Wrestlemania 31- Intercontinental Championship Ladder Match

This is one of the two matches for Wrestlemania that I'm excited for, but in no part is that because of the build. I mean, it was off to a decent start, but it quickly spiraled into nonsense. I want to like the angle, as I'm starved for creativity from the writing department, but I can't. Not this way.

In fact, if I could revise the storyline... TRIGGER WARNING; Here be armchair booking

Like I said, it was off to a good start; Dean Ambrose steals the Intercontinental Championship from Bad News Barrett at Fast Lane, citing BNB's behavior as an affront to the Championship itself. I don't generally like "stealing" angles, but this one clicked for me for some intangible reason.

The following night on Raw, Wade Barrett cuts a promo on Ambrose, demanding his belt be returned. He goes on to lose a non title match to Dolph Ziggler. Later on, Dean Ambrose has a match against Luke Harper. Sure enough, Ambrose is carrying the title belt. The match is introduced as a regular contest, but without getting on the microphone, Ambrose speaks to Lillian Garcia and the referee. With some hesitation, the ref raises the championship, and Lillian introduces the contest as an Intercontinental Championship match. Ambrose wins.

Come Smackdown, Ambrose has a match with against Stardust, revisiting the shtick with the announcer, the ref, and the title. Ambrose wins. Barrett eats another non title loss to Daniel Bryan.

The following Raw, I would have Daniel Bryan request an Intercontinental Championship match for Smackdown. Barrett gives Bryan bad news and denies this request. "Wade, I wasn't talking to you." Daniel Bryan states that he no longer recognizes BNB as the champion, and wants a match against Dean Ambrose. Sure enough, Ambrose, calling himself the "fighting champion that Barrett never was", grants the match up.

Smackdown is booked around hyping Daniel Bryan vs Dean Ambrose for the/not for the IC title, big match hype. Have backstage interviews with R-Truth or Ziggler, either refuting Ambrose as the rightful champion or threatening to come after the winner. The match gets all the pomp and circumstance, including formal introductions. The announcer is even a little more comfortable calling it a championship contest... before introducing the special guest referee, Bad News Barrett! "I've never seen anything like this, Cole. The Intercontinental title is being defended, and the referee is champion?!" Eventually, Barrett picks his spot. He looks to take them both out with Bull Hammer's, but Bryan and Ambrose fend him off. A no contest, but Ambrose once again leaves with the championship.

Finally, on the following RAW, Ambrose confronts Barrett. He calls Barrett out for continuous losses and cowardice to Ziggler, R-Truth, Bryan, while he's been defending the championship against Stardust, Harper, Bryan. He calls any of them better champions than Barrett. "If it was a championship contest, I could beat any and all of those men." claims Barrett. Ambrose challenges him to put his money where his mouth is. In an escalating dialogue, Barrett challenges all the men to meet him at Wrestlemania for an "Intercontinental Invitational Ladder Match". To which, Ambrose responds by putting the championship on Barrett's shoulder. "Just don't get too comfortable carrying that." Ambrose goes to leave, and is hit from behind with the Bull Hammer, raising the Intercontinental title over his head.

</armchair booking>
While this is actually the match I'm looking forward to the most at WM 31, this is also the match I have the most problems with & am most concerned about. I don't get why Daniel Bryan is being wasted in this match, I'm worried the match might be cut down for time & have a lackluster ending, I really didn't like or understand the stupid "You're a Turd." ending on Smackdown, etc.

But the one thing I'm having the most trouble wrapping my head around is, How the in the hell did R-Truth get a spot in the match?

Seriously! Truth has been a comedy jobber for several years now, he's been almost completely irrelevant since his run in 2011 & seemed like he was hardly even wrestling on TV until he randomly beat Barrett & got involved in the IC Title picture. Not only is he not worthy of the IC Title but what happened to earning your spot a WM? Why not add in Goldust so then he still get's to face Cody at Wrestlemania in some fashion? Or Sheamus since he is still supposed to return, or Mark Henry since I don't think he has a match yet, Ryback, Rowan, Swagger, etc. The list goes on & on. There are many other better options if they want to make the ladder match a 7 or 8 man match instead of 6. R-Truth should have been in the Andre Battle Royal at best.
How the in the hell did R-Truth get a spot in the match?

I've said this before, and I'm surprised that I didn't get red-repped for it; While R-Truth hasn't had a relevant program in at least a year, WWE has had no black superstars in any marquee match. R-Truth is in this match because he's black. They could have put Mark Henry in the match weeks ago, and the IWC would have the same question. Why is he in the match?

I say all this as an R-Truth fan (but only when he's bad-guy-insane R-Truth). But if they hadn't put R-Truth in the match, then the corporate deity that is WWE wouldn't of been able to say that they have an African American Superstars in a promoted match.

