Details Emerge on Nintendo Wii U

Video games are too difficult these days. When a video game is more complicated than how it would actually be in real life...then it's time to throw in the towel.
I feel that way quite often. There's a reason I still play Little League Baseball and Tecmo Super Bowl from the NES days.
Well, you know what they say about fellas with big hands.
They wear big gloves.

-Wii U will be $350/300 in America.

They're dreaming. Why would people pay that much for a Wii U, when they can buy an Xbox or PS3 for the same price, and still get superior hardware from 5-6 years ago?
Video games are much, much, much, much more frustratingly easy than they used to be.
There's a difference between ease of use and ease of gameplay. You can't possibly tell me Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is easier to play than Contra, which was one bad ass game.
Doesn't matter if the hardware is better. As long as they can make some solid games for the Wii-U they don't need top of the line hardware.

The games on the system often determines its popularity not the hardware.

They're dreaming. Why would people pay that much for a Wii U, when they can buy an Xbox or PS3 for the same price, and still get superior hardware from 5-6 years ago?
You mean like they did in the millions 5 years ago when Wii launched?

Wii's hardware was about the same as PS2/XBox if I recall correctly, yet it destroyed both PS3 and XBox 360 in console sales. Flat-out destroyed them.

Nintendo sells their systems not on the power of the system, but on the gameplay. Wii was based on the Motion Controls (which was proven to be a good idea, since everyone else has since followed them into the Motion Gaming department). Wii U is based on 2nd screen gameplay.

Why would someone pay so much for an iPod, when any other MP3 player will do the exact same thing as an iPod? It's the exact same logic.
You mean like they did in the millions 5 years ago when Wii launched?

Wii's hardware was about the same as PS2/XBox if I recall correctly, yet it destroyed both PS3 and XBox 360 in console sales. Flat-out destroyed them.

Yeah, but the Wii was cheaper. Don't discount how much of an impact that made on people's decision to buy the Wii over the PS3 or Xbox 360. The Wii U costs as much or more than a PS3 or Xbox -- it's not worth it.
Nintendo just made a big announcement over in Japan about the Wii U. Here's what we know so far:

-Available in black & white at launch (woo...)
-Will release worldwide on December 8th
-Will have 2 versions available for release
-"Premium" will comes with the game pad and 32Gb of storage
-"Home" comes with the game pad and 8Gb of storage​
-2Gb of Ram (so, about as much as my phone)
-It will still run on SD cards for expandable storage (really?)
-"NintendoLand" and "New Super Mario Bros. U" available on launch

I was going to put up the prices - it looks like they're aiming at a $300 and $250 US launch - but if you just take the prices translated from the Japanese it's a LOT more expensive. Like $400 and $330. The game pad would be like $170 or so, but should be around $50-60 in the US. We'll know more at 7am as Nintendo makes the official US announcements.

There's a very, very, very high probability that I won't ever get a Wii U. Mostly because I don't really care about playing the latest Mario games anymore, and because I think the game pad looks big, clumsy and really annoying (not to mention hella gimmicky, like everything else Nintendo does these days). I'd rather put that good money down on some PS3 games, or...I don't know, not buying a Wii U.

Here's a picture of some hands using the game pad on a first gen XBox - erm - the Wii U...

No, you can attatch a HDD drive to it.
Yeah, but the Wii was cheaper. Don't discount how much of an impact that made on people's decision to buy the Wii over the PS3 or Xbox 360. The Wii U costs as much or more than a PS3 or Xbox -- it's not worth it.

You do realise it's higher spec then the PS360?
So since we're bringing sales into debates here, COD must be the single greatest gaming franchise of all time right? Otherwise Stormtroopers discussion of how Wii "destroyed" Xbox & PS3 is damn near redundant.

Let me give you some quick statistics:

  • CoD's debut - 2004
  • Mario's - 1985
  • Over 262 million copies of games in the Super Mario series have been sold worldwide within 16 games(The main ones)
  • This does not include spin-off games such as Mario Kart
  • CoD has sold, in total, over 124 million units in less than a decade within 8 games
  • This is not including the money made off of DLC & premium services(Both are substantially healthy)
  • MW3 is the fastest selling video game of all time and Black Ops was the most pre-ordered game of all time

By these statistics, particularly the last 2, the CoD series could very easily overtake the Mario series due to increased revenue with each game, along with the money that CoD makes off of DLC which often tops charts on PSN & XBL & Premium services.

