Dave tells what he thinks of RPers...

I'm so out of the loop though. They might be wrong...

I'm scared!

If you want me to rate you and give you my honest thoughts, then post here. Hell, it will give me something to do whilst I wait for the Lottery.
Hunter Kravinoff (Coco)

My favourite RP writer right now. There is a reason that I was so keen for you tom come back to the Fed and you have proved to everyone that you have the reliability that you lacked before you left the last time. You have also showed people that you have a tremendous talent for creative writing and your RP's can be utterly outstanding at times. Your last RP was set in an airport, for Jesus' sake, and I still loved it! You know why? Because you can make anything you write interesting. You have natural wit that comes across in your RP's. That is possibly why you and GD make an incredible team, you guys are entertaining and that shred of your forum personality always shines through in your writing. If you stick around for long enough, you will be a World Champion... Lethal Lottery winner or not.

***** RP Writer.

Chris Beckford (Leeds Guy)

I decided just to add you in even although you hadn't asked for it because you asked for it twice when I was actually doing these the first time and I never got around to you.

Do you remember the matches we had when I was role-playing for Karnage and we were in the Elite X tournament together? I certainly do and I knew from right then that you had a lot of talent and more importantly than that, you were committed to the job. You have shown nothing but commitment to the cause since then and my matches with you have been some of the best of my RP writing career. I was always afraid that you would beat me and you likely should have done more times than you have. You're a good talent and your recent title run is thoroughly deserved. Stay at it, mate. I enjoy reading your RP's and that, in itself, is actually something to be proud of.

**** ¼ RP Writer

DK Winton (The Encore)

Here is an honest thought and I want you to really think about it. You would be so much better at this whole thing, if you stopped caring so much about what other think of you and your performance. Take it from me, going down that road will only hamper you even more. What you need to do is take the time to write for yourself. You will find that the people who do best around these parts are the people who enjoy writing for themselves and for their characters. Look at people like Ty and Phoenix. They love writing their characters and it is because they are writing it for themselves. If they win, then great. If not, then they can live with it. Start thinking about what you want to achieve when you write and work towards getting there.

Also, take some time to write an RP. You have continually been one of the first guys to put up their RP and that is bad for a lot of people. Mainly because it shows people what they have to beat. It's like playing poker and showing everyone what your hand is. You have basically set the bar for them to beat. Take some more time and write out every detail of your RP, including detailed description and thought analysis. You have two weeks to write an RP, make the most of it.

** ¼ RP Writer

Steven Holmes (FunKay)

I reckon the Crashin Movement has been great for you. You have learned form someone who has been in the eFed for a long time and that cannot be underestimated. As a Tag Team Champion, you have to know that you are doing something right. I honestly thank you for staying with the Tag Team Division for this long. It can be a little thankless but you have brought back some prestige to that division along with GD, FalKon and Low-Ki. Your RP's have been good lately and I think that the Crashin Movement will be remembered for being three guys who did the impossible – made us care about a faction that many would have written off otherwise. Good job!

*** 2/3 RP Writer

EDIT: I'll put some more in shortly. I am going to make a signature right now... Keep posting if you want me to rate you though.
Right, back to this since I just stole a signature instead of making one... Genius!

Sam Smith (The Crock)

My protégée! You have a lot of potential and you have certainly come on a lot since you made your début. Not to blow my own horn but I am glad that you have reached out to people like myself and ensured that someone is reading your RP and adding some things to it that you might not have thought of. I only just started doing that every round and it is helping me a shit tonne. You heard it from people like Phoenix, you have all the tools to get yourself up the ladder but you need to stick to it and realise that this is all a learning process. Hell, I act as though I am the guru of knowledge for RP writing and I am not, I'm still learning every week. You're goob but you can only stand to get better. You're doing things the correct way.

*** 1/3 RP Writer

Ferbian (Ferbian... Obviously)

You really took off, huh? I remember when you were Private Messaging me telling me that you were upset that you hadn't managed to win anything and now you are the Mayhem Champion and a pretty good one. I think you are a good example of how well the system can work for people that want it to. You took your lumps from a couple of defeats and now you are getting into the swing of what it is like to write a good RP. I would suggest that you should take more time on your RP's and that trying to be a little more adventurous therein would be beneficial for you. Try writing an RP that really pushes your character to the limit and get to know him from there. How would he react to that situation? What would he do? That way, you can learn a bit more about your character and use that to your advantage in future RP's.

Like I was saying to Encore, the best guys around here are the guys who know what their characters would do in every situation. When you know that, you can make anything feel natural and organic to the situation without having to try very hard to think of what that person would do... You just know. You're doing fine though. Just keep plugging away, Champ!

