Deuce & Domino Gimmick Done?

The gimmick is never going to go over and they are just another tag team that may have looked good to the WWE but once they got there, they realised no one would go for them. I don't see where pretending you are in the '50's can get you so I think the gimmick will be dropped pretty soon. Deuce and Domino are a decent tag team wrestling wise but until the gimmick is dropped, no one will take them seriously and even then, people will stop caring about them all together. Not good signs for them at all.

Agreed. Same goes said about Cryme Tyme & The Highlanders. The tag division needs teams, but the WWE is giving their tag teams stupid gimmicks. The tag division looks like they could of been wrestling in the early 90's. Stupid cheesy gimmicks don't get over anymore. No one takes them seriously.
all i got to say is that deuce and domino have won the titles at a SD taping
Agreed. Same goes said about Cryme Tyme & The Highlanders. The tag division needs teams, but the WWE is giving their tag teams stupid gimmicks. The tag division looks like they could of been wrestling in the early 90's. Stupid cheesy gimmicks don't get over anymore. No one takes them seriously.

LOL thats because all the great teams are in TNA now like Basham Brothers are heading there and Dudleys,LAX,VKM,The Naturals and so on
They should bring back AMW back which I believe they will an dthey ruined the Team Canada team also !
Think of it Deuce and Domino are greasers stuck in the 1950's thats how far their gimmick goes with their manager Cherry? She's on rollerblades for crying out loud why not have her come out with a tray and burgers and fries LOL
They are a copycat of the Greasers from GREASE !!!!!!!!!!

All wimpy wrestling entertainment has done ruined all of them
all gimmicks stuck in the 90's Cryme Tyme ( a copy of Harlem Heat)
Highlanders ( a copy of Headbangers!!!) want more? lol

Chris Masters ( a copy of Narcissist Lex Luger) John Cena=( Stone Cold Steve Austin wannabee) Carlito===( Razor Ramon)
Bobby Lashley = ( Ahmed Johnson)
Umaga = Kamala
LOL thats because all the great teams are in TNA now like Basham Brothers are heading there and Dudleys,LAX,VKM,The Naturals and so on
They should bring back AMW back which I believe they will an dthey ruined the Team Canada team also !
Think of it Deuce and Domino are greasers stuck in the 1950's thats how far their gimmick goes with their manager Cherry? She's on rollerblades for crying out loud why not have her come out with a tray and burgers and fries LOL
They are a copycat of the Greasers from GREASE !!!!!!!!!!

All wimpy wrestling entertainment has done ruined all of them
all gimmicks stuck in the 90's Cryme Tyme ( a copy of Harlem Heat)
Highlanders ( a copy of Headbangers!!!) want more? lol

Chris Masters ( a copy of Narcissist Lex Luger) John Cena=( Stone Cold Steve Austin wannabee) Carlito===( Razor Ramon)
Bobby Lashley = ( Ahmed Johnson)
Umaga = Kamala

Cena is a copy of The Rock... mic skills and everything.
5 Knuckle Shuffle=People's Elbow... its sooo obvious that Cena is modeled after The Rock. By the way, I love the gimmicks in the Tag Division... something about the show has to be somewhat entertaining. Its all basically whats Mr. McMahon going to do to Bobby Lashley and what odds is John Cena facing this week. The tag division is a breath of fresh air from the repetitive storylines. Raw lacks faces with comedic ability, but thats because creative is dry. Raw's creative seriously needs to get their heads out of their asses and start pushing the tag division or get some kind of comedic face out there causing havok.
Give it time. L&K are awesome, I want them to get closer to the longest reign record (like 3rd or second) before they drop the titles. Deuce and Domino would be a good choice, but i would like it better if they had a good long feud with L/K before that happens. No need to rush things.
all gimmicks stuck in the 90's Cryme Tyme ( a copy of Harlem Heat)

Besides being black tag teams, name any similarities between Harlem Heat and Cryme Tyme. I don't see any.

Highlanders ( a copy of Headbangers!!!)

How's that? Because they both wear kilts/skirts? In what other ways are their gimmicks similar? Punk rockers vs Scottish Highlanders?

John Cena=( Stone Cold Steve Austin wannabee)

This one baffles me. Cena and Stone Cold? What are you puffin on?

Carlito===( Razor Ramon[/B

What because Razor had a "Hispanic" accent? What other similarities?

