Dave tells what he thinks of RPers...


Staff member
If you want me to tell you what I think of you in complete honesty, post in here and once I have enough people, I will tell you as a group.
I am not going to lie to some of you. Some of you have barely scratched my surface and there is some people who I just don’t bother reading through. I have seen enough RP’s to make my eyeball fucking bleed and there is only so many recycled RP’s you can view before you have seen them all. However, I am glad of the first 4 people to sign up. I don’t have much to say about some of you but I will try my best to give you an honest critique. Bullshitting is not how I got brought to the dance so here goes…

Please remember that these are just my thoughts. You have every right to be pissed off with my views but at the end of the day, they are just what I think.


Critique is important to learn what you wrong.

Killjoy – I am not too sure about the direction of your character but I like him. I am not going to lie and say that I have read every one of your RP’s but from what I have seen, you are a very good up-and-comer. Was it you who won the Mayhem Championship in you second match or something? I remember reading that RP and thinking that you could go a long way. You seem to have skill and every RP I have read from you has been mildly entertaining. I like you, more so than that and feel that you have all the necessary attributes to take you all the way to the top. I think you just need to settle a bit more and enjoy your writing. Apart from that, I think you are doing a great job and I would be excited to have you in my division.

*** RPer

Go ahead Dave. Give me your honest opinion. I dare you.

Showtime – I honestly think that you are one of our best RPers. There is numerous reasons why you have floated around the upper-midcard over the last few months and the main reason is that you have the attributes to be the World Champion. The only problem is that the people who currently occupy the main even scene have been there for a long time. They are unwilling to give up the ghost even though some of them are not as good as you. Personally, I think that you are one of the best RPers out there. You give a lot of thought to the RP and your opponent. Everything seems to flow well and I have never read an RP from you that I thought was bad. You use the same ideas from time to time but The Show is a brilliant idea. I even tried to do it myself for a short time when I was just new. You are a paradigm of how an RP should be done. My only worry is that your RP’s are very wordy from time to time. It has always been that way though and you have crafted your RP’s to be that way. You have brilliant talent and will be a World Champion, I feel.

***** RPer

Give me an “O”
Give me an “V”
Give me an “E”
Give me an “R”
Give me an “R”
Give me an “A”
Give me an “T”
Give me an “E”
Give me an “D”


In all honesty, I think that you have been a breath of fresh air since joining WZCW. I think that you functioned better a face and I think that the Heel RP’s are generic sometimes. However, that is not to say that they are bad. I have always enjoyed reading your RP’s but I felt that you had a better flow to them when you were face. Of course, it is your choice as to whether you would go back to that. You have great comedic talent and it is one of the reasons that I was drawn towards you. However, I feel that that is better showcased as a face. As a heel, I think you have found a bit more success and it would be hard to transition back to being a face. Your RP skill is quite good and is on a par with members of the mid-card. Probably exactly the reason that you are there. However, I feel that as a face, you would be better served. I often wonder if you enjoyed writing a face character as much, if not more than you do writing a heel.

***3/4 RPer

This should be good.

Ty&#8230; <3

I think it is great to see how well you have stuck to your gimmick over the time that you have been in WZCW. Of course, you were around the E-Fed before I was so I can&#8217;t really comment. However, I have always thought that your gimmick is one of your strongest points and will always give you a lot of help if you are ever stuck for an RP. I am the exact same and I know that if I am struggling to come up with an idea for an RP, I can always rely on my gimmick. It is what I have always told new people to consider and I feel that I have you to thank for that. Your RP&#8217;s are wonderfully detailed and beautifully complex. I always enjoy reading your RP&#8217;s and there is a reason that you are in the same boat as Showtime. You have the quality about your work and as long as that continues, I can see you and Show feuding over the World Championship in a while. Your feuds over the midcard belts were fantastic and I think that you know you have exceptional talent. One of my favourites.


Any more?

Doc - Oh dear, indeed.

I want to be very honest with everyone here and that includes the people I am friendly with. Since joining WZCW, I feel that you have become a mainstay and have really immersed yourself in the spirit of it all. I need to be honest and say that your tagging with SuperCrazy took me by surprise a little bit and I didn&#8217;t really think it would work, being that you are quite different in characters. That being said, you guys have pulled it off and have really brought some life to a dying tag team division. Individually, I haven&#8217;t seen a lot from you but together, you guys can pull off some wonderful RP&#8217;s, that really leave me in awe. That being said, you really need to forget about what people say about your RP&#8217;s and just have fun. Don&#8217;t get so wrapped up in what everyone says in feedback and just be confident that what you are putting on the page is what you want. As long as you continue to have fun with what you are doing, fuck everyone else.

*** 2/3 RPer

Please Dave.

Numbers &#8211; Again, I want to be honest with you. The people on Creative were going crazy about your earlier RP&#8217;s and for good reason. You have a very good style and it is really effective. I think that you are probably one of the biggest threats to the Elite X Championship and I am very much looking forward to facing you. I don&#8217;t think we have ever had a match and thus, I don&#8217;t really know a fabulous amount about your character but what I have read has been quite impressive. Austin seems like a good character and you seem to have all the skills to take away my Championship. That being said, that wont happen&#8230; Your drive and motivation to constantly better your character really impresses me and I wish I was that committed to my character. Still, you are a good RPer.

***3/4 RPer

Go on Dave, I just have the infraction button at a click away...:p

Phoenix &#8211; You suck!

Yeah, I said it. Of course, I am kidding completely and all of that should be disregarded but I still said it. When you were part of the FHD&#8217;s, it was always my goal to be a part of that. You develop some of the better RP&#8217;s I have ever seen from a tag team and it is an honour and a privilege working with you every opportunity I get. I think that as a tag team competitor, you had all the potential in the world and I think it was very bold of you to get out of tag team competition and into singles. You have excelled and are on of the people who I could see being around the top of the fed in a while. Some of your RP&#8217;s seem a little basic but they always get the job done. You are a fountain of ideas and are a great member of Creative.


****1/2 RPer

I wonder....

Hippo &#8211; You have been a great guy to feud with. You have really upped your game over the last couple of months and the hardest thing I have ever had to do in this fed, is take away the Elite X Championship from you. I await our rubber match in the near future and I know that you always bring it to the big matches. My only reservation about Frankie, is that he is quite inconsistent. Sometimes, we are in awe of your talents and other times, it feels a little forced and generic. That being said, I have always like your RP style and whilst you may not be one of the people that I automatically dive in to read, I have always enjoyed reading them.

***5/6 RPer

The heavyweight champion ooooooooooooof the world!

Lee &#8211; You have always been a mentor and a friend to me. You gave me a shot at this when nobody else would have and I will always be eternally grateful for that. You were a fantastic Head Of Creative and I honestly hope that you come back to Creative at some point. That being said, your RPing skill has always been something that has me on tender-hooks. I think your LL RP and KC RP&#8217;s were some of the finest works I have ever seen in a fed and I have loved reading your stuff. I know you were torn about having the HoC being the World Heavyweight Champion but I would argue that it is completely warranted. You are one of the best RPers around and deserve t be the Champ.


***** RPer

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