Details Emerge on Nintendo Wii U

Let me give you some quick statistics:

  • CoD's debut - 2004
  • Mario's - 1985
  • Over 262 million copies of games in the Super Mario series have been sold worldwide within 16 games(The main ones)
  • This does not include spin-off games such as Mario Kart
  • CoD has sold, in total, over 124 million units in less than a decade within 8 games
  • This is not including the money made off of DLC & premium services(Both are substantially healthy)
  • MW3 is the fastest selling video game of all time and Black Ops was the most pre-ordered game of all time

By these statistics, particularly the last 2, the CoD series could very easily overtake the Mario series due to increased revenue with each game, along with the money that CoD makes off of DLC which often tops charts on PSN & XBL & Premium services.

Also by no stretch is Mario the greatest video game franchise of all time(It's definitely up there however). All I'm saying is that sales is not a good means to say X is better than Y.

Those are all very nice but nothing there changes what I said.
*PC Gamer elitism alert*

2 GB of RAM is something to be excited about? With the price of RAM nowadays that's the best they could do? I can go buy an 8 GB kit for $40 nowadays and that's retail cost with the really shiny heatsinks. Wholesale standard memory should be extremely cheap. Is it higher then the 360 and PS3? Yes, but those are systems that came out 6 years ago.

The PS4 and Xbox 720 (or whatever the hell they call them) should blow that 2 GB out of the water. Because game consoles are essentially dedicated computers nowadays, we as consumers should be seeing components and specs a lot higher then a computer from 8 years ago.

As a person that only plays PC games this is the reason I don't really care what the PS4 or 720 does if all it does is let connect to 12 year olds that will call me a ******. It was the gimmick of the Wii that sold me and the gimmick of the Wii U that has me sold on this.
Not necessarily. I apologize for my previous statement about CoD as i forgot about Mario and to be honest CoD was the first thing that entered my head. But what i said was by no means a question of best right now but rather who could be numero uno in years to come and when CoD could do that much in less than a decade compared to what it took Mario nearly 30 years to achieve then there is a strong threat of dominance coming directly from CoD considering the series is just getting more and more popular.
COD is a fad. They've been popular for 6 years (COD 4: Modern Warfare was the first to really break out into a massive success) and 1 console generation, and are an annual update. Something better will come along and surpass it (or people will start to lose interest eventually).

Mario has been around for 27 years, being a huge success for the entire lifespan of the franchise, and has spanned 5 console generations. It's been proven enough to stand the test of time.

Do they not speak for themselves? Fine, with all the spinoffs, cartoons, comics, merch, etc then Mario has sold well over 450 million.
Oh, they do, and I bet they outsold COD by themselves, as your numbers admit to.

It's all down to opinion honestly, I don't find Mario to be a great series but i can see why others can. Then again i remembered I'm talking to a pretty big Mario fanboy so I can see why you'd be coming from.
My opinion was moot here. I was basing my opinion on virtually every gaming publications list of greatest games, franchises, and whatnot. Every single one has Mario #1, or MAYBE #2 behind Zelda.
You mean like they did in the millions 5 years ago when Wii launched?
No, because the Wii was drastically lower priced. Whereas initial price for a PS3 60GB was something like $500, the Wii was half of that.

So, no, that's not what I mean.

Wii's hardware was about the same as PS2/XBox if I recall correctly, yet it destroyed both PS3 and XBox 360 in console sales. Flat-out destroyed them.
At first, mostly because of the much lower price and the games that were more children/party games.

Nintendo sells their systems not on the power of the system, but on the gameplay. Wii was based on the Motion Controls (which was proven to be a good idea, since everyone else has since followed them into the Motion Gaming department). Wii U is based on 2nd screen gameplay.
Motion controls were a great move and everyone said if they pulled it off well, then it would be a huge benefit to gaming. I don't see the tablet being nearly so hot and neither do a lot of people.

