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David Otunga - Worst/Weakest finisher ever???

Spawn of Kane

Dark Match Winner
I'm pretty sure...and kinda hoping...that i'm not the only one who has noticed this..but To me his finishing move has to be the weakest looking finishing move i may possibly have ever seen(up there with the Zig-Zag)...he pulls it of with no conviction whatsoever!!!
So my questions are simple....Is it the worst finisher ever ( not as in move per se, but in terms of conviction and look)????

If Not....What is???
I'm not really understanding this question. How can you judge a finisher by "conviction and look?" Do you mean the look on the executor's face? Or the look on the victim's face? Maybe the velocity or impact of the move itself? I don't get it...

Otunga's finisher is exactly like Ron Simmons's old finisher. The only problem is that Otunga doesn't seem to have the technique down in the way that Simmons had. Ron used to slam his opponent down so hard that you used to feel it through the television set. Now, while Otunga seems to have the power to do this as well, he doesn't seem to pull off the move as well on larger opponents than he does on smaller ones. And because he's a little bit short for your average pro-wrestler, his center of gravity doesn't necessarily support the move.

Therefore, I somewhat agree that a change in finisher is in order for Mr. Otunga.
While I agree the execution of the move is not impacting on the viewer, but the move is solid. I don't think that someones finishing move has to be flashy at all, especially not with the body shape Otunga has. A powerslam is fine, and worked well for a guy like Davey Boy Smith. We should remember that Otunga is not only a rookie working at perfecting his moveset, but also in a stable. It seems that his move is simply one is a sequence, that his move is only a set up to the 450 splash, much like Barrett's similarly shoddy fireman's forward throw. When put into the context of a match with different camera angles, I feel the moves will look better. People said the FU looked weak when Cena was first using it as champion. Perhaps this will be similar.
Otunga's spinebuster is far from great but it is also far from the worst finisher ever.

MVP's original Play of the Day was truely awful. R-Truth's Lie Detector is weak looking, as it JoMo's Starship Pain. Pretty to look at, sure but rarely hit properly and do not seem like they could be any more painful than a normal body slam.

Outside of WWE (and perhaps outside the brief of this thread) Shane Douglas' Belly-to-Belly Suplex was rubbish as a finisher as was Sandman's White Russian Legsweep, mainly because both moves are normal moves with nothing different added to them. And before you say it, what difference was Sandman holding a kendo stick really supposed to accomplish? I was never sure how Luger's Torture Rack was meant to be in anyway painful aside from the uncomfortableness of being rested on someone's shoulders. Jarrett's Stroke was also extremely weak for me and I am not sure why the Miz is using a glorified version of it. Sure, it looks good when someone like Sheamus dives head first into the briefcase but in a normal match, I find it the epitome of unimpressive.

Otunga has become a lot better at delivering it recently and does get a decent crash from the mat, similar to Barrett's overhead slam. To make it a bit different and perhaps more impressive looking and sounding, when he elevates his victim, Otunga could add in a sitdown element similar to the Batista Bomb.
Well, it CAN'T be any weaker than Monty Brown's "pounce":lol:. Geez....I've had people run into me at work with more force....and the fact that you're hitting someone from the side has no ill effect on it whatsoever:shrug:. I'm SO glad he is gone from the business (not to be mean, but he contributed absolutely nothing to the wrestling world, and I doubt anything to Patriots football). The Stroke is weak, ---as well as the guitar shot, whom I'm assuming he probably stole from the HTM at some point in their careers, before he started doing the shake rattle and roll..and what's even worse, is that people are buying into it. Just because you NAME a finishing move, execute it.....doesn't mean it's supposed to totally annihilate the opponent.....and if wrestlers actually no sold it, (like they really should have), then it would force more creativity and credibility from the wrestlers. :worship:
This is not the worst finisher, but it looks weak.He just drops them and treis to look like he is throwing them.Maybe if he used two hands and fell with it and drover his shoulder into the gut of whoever he is hitting with the move it would look better.I'm finding this hard to answer as I don't really understand the question?Maybe a change to a finisher that has him lift whoever onto his shoulder to take advantage of him his power.
People are totally missing the point here. It doesn't really matter if his finisher is literally the worst ever, because it is bad enough that he shouldn't be using it. Week in and week out, his execution of the move does not looking convincing. House show reports have noted several times how poor the move looks to a live audience as well as a television audience.

He'll probably keep it since he's part of a stable, as someone already noted, but I can't see this guy going anywhere as an individual wrestler anyway. He's too much of a pretty boy to come off as a vicious heel, and his basic wrestling skills are terrible at least what we have seen and continue to see of him. The guy got the WWE some mainstream ink, but that story has pretty much been done to death, and the chances of him becoming the next Miz are pretty slim to me.
I disagree. I think that David Otunga’s finisher is actually one of the most intriguing finishers that the WWE are utilizing right now.

However, I do see what you are saying. When I saw him perform his finisher on Raw, this past Monday, I couldn’t help but think that he ought to try and put a little more impact into the finish. I know that it is very hard to do but I think that there is definitely room for improvement when it comes to this move. It is basically a spinebuster but I think that by perhaps following through with the move and falling along with the recipient could sell the move a little better.

However, I think that it is a good move nonetheless. The fact of the matter is that it is very easy to do correctly and no one is going to say that Otunga is doing the move wrong. There is little chance that he is going to injure someone doing this move and although it could have a bit more impact, I don’t think it is even close to being the worst finishing move ever. I just think it needs a bit of work and before you know it, it will be legitimate. Plus, he has been hitting it on a lot of big guys recently and that is probably making it look a little less legitimate.
He does the same spine buster that Ron Simmons aka Farqoo did when he gave up the Dominiator. I see nothing wrong with it. I just think some of you guys are just spoiled by the 450 splash that have finally been lifted from being banned since 2005.
What's wrong with it? If anything Kozlav's whatever the hell he does is 10 times worse than this. Otunga is green as all hell n Im sure the impact problem has been brought up in the locker room somewhere. Give the man some time to perfect his craft or at least improve it.

WWE is going more for reality than eye-popping, so having a guy with that body size slam u down seems, in the eyes of the Universe, real in its effectiveness. Same goes with the Big Show. If he hits u in the face, Im pretty damn sure ur gonna be knocked out n people believe it.

As far as the Zig-Zag goes, I like it as set up to the sleeper, to soften em up. In no wat shape or form should this be a finisher, but a lot of finishers shouldnt really be finishers.
It's really no different than a chokeslam. And the spinebuster has always been considered a finisher, or at least a trademark move. I'm fine with it as his finisher and he executes it well.
I wouldn't go so far as to say that Otunga's finisher is weak. Rather I'd say that it's overdone. Kozlov does it, Jackson does it, Lance Cade did something like it. More or less it's a spinebuster without the opponent running at you. Despite this, I think Otunga puts a decent amount of impact into the move, but I definitely think that if Otunga is going to be a long term investment for the WWE, a change of finisher must happen.
I wouldn't say that Otunga's finisher is weak because when your getting hit with that move from a guy with that physique i believe it looks impactful. It is pretty much a spinebuster without an opponent running at you but i think it works for Otunga. If WWE plans to keep Otunga long term they are going to change this finisher in the future but for now as long as he is with Nexus it dosent matter. Otunga executes the move well and makes it look good and thats all that matters.

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