Dave "Batista" Leaves WWE??


TNA knockout champion
Now i want to state this beforehand: I am not a huge fan of internet wrestling or anything about wrestling when it comes to internet. However, if you look in the Monday Night raw section of the WWE forum, you will see Batista's new submission move thread, and there has been many posts on Batista leaving WWE soon. they said he is quitting and that he will leave at over the Limit. If these rumors are true.... where should Batista go? Leave pro wrestling or jump to TNA?? I think that he should go to TNA.. HOWEVER: THIS IS ONLY IF THE INTERNET RUMORS ARE TRUE!
it is simple, if he does not stay in wwe, he might as well retire, if goes to tna and ring of honor, they will see through his obvious limited ability, and boo the hell out of him, cause unlike the wwe, a ''look'' won't get you by in tna or roh.
Well, there have been lots of rumours of him retiring from WWE thats for sure, it'll be a shame if he does go as I'd call myself a fan of Batista's, even from the days when he was a face :icon_eek:

If he does leave, he'll leave pro-wrestling, as he should, he's in his 40's now, which while that makes him a prime target for TNA, I reckon Batista's got enough put by not to have to bother with TNA, especially as WWE would probably have him back at anytime and probably dont want to lose him anyway.
I think TNA can use a bigger dude like him. I think that he can DEFINITELY get a push or even some cold hard cash for him assiestence. He can do many things, including the following:

1. be a Virgil and get payed to drop the title
2. Take out others
3. Punishment for complainers
4. Fight hogan because of his rules
5. Batista Vs. Abyss
If (because it is still a rumour) Batista leaves he will go in to acting, well that's the rumour anyway. He was in 'Wrong Side of Town' with RVD not long ago and was supposed to be in the film Triple H is doing now. If he does go, he won't go to TNA. Could you see someone who is a constant main eventer for most of his WWE career in the Impact Zone?
If Batista leaves the WWE, I very much doubt that he'll go to TNA because I'm not sure that TNA can afford him. I don't know if this is true or not, but it's said that Batista lives like a rock star and spends money as if it's going out of style. Supposedly, he earns several million dollars a year in the WWE and I don't believe that TNA can come close to giving him what he'd probably ask for.

If Batista showed up in TNA, I wouldn't be surprised if TNA lost viewers. A large portion of TNA's audience is made up of internet smarks and it's no secret that Dave Batista is among the big named pro wrestlers that the IWC hates the most. I can't count the number of Batista hate threads I've seen pop on and off of WrestleZone for the past 14 months I've been posting on the forum.
TNA isn't big enough for Batista's MASSIVE ego. And by massive, I mean bigger than Rob Terry's obviously steroid enhanced muscles.

When Batista leaves the WWE (sooner the better) it will be because he thinks he can make it as an actor (snicker). Batista already thinks he is the biggest fish in the biggest pond, what makes anyone think he would ever consider moving to a puddle?
it is simple, if he does not stay in wwe, he might as well retire, if goes to tna and ring of honor, they will see through his obvious limited ability, and boo the hell out of him, cause unlike the wwe, a ''look'' won't get you by in tna or roh.

rob terry says hi by the way, as does matt morgan.

as was said above tna isn't big eniugh for his ego so, my guess is he'll do crap films
It's been well documented that Batista in extremely interested in pursuing a career in acting. According the the rumors, it's likely that his match at Over the Limit will be his last with the WWE. Will we see Batista go to TNA? While I'm sure TNA would love to have him, I don't see that happening. TNA would not be able to pay him the kind of money he makes with the WWE and I don't see TNA's work schedule being much of a factor.
Meh, if they could pony up the greenbacks, im sure it could be an option with the reduced schedule so he can persue his other interests, although I am entirely unsure as to what sort of effort they would get out of him.

I highly doubt TNA has the cash that would be necessary for this to work, but an eye raising addition it would certainley be.
TNA can't afford Batista, even if he or they wanted him to join the company.

He was on a multi-million dollar contract with the WWE and lives a very rockstar-like life with a number of expensive cars, a huge house, etc. TNA reportedly pays Mr. Anderson –*a guy who is one of their biggest draws – $3500 an appearance. If you average out the fact that he's likely used four times a month, that's a mere $168,000 a year – far from multi-millions.

Factor in the fact that TNA is cutting costs right now, and it spells doom for the idea of Batista to TNA entirely IMO seeing as they're looking to remove salary, not add it.
it is simple, if he does not stay in wwe, he might as well retire, if goes to tna and ring of honor, they will see through his obvious limited ability, and boo the hell out of him, cause unlike the wwe, a ''look'' won't get you by in tna or roh.

