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Goodnight Sweet Prince: Batista Leaving The WWE?

i agree with you to a certain extent, i think since he has turned has been ....... good, not " on fire " let me explain - his initial heel role was with rey which was awful, i dont know if id blame him or the " wwe universe " because the segment when he destroyed ray was good, just no1 went for it, and he was coming out to a mixed reception when he was smashing rey, having him turn heel meant after 1/2 ppv's it would be silly 2 do a u turn, they give him a heel role against john cena, not exactly a hard role 2 pull off, it has been good, but the timing was bad, the build 2 mania was well done but every1 knew cena would win, this should have been done shortly after SS and have him cheat his way out, etc etc. is it strange for any1 else, that a major face wins his title at the 1st chance ?? only happens with cena, im sure i wasnt alone pre mania thinking good segments but im not a fcuking idiot, you wouldnt drop cena 2 batista at mania,

if he leaves then i understant his reasons, i have no doubt that he would be looking for wwe backing as much as they would be looking for batista backing.
Batista doesn't like anyone getting more attention than him. A few years ago, the last time Smackdown was in Grand Rapids, right before the WM at Ford Field, we went to the arena about 10am to watch for the wrestlers arriving. (the Van Andel arena has outside parking, no indoors, so the wrestlers show up in their rental cars RIGHT THERE. like, 10 feet away from fans, with only a fence to seperate them). Well, Batista arrived at the same time as Ricky Steamboat, and a lot of fans that were there were marking out to the dragon, and completely ignored Batista...well, he didn't like that. At all. He actually started scowling and gestured to the crowd in a "rude" way.

basically, he is as big a douchebag in person as he is on TV.

(for the record, Steamboat was probably the nicest wrestler I have ever shaken hands with, a total class act. Truly an awesome guy)
i would have rather they kept Mickie and Shelton, and cut loose a POS like Batista

but Mickie and Shelton brought it on to themselves

plus like someone said, they pulled the plug with Batista and replaced him with Hunter for that movie, because im sure they wouldn't want to waste the money producing a movie for a wrestler that isn't employed or if they had released it, and he was in TNA

that would have been disasterous, but more likely they would have just ate the money and never released it
As another post mentioned, the only things that come to mind when I think "Batista" is a lot of botches and diva banging.

I've never been a fan of Batista, but to be honest with you this heel angle he's doing now is the best work he's ever done. I've been waiting to see him as a giant badass again for YEARS. Bad time to leave.

He'll probably do two shitty movies and end up hosting some fighting or car show on Spike TV or Speed.
Good. More room is being made for people who can actually put on a match. He's 41 right now, and since '02 has had the performance of a 50+ year old in the physical department. Snore. And to think he said the newer generation can't tell stories through a match. Hilarious.
so like everyone else: "good riddance" Batista. this guy is a lost for the E, you know I think they want it do something like Austin vs Rock with Cena and Batista and IMO that was an aweful choice so yeah (sorry if Im agressive but) FUCK DAVE BATISTA! I mean the guy doesnt want to be in feuds, storylines or anything else that isnt involved with the world title.
His heel turn has been for me the only thing good that he has donde since winning the rumble.

The guy is a dick! but that isnt the worst part I mean he has only 2 good matches: vs HHH in a HIAC and against Taker at Mania 23 but beside that he has never show himself as something fresh or different. as someone said he does everything a big guy in wrestling does....another big men in wrestling....

as far to his future is concerned, yeah I think like Rock and Hogan he wants to be a "great"hollywood star, I mean WTF!!!!!!!!!!!! I REPEAT:wtf: another wrestler that has crappy skills as an actor, yeah the guy is going to be only in direct-to-DVD lol and by the way I know The Rock has become better as an actor but he is only a comedian or action hero/villian, he aint going to win in Cannes or even an Oscar,

in a couple of months he is goinge to be long forgotten just like other big guys in wrestling history
Well, I've never really had any issues with Batista... sure, he wasn't the greatest in the ring - but his character really was never supposed to be. If he is leaving, I guess now's as good a time as any. He's past 40, so it's quite natural for someone his age to consider moving on from pro wrestling.

Sure, he hasn't been around as long as others have, and he only got into the business late in his career, but I think he's had a good, solid run. People have often compared him to the Ultimate Warrior - I guess those two are really similar in a lot of aspects indeed, and not just due to their physiques. Both men appear to have had similar issues both inside (due to their limited technical abilities) and outside (due to their egos) the ring - however, I think Batista made more out of his time in the WWE than the Warrior. Batista really became pretty much all that he could be, while Warrior never managed that due to the way he handled himself.

