
dude... i see ppl talkin smack about trish, but dude... shes THE BEST womens wrestler maybe ever... started out as a sick manager and now shes got more wrestling talent than anyone in the league... And even tho i love edge and lita used to be awesome, she doesnt have it anymore
sorry i've been gone so i've kinda missed the boat but here is what I think about the wwe divas. It's diffficult to say who is the undisputed best diva in wwe, so I have broken down all the divas and placed them in catagories based on thier wrestling skills. to say whether or not a diva is better looking than another, well thats purely opinion.

on raw you have divas trish, lita, mickie, beth, victoria, melina, torrie, maria, and candice. for me it is hard to pick an absolute best because the first 5 are all very talented athletes. wwe did a nice job in bringing in indy girls mickie, melina, and beth who will more than fill the gap when lita and trish are gone. Now Candice and Torrie are not quite main eventers yet, but they aren't rookies either, they are in a class by themselves, above maria, who I think is still a rookie.

main eventers: trish, mickie, lita, victoria, beth, melina
mid carders: torrie, candice
rookies: maria

On smackdown you have ashley, kristal, michelle, leyla, and jillian all of these girls, except jillian, are rookies. Jillian, could easily dominate the womens divison (if pushed to her full potential) on raw. Jillian is also a very underrated diva, for those of you that don't know, she used to do a 450 splash as a finisher, but since wwe hardly allows any high risk manuvers anymore, she hasn't done it in wwe.

main eventers: jillian
rookies: ashley, kristal, michelle, leyla

Don't forget about ECW guys, even though they only have Kelly and Ariel, they also have Jazz, who would also dominate the womens divison on Raw.

main eventers: jazz
mid carders:ariel (to be honest I don't know where to place Ariel, i've seen some of her indy stuff and she looks good, but I don't know how she would do against the tough main eventers on raw.)
rookies: kelly kelly

Personally my top favorites are Mickie james, Trish, and Jillian
an ideal match would be to have an elimination match. Indy main eventers vs WWE divas main eventers that have been here for a while.

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