Why would someone pay so much for an iPod, when any other MP3 player will do the exact same thing as an iPod?
Marketing. Not an area Nintendo has an advantage.
Yeah, but the Wii was cheaper. Don't discount how much of an impact that made on people's decision to buy the Wii over the PS3 or Xbox 360. The Wii U costs as much or more than a PS3 or Xbox -- it's not worth it.

You do realise it's higher spec then the PS360?

Wii U will end up being cheaper then the next gen systems when they come out. MUCH cheaper. When PS4 and Microsofts new system comes out they'll end up being $400+, like the previous generation.
That may be, but they'll also be vastly superior, like the previous generation. Furthermore, there's no real tangible signs than PS4 or Xbox 720 (or whatever) is due for a release anytime in the near future.

So the Wii U is competing against PS3 and Xbox, and for the same price, and I just think they are betting an awful lot on people wanting to upgrade the Wii, and paying a high price for it.
As a person that only plays PC games this is the reason I don't really care what the PS4 or 720 does if all it does is let connect to 12 year olds that will call me a ******. It was the gimmick of the Wii that sold me and the gimmick of the Wii U that has me sold on this.

That's a fair enough point especially since like me you play 95% of your games on your PC. That being said however, I'm not much for online gaming unless it's D3 or an MMO (and I haven't really found an MMO that's gotten me to stay for more then a 3 months). I don't play COD or Halo so those don't matter to me. What does matter however is that my PS3 is also my media server in my gaming room, and any new console is going to need to implement the idea that it is more then just a game console. They have to be the premium device for media consumption while also delivering on high quality games.

This generation is maxed out graphically and pushing the power of the systems. the Wii U is similar to the Dreamcast where it's getting released right between the current gen's last gasp and the coming of the new generation. From what I'm seeing spec wise (mind you I can't find what CPU and GPU they are putting into it) the Wii U so far only has 512k RAM more then the 360 and PS3. That doesn't bode well for a CPU or GPU that will really push games to the next level. Really they're just catching up to the two systems that have been killing the Wii in sales for some time now. On Lee's blog this was one of my major points on what the Wii U needed while responding to his questions, and it's something that I feared was going to happen. The thing is too, is that any gimmick the Wii throws out, Microsoft and Sony can essentially copy or do something similar. The Kinect for example is the future of motion gaming, and the second gen Kinect should be a vast improvement over an already impressive piece of hardware. Sony's motion control ended up being a lot smoother and more accurate then even the Wii Plus remotes.

Gimmicks are fine, Nintendo has always been great for pushing the envelope on how to interact with a game and that of course leads to innovation. If they would pack their console with the graphical and CPU power they really should invest in, their consoles could reign over Microsoft and Sony.
No, because the Wii was drastically lower priced. Whereas initial price for a PS3 60GB was something like $500, the Wii was half of that.

So, no, that's not what I mean.
WEll then your comparison was shit.

Wii was being compared to PS2/XBox 1, not PS3/X360 when it came to graphic power. Hence why I disputed your claim of cheapness.

At first, mostly because of the much lower price and the games that were more children/party games.
But the ever-present Childrens/party games were even cheaper on a much cheaper PS2.

Motion controls were a great move and everyone said if they pulled it off well, then it would be a huge benefit to gaming. I don't see the tablet being nearly so hot and neither do a lot of people.
Those same people were questioning the Motion Controls back in 2007. I don't trust them. Especially since the competition (Microsoft) is already trying somewhat to copy Nintendo (really badly, I might add). Nintendo is onto something here. And not just the 2nd screen, but the social integration they have planned.

Marketing. Not an area Nintendo has an advantage.
Since the lesser-powered Wii destroyed the more powerful consoles thanks mainly to marketing, I'd say the marketing is pretty good.

So the Wii U is competing against PS3 and Xbox, and for the same price, and I just think they are betting an awful lot on people wanting to upgrade the Wii, and paying a high price for it.
So they're competing against previous console generation. Just like they did with Wii, as I already mentioned.

