Dean Ambrose - Intercontinental Champion: Yay Or Nay

Mid-Card Gold For The Lunatic Fringe?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Doesn't Matter As I've No Faith In WWE Compotently Booking Him As Champ.

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Barrett has to some of the worse luck in recent WWE (Got me thinking Nexus was cursed) he needs to win and defend the title now like the Uso's do.

Dean can still be over but loses big matches due to his own craziness, As long as he looks good it won't affect him unlike at Royal Rumble which screwed everything up.

So nay but can Barrett have some matches soon its getting hard to defend the guy...
Yay. Ambrose needs something and, at such a hectic time of the year, the IC title is a good spot. The belt needs some help too. Ziggler/Miz/Harper made it interesting but Barrett and the Road to Wrestlemania halted some of the momentum.

Ambrose holding this belt for a few months would be absolutely fine. He has just come off some big loses to big rivals. He was super-over for a while but that has just calmed down a little. Having him hold the belt might let him become more interesting once more and let him shine. Give him control. Let him be creative and it can be awesome.

In terms of future opponents there is absolutely no shortage. Barrett, Harper and even Sheamus straight away. Plus the likes of Cesaro, Kidd, Owens, The Miz, Big E, Breeze and Cody Rhodes. A pretty long list of superstars that Ambrose can feud with. Each bringing something different and it would allow Ambrose to become a more all round interesting character rather than relying on just being crazy. Then if he drops the belt he would still have a shitload of momentum and be ready to go for the main prize. I could easily see Ambrose winning the 2016 Royal Rumble and the IC title can get him ready just like it has for so many in the past.
Dean Ambrose winning the Intercontinental Championship has the potential to be great for both him and the belt. Sadly his US Championship reign was nowhere near as memorable as it should have been.... As long as he is booked properly as Intercontinental Champion he should be fine. Granted, WWE has yet to capitalize on the opportunity to make that belt matter again now that there is only one World Championship, but with as popular as Ambrose is getting now is as good a time as any to make the Intercontinental Championship a big deal again. Putting it on someone who the fans are wanting to see succeed helps. I support him winning and fingers are crossed that WWE actually does something with his reign if he wins it.
The IC title means absolutely nothing at this point. Even the US title is more important than the IC title because it is held by Rusev, a guy who is undefeated and more importantly, a guy who has repeatedly squashed guys like Ziggler who have recently held the IC title. The fact that Ambrose has been booked as a contender for the IC title shows that management does not see him as being on the same level as Rollins, Reigns, Wyatt etc. To me it's a sign that he is going to be a perennial midcarder. His booking in PPV's since the Shield breakup proves this. When was the last time Ambrose actually won a match on PPV? Only way I'd ever take him seriously now is if he wins the IC title and then unifies it with the US title by beating beating Rusev at some point. That would be the only way for him to recover after the dreadful series of losses he has suffered throughout 2014. Beating Rusev will do absolutely nothing for Cena but it would elevate Dean.

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