Ahmed Johnson and Lahsley??? Johnson was a badass who never cracked a smile. Lashlyey flashes his pearly whites every chance he gets. I just don't see the similarities at all in their personas or characters. Oh wait, they are both black.
Ahmed johnson kicked ass....I hope they keep the gimmick, i enjoy some of the throwback gimmicks, and this is a good one i think..both guys are pretty sound in the ring, not the most entertaining, but can put on good matches with a lot of different guys...GAWSH i wish they would jus unify the tag divison, i think it could be very good and competitive....
Besides being black tag teams, name any similarities between Harlem Heat and Cryme Tyme. I don't see any.

you must be blind listen to the street talking and the way they dressKK

How's that? Because they both wear kilts/skirts? In what other ways are their gimmicks similar? Punk rockers vs Scottish Highlanders?

Ok let me refresh that a cross between Bushwackers and Headbangers attitude and dressing style!! KK
This one baffles me. Cena and Stone Cold? What are you puffin on?

They act tough and go against the boss duh !!! KK

What because Razor had a "Hispanic" accent? What other similarities?

if you ever look at his promos he is careless and walks around like he is somebody when in fact he is a noone now coz he was not in WM23 was he?
He lost more t han he won Scott Hall was like that in WWF till he faded and left WWF to WCW so soon enough Carlito will do the same !! the way he talks and dresses duh!!!

Ahmed Johnson and Lahsley??? Johnson was a badass who never cracked a smile. Lashlyey flashes his pearly whites every chance he gets. I just don't see the similarities at all in their personas or characters. Oh wait, they are both black.

Lashley never cracked a smile what are you talking about? lol .Ahmed wannabee he is not going anywhere but down if he doesnt hit main event status!!

Great Khali = Giant Gonzales has the strength and is tall not as tall as he was but he would disrupt matches and interfere and barely speak like El Gigante barely had mic skills!!

want more!!
Does anybody know what the fuck this KostaKid is smoking? I honestly haven't seen one post from him worth my used toilet paper.

First of all, Lashley already is in the main event scene, he's been main eventing Raw now atleast five or six times in the last two monthes. And you clearly misread what Woodson was saying because he said that Lashley smiles all the time while Ahmed never cracked a smile.

Seriously, how are the Highlanders anything like the Headbangers or the Bushwhackers? They wear skirts like the Headbangers, okay, I get that, but the Bushwhackers?! Highlanders are scottish, Bushwhackers were Aussies...dude what the hell are you even talking about? John Cena like Stone Cold? That is the stupidest thing I've heard all day. Every single face goes against the boss, because the boss is always portrayed as a heel. John Cena is squeaky clean, kid friendly, and wouldn't utter a swear if his life depended on it. Austin chugged beers, gave people the finger, and swore up a storm every time he got on the mic.

None of your comparisons make any sense except for El Gigante/Giant Gonzalez and Khali.
Some of the Comparisons are good but, But read what is written by the guy, lashley flashes his pearly whites every chance he gets. But a link between Cena and Stone Cold is stupid, it is more of a cross between Stone Cold and Sgt. Slaughter now with his Marine Gimmick.

But onto Topic, D&D needs to stay, I like the idea of their gimmick but, I have to wait and see, how they will do on a PPV level, I don't kno if they have had a PPV match yet in the WWE. Id give them one at Judgement Day to see how they would go.
Xfear, Bushwackers were Kiwis, they were my Wrestler of the Week last Week. Wrestlecrap thinks that if you like the Highlanders than you would have loved the Bushwakers.
Come on man, Kiwis, Aussies, they're the same damn thing. But on to the topic at hand.

At first I despised the Deuce and Domino gimmick, but its grown on me probably mostly just because the wrestlers skills have impressed me since they debuted. Still think they should never bring back that Cherry girl. And definately change the theme music, god it's so annoying, what is it, Frankie Valli?
Kiwis and Aussies are two different things. I should know I am one of Two Kiwis on this site.

What they need to do with D&D is to change the gimmick from 50's to change it slowly to be more based on Poker players, it would work well with the names.
That's a good idea, I never even thought of that. Their getup wouldn't need to be changed either.

Oh and obviously I know their different but come on mate, the similiarites are ridiculious that you can't be offended when people mistake the two, just like people mistake Chinese people for Japanese people.

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