing won't be Batista, Goldberg, etc.

I'm sure it will be Jeff Jarrett, Crimson, or Curry Man. Someone who's been on in TNA before.

Morrison, Batista, etc will head back to WWE before dropping to the minor leagues.
Morrison... will head back to WWE before dropping to the minor leagues.

Is that why hes wrestling on the indies for Dragon Gate USA and 2CW in-front of 300 people a pop? And has been linked with ROH for the past two months? While I'm sure the door is open for Morrison to return whenever he pleases I don't think the guy is a pretentious, elitist fuck like most fans are. He'll go where they'll use him right.
This thread pretty much covers what I have pointed out in numerous threads slamming the types of DOC and Knox as no name exWWe performers. There are no big name free agents (and before anyone comes back with Batista, he is still retired and is about to have have his two biggest ever film roles so I don't see that changing in the foreseeable). This isn't the Monday Night Wars era, so there are far less big names to jump ship.

As such, what constitutes a 'big signing' now is very subjective. While a JoMo, MVP or Carlito jump probably would have led to stifled yawns back then; today, we have to be realistic - if they did have a reasonable degree of success in the WWe and they are still young enough to offer something to the Impact product then they ARE a big signing in the same way as Christian was back in 2005.

In the same vein, when you consider the likes of what Steve Austin, Mick Foley and Paul Levesque became then there is no reason why guys that were reasonably over midcarders in the WWe should not be portrayed as 'big signings'. After all, most people did regard Christian signing with TNA to be a big deal - what has changed since... or are the TNA naysayers actually acknowledging that Impact is big enough now to not regard a signing of that nature as big news?

On a side note, I do find it hilarious that Kid Kash has tweeted that it is not him:lmao:... and I am with the majority in hoping that it is not Bob Holly (as I'm sure the younger Impact guys are also hoping given his rep).
This is such an open ended possibility. We all know what will happen now. TNA will tease it for a bit, Madden will write some columns about it and the IWC will overblow the holy piss out of it and offer such unrealistic suggestions that when they don't come to fruition (because we don't live in La-La Land), Dixie would have failed us.

Either way, unless it's Batista I don't think it's BIG. That's my guess and I really, really doubt Batista would sign with TNA. Not because he's a WWE loyalist but because of the money. Batista is much like Goldberg and Lesnar. He comes in for a payday. If TNA can offer it he'll bring his ass in.

However, IF he does and IF TNA offer him enough money it'll be only because WWE turned him down first. You better believe that.

Honestly, I wouldn't mind him in TNA (or WWE for that matter). It's been long enough that Batista will, ironically, be a fresher face on the scene and he was beginning to be quite entertaining in his last months with the WWE.

Alas, it's not going to be him. Kenny Dykstra, come on dooooownnn ...

Best case scenario if it isn't Batista is Jo-Mo. Still, I prefer Batista.

Side note: I wanna address all the reoccurring "Dixie's announcements never live up to the billing" bullshit every smart-ass spews each time she does this. Let me clear one thing for you, Dixie's job in this case is to PROMOTE and create a BUZZ for whatever she's trying to sell. The only way you do that is to overexaggerate and frame something as more than it actually is. If she was realistic about it, it wouldn't create a buzz or nothing.

"The ink just dried on a contract. It's kind of good, could have been better."

Would that do anything for you? Hell no. It's stupid. It's bad business. Obviously, it's working since WZ has already posted a couple of entries about it, her Facebook posts has a bunch of traffic and this thread is garnering more and more views as we speak. Vince overblows shit, Dixie does it too. It's marketing, it's how it's supposed to be and we're all eating that shit up right now so shut up about it.