(No, I don't think that the Andre Memorial count as a promoted match. This ladder match barely counts as a promoted match.)
R Truth is in the match because he beat Barrett in a non title match just like Ziggler and Ambrose did. The fact you have boiled it down to "because he's black" is some bullshit. They never gave a fuck before about not having black wrestlers on the marquee. Why would they start now? Get that racist bullshit the fuck outta here.

Back on topic
This match will be epic. I liked the build so far. It's a simple tale of everyone wanting to be the champion. I will say they could have told the same story without BNB losing every damn week though.

I'm guessing they will start the personal thing now with Ambrose and Ziggler calling out Bryan and I'm interested in seeing where that goes.

This is the most heavily pushed match on the card and will most likely be the most talked about match afterwards.
R Truth is in the match because he beat Barrett in a non title match just like Ziggler and Ambrose did. The fact you have boiled it down to "because he's black" is some bullshit. They never gave a fuck before about not having black wrestlers on the marquee. Why would they start now? Get that racist bullshit the fuck outta here.

Yep, I should have expected that. I could follow up your statement in asking you why R-Truth was written to beat Barrett in the first place, but I guess we'll just chase our own tails.

If my statement is interpreted as racist, I didn't mean for it to come out so. I apologize if this caused offense, but it's not intended as an attack. I presented my analysis based on how WWE has planned their programming in the WrestleMania build up. If you think a publicly traded multinational corporation isn't concerned by public opinion and political correctness, then that is naive.

Is R-Truth worthy of a WrestleMania match? If we're asking based on his length of time in WWE, then absolutely! If we're asking based on his relevancy over the past year, then absolutely not! All I'm saying is there's a reason that he was shoehorned in.
Interesting. High profile. Also stupid. Too many people involved.

Hopefully this will refresh the belt a little, and bring back some memory of 21 years ago.

Pretty sure this will be a show opener.
I'm sure this will have some great spots, but I'm not really into it. It's just a put together random match with a bunch wrestlers that have nothing to do at WM.

Improving the angles involving the IC title is the best way to elevate the title.
I'm sure this will have some great spots, but I'm not really into it. It's just a put together random match with a bunch wrestlers that have nothing to do at WM.

Improving the angles involving the IC title is the best way to elevate the

Do you really not believe the angle they have going has improved the prestige? It's not like this was thrown together a week ago, we have had quality programming for the belt since at least Fast Lane, with a lot of air time given to this feud.
2 things im hoping for in this match. 1. Sheamus returns takes RTruth out before the match. 2. Dean Ambrose walks out the winner. After all the losses Ambrose took while feuding with Bray he needs this win to really solidify himself. Bryan and Ziggler are both over and neither one of them needs this win. Stardust and Harper are just fillers. And i do not see Barrett retaining as they already buried him as a champion this entire reign.
This HAS to go to Daniel Bryan. There just isn't another option in this match that's worthy of upgrading the belt. I don't dislike any of the guys in it, even R-Truth. But if they really are focusing on highlighting the midcard belts while Brock remains the WWEWHC, then this has to be Daniel Bryan.
Let's see:

Bad News Barrett. Good look and a great promo but he is missing something. I feel he should be doing better but the way he has been booked (losing to anyone and everyone) I would be shocked to see him win.

Bryan. This would be a very interesting choice and the dynamic with Brock as WHC intrigues me. Bryan could save this title and cement his legacy that way. This would be Bryan's project. Of course, part of me thinks he shouldn't hold the belt because he is required in feuds for the World Title.

Ziggler. A popular choice and I reckon he would embody everything that is right about this division. Plus giving him a huge win would be a great moment for him. Furthermore, he has pinned Bryan twice which suggests they want to build his momentum. Indeed, it could just be a Bryan helping out his friend.

Ambrose. My personal preference to win and the guy who I reckon should and will win this. He hasn't been World Champ (he hasn't even had a match for the title) so the progression aspect is there. This would be the title Ambrose holds and defends in order to get ready for the big belt. Plus, with him holding the title, the champ wouldn't lose on Raw and Smackdown.

Harper. I really like Luke Harper and what he does in the ring but he isn't winning. I don't think, given the build, this would be the direction they want to go. He would be, however, a fine choice or a great contender in the future.

Stardust. He isn't winning either. I would have liked to see him wrestler his brother but that can be saved for later. I reckon we maybe get them costing each other in their respective matches. I suppose it's a compliment he is deemed to be above the battle royal.

R-Truth. I've liked what he has done and him on commentary as actually helped progress the angle.

Ultimately, this will be a great match. There is just too much talent for it not to be. Plus there is true excitement over the winner. Each time Ambrose, Ziggler and Bryan go for that belt, I'll be engaged and the crowd will be going crazy.

