Did Jarrett break kayfabe?

the reason police can't get involved no one can be arrested unless the wrestlers wan't to press charges,there have been real shoots before throughout wrestling history! it's hard to tell what is scripted and not in this day and age but parts of wrestling are legit! i'm a friend of someone who worked in the business!
oldschool6804, please stop posting, it's utterly ridiculous.

Anyway, this has been done excellently. I'd say Kurt might've improvised the **** line, but they're both professional enough and into the story enough to just roll with it if it works. And of course, Taz coming out was a great effect, I loved the subtlety of Jarrett pulling back shit scared when Taz shouted in his face.
I will not stop posting i'm right it's not ridiculous none of what jarett said to angle and vice versa was scripted or staged they don't get along prove otherwise and i will stop posting! cant accept the facts! that you're not always right!
you're wrong police can't get involved wrestling isn't totally a work alot of the stuff that happened with benoit and sullivan was a shoot and so was the kurt angle jeff jarett stuff no I'm not in kayfabe, matt hardy and edge also beat the fuck out of each other legit! you condescending fools!
Yes they can. All it would have taken was one word from Dixie or Russo from the back (or in your mind probably Hogan and Eric) and security, not Gunner or Murphy would have rushed out there and restrained Jarrett and unlocked Kurt's cuffs. Do you really believe that Pro Wrestling is allowed to do whatever they want and are not bound by laws? Are you one of the tools who tried to attack Jericho and got his ass beat?

i'm a friend of someone who worked in the business!
Who? Someone who worked the ring crew or security for one indy show? Unless you state name, facts, maybe even a pic or two you are full of it. We all know parts of wrestling are real. It wouldn't be any good if it was all fake. Maybe they made a comment or two that wasn't planned but in the heat of the moment I wouldn't think any less of them if they had. But the two are professionals. Neither would be in the buisness this long if they didn'tknow how to conduct themselves in a working enviroment

I will not stop posting i'm right it's not ridiculous none of what jarett said to angle and vice versa was scripted or staged they don't get along prove otherwise and i will stop posting! cant accept the facts! that you're not always right!
The fact that Jarrett even came back to the company when Kurt was the Champion and Golden Boy of the promotion is enough proof for me. If Angle wanted him gone, he would have been gone. Simple as that. Either that or Angle would have left to go backto Vince's show.

JBS made me remember how funny it was when Jarret jumped back scared to death when Taz yelled at him. Either he really was shocked or Jarrett's a hell of an actor. It was indeed the little things that made the segment. Taz getting up from the booth and shouting profanities rather than saying "screwed up". It was those tiny things that lured me in.
angle can't get rid of jarett you're miisnformed! the promoters can't have jarett arrested for assault unless angle press charges you don't know shit about wrestling and what goes on yes there are laws but the wrestling business polices it's own always has and always will! rougeau didn't go to jail when he attacked dynamite kid! also jbl didn't go to jail when he beat the fuck out of the blue meannie!
Oldschool, why do you think police will NOT be involved with anything? Its a public place where entertainers are that are of high profile status, and where celebrities come from time to time. Especially given the fact that they've had previous cases where past employees like Jim Cornette has made alleged death threats against Russo, and you saw on WWE Matt Hardy break through security and attack Edge legitimately? Police can be there for public matters and it would behoove them to only interfere if an audience member were to storm the stage and NOT another wrestler, by doing that, that is considered obstruction, and disobeying the oath they took when becoming an officer. You are sworn to uphold the law for everyone.

Now whether its a shoot or work, who knows, that's what TNA wants people to be talking about, and they did a good job in making people wonder. Will they ever reveal it? Probably not, will it slip out somehow? Maybe, but the point is, its about getting ratings, and getting people to react, and sure enough, that is what we are doing in this chat room/thread. It doesn't matter who you know, how long you've known someone, people can speculate all you want, but the point of the matter is, this angle, whether fake or real, is to get ratings and people talking, and I think the proof is in the numbers. So why would Dixie want to pull the curtain back and say "Okay...Jeff and Kurt are just fine, this is all nothing. Go back to your regular business folks." You want to keep guessing, you want to tune in to see what is going to happen again and again.
Police don't get involved in disputes between wrestlers generally because the wrestler that calls the police on his opponent would be blackballed! and ridiculed! the management can get police involved, however
they don't usually do that! the angle jarett incident i sREAL! IF YOU THINK IT'S NOT IT'S BECAUSE YOU'RE CLOSE MINDED!
It's like most of you have never watched wrestling before. So I'll give you guys insight on what happened with Jarrett and Angle and I've not even watched this play out on iMPACT.

1) Gentleman's agreement. Backstage, Angle and Jarrett go over what's going down. They both agree to hold nothing back. Even if it's personal. And even agree to be stiff with each other, so it'll get people talking. It happens more often than not in the business that's not WWE.

2) Selling. Angle's been the best selling wrestler in this business since he became a pro wrestler. He clearly wouldn't let Jarrett slam him into the announcer's table like that. Angle's a person who could defend himself and prevent that from happening. And if you think otherwise, you're foolish.

3) A worked shoot. Maybe someone told Tazz in the headset to rough up Jarrett for going too far. Or even told Tazz to break things up as it wasn't part of what they planned. Tazz assumes they're breaking kayfabe and does his thing with Jarrett. During the break or intermission, backstage tells Tazz he did a good job and it was a work.

4) It's TAPED! If that stuff was 'real', it wouldn't make the taped iMPACT. It would be edited or shot again. Period. Bottom line is that as much as we'd like to see realism play out in wrestling, Jarrett and Angle are on professional terms. They may not send Christmas cards to each other, but they can work together.

So there you go. I would be shocked if I was way off with this.
TNA has always been clever with their small details. It tricks people like the OP into thinking it could have been a shoot segment, and that's exactly what they want. I'm pretty sure neither company would like their fans to know what a "shoot" or a "work" is, but they do, so they need to work around it.

But no, they've done this before, so it's not likely that either of them would have blown over to the point where they're airing out their dirty laundry on TV. Someone would have gotten fired if that were the case.

But to reiterate, the TNA does a pretty good job in making isolated segments look real. Don't get me wrong, entire storylines are unbelievable pieces of crap, but when you look at it from a segment-by-segment standpoint, it's really actually quite detailed, and generally well done.
mozzerella you are wrong angle and jarett weren't working there is a ton of heat there and he couldn't defend himself he was handcuffed!
mozzerella you are wrong angle and jarett weren't working there is a ton of heat there and he couldn't defend himself he was handcuffed!

Is this a joke? Let's break down your logic.

This is real because:

A) There is a ton of heat
B) He couldn't defend himself because he was handcuffed

Maybe I just don't understand where you're coming from. This was a taped segment that wouldn't have aired under different circumstances, i.e. if it were real. You have to understand that wrestling is fake. These men are actors simply performing a part.

Have you ever seen the movie Gothika? Did you know Halle Berry and Robert Downey Jr. hate each other? They're actors and they played the part of best friends, and did it well.

This was no different. Actors. Performers. Taped segment.

(I don't even know why I dignified this with a response.)

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