Let's go Dave! Woo! Steroids and tattoos and all that shit!
I think Bautista would be BIG, but I don't think I see it happening. I don't think that fits right now. not unless it's him signing, but wont be making a debut for awhile. with the current main event story line of Aces and Eights vs TNA, where would Bautista fit in? would they really have a brand new guy come in to help save TNA? Bautista is a better heel anyway. I also can't seen Bautista coming in to join Aces and Eights, right? I mean he seems like someone who would want to be the top dog, not riding 2nd to Bully.

didn't TNA act as if signing Chavo Guerrero was something big? so I have to imagine it's something along the same lines.

seems we have seen this before. TNA: OMG this is so exciting, you have to watch!!! ..and it ends up being a BIG disappointment.
It is Brock Lesner, you all remember him, he was the next BIG thing, so it has to be brock lesner, no just kidding, it is probably a big no name that was another wwe reject
There's not a big name out there that's going to change my views on the product. It'll be another WWE mid-carder who will be overrated by the IWC and end up making it a bigger deal than it already is. My realistic guess is either MVP or Lashley. I can't see anyone else being worth an announcement.
Batista is not a wwe guy he dislikes wwe and mc moron he said it many times before he hates the PG rating in wwe and would never go back

If it goes with BIG NAME it has to be BATISTA he has had no success his MMA fights flopped out he only appeared in Quentin Tarantino movie Man with The Golden fist
and thats it if TNA can shed money on Hulk Hogan and Bischoff why not Batista!
He is good friends with Hulk Hogan ! I would go with GOLDBERG but I highly doubt it and if its John Morrison he sux it would be sad he ain t a big draw!

I would go with Carlito Colon or MVP but (most valuable p*ssy) isn t a draw either
no mention of a free agent tonight on the show, not even a hint or clue or anything at all to tease a free agent. nothing.

maybe Dixie's tweet today was a smart move? tease a BIG free agent signing on the afternoon of a show. people want to know who it is, so they tune into the show. except on tonight's show, nothing!

you had to know/figure there wasn't going to be anyone new in action tonight, or it would have been leaked in spoilers.
Ugh. Really? Go on twitter and announce this and then not reveal it on Impact? As a fan, that's pretty annoying.

Now, onto the speculation. I really think it'll be a letdown. It's not Goldberg. They couldn't (ans shouldn't) match his asking price. It's not Batista. He could be considered a big guy, even though I personally don't care for him, but WWE knows he's in Guardians of the Galaxy next year and that it's going to have a huge marketing push, they wouldn't let him go to TNA.

It probably will end up being someone on the Chris Masters level. John Morrison is probably the most realistic option, but he's not "big."
well, i dont know all the free agents out there right now. the big 4 mentioned seemed to be Morrison, Batista and MVP and RVD. in my book, RVD as a "big" free agent would be stupid as he just left TNA so it doesnt come off as "big." Batista would be a HUGE signing, but i dont see it happening as i think (if he returns) it's to the WWE. another idea (though it wouldnt be big to me) is Lashley. as for the other 2 mentioned. MVP could help TNA alot, though big isnt what i would call him and while i like Morrison's potential, he's also not a big signing though i think he would be great for TNA and their X-Division.
So um..shows over and NO one showed.///REALLY???
So either A) you decided to save the awesome debut for the taped show....
or B) The Guy said you signed me to Impact...I thought I was signing up for Some T & A

tonight was the taped show, that they taped right after last weeks show.
next weeks show will be live, the first show after this weeks PPV.
Think Outside the box, he isn't a wrestler but worked with TNA before, Big Free Agent, just retired from the NFL, it is none other than Brian Urlacher. He retired from the NFL because no one wanted to pay high price as a "Free Agent". Also, TNA had posted a congratulations video package for him.

Or the most popular not signed wrestling talent Colt "Boom Boom" Cabana.

But I'm still going to go with Urlacher.
Like Batista will tell you on twitter yeah thats right I signed with TNA everything is TOP Secret did anyone ever thought Kurt Angle would head to TNA no?