¾ RP Writer

Mr. Baller (Mizter Baller)

From comedic jobber to Phoenix saying that you should be in contention for a mid-card Championship during the coming year, you certainly have come a long way, haven't you? But you don't need me to tell you that, do you? I guess I should say that a lot of people would have left the fed and never have come back if they had to put up with the shit that you had to. It says a lot about your character.

That being said, you RP's have been improving all the time too. Your first RP's were terrible when you started. Now, you seem to be moving up the ranks and are not making half of the ridiculous noise you were making when you started. The Encore reminds me a lot of you. Perhaps you should take him under your wing and show him that if he just begins to write for pleasure and takes less notice of what people think, then he can be successful too.

*** 1/2 RP Writer

Brad Bomb (newc)

Honestly, the first time I had heard of you outside of the match we had, was the match against Beckford. That's not bad going, is it?

I think you are a good talent and I reckon that if you keep doing your thing, then people will start to take notice of your work. Don't be afraid to send your RP's to toher people in the fed to have a read over the,. The good thing about it is that people will definitely read your RP's and might start to make some noise over your future. That and they can point out some of the mistakes you make and give you some advice on how to work on your game.

You're doing fine right now. So keep it up!

** 2/3 RP Writer

Barbosa (Барбоса)

There is no doubting the fact that you have the most unique character in the fed. It has been daring from the very beginning and I simply have to give you credit for managing to embrace that side of a character that has lit up the fed. Your place in the main event, although very premature, is extremely warranted. However, I am not going to pepper you with praise here. Your character is the only character RP that I have to read more than once because sometimes it can be pretty hectic and I sometimes have trouble keeping up with everything that is going on. Then again, that might just be my problem.

You've got skill and along with DirtyJose, you are making a lot of noise in the main event. It's unfortunate that you have not been able to win the World Championship but I fully expect to see it happen in the future. My only gripe is that sometimes your RP's can be a little confusing but I suppose that is what you get when you are writing for 3 or 4 people all at once. Nice work!

**** ½ RP Writer
Gordito (Jose)

Your position, much like Barbosa's, came very quickly and whilst it was completely warranted, I feel bad for you guys. It is funny you say that you are at a creativity cross-roads because I had a feeling that this might happen to some of the guys who have been fired up the roster that quickly. Sometimes, I think that it is better for some of the newer talent to work their way up from the bottom. That way, they have time to get to know their characters and gain some experience and experiences, for that matter.

People like Ty can talk about their Mayhem Championship win. Big Dave can talk about his ladder match with Second Coming. Constantine can talk about the EurAsian 5 and there is more ammo for the character. In some ways, I don't envy the way you have been elevated so quickly but you have taken to it like a duck to water. You earned your position and you deserve to be where you are. However, as I said, sometimes it helps to have some material to go on,. Since day one, you have been groomed for glory and that might be taking it's toll now.

That being said, you are still one of the best RP writers around right now. I thank my deity for the day that you signed up to WZCW and hope that you can make it work. Don't forget that you can change anything about your character at any time to suit what you need to write. You have enough talent to continue on from here, with or without the title after the Lottery. Keep at it, slugger!

**** ¼ RP Writer

Wasabi Toyota (GD)

The most under-rated talent in WZCW, in my opinion.

I was talking to Coco about things earlier and we both agreed that you are bigger than the Tag Team Division. Not to say that the Tag Division is not a good division because it is but you were right, you have yet to achieve a singles win that would take you out of the Tag Division and you are very capable of accomplishing that. You look as though you are about to re-capture the Tag Team Championships again and that might be a mixed fortune for you. In one respect, you have won gold again. In the other, you are now stuck there when you could be a mid-card Champion.

Your most recent RP was excellent, quite frankly. Your forum personality really shines through in your RP's and that is what makes them thoroughly entertaining. It was inspiring, to say the least. It showed me that you are ready to move on to challenge some of the mid-card gate-keepers.

**** RP Writer

Michael Winters (Thesaurus)

Apparently, we have a very similar gimmick, good choice!

Anyway, you have talent and Phoenix has ear-marked you for success in this calendar year. You are making waves in the division and already seem to be picking up the way things are done with relative ease. Your RP writing tenure has been short thus far but you seem to be enjoying it. Winters is a good character and, like me, you have chosen a gimmick that can have a lot of legs in it.

I reckon you will be having a good year coming. Perhaps a mid-card Championship reign is on the cards for you. If you keep plugging away, then I don't see why you can't continue to grow into your character.

*** ½ RP Writer

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