Also by no stretch is Mario the greatest video game franchise of all time(It's definitely up there however). All I'm saying is that sales is not a good means to say X is better than Y.
Yeah, but the Wii was cheaper. Don't discount how much of an impact that made on people's decision to buy the Wii over the PS3 or Xbox 360. The Wii U costs as much or more than a PS3 or Xbox -- it's not worth it.
Wii U will end up being cheaper then the next gen systems when they come out. MUCH cheaper. When PS4 and Microsofts new system comes out they'll end up being $400+, like the previous generation.

The comparison would be comparing Wii launch prices to PS2 and X-Box. Wii was much more expensive then PS2/XBox, yet everyone and their mother bought Wii's, because they all wanted to play the games Wii came out with with the Wii controllers. Nintendo is banking on that again, and it will probably work.

So since we're bringing sales into debates here, COD must be the single greatest gaming franchise of all time right? Otherwise Stormtroopers discussion of how Wii "destroyed" Xbox & PS3 is damn near redundant.
Completely a different argument. And that's not at all what I was saying.

I was saying that everyone bought it. I was not arguing quality. Wii flat out obliterated PS3 and X360 in sales, even though it was "inferior" graphically.
Let me give you some quick statistics:
  • CoD's debut - 2004
  • Mario's - 1985
  • Over 262 million copies of games in the Super Mario series have been sold worldwide within 16 games(The main ones)
  • This does not include spin-off games such as Mario Kart
  • CoD has sold, in total, over 124 million units in less than a decade within 8 games
  • This is not including the money made off of DLC & premium services(Both are substantially healthy)
  • MW3 is the fastest selling video game of all time and Black Ops was the most pre-ordered game of all time
You just proved your argument incorrect with your own statistics. Good work, sir.

By these statistics, particularly the last 2, the CoD series could very easily overtake the Mario series due to increased revenue with each game, along with the money that CoD makes off of DLC which often tops charts on PSN & XBL & Premium services.
If you're gonna count DLC, then why aren't you counting Mario Kart and the spinoffs?

Also by no stretch is Mario the greatest video game franchise of all time(It's definitely up there however). All I'm saying is that sales is not a good means to say X is better than Y.
So me a single list by any reputable source that has Mario NOT the greatest franchise of all time. Please, I'm begging you. It will take you forever, because it does not exist, but still, go ahead and look.
You just proved your argument incorrect with your own statistics. Good work, sir.

Not necessarily. I apologize for my previous statement about CoD as i forgot about Mario and to be honest CoD was the first thing that entered my head. But what i said was by no means a question of best right now but rather who could be numero uno in years to come and when CoD could do that much in less than a decade compared to what it took Mario nearly 30 years to achieve then there is a strong threat of dominance coming directly from CoD considering the series is just getting more and more popular.

If you're gonna count DLC, then why aren't you counting Mario Kart and the spinoffs?

Do they not speak for themselves? Fine, with all the spinoffs, cartoons, comics, merch, etc then Mario has sold well over 450 million.

So me a single list by any reputable source that has Mario NOT the greatest franchise of all time. Please, I'm begging you. It will take you forever, because it does not exist, but still, go ahead and look.

It's all down to opinion honestly, I don't find Mario to be a great series but i can see why others can. Then again i remembered I'm talking to a pretty big Mario fanboy so I can see why you'd be coming from.
I will take Mario over CoD any day of the week. Even though Mario is the best selling franchise of all time I don't even need to use that argument to argue it as in my opinion the greatest franchise of all time with Zelda as a close second.

If it wasn't for Mario none of us would even be having this discussion right now and that's a fact. When you have games like Super Mario Bros, Super Mario 3, Super Mario World, Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Galaxy 2 its not hard to make an argument its the best. CoD series may have been the highest selling game of this generation of consoles, but Mario Galaxy 2 is in my opinion the best game of this generation bar none.

The series is older than me and never fails to disappoint. It may be early but I would bet anything CoD won't be even in discussion 15 years from now. There are so many more factors besides sales that make Mario the king of video games.
*PC Gamer elitism alert*

2 GB of RAM is something to be excited about? With the price of RAM nowadays that's the best they could do? I can go buy an 8 GB kit for $40 nowadays and that's retail cost with the really shiny heatsinks. Wholesale standard memory should be extremely cheap. Is it higher then the 360 and PS3? Yes, but those are systems that came out 6 years ago.

The PS4 and Xbox 720 (or whatever the hell they call them) should blow that 2 GB out of the water. Because game consoles are essentially dedicated computers nowadays, we as consumers should be seeing components and specs a lot higher then a computer from 8 years ago.
So the basic pack in Australia is $2 cheaper then what the basic ps3 pack is. $348, much better then the rumored $600 price tag.

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