Dixie Carter Q&A...


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Credit to Pwtorch.com

TNA president Dixie Carter announced during tonight's "Bound for Glory Kick-off show" on TNA's website that the "big change" she has been advertising on Twitter will be revealed on the October 7 live Impact.
Carter described the "change" as progressive. "It's not a surprise. A lot of people say, 'Oh, she always says there's a big surprise and then there's not a surprise.' I've never said this is a surprise. I said it's a change," Carter told Jeremy Borash in a Q&A session. "So, on 10/7, that's when we'll start to unveil this change. There will be even more."
Carter was asked later in the Q&A session what she would change about TNA if she had a magic wand and unlimited budget. Carter replied, "Do what I'm going to do on 10/7, but do it even bigger."
Regarding the Tweets this summer where she hinted at "something that will change TNA forever," Carter admitted that perhaps she didn't think that through when she posted that she was so excited that she couldn't sleep.
"I sent out a Tweet and I didn't think anything about it," she said. "I was like, 'Wow, I didn't really think that one through, did I?'"
-- Also during the interview, Carter revealed that a "talent TNA wanted two years ago" put out a feeler to see if there was interest on TNA's part. Carter said the company essentially turned the person down.
"This is true. There was a talent that we wanted very much a couple of years ago and pursued hard," Carter said. "I got a phone call a couple of days ago saying, 'You know, this person might be interested in coming to TNA.' And I go, 'I don't think we need him, but thank you, though, for thinking of us.' And it was just so interesting to me to go from so - I won't use the word desperate - but it was important that we had bigger stars to build around."
Caldwell's Analysis: TNA's payroll is also bloated after adding plenty of financial commitments in 2010 that have taken away some of TNA's flexibility to bring on more big-name talent. She also talked about TNA having one of the top rosters to where they don't need to add more big-name stars, which is true, but the payroll issue is likely also a big factor.
-- Carter also discussed subjects ranging from her favorite recent matches to believing the Impact shows this year have been "so much more solid this year than in our history."
Carter put over the fifth match in the Motor City Machineguns vs. Beer Money series as one of her favorite tag matches in recent history and also talked up the Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Hardy match at No Surrender.
-- Throughout the interview, Carter drifted in and out of "storyline mode" answering questions including RVD being written off TV, Ric Flair's promos on her, and TNA "running out of PPV time" leading to the No Decision on Angle vs. Hardy.
-- TNA Impact and Reaction were pre-empted on Spike TV with the NFL opening the regular season tonight. The next episodes will air on Thursday, September 16.
TNA announced tonight for next week's Impact the first interview with Rob Van Dam since he was written off TV and Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Hardy in a match to determine who faces Mr. Anderson for the vacant TNA Title at Bound for Glory.
Video: The entire BFG Kick-off Show, including Carter's Q&A session can be viewed in the video below.
Video URL: http://www.tnawrestling.com/news/item/2148-thursday-bound-for-glory-kickoff-show

What could the change be? I'm sure it has something to do with them going live in the future...

And Who is the name they turned down? My guess would be Goldberg...
I really hope they wouldn't turn down Goldberg at this point. I think that he would instantly help ratings at one point he was the most popular wrestler period. Even though he wasn't a great in ring performer, he has a good character and I actually personally think they could have had the next Goldberg on their roster in Rob Terry had they used him correctly, but unfortunately they didn't do so.
I really hope they wouldn't turn down Goldberg at this point. I think that he would instantly help ratings at one point he was the most popular wrestler period. Even though he wasn't a great in ring performer, he has a good character and I actually personally think they could have had the next Goldberg on their roster in Rob Terry had they used him correctly, but unfortunately they didn't do so.

Like James Caldwell stated... I don't think they could afford him with the names they have on the roster now... And really, I don't think he's needed... There's only so much you can do with Goldberg...

He's ego is HUGE and it would never put guys like AJ or Joe over...