Besides, I somewhat agree with what another poster has mentioned - he always came across as someone who wasn't in the business because he loved the business, but because the business loved him. And this business did love him because he has a tremendous look that just got him over as a monster type of character, and he likes being in the spotlight. So maybe he was in for the wrong reasons (if "making money" is a wrong reason in any kind of business?), but he still made an OK job of it, I think.

Anyways, back on topic - as said, Batista had a good time in WWE, he's held a few championships, has been in a couple of high profile matches (some of which were actually quite enjoyable I must say); I guess most of the "regular" WWE fans will remember him fondly, despite him being disliked by a larger number of the IWC.

I guess his accomplishments or importance to the business weren't necessarily enough to warrant a WWE Hall of Fame induction sometime down the line, but then again - WWE have inducted Koko B. Ware, so I wouldn't rule out Batista, with him being a multi-time top tier champion, at all.
I'm not buying into Batista leaving.

Remember Jeff Hardy last year? We thought he'd be gone by Junish but he stuck around until August and had two world title reigns.

My feeling is Batista is going to leave soon...but not immediately. This is a nice way to swerve the fans allowing Batista to shock everyone with a title win tonight.
I consider Batista a moderate loss in the present, and a wonderful step for WWE's future. Batista is allegedly a huge jerk, but he's been saving his nickles and dimes and getting ready for this retirement for quite some time, if what he says in interviews is true. If Vince is still in charge when Batista runs out of savings, we might see him back in WWE, but if Steph and Trips are in charge, I wouldn't be surprised if we just didn't see him again.

I like Batista as a heel. It's not Randy Orton or Edge quality, it's not Brock Lesnar or Vader dominance, but it's good, and it makes me mark out when someone pounds the crap out of him. I've never understood his drawing power as a face, just like I've never understood the reaction for the Ultimate Warrior, but as the egotist chiseled heel, he's good.

And I'm impressed that he's doing his best work at the end of his career. Maybe it's for the increase in T-shirt and DVD sales, maybe it's because he wants to leave a legacy behind with WWE fans, or maybe he's just having fun being himself juiced up to 150%. Regardless, I've marked out more for (or rather, against) Batista in the last six months than I have his entire career.
I hope this isn't true..

He was so stale last year so maybe if this happened last year i wouldn't of been surprised but his latest angle has been amazing. The whole I'm wearing polo's, calling for spot lights, having security is brilliant. He has gained a lot of charisma in my opinion and I wish they would of done a little bit more with that David Otunga angle where Otunga helped him out because the similarities of the two. Maybe you could of had Batista start mentoring him on NXT after him and Otunga "injured" Truth. If you watch NXT and you see Jerich and Barrett it could be like that.. I feel Barrett has gotten more over with the fans just for simply being on TV more and walking with Jericho and the two helping each other out.
The people dissing Batista are hilarious. Batista was good for what he was- a power guy who didn't need to speak much on the mic and just throw his opponents around and that is what he does. He was rusty coming off of his injury in 2006 but the last few years he was on the money with great matches against Cena and decent ones against Orton and Mysterio. He was one of their top draws and they will miss him for the short-term but long-term is uncertain for now.
Batista was a good go to guy. He was never met for the spotlight like Cena, HHH, Flair, Hogan, but he was a guy you give the title too and main event feud too and he could do something with it. He wasn't great, but he wasn't bad if that makes sense. He was a bit overrated, but hey he made Vince some money and made himself some as well.

If Batista is leaving, I don't think it'll hurt the WWE, but it won't help them either. Batista was never a crucial part of the company but he was up there enough that whoever moves into his shoes has to be good and has to be ready, but his spot is definitely fillable. I never really cared for him, nor did I hate him I was indifferent to him, though I did think this heel turn was good for him, but it came a little to late for me to become a fan. I'm not saying good riddance, but I don't care he is leaving either.
I strongly disagree with everyone who claims Batista will be forgotten in a short period of time, if people really believe that their insane, I personally don't like things about Batista either like his attitude, botching of moves, but his impact on wwe is undeniable. Here's a guy who was in evolution, royal rumble winner, 7-8 time heavyweight champion,, made wwe plenty of money, where in great Fueds with edge, undertaker, triple h, Booker t, Mysterio, Cena, orton, the list goes on. He's had a better than career than a third of the wrestlers in the hall of fame including Eddie Guerrero in a much shorter amount of time. Not to mention that killer Batista bomb. So this crap that he won't be remembered or missed is just that, crap. His personality won't be missed but his impact certainly will be.
He'll be back at some point I bet. I don't see him having as much success in movies as Rock or Stone Cold, by any means. He has been a great heel lately and needs to stay a heel whenever he comes back. His soft-spoken muscle-bound sidekick gimmick was good in Evolution, but on his own he was just boring on the mic, and didn't try to hide it. His insane physique and power moves were more than enough to get casual fans behind him 100% for a while, but he has more potential to hold interest as a heel.
I would be willing to bet anybody out there dollars to donuts that if Batista does leave WWE he will end up with TNA like so many other WWE wrestlers have done. To name a few:Booker T, Kurt Angle, Sting, Hogan, Nash, Hall, X-Pac, Jeff Jarrett just to name a few. Any takers?
When I first read the OP’S post about Batistia “POSSIBLY RETIRING” it did not sit right with me. If Batistia is indeed calling it quits after Extreme Rules, WHY IS HE NOT PUTTING A YOUNGER TALENT OVER? Why dos it seem that all the main event guys that retire these days feel the need to go out on top? Back in the day a main event guy would put a younger guy over on his way out. Almost like passing the torch! Guys like Jmo, Kofi, Punk, Christian,.......fill in the blank...., could have used the push by pinning Batistia.