Batista ain t no wwe guy he despises the PG rating in wwe and where money goes he will follow he is a leech he is making small roles in movies for big bucks!
TNA will pay him heaps off money and give him a lighter schedule compared to 360 days at worst wrestling exxcrement

I suggest Dixie Carter pick up Mark Henry,Batista and Big Slow for higher ratings and viewershipsforget chris masters,john morrison ,mvp and carlito! cause they are not star attractions
To anyone who even thinks Batista would ever go to TNA, I want whatever you've been smoking. He can go back to WWE whenever he wants, collect a much bigger paycheck, and find relevance on a much bigger stage. That's what he meant by, he's a "WWE guy". Duh.

And despite all the dirt sheet rumor heat on guys like Big Show and Mark Henry, they're not going to suddenly appear on Impact. We're never going to see a repeat of Lex Luger working for WWE one day and showing up on WCW Nitro the next day. TNA got Kurt Angle because they don't have a wellness policy. Same with Jeff Hardy and RVD.

Too many of you forget the source of this "reveal" about the new signing. It's Dixie F'N Carter! To her, a big signing is going to be some mid card jobber WWE reject at best. It's probably going to be some no-name indie spot monkey with a terrible look and zero charisma. They'll work a couple X Division matches and disappear. In typical Dixie fashion, tons of hype with no payoff whatsoever.
Ring of Honor has most of their top guys on short-term contracts now, thanks to the wonderful business sense of Kenny King. I know in recent interviews Kevin Steen had said he'd be open to working with TNA or WWE, but that it'd take a lot of preparation and changes to his life and physique that he'd need to make, and wasn't in a position or desire to do so at the moment. That's kind of ambiguous I realize, but I'd bet a lot of money it won't be him.

Matt Hardy has explicitly said that ROH has him under a contract. So he's not a free agent.

The fact that Dixie came out and used the words "free agent" have me thinking Mike Bennett. His current angle in ROH pains him as a high profile free agent with a lot of offers from other companies. Reports have been everywhere saying he had a tryout with WWE, but it'd be a great catch by TNA if they snapped him up without the internet finding out.

She also said the new person would be joining TNA over the summer; not right away, necessarily. If it were somebody without obligations, you'd think she would use them right away, no? Could be one of the newly released NXT stars. Only Derrick Bateman and Ziggler's brother could maybe be considered "big" free agents; I wouldn't call either of them "big" though.

It's not Batista. He's in London for the next 5 months, and wouldn't even entertain the idea anyways. THere's not enough money in the world. Fancies himself a "WWE guy" through and through. How touching.

It's not RVD. It could be, but they just let him out of his contract. WHy the hell would he resign so quickly?

MVP says it's not him.

Now, with all of those people out of the way, the only free agents currently on the market and operating in the US that I could think of are Bob Holly, John Morrison, Kharma (Awesome Kong) and Carlito.

Holly worked a few One Night Only events for TNA recently, so it's plausible. I still wouldn't call him a "big free agent", and at 50-years-old he's not much of an acquisition.

I would think Kong would go back to WWE if she was fit to work a fulltime schedule again. Reportedly, the door is still open. Also, she frankly said it isn't her.

Fans have wanted Morrison in TNA for years; if it was going to happen, it would have.

Carlito's not contracted to FWE, but he seems happy with his annoying "body guy" douchebag gimmick.

So...who's left? Kelly Kelly? Beth Phoenix? Kelly left to be a model again, and there's no way she'd go to TNA over a WWE return. If she wanted to wrestle, the door is open. SHe's way too much money for TNA anyways.

Now...Beth, is a different story. She'd be the kind of gal that wants to go where the wrestling is. I could very well see her showing up in TNA. And that'd be a hell of an idea. Beth and Mickie, Beth and Velvet or Beth and Gail could be great matches. The Knockouts are getting stale, and Madison is having a baby; they need fresh blood.

