DC Champion, Superman vs. Marvel Champion, …

King Patrick Star

K. O. T. R. 2007 -€“ Team Undisputed
DC Champion, Superman vs. Marvel Champion, …



I think, hands down, Superman is the Champion and Face of the DC Universe. Who in the Marvel Universe would you consider to be his “equal” and why?? Any reason, from popularity to Super Powers and everything in between, is welcome.

I would say Spider – Man for popularity and the Hulk or maybe Iron Man for the actual fight. Then again, Superman COULD probably take all three of them on a nice SUNNY Kryptonite – free day.

Who do you think could step up to the "S" and why??


That works!!
The problem is that the best fighter in Marvel would be the whole X-Men. Wolverine and Superman would just pound on each other forever, Cyclops would continue to be the most worthless thing of all time, Professor X is a pacifist, and Storm is off being a queen, so I'd take a lesser known person and go with Cable. He's both smart and powerful. If nothing else he'd be smart enough to have kryptonite or take Supes to a place with no yellow sun.




The problem is that the best fighter in Marvel would be the whole X-Men. Wolverine and Superman would just pound on each other forever, Cyclops would continue to be the most worthless thing of all time, Professor X is a pacifist, and Storm is off being a queen, so I'd take a lesser known person and go with Cable. He's both smart and powerful. If nothing else he'd be smart enough to have kryptonite or take Supes to a place with no yellow sun.

Great answers, you two!! Yes, teams are allowed in this case as Superman is…well…Super, Man (in my best Chris Tucker impression). #@#@!!

As far as recognition, no one in Marvel comes close to popularity as Spider-Man. Just add Cosmic Powers and we have ourselves Hogan vs. Flair of the CBW, Comic Book Wrestling.

As far as powers, I wouldn’t be opposed to Teams or even Villains, in this match.
You're right, Superman is the best super hero, but other than that in my opinion the rest of the DC universe fall well short of Marvel. In a survivor series style match, four of DC's best, say; Batman, Superman, Wonderwoman, Joker and The Green Lantern would loose to Spidey, Wolverine, Iron man, Hulk and Captain America. If the Watchmen were part of our superhero roster they would be the equivelent of the job squad.
You're right, Superman is the best super hero, but other than that in my opinion the rest of the DC universe fall well short of Marvel. In a survivor series style match, four of DC's best, say; Batman, Superman, Wonderwoman, Joker and The Green Lantern would loose to Spidey, Wolverine, Iron man, Hulk and Captain America. If the Watchmen were part of our superhero roster they would be the equivelent of the job squad.

Wait a second. Green Lantern, in my opinion, can kick Superman’s Kryptonian @$$, I think, right?? We’re talking about a guy with a ring that basically does what you want it to do.

You have a great idea though about the Survivor Series style match between 5 of DC’s best vs. 5 of Marvel’s best...but their very best isn’t at his best anymore. #@#@!! (That’s one of the memorable quotes from the Invasion Angle.)

Anyway, great idea, but I can't think of who I would want to see in a 5 Man team for either company.
I was just thinking... wouldn't Rogue be able to absorb his power to the point he is nothing? If I can remember correctly, she absorbed Miss Marvel's power, gaining the ability to fly. As long as she can get close enough totouch him anyway she would be the only SINGLE person that may be able to take him down.

Still Superman > all

Hands down!!!

The biggest disadvantage Superman has is when Galactus finds krytonite Superman has no fucking chance to beat him and don't forget he can eat planets so he may even eat the sun that Superman gets his powers from.

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