Details Emerge on Nintendo Wii U

2GBs of RAM is perfectly fine, if not exceeding their needs for the system they're trying to make. What are they going to do with 4, 6, or 8 gigs of RAM?

Moon Knight has it covered. 1 GB of RAM for the games is horrible. With more RAM the better performance, and the more developers can push in their games. I mean come on, I have PC games that require at least 4 GB of RAM. In my PC I have 16 GB of RAM. Games run a lot smoother with a lot more going on with more RAM. It's really about having a large bank in order to direct background processes to. 1 GB for the system, which many computers for at least the last 5-6 years have had 2 GB minimum. A proper system has at least 4 GB. A console is nothing more then a dedicated PC as it uses the exact same components as a PC, so why should a console have less memory then an a 6 year old PC?

And like I said, it's not like RAM is extremely expensive. Retail price for an 8 GB kit is $40, hell today I saw a 16 GB kit for $60, again at retail with quality heat sinks. Hardware and OEM manufacturers always get memory at far lower wholesale prices. Make two slots with the capability of holding 4 or 8 GB sticks each, and you have a ton of RAM for developers to work with. You could also dedicate some of that memory to video and increase graphics capabilities.
Moon Knight has it covered. 1 GB of RAM for the games is horrible. With more RAM the better performance, and the more developers can push in their games. I mean come on, I have PC games that require at least 4 GB of RAM. In my PC I have 16 GB of RAM. Games run a lot smoother with a lot more going on with more RAM. It's really about having a large bank in order to direct background processes to. 1 GB for the system, which many computers for at least the last 5-6 years have had 2 GB minimum. A proper system has at least 4 GB. A console is nothing more then a dedicated PC as it uses the exact same components as a PC, so why should a console have less memory then an a 6 year old PC?

And like I said, it's not like RAM is extremely expensive. Retail price for an 8 GB kit is $40, hell today I saw a 16 GB kit for $60, again at retail with quality heat sinks. Hardware and OEM manufacturers always get memory at far lower wholesale prices. Make two slots with the capability of holding 4 or 8 GB sticks each, and you have a ton of RAM for developers to work with. You could also dedicate some of that memory to video and increase graphics capabilities.

I'll reply to both you and Moon Knight.

Since when has Nintendo ever had to rely on third party devs making games on their system? Most game sales for Nintendo come from Nintendo devs. If third party devs need more freedom, they will develop on the Xbox or Playstation consoles, as they've always done. Nintendo's consoles have never been about powerful technology, and probably never will be.
I'll reply to both you and Moon Knight.

Since when has Nintendo ever had to rely on third party devs making games on their system? Most game sales for Nintendo come from Nintendo devs. If third party devs need more freedom, they will develop on the Xbox or Playstation consoles, as they've always done. Nintendo's consoles have never been about powerful technology, and probably never will be.

And this closed-minded approach is why the WiiU MUST be a smash for Nintendo or else (and they've said this themselves). The 3DS launch was by all measures a failure, and handed Nintendo the first losses they've had since going public decades ago.

The biggest advantage it has right now is that no one knows what Sony and Microsoft have waiting in the wings. Once people are able to compare on paper the options of the next generation of consoles, I feel that Nintendo will start losing sales. Stormtrooper is technically right about stats vs the previous generation, but discounting stuff like Blu-Ray capabilities is foolish, as is arguing that the same amount of RAM I had on a shitty laptop 7 years ago will suffice for modern console gaming.
To be fair, you can look at the comparisons between the current generation here. None of them were anywhere near PC standards.

Comparisons and stuff

If the PS3 didn't need anything huge, for the power it has, I don't see anything in the next generation needing anything huge. Consoles don't run processes in the same way a PC does. Ever try surfing the web with a PS3? It's bullshit.
A think a major problem facing Nintendo this time around - and you could see it in the 3DS launch too, along with its other problems - is that Nintendo has done more than a lion's share of over-saturating the video game market in the 2000's. Everyone and their aunty bought a Wii. Everyone and their aunty, uncle, and grandma bought a DS, in one incarnation or another.

We're onto a new decade, and on the verge of another era in video gaming. But will the parents buying the consoles for their kids realize that? I have three younger brothers who all have 3DS systems, but they got them recently after saving up their own money to do so. My parents weren't willing to fork out the money for Christmas because they already have so many game systems at their disposal. My parents household is over-saturated with games - mostly by Nintendo, but there's also a PS3 - and the money-makers see no legitimate reason to drop more money on newer things.

Will that be the norm? My family also doesn't have a lot of money; many families do. Not to mention the college-age demographic that has its own cash-flow and will buy their own systems. But will they invest in Nintendo's new "next gen" system, or continue to buy games for their PS3 and XBox systems? I think if Sony and Microsoft were smart they'd launch an ass-load of new, high profile games DIRECTLY upon the release of the WiiU. Don't give on-the-fence gamers anything to think about. Not that I'm cheering for Nintendo to lose, by any means. If anything I really want this console to be a success; competition yields good results for everyone, particularly the consumers. I want it to do well enough to convince me, a Sony-loyalist who's lost intrigue in Nintendo's product, to buy their stuff.
The 3DS has been far from a failure. It's been solid but unspectacular and there's massive room for potential. The Wii U will see some great games and it will see some absolute tosh. This has been the case for every Nintendo console that I've ever played.

The specs are a concern but they were for the Wii as well and that was a big success.
The 3DS has been far from a failure. It's been solid but unspectacular and there's massive room for potential. The Wii U will see some great games and it will see some absolute tosh. This has been the case for every Nintendo console that I've ever played.

The specs are a concern but they were for the Wii as well and that was a big success.

I said the launch of the 3DS was a failure, and the proof is overwhelming.

