[DC/Marvel] TV Shows/Movies Discussion Thread

Yea I liked that one a lot....Obviously the last scene is fucking legit, as well as WW getting even more fleshed out than in previous.

6 weeks!!!
So it looks like Deadpool will become the number one R rated movie of all time

Wonder if execs will get a clue that the main paying audiences for comic movies are 80s and 90s kids...the last generation to actually read comic books. Or read anything for that matter
In that BvS trailer the last guy Batman punches has a knife in his leg.

This Batman does not fuck around.
So Spider-Man is in the new Civil War trailer.

It's amazing how different the marketing for the films are between DC and Marvel
Would be interesting to see how Batman and Superman will do this month. DC just started something that Marvel started years ago and would be interesting to see how much they can draw. And if they could top "Civil War" or even "X Men:Apocalypse". Though to me culmination of the battle would be in years ahead. We get Thanos vs Avengers and Guardians in "Infinity Wars" and the formation of Justice League and probably war with some really big bad guys like Darkseid. There we could see if DC can do what Marvel did and still does.

Though DC does great in sense of TV. All their shows including newcomers "Supergirl" and "Legends of Tommorow" are renewed with no problem at all.
Idk if there is any truth to it, however, apparently there was an advanced screening of Batman v Superman and people who have seen it are saying that its worlds better than Man of Steel and on par with the first Avengers film. They're also saying that it has a really dark tone and that Batman in this film is even darker than Frank Miller's version. That's hard to do.
Idk if there is any truth to it, however, apparently there was an advanced screening of Batman v Superman and people who have seen it are saying that its worlds better than Man of Steel and on par with the first Avengers film. They're also saying that it has a really dark tone and that Batman in this film is even darker than Frank Miller's version. That's hard to do.

I'm getting the impression that they're trying to make Batman into Rorschach from Watchmen. Except Batman's moral compass is what makes him interesting. Sure he can beat someone senseless (as is implied by Joker's face/teeth) but straight up killing people isn't Batman's thing. I mean he's holding a gun in the trailers. Whether that's some gadget gun I don't know but still.
Batman still has the moral compass, its just become skewed because he believes he hasn't accomplished anything meaningful and that he's caused more death and suffering than help. It's why he wants to beat Superman - in his mind it validates his being the Batman.

Also the movie is out in a fucking week and I cannot wait.
Daredevil 2 continues the trend of "I know this guy doesn't kill but that would have killed someone." Great stuff.

If they want to make a recurring theme of having an insane corridor/stairwell fight each season then I have no complaints. Gun-punching and chain-whipping biker boys has never looked so much fun!

Elektra's a bit of a bitch but I don't know if that's intentional. Purdy though.
Late to the party but binge watched Jessica Jones last week as I wanted to watch that series before Daredevil season 2 (I know they aren't technically connected, I'm just a bit anal for chronology) - very much enjoyed it, though preferred the grittier style of Daredevil. Shame that David Tennant won't be able to appear in any Marvel movies as Kilgrave, he'd make an awesome villain for a feature film, imagine him sharing screen time with Loki.

Looking forward to Daredevil season 2, got some annual leave coming next week so reckon I'll get through a fair bit of it then.

Nothing this year is getting me more excited than Civil War though, it's one of the few films I'll try and watch on opening night
Late to the party but binge watched Jessica Jones last week as I wanted to watch that series before Daredevil season 2 (I know they aren't technically connected, I'm just a bit anal for chronology) - very much enjoyed it, though preferred the grittier style of Daredevil. Shame that David Tennant won't be able to appear in any Marvel movies as Kilgrave, he'd make an awesome villain for a feature film, imagine him sharing screen time with Loki.

Looking forward to Daredevil season 2, got some annual leave coming next week so reckon I'll get through a fair bit of it then.

Nothing this year is getting me more excited than Civil War though, it's one of the few films I'll try and watch on opening night

Jessica Jones is very much connected to Daredevil
Anybody seen the new Suicide Squad trailer?

Looks awesome and I'm very much looking forward to watching it
Anybody seen the new Suicide Squad trailer?

Looks awesome and I'm very much looking forward to watching it
Looks like the re-shoots did them a world of good. But who knows, I liked their first trailer as well. The shots we got of Joker and Batman were great. I still don't know what story they're gonna go with here but I'm super excited for this movie. Margot Robbie though, my goodness.
At least they seem to have learned from Batman vs Superman and not given away the entire movie in the trailer.

I'm hoping we get some Batman backstory. Ben Affleck was definitely one of the highlights from Batman vs Superman

What's funny is I still have a peeve with the fact they didn't go with the black and red colour scheme that Harley Quinn is known for. Although that's minor and Margot Robbie is stunning
Anyone who thinks Warner Brothers managed to reshoot that many scenes in two weeks since bad reactions to B v S came out is barking up the wrong tree. Ayer's been saying since the first trailer that the movie's gonna be funnier than expected.
Just saw Batman v Superman

*shakes head*

Starting to think that Hollywood should never make another Superman movie, the end result is never good

Wonder Woman was alright though

******** was awful (name protected in case anyone hasn't seen it yet), started off as an Uruk-hai then became Marvel's Abomination from the Incredible Hulk movie

And the way and reason that Batman turned face on Superman was AWFUL

On the plus side, the blitz trailer for Suicide Squad looks AMAZING
So stoked for Suicide Squad




Well, looks like Rottentomatoes did it again, 33% for Suicide Squad until now. Still plan on watching it but with good dose of scepticism.
Just watched the Flash episode with Mark Hamill as the original Trickster.

A real pity that they could not find a way to make Hamill a live action Joker. He has everything apart from the look...
Just watched the first episode of Luke Cage. Wow. Just the opening credits got me invested. Please tell me I'm not the only one enjoying this show.
I saw this on twitter.


I'll give them Superman to be fair. Man Of Steel sucks as a Superman movie. There hasn't been enough Wonder Woman to compare and Batman is the same as he's always been (dead parents, thinking about it and beating people up)

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