I'll say Ambrose wins this but Ziggler and Bryan would be interesting choices too. Barrett would have been but I'm not sure they have done him favours over the last few weeks.
This should be a fun match, but I can't help but be pissed that it took 2 potentially good single matches off of the card. I would like to have had Ambrose get his 1v1 victory for the title over Wade. Bryan vs. Ziggler could have been a fun midcard match as well.

The outcome of this match will tell you a lot of what the WWE has planned for the World Title. If someone like Bryan (or Sheamus if he is inserted into this thing) wins, then the rumors of using the 2 mid card belts more makes a lot of sense.

Guys with no chance at winning: R-Truth
Slight Chance: Wade, Cody, Luke Harper (shamefully).
Good Chance: Ambrose, Ziggler
Likely Winner: Daniel Bryan

This is going to be awesome. It's my pick for the most likely match to steal the show. Easily. In this match we have 3 excellent in-ring competitors, 3 more who are good, and then we have R-Truth. It's also the match I could see opening the show to help set the pace for the rest of the night by getting everyone very excited early on. This match will be nothing short of chaotic and I can't wait. It reminds me of Money In The Bank matches due to the number of contenders and the use of Ladders, only it's for a midcard belt that's been in desperate need of the attention it's been getting. Say what you will about the silliness of the belt stealing angle, it's been entertaining. Now then, let's take a look at each contender.

Bad News Barrett
No one NEEDS the win more than the current Intercontinental Champion. I feel really bad for Barrett. He's had several reigns with this belt but due to injuries and bad luck he has never gotten to do ANYTHING with ANY of them. If he wins here he gets his Wrestlemania moment and finally overcomes his bad luck for once. Despite his need of the win, Barrett only comes in 3rd or 4th place for me as the most likely one to win. There are better options and I'm afraid there may be some Bad News in Barrett's future if he expects to retain.



Why is he even this match?

Dean Ambrose
A great choice. He is my secondary pick to win the match. While he might not need to win the match as much as Barrett does, he would make a really good Intercontinental Champion provided they book him properly unlike his US Championship reign. Tons of potential and a strong run with the belt would be a great way to let him showcase what he can do before moving up the card later on.

Luke Harper
Yeah, I'm not liking his odds. Not with so many other entrants in the match who would make better options as Intercontinental Champion than him. If he does win then I'm not entirely against it, if he holds the belt long enough for it to matter this time.

Dolph Ziggler
While he'd be a good choice as Intercontinental Champion and surely would steal the show in every title defense.... I don't see him winning over Dean Ambrose or Daniel Bryan at this point.

I doubt he wins this. It's random how he got thrown into this match rather than finishing the Goldust feud, but he has held the belt before and it would be cool to see how a Stardust reign would go. Him calling the belt silly stuff like the cosmic key, providing strange promos and good matches in his title defenses.... I'd be fine with him winning, just don't it happening as half the other entrants are better options for champion right now.

Daniel Bryan
Here we have my pick for winning the match. Bryan's popularity, status as a former multi time World Champion, and top tier in-ring skills are the perfect formula for what they should be seeking in the guy who can make this belt matter again.

Daniel Bryan will win the Intercontinental Championship.
As much as I like R-Truth's role as the comedic opportunist who added entertainment to the build up for this match, I would have preferred Kofi Kingston in his spot. His high flying ability, his experience in ladder matches and the fact that he is a far more credible mid-carder would have made him a shoe in for this match.

Instead he is being wasted by the shit day faction. Imo R-Truth should have had Kofi's spot in the new day as he would have been the veteran and leader of the group and given R-Truth's talents, I feel that he would have ran with it and made the new day way more interesting than they are now.
I think Daniel Bryan wins. In another thread, I just got through talking about Daniel being thrust out of the world title picture because of his neck injury and the uncertainty it brings to his career plans. Yes, all that still pertains, yet he remains an extremely popular good guy performer and since the status of the US belt will rise if John Cena wins it, I believe the company has the same plans to elevate the importance of the IC belt, meaning that either Daniel or Dolph Ziggler takes the duke.

I think WWE would rather see Daniel wearing a belt.....and if it can't be the world title, let it be the IC.
Either Daniel Bryan wins the WWE Intercontinental Championship for the first time in his career or Dean Ambrose ends up winning the WWE Intercontinental Championship for the first time in his career, either one of these men could end up walking out champion after this Ladder Match is said and done but I wouldn't be surprised if Bad News Barrett were to somehow retain his title here I mean hey stranger things have happened
I don't think there is a chance that Daniel Bryan doesn't leave with the Championship here, right? Even if the WWE don't believe in him as a World Champion, you have to give the people their moment and a 70,000 person strong “Yes” chant is the way to do that. And since there doesn't seem to be a favourite for the fans in the main event, it seems like this is the most likely course that the WWE will take.

