Deuce & Domino Gimmick Done?


SmackDown! is MY Show
Deuce & Domino's "Greasers" act may be getting blown off. They lost to Henry O. Godwinn & Cousin Cletus (Ray Gordy) in a dark match prior to SmackDown last week. That's not a good sign. They haven't appeared on television since 2/23.

I though the gimmick was ok, just in todays era probabaly not the best way to go about an angle with a 50's like team. I mean the tag team division a joke anyway so i guess they just brought them in to fued with the champs as i honestly feel that London & Kendrick will be tag champs for a long time as I dont see anyone taking the belts off them. I think they can be repackaged with singles gimmicks. But what you all think?
To be honest, I thought that the gimmick was pretty cool. The wwe tag team division needs all the help they can get. The division is getting stale, and even if L and K stay champions for a while, the division still could use the variety. I don't know how well these two would do individually as opposed to a tag team. Seems kind of strange that wwe would break these two up so quickly even if the wwe were disapointed with the way the fans react to them. Its almost like wwe broke these guys up without giving them a chance.
thank god that that stupid gimmick is over. that has to be the gayest gimmick i have ever seen, the wwe doesnt grease on their show
This is horrible. They seemed like a decent team, and SmackDown! really needs Tag Teams right now to compete with London & Kendrick. I'm begging WWE to reconsider this, and bring the fuckers back and have them feud some more.
Keep this team together, if only to see Cherry's nipples through her top (lol) Seriously, I liked their gimmick. However, I think the no.1 competition for London & Kendrick should be Regal & Taylor or MNM.
I doubt they will break up. I just see WWE wanting to keep the title's on London & Kendrick. There's just no other team's on Smackdown for them to feud with. They will probably be on the Judgment Day card in a tag termoil match. Or even at Mania in the rumoured Tag Battle Royal.
I think this is too bad. I thought these guys were decent wrestlers, and their gimmick brought a little diversity. I don't really want to see them in singles competition, that division is full... Help the tag team division, bring diversity in the characters and bring better wrestlers like these guys. The titles are good for the moment on London and Kendrick, but Deuce and Domino should still have gotten to develop their characters on Smackdown, feuding with low profile tag teams like Regal and Taylor.

I see both of them going to ECW at the end when all is said and done. They'll need the teams if they bring in tag belts, and since WWE wants to show London and Kendrick as a strong team, they'll keep bringing jobbers to give the champs a better image.
WWE should keep them in for right now, because all they have now is London and Kendrick. Their gimmick may not be the greatest thing, it's better than nothing. But, if WWE should bring them back, change their gimmick. Their gimmick was the primary reason why they were held back. Because, gimmicks like that will not make it in WWE. Back in the 80's, it would have been acceptable, but, not now. What WWE needs to do, is have all the Tag Teams on one show like SD! Put Benjamin and Haas on there, Cryme Time, and bring back Regal and Taylor. Because their Tag Team has been lacking for a while. 2 Teams on a show just ain't cutting now.
I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing, I personally enjoyed them though and it was good to see someone step up with London and Kendrick. The tag team division seems a little down right now and it would be cool to see some more new guys or someone, like jedite said it would be cool to see Cryme Tyme on Smackdown or something because right now they are on heat I think. Getting back to them their gimmick was decent may had not been the best in the world but it cut it. Would be kinda sad to see another tag team go down the hole because I would like to see a good fued with London and Kendrick that will last for awhile. Unless they change their gimmick or something I wouldn't wanna see them go because the division on Smackdown need's everything they can get but I see London and Kendrick keeping the titles for awhile longer but MNM or Regal and Taylor should step up or even have someone from Raw like Cryme Tyme or something and compete for the title, that would be nice.
Theres the potential to have an awesome tag division on both Smackdown and Raw. Look at the potential tag teams there is

London & Kendrick
Regal & Taylor
Deuce & Domino
Cade & Murdoch
Cryme Tyme
The Highlanders
FBI (Vito and Nunzio)
La Resistance
Worlds Greatest Tag Team
The Hardys

Thats 11 great tag teams...if WWE creative cant create 2 decent tag divisions from that they need sacking. Im just your average guy and I can sort out 2 good tag divisions with feuds


Regal & Taylor
The Highlanders
La Resisitance


The Hardys
Worlds Greatest Tag Team
Cryme Tyme
Cade & Murdoch
Deuce and Domino

2 pretty good tag divisions dont you think?
Regal, looks good, except I would rather have one set of Tag titles for all shows, as I've explained in other threads. WWE's already blurred the line with all this cross promotion and jumping from brand to brand to wrestle matches... so why not try and make the titles just a little more prestigious by unifying them?