Im not going to call big Dave’s passion into question. Nor will I talk about his back stage womanizing. I don't personally know Dave so respectfully its not my place.

What I do know about Dave is what I see on my t.v. Personally, I never found him entertaining. His matches are lack luster. He might have maybe 3 good matches a year. His mic skills up until presently, sucked. The only thing big Dave had going for him is, well he is BIG. and maybe a friendship with somebody's son in law.

Will he go to TNA? Never say never! I read on this site that Dave was ticked off at VKM because they gave his staring role in a WWE film to HHH. Could Batistia go to TNA to stick it to Vince? Stranger things have happened. Im sure TNA wold fire some more real talent to hire another “BIG NAME”. However if Dave really wants to become a major actor he should take some of that money that he made and get some acting lessons.

I know that I am not going to miss Dave Batistia when he is gone. His absence is going to open up some room in the main event. Maybe Punk will get the real push that IMO he has deserved for two years. And perhaps Christian will get the main event spot that he has earned for like ever.. lol
He's had a better than career than a third of the wrestlers in the hall of fame including Eddie Guerrero in a much shorter amount of time.

I'm sorry, but do you actually believe in this statement???

How can you compare Batista to Eddie 'FREAKING' Guerrero? Eddie is one of the most beloved wrestlers of all time and was actually idolized by Dave Bautista himself. Not only did Guerrero help revolutionize the Cruiserweight division in WCW with the likes of Mysterio, Psicosis, Liger, etc., he and Chris Benoit proved that if you bust your ass in this business that dreams can come true.

More importantly, Eddie Guerrero was a technical wrestling genius who put on amazing matches throughout his entire career, while Batista's great matches could probably be counted on one hand.

I'm not a Batista hater as you will see if you read my earlier post, and I'm definetly not the type of person to call other fans out about their opinions, but you cannot honestly say that Batista has had a better career than Eddie Guerrero.
ill be more than happy to see this poor mans goldberg go away, i have never been impressed with his ability, being big-as-hell doesnt make you a wrestler, Batista is more of a hype machine than Cena will ever be, all hype-no talent
ill be more than happy to see this poor mans goldberg go away, i have never been impressed with his ability, being big-as-hell doesnt make you a wrestler, Batista is more of a hype machine than Cena will ever be, all hype-no talent

Poor man's Goldberg? Wow. I never looked at Batista that way before hahaha.

Tick another box in the "Goodbye, Good Riddance" list. I've always dreaded Batista's matches. I used to love him as an in-ring performer, who had amazing potential. In my opinion, the 2003 "Goldberg Bounty" angle was when Batista was at his best.

I didn't really like the conclusion to the Batista/HHH angle from 2005 though, they played it all out really well, but perhaps a bit too well for the WrestleMania match's own benefit. I was glad to see him win the title none-the-less, but hated the since recurring, **someone**, Batista, **someone**, Batista etc... world title kind of thing. It was like Batista is a baby and the championship is a bottle.

His matches got boring, but I'd still watch them... until the 2007 Royal Rumble. He faced Ken Kennedy for those of you who don't recall. Since that match, I don't think I've actually watched a complete Batista match - and I've even been intentionally taking bathroom breaks when he comes on now because he's so irritatingly repetitive, boring and down-right annoying to watch.

He should also stop complaining about not getting that movie role... He's leaving the company - if I were WWE, I wouldn't give a leading role to somebody who's leaving either.

I have as much sympathy for him as he has for us. You don't cry and moan and then take your ball and go home.