Like the Randy Orton versus Seth Rollins match, this has the potential to be the sleeper match at the event this Sunday. A ladder match is always a spot-fest and this one promises to be nothing different. Stardust, Ziggler and R-Truth will do all of the big spots whilst people like Barrett, Daniel Bryan and Ambrose will do the smart wrestling. Luke Harper doesn't seem to be a threat but will be in the match to do all of the heavy lifting and setting up the spots; the same way that Kane has been employed over the last few years.

As for a result, I don't think there is any doubt that Daniel Bryan and Dean Ambrose are the favourites for this match. A lot of people have been hoping for Ambrose to begin his push and this could be the way to do it. But given that the WWE seem to hate their mid-card Champions recently, I don't think this is a smart move for Ambrose. Still, I wouldn't be sad to see him win the match. The same goes for Barrett, who I really started to enjoy over the last few weeks. I know the WWE have made a bit of a joke of him since this angle started but this is the way to go about fixing all of that mess. This is their opportunity to prove to everyone that Barrett can be a threat to anyone, and a great Intercontinental Champion.

I wouldn't mind seeing Sheamus in this match as long as he wins it. I think bringing Sheamus back into Mania with no pay off seems like a false economy. And as much as I would like to see him back in a WWE ring as soon as possible, I don't want it to be for nothing. If he does show up, he definitely looks like the favourite. Failing that, I have to give my support to Daniel Bryan at this point.

Dave's Prediction:
Daniel Bryan wins the Intercontinental Championship.
It&#8217;s kind of sad, when you look at the big picture, because this match had a more intriguing build than the WWE WHC match.

All the potential for a show-stealing match, and I&#8217;m going with Daniel Bryan for the win. Ambrose could use it more, but Bryan as champion will create some much needed buzz for the strap and the IC title picture.
I have a feeling Sheamus will show up and steal the belt. If this happens, I hope he's a heel. On the other hand, I want Barrett to win simply because he has been booked as a weakling since he returned.
Bryan got this. It should be a potential Match of the Night. I assume this match will open the show. I wish BNB would come out as the winner. After all these weeks with BNB looking weak, this would be huge for him.

I wouldn't mind seeing Ziggler or Ambrose win. For Ziggler this could be his WM moment, similar to Bryan how The Authority held him back from keeping the title, this could be the same for Ziggler, a whole different level than his win at TLC.

Ambrose would be nice too. He put over Bray, he's in limbo unless they turn him heel.
I REALLY want Ambrose to win, even as a DBry fan no interest in him getting the I.c belt just yet. I'd have D.bry and Ziggler fued over next few months, let Ambrose get some retentions and at summerslam D.Bry vs Ambrose one on one.

That said, as mentioned prior the notion of being able to run to video of 70,000+ doing "Yes" chants is probably giving WWE the "have their cake and eat it too" feeling of having D.bry around and cashing in on popularity without interfering in WHC scene.
This match was a war from start to finish but I do feel as though it was missing some spots that really puts up into the echelon with the ladder matches at WrestleMania X, or even some of the spotty ladder matches from the TLC era, so to speak. In terms of the match itself, it was solid. What's more, it seemed a lot different from what we have been getting from ladder matches in the past. Although it seems unlikely, it actually seemed as though it was more of a fast paved encounter with not too much pissing about with ladder placement and slow climbs. This was the pacy match that it need to be to get the fans invested in the card. The spots that did happen were pretty cool too; Dean Ambrose getting powerbombed through the ladder looked absolutely incredible and will likely be talked about as spot of the match.

In terms of a result, it's a good decision. Daniel Bryan needed to win to set up the rest of the card. Looking back on it now, this was not a card for the fan favourites. But we'll come back to that later. Daniel Bryan needed his WrestleMania moment and the fans needed it too. He got a fabulous reaction from the fans when he finally got rid of Dolph Ziggler with the headbutt and took the strap. I'm looking forward to seeing what they do with that Championship on Bryan. And what's more, where does everyone else go from here? Especially Barrett, who has been booked as one of the worst Intercontinental Champions in the history of the belt.

Rating: 6.5/10
Can we be done with these multi man ladder matches please? At this point, we simply aren't going to get anything we haven't scene. Rarely do we get any storytelling, and the psychology is just off. It's simply formulaic at this point, get your big spot in, bump, lay on the outside while another guy does this, repeat X amount of times until everyone gets their minute.

I like the idea of Bryan winning. That IC title is in serious need of a credibility lift. The match itself was nothing special. It served it's purpose to give the smarks the big Holy Shit spots, so I will give it that.

Disappointing match. It kind of reminded me of Edge vs Jericho WM match in terms of a lot of people thinking it would steal the show, but it ended up being very average.

I was rooting for Ambrose, but you can't go wrong with Bryan winning.

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