Personally, I think he would be cool to have for maybe a PPV or two, but after that, he's not needed...
Yeah I see what you mean, but It would definitely spark interest I got little young nephews now that run around asking me about Goldberg and they have never seen him wrestle that alone should tell you something about his popularity and how he could attract attention to a product. It worked for WCW, the only issue with them was the fact that those guys didn't want to put anybody over when they had developed all these great wrestlers like Guerrero, Jericho, Benoit, Malenko, and Misterio(at that time).

So guys like Goldberg are only good if they realize they are going to have to help put some guys over and like you said their ego is probably going to be too big. If only there were more Ric Flair's out there.
TNA big "Change" is..........they are changing the logo ! Dixie designed it herself hence the reason why she couldn't sleep and had to tweet about "change"
I really hope they wouldn't turn down Goldberg at this point. I think that he would instantly help ratings at one point he was the most popular wrestler period. Even though he wasn't a great in ring performer, he has a good character and I actually personally think they could have had the next Goldberg on their roster in Rob Terry had they used him correctly, but unfortunately they didn't do so.

Goldberg wont work for them, hes stated it in the past. Goldberg has stated recently he wants one last match, so his kids can see him wrestle. Hes going to want to go to the biggest company that will give him the most exposure and the most money, that would be WWE.

He'll most likely have his last match next year at Wrestlemania after being inducted into the WCW themed Hall of Fame.
Goldberg wont work for them, hes stated it in the past. Goldberg has stated recently he wants one last match, so his kids can see him wrestle. Hes going to want to go to the biggest company that will give him the most exposure and the most money, that would be WWE.

He'll most likely have his last match next year at Wrestlemania after being inducted into the WCW themed Hall of Fame.
This. Also, Goldberg has issues with Vince Russo over the way he got booked from 2000 to 2001, especially over his heel turn. I doubt he'd willingly go to TNA to work with the man, when it could kill his chances of wrestling one last time in the WWE.
TNA big "Change" is..........they are changing the logo ! Dixie designed it herself hence the reason why she couldn't sleep and had to tweet about "change"

This, my furry friends, is probably a lot closer to the truth than any of the theories thrown about so far.
It may have been intended as a joke, but think about it. Dixie is on the back track, and seems to be trying to choose her words, so as not to overhype anything. Unless she has evolved from mark to smark (which I don't think she can - is she a Pokemon?), it seems she is worried that fans have been so far off course in their thinking, that the "change" is comparatively inconsequential.
So while some think Goldberg, they could be going live on TV. While some think its Haas and Benjamin, it could be that every match is no DQ. If some think Carlito, the change could simply be that Mick Foley is banned from wearing flannel.
she actually turned someone down omg thts a shock i bet she would have hired a turd in tights and labeled it as the big change. if it was actually goldberg and they brought him on i would be like no fing way then i would definintly watch tna as he is my favorite wrestler off all time behind chris jericho.

but why would she want to hire a powerhouse like billgoldberg who could pull a ton of draws. when she can hire hulk hogans 80 year old friends. or hire a bunch of old used to be's who barely were there and cant wrestle 4 crap like tommy dreamer. i used to like tna somewhat but when dixie brought hogan that all changed since then she took her orginal great talent like jay lethal, and chris daniels and either dropped them or put them behind people who shouldnt wrestle anymore like the hulk, flair, dreamer, and a bunch of others tna lost the only thing i liked in them and that was their orginality. no amount of failed promies by dixie will ever change that.
she actually turned someone down omg thts a shock i bet she would have hired a turd in tights and labeled it as the big change. if it was actually goldberg and they brought him on i would be like no fing way then i would definintly watch tna as he is my favorite wrestler off all time behind chris jericho.

but why would she want to hire a powerhouse like billgoldberg who could pull a ton of draws. when she can hire hulk hogans 80 year old friends. or hire a bunch of old used to be's who barely were there and cant wrestle 4 crap like tommy dreamer. i used to like tna somewhat but when dixie brought hogan that all changed since then she took her orginal great talent like jay lethal, and chris daniels and either dropped them or put them behind people who shouldnt wrestle anymore like the hulk, flair, dreamer, and a bunch of others tna lost the only thing i liked in them and that was their orginality. no amount of failed promies by dixie will ever change that.
Like someone else similarly stated, I doubt it's Goldberg.

