Worst Double Team Finisher

Diesel and Shawn Michaels had a pretty weak finisher with shawn doing a splash off diesels shoulders (which in actuallity was about 3 inches taller than the top turnbuckle). How can this put someone away (considering it never put anyone away whenever Michaels did the move off a ladder. OVER 3 FEET HIGHER!!!).It had very little extra impact than a regular top rope splash and almost took twice as long to do. Also there was little to no reaction when it was done. Just all around weak.
Poetry in motion was not a finisher. And two people hitting THEIR OWN finishers is NOT a "tag team" finisher.

poetry in motion is actually a finisher,there is not actuall definiton of a tag team finisher. and for the tof/swanton combo if its not a tag team finisher then why did the put it in svr09 as the only tag team finisher in the game?
I think that many of you miss the true extent to which this concept can be discussed. So let me point out what had to be the very worst finisher of all time that was used by a tag team that NEVER held tag team gold in the WWE but could have. And that finisher came from the team of Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson, collectively known as The Brain Busters.

Let's look back at how the massively putrid finisher was delivered, shall we? Arn Anderson would come into ring and run across hitting the tag team partner of the opponent that they would have in their corner. then Tully would rush into the ring and deliver...... the UGLIEST SLINGSHOT SUPLEX EVER IMAGINED! And it wasn't just one match either. They did this for ever match and it never got any better looking. I mean why in the HELL would you need to distract the ref to pull off a fucking suplex? Hell, I could understand the brief couple of times that they utilized the even more pathetic looking spiked piledriver that they would do, as the spiked piledriver was supposedly a banned move, even though Bret Hart and Jerry Lawler used it all the time. But for a fucking suplex? All I can say is, WTF man. WTF!?


Could this be the worst wrestling-related post ever made?

What about the spiked piledriver looked pathetic to you? That was an AWESOME finisher. And Arn and Tully executed every damn move perfectly. What about that slingshot suplex was ugly? You don't have a clue what you're talking about.

As for why they distracted the ref, I *think* it's because if the ref saw it, it would be a "rope break" -- therefore it's technically an illegal maneuver.

I still love watching old 80s stuff where the color commentator (Ventura or Heenan) says stuff like "those are CLOSED fists, he should be disqualified". I guess that's why I'm working through all the old SNMEs (on number 4) rather than watching the current garbage they have on now.
DEMOLITION!!!!! I love these guys and still say they were one of the best tag teams in the wwf during their time. They might even get a few votes for the greatest tag team of all time. Year + long title reign followed by 2 more in a period of great tag teams. However that finisher SUCKED! One guy holds you on his knee in a backbreaker postition & the other guy leaps from the SECOND turnbuckle with an elbow. Terrible!
I don't think I saw anyone mention Deuce N' Domino's finisher, the "Crack 'em in da mouth." First off, that has to be one of the worst names for a finisher EVER! The move consisted of Domino holding a fallen opponent's head as Deuce ran off the ropes and simply hit the opponent with a kick. I mean, it fit their gimmick and all, but the move was just pure shit.
DAMN I love this, I have to agree with damn near everyone when I say that You have to smoking crack if you think that Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchards finisher was ugly.
The reason the had the ref distracted was because it was a banned move in most federations at the time, wwe hadnt officially banned it but they played the part as if it was.
When they were a team, they were the smoothest performers of their time.
They hardly ever botched a move, and Tully was not the one that invented the slingshot suplex, that honor belongs to the late Eddie Gilbert.
There were a lot people talking about the hardys, yes they had a finsher, but it was an individual finisher, matt hits twist of fate then jeff hits swanton.
That isnt a real tag team finisher like the hart foundations, or L.O.D's but yes it is a finisher.

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