To summarize:

It's not...MVP, any top ROH talent, Matt Hardy, Kelly Kelly, Batista, Awesome Kong, Rob Van Dam, or Kid Kash.

It might be...Derrick Batemen, Bob Holly or Beth Phoenix.

It is unlikely to be...Carlito, John Morrison, or CM Punk. Ok, so it's not CM Punk.
The clue to me is the word rock... Morrison was a rocker for part of his run so that would make sense.

There are some other possibilities. Goldust for example but TNA will likely announce who it is on the PPV if it's a major name.

Are there any WWE guys whose contracts are newly up? The summer thing could be a 90 day no compete.
It's Damn Real! said:


And the ink is just drying on a BIG free agent that will rock ImpactLIVE on Spike TV. Tune in & join us on this summer adventure.


I haven't read the spoilers for tonight's taping, so I have no early information on who this could be, but I'd imagine that if a free agent was in fact brought in for the taping that we'd know about it by now, no? Based on how she phrased the tweet it sounds more like an Angle-type signing where they just run the vignette after the fact, or mid-show where the live crowd wouldn't have been in on it when they taped the episode

Any educated guesses on who this could be? MVP? Batista? RVD return?

Remember, this is still a NO SPAM forum and a NO SPAM thread – any responses will need substance and reason.




RVD return is a fairly strong possibility. But batista will never be in TNA due him slating them and AJ Styles insulting him back. the other possibility could be the return of someone like raven who far as I'm aware isn't wrestling for anyone at the moment. He would also be a huge moment again for TNA and he left on good terms meaning a return isn't oit of the question. However I wonder (not sure who) but it may be an x division guy as they seem to be recuilding it with the likes of petey williams and chris sabin.

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I think it's John Morrison. I just don't know what that means. I haven't watched WWE for awhile. I can't remember the last time I've seen Morrison. I think the last time I remember Morrison he was teaming with some other guy and Melina was their manager. MNM or something. I remember that mostly because I used to like Melina's entrance into the ring.
isn't Morrison more of a smaller type guy? if he came to TNA where would he be better used? X division? if he is only going to be used in the X division, I don't think he would have much of an effect at all. I've never been much of a fan of the X division, but I think it's worse now. this new rule were every match is a triple threat I think takes out storyline/feuds. it seems like too much turnover in who would be wrestling in the match. it can be entertaining, but it could just as well be "Joe Smith" wrestling with good high flying moves.
now if Morrison came and was used in the mid card, maybe he could/would have a better chance at making an Impact.
I think the most realistic option out there would be John Morrison. I always thought his style of wrestling was better suited to TNA and i'm sure he would have some great matches with the likes of AJ Styles, Chris Daniels and Jeff Hardy. MVP and Carlito are also other realistic options, But if they were to sign I don't really see what they could offer the company that the likes of The Pope and RVD have not already offered them and as we all well know, neither guy is with the company anymore.As for Batista and Goldberg, I don't see why either man would want to return to wrestling. Both seem to be content doing there own thing at the moment and unless something changes I don't ever see either men returning to the ring. The only other guys I could think of are Kevin Nash and Hardcore Holly and if either of these guys are the free agent Dixie is talking about then, Then she really needs to step aside and let somebody who knows what they are doing run things.
Not to sure on who this could be. It could probably be a guy from Japan or even the Indy scene here in the U.S. My guess, well more of a wish would be for Shelly to have resigned to TNA. I know he is tearing it up over seas but I'd rather watch him on TV than my computer screen. He is heavily missed and it's a shame we can't watch him tear shit up again. That's who I wish it to be.

My other guess would be MVP, Morrison or Kevin Steen. All three names are a shot in the dark and might be highly unlikely. Just have to wait and see when this name is announced.
So I would have to think that the BIG signing of a free agent is RVD. Nothing notable at all. He was on TNA tv a month ago. I love TNA, i'm not a hater, but if he is indeed the free agent tweeted about, it's very disappointing for sure.
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