Specifically, the important US Launch was abysmal for Nintendo.
I don't care about that. I know the loss was coming before the launch of the 3DS, I remember talking to Lee about it. The 3DS launch was irrelevant.

I have one and while it's not flawless, there are some very good games for it. I don't think it really helps how strong the DS is, even now. The next two Pokemon games are about to launch on it and the 3DS would kill for a game that would have that much pulling power.

I think the Wii is going to have a similar effect, despite not having any really significant launches to interfere with it, millions of people still have one and the games to play it. The 3DS could have been delayed another year or two whereas Nintendo HAD to launch the Wii U just to give themselves a chance against the competition and they are forcing themselves to launch in this holiday window because next year, the Xbox 720 and PS4 will almost certainly be ready.
Really wondering whether or not I should I take a risk and try to get the deluxe edition which is selling out surprisingly fast or just wait till the end of May (which for me would be a reasonable time to see if it's worth it). I'm not that happy about the price because just like some others have said there's not a real reason to buy this if you own a PS3 or Xbox which still have superior hardware. The current game selection isn't spectacular but it's enough to hold over a person who doesn't play video games every single day such as myself. Still conflicted about this, if anybody wants to help out it be appreciated.
No they don't. The Wii U is more powerful than both. Check out Nintendo TVii.....Beyond awesome and I want it.

The better term is "better value", with a big ol' asterisk next to it. PS3's Blu-Ray is nothing to sneeze at if you are interested in both games and movies.
Blu-Ray playback is irrelevant to a gaming console.

I'm no tech wizard, so the following may be irrelevant.


Blu-ray Disc --------------------------------^^^
DirtyJosé;4127433 said:
The better term is "better value", with a big ol' asterisk next to it. PS3's Blu-Ray is nothing to sneeze at if you are interested in both games and movies.
I don't see much the PS3 offers that the Wii U doesn't. But I never cared much for Blu Ray movies, with things like Netflix and Hulu Plus. Not to forget Amazon instant movies.
I don't see much the PS3 offers that the Wii U doesn't. But I never cared much for Blu Ray movies, with things like Netflix and Hulu Plus. Not to forget Amazon instant movies.

No I think it's more because the Wii U is finally getting to the Xbox and PS3's level after five years that make people are skeptical of it. They had to release the Wii U now especially with the rumors of a possible Xbox 720 and PS4 releasing soon.
I don't see much the PS3 offers that the Wii U doesn't. But I never cared much for Blu Ray movies, with things like Netflix and Hulu Plus. Not to forget Amazon instant movies.

Nor do I, but one can't deny the feature's amazing work as a prime selling point for the PS3. Also, not all movies are on streaming services at once. Kinda worth pointing out.
^^THIS line of thought needs to go away. It's my opinion, and if you don't like it you are still entitled to your own. Apparently you don't feel the same way.

I have played it, albeit very briefly. They were modeling them at an expo in Chicago one day, and I happened to be going through the city at the same time. Unfortunately the game pads were not active that day as they were still working things out, but I did get to hold one and pretend like I was playing around with it. It wasn't uncomfortable, but it also wasn't something I could necessary hold in one hand while I take a sip of my beverage either. Playing for more than a short time is, in my opinion, going to get annoying. And yes, the entire concept of using a tablet is INCREDIBLY gimmicky. It's not even that "creative" as I've been doing stuff between my iPad and my other devices for years now.

It's almost literally the bottom half of a DS, how is that gimmicky

They basically combined the Wii and DS
DirtyJosé;4127653 said:
Nor do I, but one can't deny the feature's amazing work as a prime selling point for the PS3. Also, not all movies are on streaming services at once. Kinda worth pointing out.
It did help the PS3 no doubt. But online streaming is growing fast, I can get almost all new movies via things like Amazon Instant stream and other services now. Maybe not all honestly, but it is growing. It is very smart to invest heavily in it now over physical formats.

Try looking at Amazon Instant Video, Netflix, Blockbuster Online and Vudu. Won't miss much.
Yes, but is the WiiU going to be the ONLY machine with those capabilities? This is what the informed buyer will have to ask themselves. Is it worth shooting the wad to invest in Nintendo's pony now, or waiting to see what Sony and Microsoft come up with, which may be the better investment.
I like assasins creed and zombieu but lets cut the shit, im buying the system for zelda. I would spend 1000 for a new zelda.
DirtyJosé;4128097 said:
Yes, but is the WiiU going to be the ONLY machine with those capabilities? This is what the informed buyer will have to ask themselves. Is it worth shooting the wad to invest in Nintendo's pony now, or waiting to see what Sony and Microsoft come up with, which may be the better investment.
All 3 will have it. But that is just the cherry on top of the sundae. What really will sell the system is Mario and Zelda which is something nobody else has. It's the games most of all, and Nintendo still has strong pull with first party games. Millions have waited a long time for Zelda HD.
The only games I ever had fun with on the Wii was Mario Kart, and Wii sports. Everything else just didn't feel right to me, I just didn't enjoy the way it played. But being a life long hand held gamer, the new game pad kind of looks like shit. It reminds me of the Sega game gear. I've not gone through all of the talk, because Hgr and Moon fighting was kind of annoying. But it looks like I'll just stick with My ds. I have Pokemon B&W 2 to look forward to soon.
All 3 will have it. But that is just the cherry on top of the sundae. What really will sell the system is Mario and Zelda which is something nobody else has. It's the games most of all, and Nintendo still has strong pull with first party games. Millions have waited a long time for Zelda HD.

My entire argument in a nutshell.
Millions have waited a long time for Zelda HD.
It may not be considered HD, once the Playstation 4 is released. :shrug:

I've read Sony is working on including the 4K technology into their next system. But I won't disagree with you, that Mario and Zelda are probably the only games propping the Nintendo console up with "gamers".

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