And they are betting on people wanting to upgrade the Wii. Just like Sony will bet an awful lot on people wanting up upgrade their PS3, or Microsoft will be with X-Box 360 when they update. At least Nintendo is doing something completely different with their system, giving people an actual upgrade, instead up just making it "more powerful".
Gimmicks are fine, Nintendo has always been great for pushing the envelope on how to interact with a game and that of course leads to innovation. If they would pack their console with the graphical and CPU power they really should invest in, their consoles could reign over Microsoft and Sony.
Except the big issue then is that they would have to sell the system for like $600, and that price point will drive away the majority of the consumers, much like it did in 2007 for Sony. It wasn't until they cut the price some that Sony started moving a significant number of units.
Except the big issue then is that they would have to sell the system for like $600, and that price point will drive away the majority of the consumers, much like it did in 2007 for Sony. It wasn't until they cut the price some that Sony started moving a significant number of units.

Not really. Prices for components have gone down over the years. Good quality GPU's are priced relatively well as are quality CPU's. Even if a console was $500, I doubt you'll see the sort of backlash like there was in 2007 considering that you would be combing the cost of a media streaming box with the cost of a quality game console that's built to last. Take into consideration that media is going digital. If Microsoft and Sony can market it accordingly, they can tout how much better their systems are for media consumption such as Netflix Hulu, Pandora, Spotify, and the list is only going to grow. Tying all those different services into one box is huge, along with the ability to rent and stream movies, oh and by the way it plays the latest and greatest games on top of everything.

We're in the age of Apple computers starting to gain traction in the PC market with prices higher then your standard PC with lower specs. If people are more then willing to drop over $1000 for a laptop that has lower specs then a $600 Windows laptop, they'll be willing to drop $500 on a console that ties all of their digital media sources into one box that also has some bad ass specs. The reason why Apple is gaining traction is because of their ecosystem that they have created among their devices. It's the reason why Microsoft is moving towards this, and Sony is also high on being a digital media deliverer.

Why pay for a Roku Box, a good Blu Ray player, DVR system, set top box, and a console when I can get them all in one device?
WEll then your comparison was shit.

Wii was being compared to PS2/XBox 1, not PS3/X360 when it came to graphic power. Hence why I disputed your claim of cheapness.
Uhh...that wasn't my comparison big guy. My statement was:


They're dreaming. Why would people pay that much for a Wii U, when they can buy an Xbox or PS3 for the same price, and still get superior hardware from 5-6 years ago?

You're the one who brought up the original Wii, not me.

But the ever-present Childrens/party games were even cheaper on a much cheaper PS2.
Which was an inferior system. The PS3 and Xbox 360 are not inferior systems to the Wii U.

Those same people were questioning the Motion Controls back in 2007.
Not at all true. They were questioning whether the motion controls could be implemented well. No one disputed that a well designed motion control system could be a fantastic addition to gaming.

Since the lesser-powered Wii destroyed the more powerful consoles thanks mainly to marketing, I'd say the marketing is pretty good.
No they didn't. They destroyed them based on price. Once the price of the PS3 and Xbox 360 dropped, they both saw an increase of sales, as the Wii saw decreases in sales.

It wasn't marketing, it was gimmick (motion controls) and price. And now they are trying to sell for the same price with not nearly as innovative of a gimmick.

So they're competing against previous console generation. Just like they did with Wii, as I already mentioned.
First of all, the Xbox 360 was released before the Wii. Second of all, they are competing with the current gen WITH THE SAME PRICE. As I already mentioned.

The Wii didn't compete against the Xbox and the PS2, and you're just being naive if you stick to that story.

And they are betting on people wanting to upgrade the Wii. Just like Sony will bet an awful lot on people wanting up upgrade their PS3, or Microsoft will be with X-Box 360 when they update. At least Nintendo is doing something completely different with their system, giving people an actual upgrade, instead up just making it "more powerful".
And that something different means it is being priced at the same cost as the current gen Xbox and PS3, which means they are basically betting on people upgrading simply for the tablet controller, for a system which doesn't have near the moxy that its competitors have.