Goodbye. Thanks for sparing me of boredom and possibly a couple of bucks on PPV every month.
Good if he leaves, he's so arrogant and to me is just a lame big guy in undies. I hate his character aswell, so boring. Tells you everything that I didn't watch wrestling when he was World Heavyweight Champion. Good riddance, if he wants to make it in movies he'll have a job, he'll end up doing goon parts in movies or starring in straight to DVD action flicks.
"I have as much sympathy for him as he has for us. You don't cry and moan and then take your ball and go home."

well said, i really think Batista is the perfect example of look over ability, the mufucka is a tshirt and magazine selling machine, he gets the ladies undies all soupy. But thats it, it angers me to no end when wrestlers wanna leave to go to movies, "retire" Batista doesnt deserve to call it Retirement, hes quitting. NO BATISTA DOES NOT BELONG IN THE HALL OF FAME!!!

He has earned nothing, Dave Batista leaving the WWE just means more chances for the new talent (DOLPH mufuckin ZIGGLER). and yes i mean that seriously
If Batista wants to leave wrestling and make movies or do something else, then who are we to judge. We don't know the man personally so we have no idea of his thought process and why he wants to leave. People criticized the Rock for leaving and we are now doing the same. Batista has been injury-prone most of his career and maybe he wants to get out before he suffers another serious injury that may end his career. I'll miss Batista because he was one of a few who was good at what he was intended to do and that was be a power guy. It's a shame they didn't turn him heel much earlier because that is what he is good at.
If Batista wants to leave wrestling and make movies or do something else, then who are we to judge. We don't know the man personally so we have no idea of his thought process and why he wants to leave. People criticized the Rock for leaving and we are now doing the same. Batista has been injury-prone most of his career and maybe he wants to get out before he suffers another serious injury that may end his career. I'll miss Batista because he was one of a few who was good at what he was intended to do and that was be a power guy. It's a shame they didn't turn him heel much earlier because that is what he is good at.

Well seeing how he is in the public eye (for wrestling and possibly movies) we have every right to judge him. That's part of the decision on whether or not we're going to give him our hard earned money and watch his product.

That being said, Batista was just big. Actually, like the other poster said, I was starting to like his mic work. He finally started to improve just as he was leaving the business. He sucked at wrestling, so how does the WWE remedy this? They hire wrestlers like Sheamus and Drew Mcintyre who in comparison make Batista look like a Dean Malenko.

I'm glad he's leaving the business, I just hope we don't get subjected to too many of his movies. It's bad enough they still try to force-feed us the Rock's snooze-fest films.
I have to be honest, I have probably been reading these forums for months upon months, yet I have never been inclined to join and post anything myself. However, that has changed since I have seen people respond to the possibility of Batista leaving WWE.

Plain and simple, this will be a catastrophic loss for WWE. A loss that can only be compared to Brock Lesnar's departure in 2004. I have read through these posts and just seen people cheer and clamor over the possibility of Batista leaving the company. What is wrong with you? Where is your sense for business?

In the last five years, Batista has probably been the second biggest draw in the company, trailing only John Cena. No, Batista has never been brilliant with his in-ring work, but he has also shown that he can put on a good match when given the right opponent, the right build and the right environment. I noticed that some people really got on the one poster after he said that Batista had a greater career than Eddie Guerrero in a short amount of time. That is actually quite accurate. In the last five years, Batista has put together a Hall of Fame caliber career, and in comparison, it took guys such as Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero more than 15 years to win their first WWE Title.

I have never posted on these message boards because I have always felt as if the stereotypes of the IWC are true. That is that the IWC cannot except any wrestler if they are not either a technical wrestling machine or a athletic wizard. Trust me, I love the A.J. Styles, Eddie Guerreros and Rey Mysterios as much as the next guy, but I'm also a realist. As good as these wrestlers are, none of them ever had or ever will have anything close to the main event career that Batista has had in the past five years.

Batista is not great on the mic. He is not great in the ring. But he has one of the greatest looks EVER.

Additionally, I do not want to hear another thing about his so-called character. I met him in 2004. Was he the nicest wrestler that I have met? No. But he was far from the meanest one too. And if you want to talk about character issues and bad people, then look no further than the IWC's former hero Chris Benoit. He only killed his wife, child and himself, but I bet people will still argue that he is a better person than Batista.

In closing, if Batista really does leave, then it is a sad day for WWE. He had put together an impressive resume and has had some great feuds (Triple- 2005, Undertaker- 2007, John Cena- 2010) as well as some very good matches, especially his Hell in a Cell matches against Triple H and Undertaker. If we really are happy over the WWE losing one of its top three draws in the company (behind only Cena and Orton), then we need to take a step back and ask if we really are indeed WWE fans. There is nothing positive about Batista leaving.

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