I think it was likely an older wrestler who was past his prime though. TNA seems to hire older wrestlers if they're big enough draws, but I think they've finally come to the realization that they've acquired enough big draws, and hopefully, they'll set their predominant focus on their production now.

I do remember reading something about TNA pursuing JBL a while back. Is it possible that he was interested?
i just said gb cause im a hugh fan. i think jbl is 1 of the few wrestlers who will stay retired if he does come back i think it will be in a commentating role. i dont see jbl ever returning to wrestling cause he has alot of stuff outside the industry even owns his own buisness i think he has moved on.
I don't know about you guys but i'm getting sick of dixie and jarrett promising "change" and "surprize" this happens just before a ppv then when nothing happens they come back and say things like "i never said it had anything to do with wrestling" or "there's a non-disclosure agreement". Surprizes were meant to be surprizes, I hope i'm wrong because i'm a fan of TNA and want them to be a powerhouse that can go toe to toe with the wwe.
I don't know about you guys but i'm getting sick of dixie and jarrett promising "change" and "surprize" this happens just before a ppv then when nothing happens they come back and say things like "i never said it had anything to do with wrestling" or "there's a non-disclosure agreement". Surprizes were meant to be surprizes, I hope i'm wrong because i'm a fan of TNA and want them to be a powerhouse that can go toe to toe with the wwe.

First of all, why do you spell surprise with a z? Secondly, read the OP, she actually addresses what you're bitching about yet you still bitch about it anyway. Fuck, I hate you.
Typical TNA fanboy in your eyes dixie carter can do no wrong, even if she made hulk hogan the champ

Yeah that's a fantastic rebuttal, wait, no it sucked ass. The best you can do is try and bring up some hypothetical what if scenario. You can't even answer what I called you out on. You're a typical douchebag who can't read and tries to shit on anything Carter does. She literally addressed what you were criticising her for and you still bitched about it. Learn2Read dipshit.
All the hype behind this "change" will more than likey fall short due to the fact that TNA has been hyping it for so long, can anybody remember when dixie first started hyping this ? I can't because it's been so long.
Phrases like such&such is going to change TNA forever or blah blah is going to take TNA to the next level has been tossed around so cascually over such a long period of time that I'm not really interested anymore. There's only so many times you can cry wolf and expect to get away with it.

There's not really anybody they can bring in at this point in terms of big names that's ultimately going to mean a damn. Stone Cold Steve Austin is signed to a contract with the WWE, The Rock definitely seems too busy with his own career at this point, HBK is "retired" and is probably too loyal to the WWE to head to TNA anyhow, Goldberg would want the Sun, Moon & Stars to come to TNA, Chris Jericho's future is all up in the air right now but, like HBK, he's pretty loyal to the WWE and there's the whole 90 no compete clause thing anyhow.

My guess is that the programming format of TNA is going to be changed somehow. On the surface, it's easy to think that iMPACT! might be going live on a permanent basis. The October 7th show will be live but regular tapings of iMPACT! are scheduled to resume the following week. I may be wrong, but I'm not so sure that iMPACT! going live will be the announcement. The show on 10/7 almost definitely feels like a test run to see what interest is generated and use the follow up taped shows to guage to see if that interest is retained. Dixie would really have egg on her face if she announced on 10/7 that iMPACT! was going live permanently and the 10/7 show crapped a goose egg in terms of viewers.