Will the Wii U tank? It's hard to know right now. All I'm saying is I won't be surprised to see a pretty quick price reduction. And if Microsoft and Sony, when they do release their next system, can put them into the market at a $100 or less price difference, then I think the Wii U will get obliterated.

At the end of the day, a LOT will depend upon this new tablet controller. Basically the Wii U's future is riding on that controller, because people no longer have a financial incentive to buy Nintendo. They don't have incentive based upon game library. They don't have incentive based upon hardware capabilities. Nintendo is betting on people upgrading and the tablet controller.
Will the Wii U tank? It's hard to know right now. All I'm saying is I won't be surprised to see a pretty quick price reduction. And if Microsoft and Sony, when they do release their next system, can put them into the market at a $100 or less price difference, then I think the Wii U will get obliterated.
The Wii U will do fine. Nintendo is a very successful company and never had a failure in a home console. Actually, I don't even think they have ever lost money on one. People have been calling their death since the early 90's, why are people still doubting them?
The Wii U will do fine. Nintendo is a very successful company and never had a failure in a home console. Actually, I don't even think they have ever lost money on one. People have been calling their death since the early 90's, why are people still doubting them?

I don't think they will die, and I'm sure they will make some money. But I don't see the Wii U having the same impact that the Wii did. I'm saying I expect it will be closer to Gamecube, and not so much Wii, in comparison to other sales figures and overall impact on the industry.
I don't think they will die, and I'm sure they will make some money. But I don't see the Wii U having the same impact that the Wii did. I'm saying I expect it will be closer to Gamecube, and not so much Wii, in comparison to other sales figures.
Sounds better. I don't think anybody expects Wii type sales, the market has changed too much for that to happen again. Tablet PC, PC, Phones and 2 other companies along with cloud gaming I think would make 100 million near impossible for any of them.

I do however think the Wii U will outsell the Gamecube, as it only sold around 21.7 million worldwide. 50 to 60 million seems like a good range.
I just wanna see what games are coming out. The DS and 3DS has shown how good a touch screen can do in playing games, especially a game like Zelda, if its implemented correctly the skies the limit.

All in all every argument is moot until games are actually released. This isn't the 16 bit wars, the content released will determine the success of a system not tablet controllers or anything else. There's a reason for the first long while in the Wii's lifespan that the sales between Zelda and the Wii were almost a 1:1 ratio. Nintendo released a game with the Wii people wanted to play and they are doing it again this time releasing Mario with it. Same thing with the PS4 and Xbox720. Sales won't boom until good games come out.
Sounds better. I don't think anybody expects Wii type sales, the market has changed too much for that to happen again. Tablet PC, PC, Phones and 2 other companies along with cloud gaming I think would make 100 million near impossible for any of them.

I do however think the Wii U will outsell the Gamecube, as it only sold around 21.7 million worldwide. 50 to 60 million seems like a good range.
I was thinking roughly the same, in terms of number of sales.

Why do you make everything a battle with me? I always feel I need to bring an AK and full body armor when I talk to you.

You challenged my statement, not the other way around. :shrug:
Now you're arguing with me. You just never give up do you? ;)
Nope. But I do get tired of beating you all the time. ;)

As for the Wii U. Some of the applications of the controller look good. I think you can use it to stream video while somebody else watches or plays something else on with the system. Makes me wish I still have netflix.
Its quite silly to say that the wii was just as powerful as the ps2 and xbox, cause thats not true. I mean the gamecube was the most powerfull of the three that gen. The wii was alot more powerfull than ps2 and xbox, just not as powerfull ps3 and xbox 360. Its the same way with this system.

And just because a system is more powerfull, doesn't mean a thing. Just look at the psv. It has sold 2 million so far. It is failling worse than the dreamcast, but the 3ds has sold 20 million, and while alot of that has to do with price, alot of that also has to do with the games. I mean 3ds has tons of new great games, and the vita has like 1.

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