[DC/Marvel] TV Shows/Movies Discussion Thread

Are they shitting me with Jerome?!

My thoughts exacly
he was, like, perfect Joker and now it will turn out real Joker would probably be just Jerome wannabe. :(

On the side note, everyone check new "Flash", in new episode there is one very popular ex WWE superstar. :p
I found Arrow's season premiere better than the Flash's. They put up all the stops for Arrow this time. They probably put the A team back on Arrow this season after last season's disappointment. Though there were still leaps of faith for the sake of plot advancement. A truck was moving at the same speed alongside a highspeed train and an arrow blowing stuff up is lulz worthy.

I was really pissed off initially with how the thugs didn't just kill Lance at the beginning but the reveal at the end of the episode explained it.
I found Arrow's season premiere better than the Flash's. They put up all the stops for Arrow this time. They probably put the A team back on Arrow this season after last season's disappointment. Though there were still leaps of faith for the sake of plot advancement. A truck was moving at the same speed alongside a highspeed train and an arrow blowing stuff up is lulz worthy.

Dont know where you've been but he's had exploding arrows since season 1

As for the actual episode I thought it was stupid, fair bit of minor plot holes or points that just really irked me. Particularly Lance bitching at oliver about making the City a mess when the undertaking was a thing with or without oliver. Plus Thea sooking about getting a lecture when she and laurel asked for help. The only thing that made any sense was Diggle being pissed.
I liked the new Arrow, final scene
with Ollie and Barry standing at the grave of someone has almost promised some of the major cast will bite the dust till season end.
Dont know where you've been but he's had exploding arrows since season 1

As for the actual episode I thought it was stupid, fair bit of minor plot holes or points that just really irked me. Particularly Lance bitching at oliver about making the City a mess when the undertaking was a thing with or without oliver. Plus Thea sooking about getting a lecture when she and laurel asked for help. The only thing that made any sense was Diggle being pissed.

Yeah just because it happened before doesn't make it any less dumb.

Lance bitching about Oliver is probably due to Slade and Ras. And also the fact that Oliver cause him to lose Sara TWICE. Thea's sulking is probably to illustrate their brother/sister bond. In contrast, the only that that didn't make sense was Digs still being pissed when everyone else on the team including his wife have moved on.
Gotham is only good if you realize it's nothing more than glorified fan fiction.

I'm going to go ahead and quote this after each mind numbingly stupid episode of this show. I can't stop watching though, it's a beautiful, lure screwing, cluster fuck, and I can't wait to see how badly they screw the mythology up.
Wasnt he quoted as wanting to have his own unique character? I think thats either rather arrogant or shows that he doesnt know much about the marvel universe.

Either way would make DC look like fools for not getting him for Lex Luthor
Wasnt he quoted as wanting to have his own unique character? I think thats either rather arrogant or shows that he doesnt know much about the marvel universe.

Either way would make DC look like fools for not getting him for Lex Luthor

That was his original statement, yesterday he said Sinister when asked again.
That was his original statement, yesterday he said Sinister when asked again.

makes me think he had no idea of anyone and then everyone went "MR SINISTER WOULD BE AWESOME!" and he ran with it, its kind of the same thing with how his name got thrown in for lex luthor. An internet following swelled up and when asked he said he'd love to
Anybody seen the new Empire magazine cover?


Not digging the smile across his stomach, makes it look like his stomach is a cyclops with his belly button as an eye. Apart from that (and the damaged one) it looks pretty good, even the slacks
So what did people think of the new Batman vs Superman trailer??

Personally, I think it looks terrible and they've already spoiled the plot by showing them team up at the end. Even though we all knew they would, it just doesn't interest me to see them get together and fight a generic looking CGI enemy.

Eisenberg's Lex still looks pretty lame to me, but I think he's a good actor and it could have some potential depending on how they handle it.

Altogether I'm more excited for Civil War and X-Men: Apocalypse.
I think Jesse Eisenberg will probably be the best thing in the movie he seems gloriously over the top. Something a mad genius billionaire should be.

I was disappointed that they've spoiled the big bad reveal for the team up. Although I hear people are theorising it's actually Bizarro and not Doomsday (even though it looks more like Doomsday than Bizarro)
I'd hardly say Doomsday is generic looking.

I'm dreading when Darkseid comes in though.
The trailer showed way too much as we pretty much know what happens in the first act, second act, and third act. However, I will say that I'm still pretty stoked to see the movie as it's freaking Batman vs. Superman! Just the thought of these two iconic characters going at it is enough to keep me pumped.

There was a meme right after Doomsday was revealed where someone put a Ninja Turtles mask over Doomsday which made me laugh way more than it should. But anyway, while the trailer showed too much, I think there will be other surprises we haven't seen yet. At least, I hope so. To my knowledge, Jesse Eisenberg is Lex Luthor's son? I'm not too sure but I believe this is what they're going with. I didn't really mind but the comedic element that he brought to the trailer seemed really out of place. Favorite part of the trailer was Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne just going at it right before Eisenberg came into the picture. That one line about Bruce having trouble with men in clown masks was a great line.
Doesn't it have to do well enough to merit a sequel first? I love Deadpool, but a rated R Marvel movie isn't going to help ticket sales. I'm not complaining. In fact, I'd rather it be rated R for the character, but it will take out a huge section of their audience. Plus Ryan Reynolds, while probably the perfect actor for the part, doesn't have a great track record at comic book movies.
They've already predicted massive success for it. It's going to get at least one sequel plus one film featuring the guy mentioned in Norcal's spoiler.

Final Trailer.

The previous trailer was so very unnecessary. This one is dope as hell.

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