My guess, and once again I might be completely wrong, is that Dixie Carter is going to announce that TNA is creating and going to be airing another 2 hour wrestling show or that Xplosion is going to be extended to 2 hours and will start airing on Spike in the states.
Honestly, I had just assumed the surprise was EV2. But honestly, at this point I've lost all interest in TNA. I was never particularly a big fan, but I got really interested when Hogan came in. Ironically, I think it caused me to like WWE more. I mean, they had that big show on January 4th, and Bret Hart came back the same night, and now I've been watching WWE regularly for the first time since 2002.
Originally Posted by World_Series_Attiude View Post
I don't know about you guys but i'm getting sick of dixie and jarrett promising "change" and "surprize" this happens just before a ppv then when nothing happens they come back and say things like "i never said it had anything to do with wrestling" or "there's a non-disclosure agreement". Surprizes were meant to be surprizes, I hope i'm wrong because i'm a fan of TNA and want them to be a powerhouse that can go toe to toe with the wwe.

Reddannihilation said:

First of all, why do you spell surprise with a z? Secondly, read the OP, she actually addresses what you're bitching about yet you still bitch about it anyway. Fuck, I hate you.

Yeah, she addresses it. In memory of Warner Wolf, Let's Go To the Video Tape!

Regarding the Tweets this summer where she hinted at "something that will change TNA forever," Carter admitted that perhaps she didn't think that through when she posted that she was so excited that she couldn't sleep.
"I sent out a Tweet and I didn't think anything about it," she said. "I was like, 'Wow, I didn't really think that one through, did I?'

"I didn't think it through." So, it was a bad idea. And yet, here she is, once again, hyping up some undefined future event/change/surprise on 10/7. She's walking back the claim, saying that it's not a surprise, it's a change. TNA has propagandized lately that the changes are ongoing and evolutionary.

Oh, wait, here comes Jackhammer to win the thread.
Phrases like such&such is going to change TNA forever or blah blah is going to take TNA to the next level has been tossed around so cascually over such a long period of time that I'm not really interested anymore. There's only so many times you can cry wolf and expect to get away with it.

Exactly. So here's an idea for Dixie Carter and other TNA brass speaking to non-TNA media: Shut The Fuck Up.

Just stop talking.

It's not serving any purpose. No one is reading your crap to decide whether to watch Impact/buy the PPV/buy house show tickets. No one outside the wrestling bubble is listening anymore to Hogan trying to "raise awareness" of TNA like it's a disease. All you're doing is pissing off your potential fanbase--people interested enough to read what Dixie Carter or Jeff Jarrett or Eric Bischoff says in some interview that gets reposted around the internet.

Just shut up and let the programming speak for itself.

If you're actually announcing something important on 10/7--going live regularly in 2011, or Impact tapings outside the Impact Zone, or an alliance with AAA or NJPW or a PPV in England or whatever--save it for 10/7. The 10/7 show should be important enough, as the lead in to your biggest PPV of the year. Don't muddy the waters with nonsense "big suprise on 10/7" tweets.

Yeah, she addresses it. In memory of Warner Wolf, Let's Go To the Video Tape!

"I didn't think it through." So, it was a bad idea. And yet, here she is, once again, hyping up some undefined future event/change/surprise on 10/7. She's walking back the claim, saying that it's not a surprise, it's a change. TNA has propagandized lately that the changes are ongoing and evolutionary.

Oh, wait, here comes Jackhammer to win the thread.

Exactly. So here's an idea for Dixie Carter and other TNA brass speaking to non-TNA media: Shut The Fuck Up.

Just stop talking.

It's not serving any purpose. No one is reading your crap to decide whether to watch Impact/buy the PPV/buy house show tickets. No one outside the wrestling bubble is listening anymore to Hogan trying to "raise awareness" of TNA like it's a disease. All you're doing is pissing off your potential fanbase--people interested enough to read what Dixie Carter or Jeff Jarrett or Eric Bischoff says in some interview that gets reposted around the internet.

Just shut up and let the programming speak for itself.

