Deuce And Domino New Champs!

i think this is pretty good.cause london and kendrick arent exactly the best team to beat all of those legends records in the longest title reign.they havent been together long enough.and did anyone notice that they lost the titles the night ashley wasnt there.i mean come on that girl does nothing but stand there how could they loose when shes not their.she is worthless.maybe if she was like melina and got invovled then i would understand but she isnt like that so it makes me mad that they lost and all that they could talk about is how poor little ashley with her horrible acting is hurt.

Well I believe that Demolition hild the longest WWE tag title reign. So there more than qualified to beat them. Don't get me wrong I liked Demolition but they were originally nothing more than a Road Warriors rip off. They evolved into a completley different team just like Abyss has evolved into something other than a Kane rip off. But they were still a team that were taken as a riff off another team. And L & K would have wrestled rings around them. L & K are one of the best tag teams in years. They could have shown The Dudleyz, Hardys and E & C a few things 7 years ago.
Kasey I said it in another D&D thread, They should change the gimmick to be more of a Poker gimmick. It would be a way to tap into the growing popularity of Texas Hold'em and other types of stuff and it wouldn't be that Cheesy, I mean there would be cheese factor in it but not much.
Deuce and domino won the tag team titles on Smackdown! against the champions London and Kendrick. Since they won how do you think they will do with the title? will this boost up the tag team division in your thoughts? Kendrick and London made a good run though and im happy they had it for awhile but now someone else has stepped up and taken the gold. Do you think that Deuce and Domino can do well and maybe boost up the division?

nah man smackdown has no competitition every title somebody holds on smackdown willl be the longest inhistory like batista and gregory helms and paul and brian i dont think so bring some raw tag teams there they have no exposure on raw and smackdown desparatey needs tag teams
I hate the state of the tag divisions at the moment considering the talent available. Including guys from OVW I can think of 11 pretty good tag teams.......sadly especially on Raw the creative team only tends to focus on the main event guys and whatever crap Vince is involved in. The minor feuds like Tag matchs dont get any build up at all.

The Hardys
Deuce and Domino
Regal and Taylor
The Highlanders
Cryme Tyme
Cade and Murdoch
FBI (Vito and Little Guido)
La Resistance
Harry Smith and TJ Wilson
Chavo and Helms

I think the current Cade and Murdoch vs The Hardys feuds got alot of potential but creative cant think of anything more exciting than following the basic throwaway tag feud. (the heels winning a few single matchs and a non title match before losing when the titles are on the line)

Cade and Murdoch are meant to be mean vicious brawlers and ive yet to see them do anything mean or vicious in the feud. If i was on creative id run an angle with Cade and Murdoch were they attack The Hardys are in the changing rooms before a non title match before dragging them out to get a qucik humiliating win over one or both of the Hardys. Would build good heel heat for C & M and make the feud a bit more intresting.
Kasey I said it in another D&D thread, They should change the gimmick to be more of a Poker gimmick. It would be a way to tap into the growing popularity of Texas Hold'em and other types of stuff and it wouldn't be that Cheesy, I mean there would be cheese factor in it but not much.
I'd actually be for that...but I wouldn't even want them as a tag team. They're easily the two most capable juniors on the staff at present, but they're wrestling in the wrong f**king division! I love Spanky and London to death, but they've been lumped into a place they've no business being in at present. They're both way too light in the rear, but I'm irritated heavily because they have the talent to rebuild the sputtering mass of crap they like to call the Cruiserweight Division.
Why not send over some teams from RAW who never get used like Highlanders or Cryme Tyme? Even for just a short feud to build up D & D.

Yeah I think it would be great if they feud with Cryme Tyme
Imagine old school hoodlums vs New school hoodlums lol

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