You know what would made him succeed in TNA? The name he has made since joining WWE, that will make him a success and all people will be at his palm since he won't be a reject but someone like Hardy that got out on his own and people in TNA will recieve him with open arms.

Seriously, if you look at Rob Terry and Batista, Batista is 100 times better in the ring, besides you talk like if TNA the standards are higher and they have never been hight to begin with. Just look at TNA current champions and tell where is the standard on that. RVD because of ratings over TNA's darling AJ Styles, The band and Madison and Rob Terry, sorry to break it down to you but the technical one of that group is Madison Rayne.

ROH I thing they would not want him but cannot afford him even if their lives depended on it.

So if he goes out of WWE, he probably will retire sinc eI also think that there is no way that TNA can put a good offer to him right now, also the exposure will be far less that it is now, and lets face it, Batista needs exposure now, not in 3 years or 5 years, now it's the time in which he can capitalize on his image because he is not getting any younger.
i think he would be better of in TNA because TNA doesnt Know how to use there own talent but they know how to push ex-wwe guys to the moon. look at MRRRRRRRRRRRRR ANDERSON , THE POPE, the band, kurt angle, RVD etc.

TNA would make him a better animal
maar130, i know rob terry is in tna, but they will get on batista's back, because as jack hammer said, he is iwc hate figure, a lot of people on here watch tna, he was pushed in the main event in the wwe, with obvious limited ability, and rob terry is not in the main event, so he is not in the limelight as much, if batista does go to tna, he will be straight in the main event, challenging for the title, you tell me the tna fans will like that.
if batista does go to tna, he will be straight in the main event, challenging for the title, you tell me the tna fans will like that.

After being forced to watch the abortion that was Hogan desperately trying to push down our throat as Hogan Part 2, the noisy part or the TNA audience was quiet enough so they'd put up with Batista. Fact is he's seen as a wrestling superstar and, if they can mark for Bobby Lashley (who has less talent and, oh my god, the worst Child sucking on helium voice ever) then they'll mark for Batista. Fair? Of course not, but that's how wrestling is.

he is so one dimensional it hurts lol... he went to the school of bad wrestling same school that tripple h and cena went to

Cena, yes. Triple H, hell no. I'm not a big Triple H fan but to say he's a bad wrestler is just stupid. He's always been a solid wrestler at worst, and rather great when he's been on top form

wrestlers dont make good actors unless your name is hogan remember he was in rocky 3 before he signed with wwf.

that wasn't really good acting. And I draw you to Suburban Commando, Mr Nanny or ... shudder.... that Three Ninjas movie he sucked in. I won't include No Holds Barred as that's a guilty pleasure, but only because of the "so bad it's good" vibe it has

oh also roddy piper i love that alien movie he was in forgot what it was called/. great movie and well done by piper

That film was "They live" great film indeed! With the coolest adlib'd line ever!

maybe i can hire some terrorists to blow up wwe studios(of course with no civilian casualties ) by far they have the worst damn movies i have ever had the displeasure of turning off halfway thru lol

You've clearly never seen a film by the Production Company called The Asylum. Such gems as "I Am Omega", "Transmorphers" "Alien Vs Hunter" and "Exterminators". If you're going to say randomly stupid things, at least direct them towards the Ben Affleck of Movie Producers!
lol yeah but those are b movies with low budgets wwe makes real movies and they still suck the worst of whch was stonecolds first movie

No those were movies from the 90s. Franchises like The Three Ninjas were very successful back then, but The Ninjas: High Noon On Mega Mountain was shitsville.


stone cold was good in it but the rape scenes were so distastful and awful and hard to watch they had no business putting those scenes in and did not help stone colds acting career in the least. im sure it was vinces idea had vinces stamp written all over it.

Since WWE Films was Vince's idea, I could only guess it would have his stamp all over it...and just because a movie features rape scenes doesn't make the movie terrible.

ex. Evil Dead, Deliverance, etc

Again, Off-topic.

tripple h a good wrestler
which of his five moves does he do well
spine buster, running knee lift, figure 4, pedigree which is the worlds most ugliest finisher....
he couldnt do a drop kick if his life depended on it

Clearly you haven't been watching wrestling long. In the late 90s Triple H was big on dropkicks and the like; but see there is something called getting older, and that is what happens to guys like HHH who have been in the game for so long. You don't see the likes of Undertaker, Hogan, Edge, or even Goldberg who you mention in almost every other post of yours do a dropkick.