If you're actually announcing something important on 10/7--going live regularly in 2011, or Impact tapings outside the Impact Zone, or an alliance with AAA or NJPW or a PPV in England or whatever--save it for 10/7. The 10/7 show should be important enough, as the lead in to your biggest PPV of the year. Don't muddy the waters with nonsense "big suprise on 10/7" tweets.

Here is an idea for every stupid son of a bitch who comes into these threads running their mouths.


Why do people try to spin what she said like it effects your everyday lives in a negative way. I can see Jack Hammer and You and many others just raging all day and through work over Dixie Carter and her "Change TNA" announcements. I mean for fuck sakes. Why is this even a discussion. If she wants to say everyday that something will change TNA forever so be it. It doesn't effect me any. Weather it be a big deal or not. Everyone needs to get of this topic since it doesn't effect anything.
This announcement has been lingering for months now. I hope the news is something huge like going on the road or just moving out of the Impact zone. I haven't heard anything about TNA going live again or them adding a new show. I guess we will have to wait and see on October 7th, but the way Dixie and Jarrett have been going the last few months you would think they just won the lottery.
Goldberg would never go to TNA and he's said it himself. Anyway Russo is there and Goldberg has a problem with him because of the way he booked him, so he wouldn't volinterely go to TNA when he knows Russo is working for them. Also I believe he's going to be inducted into the HOF next year so he won't go to TNA because it would disrespctful to Vince. Also WM next year is in his hometown so he will more than likely have his last match he wanted there, so I'm guessing it's not Goldberg that Dixie turned down.
I don't care about or believe anything Dixie says. There is a point where you can hype something for so long that when it eventually comes to fruition it is a let down. Of all the suprises and changes promised over the last year the only things I've seen that have really changed TNA is the 4 sided ring and Reaction. I know Dixie's job is to hype the company, but she would be better off bragging about what has already happened and not what is going to happen. Let the suprise really be a suprise.

Along the same lines, this "They" angle better be good after the long build up or a lot of people are gonna be pissed.

I'm guessing the change has to do with either a combination or 1 of 3 things.

1.) A PPV Scheduling Change - It's been rumored that TNA is losing money on PPVs, so if Dixie wants to keep the boat afloat, she will cut back on spending. It's only smart business, especially when you have a bunch of big markets coming back to life in the NHL and NFL. Not to mention MMA has been stealing buys.

2.) TNA is going live - This could happen easily and it would make their product gain a lot more value. People wouldn't be able to read spoilers and not tune in, they'd be forced to tune in to see it live. This also looks a lot more professional and we all know that TNA is trying to compete with WWE; based on those standards, live is the way to go.

3.) TNA is going to travel around the country - This is the least likely of the 3, but it has been talked about and to say it's not possible isn't fair to TNA. No one REALLY knows how much money is in their pockets, but based on buy rates ect. it doesn't look like they have the profit to. This is the thing that most TNA fans like myself would like to see, but I don't see this happening.

We'll see what happens, but any one of these three could happen. Should be an interesting few weeks of TNA action nonetheless.
On the what wrestler was Dixie referring to I am going to throw out another theory. I believe the question was actually about do people working for the other company contact you about working for TNA. Under those circumstances there is this Jericho guy that just might fit the bill. Now I think Dixie knows he would be a nice addition but this was kind of a coy way of teasing a storyline possibility with him.
On the what wrestler was Dixie referring to I am going to throw out another theory. I believe the question was actually about do people working for the other company contact you about working for TNA. Under those circumstances there is this Jericho guy that just might fit the bill. Now I think Dixie knows he would be a nice addition but this was kind of a coy way of teasing a storyline possibility with him.

Would be nice to see Jericho randomly appear on iMPACT! whinging about Dixie not perceiving him as "good enough" to add to her roster, then starting a run as a dominant heel character who is obsessed with his own self worth. Sort of like he is now, except without the endless jobbing. If he was gonna go to TNA to build stars, he'd be better to get built up and be dominant first so his losses would mean something later.

Sadly I don't think this is likely though.

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