Anyway, as for Deuce & Domino... I really don't see a reason why they needed to be dropped. True the Tag division on Smackdown is pretty stale but they're a good gimmick with some skill. WWE could've easily found something to do with them.
Nothing wrong with deuce & domino. They took the tag team champs to school on a number of occasions, and that is not an easy thing to do. London & Kendrick are phenomenal athletes and technical wrestlers. Very respectable team in my book. I don't think they shud disband deuce and domino, they showed alot of promise in the ring. As brawlers, and as wrestlers. I like their personnas as well...
I would personaly like to see Deuce and Dominio stay in the ring but with a different gimmic or maybe no gimmic at all, then see them end the L&K run.. Deuce/Domino showed promise in the ring and I expect to see them back.
What's wrong with their gimmick? I thought it was great, very original and very well done!

I honestly hope it isn't dead.
They looked pretty impressive in the Battle Royal on RAW this past monday. Hopefully they'll start getting pushed again.

Personally I was thinking some sort of "Gang War" with another gimmick tag team would be cool, like back in they days of the Nation and that biker crew I can't remember the name of for the life of me. Do something like that. Have them feud with Cryme Tyme and Cade & Murdoch or something.
I like Deuce and Domino on Smackdown for a couple reasons.
First, they're big guys compared to most tag team competition recently. Chavo, London, etc... lighter weights. They also can be heels but probably have quite a few fans, like me. Like a modern faux-past nasty boys thing, if that makes sense.

Of course, that would make Cherry the modern day Jimmy Hart.

D&D can dominate the Smackdown Titles but RAW is where the "real" gold is at, as well as the bigger opponents. Cryme Tyme would be a good feud. They still have something waiting for them. Maybe Cryme Tyme can jump ship to Smackdown and Feud with D&D for the Titles one day.
I'm sure you all watched those 2 tag team battle royals on Raw. Deuce & Domino looked most impressive and eliminated tons of teams. They were showing abilities of guys half their size in the ring and great flash and charisma. Just like I said about them all along when they competed againt K & L those times. These guys need a pusj dam it...
I like Deuce & Domino's gimmick, we havn't seen an old school gimmick tag team like them in a while so it's a breath of fresh air. I think their signature moves such as the "crack 'em in da mouth" (Running kick to the head of a seated opponent, often following a snapmare setup) and "Domino Driver" (Leg cradle brainbuster) are no nonsense finishers that would most definetly win any match. Keep them boys around, they got the moves and a sexy manager so they could go far!
Whoa, D&D are very green. Great workers like London and Kendrick were barely able to carry them through a watcheable match. These guys do have a TON of charisma, but they aren't ready for the titles yet. What Smackdown needs is an undercard face tag-team who D&D should feud with eventually winning and eventually dethroning London and Kendrick. I think L&K should break the tag title record and then lose the titles, because it's a record that won't be touched again for a while.
Somewhere down the line there is only one team that will dethrone Kendrick & London for the titles. D & D are that team... And I don't see d & d as heels. They come across as likable to me and pretty straight forward in your face, don't back down attitude. Kinda like finlay or kennedy. That is what will make them babyfaces in the future and same for d & d...
i dont think that they will win the gold i mean they look good as a team but london and kendrick are on a roll
The gimmick is never going to go over and they are just another tag team that may have looked good to the WWE but once they got there, they realised no one would go for them. I don't see where pretending you are in the '50's can get you so I think the gimmick will be dropped pretty soon. Deuce and Domino are a decent tag team wrestling wise but until the gimmick is dropped, no one will take them seriously and even then, people will stop caring about them all together. Not good signs for them at all.
i dont think that they will win the gold i mean they look good as a team but london and kendrick are on a roll

That's true, The only team that I can see dethroning London/Kendrick are the Hardyz. D & D should start a feud with Cryme Tyme, this would make for a bizarre, but interesting rivalry.
I would love to see Deuce and Domino win the tag titles. They're great characters. And like other have said, I think WWE needs more "characters". There are too many normal guys, with nothing to make them stand out. D&D seem to have pretty good wrestling ability, and their gimmick makes them stand out. I think they've got a title shot Friday, right? That will make two times they've had a shot at the titles. I'd love to see them snag those belts away from London and Kendrick. Those guys just seem too small to have held onto the belts for so long.

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