Triple H has more moves than anyone else on the roster; or has done more moves than any other guy in his illustrious career that's for certain.

One more time, Off-topic.

to be a good wrestler you got to have one of 2 things a fully extended drop kick or perfectly executed suplex, belly to back, belly to belly he has neither of these things. he is funny tho ill give him that and has loads of confidence on the mic well it helps when you got the golden ticket like he does...

:lmao: A Mod will come by and get rid of it, but I hope I get a word in. NOTHING about this post has anything to do with Batista. Dude, what is with you and dropkicks? Name some big names in WWE that has done that recently...wait don't cuz that's Off-topic.

Batista will go to TNA if TNA can afford him. That is all that is needed to be said. He will draw in a lot more people than Rob Terry or even ...Orlando Jordan that is for damn sure.
name me any true action hero movies where chicks are getting raped left and right

4/5 of the Death Wish movies featured women getting raped. Charles Bronson (an action movie icon) starred in that. Those were not horror movies.

Another name-dropper is The Road Warrior starring Mel Gibson.

i must have missed the days of triple h doing drop kicks(didnt pay much attention to wwe until the stonecold rock rivalry which has to be the greatest fued of that era and many others). but if you want me to name guys who have perfect drop kicks i can do that
Randy Orton probably has the best drop kick in the business. Cody, Ted, Kofi, carilito, primo even bourne but he has that ass down drop kick which is kinda meh. .john morrison, chritian althos theres look a bit flat.

Excluding Randy Orton, every other guy you mentioned were practically cruiserweights. You are not going to see guys like Triple H doing dropkicks and hurricanranas because the others can. He is a major heavyweight. Back in the day he did but age and bulking up takes high-flying moves off your moveset.

anyways batista doesnt have a great mic theres no doubt about it. specialy his face mic was horrible... the only role i see him playing is the same role that goldberg played in universal soldier. that means very little lines make angry faces yeah he could do that

I wouldn't pay a wrestler millions of dollars to speak a few lines and make faces. I agree when he was on the microphone as a face he drew a blank :| with me, but as a heel he was watchable.

ok maybe i exagerated when i said he doesnt know hw to wrestle alot of it has to do with his great mic presence. probably has the same confidence on the mic as hogan and flair. and his drama kept wwe alive for a very long time he did have the best heel in wwe which kept them afloat for many years..

His drama? Wait..Batista kept the WWE afloat for many years as a heel:confused: He was barely a year into his heel phase..

And lots of superstars had little to no skill on the microphone yet held the Big One. Chris Benoit, Bret Hart, etc. Just because a wrestler lacks the fundamental mechanics of speech, doesn't make him lukewarm in the ring. Kane didn't start talking till what? After he lost the WWE belt for a 1-Day title reign?

batista joining tna when he has dissed it in the past saying thats not wrestling and how aj cant wrestle,,, not to mention why would he take a step backwards goin into tna just to get bood on the daily, ijust think that to cross over to movies you have to have much more then being a great wrestler or having a good mic.

Getting booed on the daily isn't a bad thing if you are trying to draw in legitimate heat. When you play the bad guy, you want people to hate you.

And I understand where movies relate in all this (Hell that's the supposed reason he is leaving WWE.) but I think Vince should have let him do the damn thing instead of Triple H. Would have shut him up and even if it was bad, it wouldn't be half as bad as Suburban Commando or something along those lines. And they would keep Batista; not saying that's a great thing, but sure beats seeing Cena/Orton/Triple H.

And WWE Films shouldn't focus on the soon-to-be-retiring Triple H anyways.

ps sorry about all the non topic stuff but i cant tell u how tired i am of wwe main carders.

That's all cool man just saying they shouldn't be getting rid of the guy cuz he is still a little fresh. He isn't a great in-ring competitor, nor is he exceptional on the mic, but he has been putting asses in seats since his Evolution days. And his heel turn was one of the most interesting things of 2009.
Seriously, Batista should be considered for renewing his contract. He said he'll quit when Bret Hart asked him to fight for qualifier match on 05/24/2010 RAW. Another factor is, Triple H replaced him in 'Killing Karma', movie produced by WWE. This might have pissed him off. He's done so much to industry that he deserves to be there, but never know the corporate world.

Finally, he could be good in movies as well. He might not be good for lead but for negetive lead he might prove the best.

What say Guys???????

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