Is Batista overrated?

Batista is A grade main event superstar, forget all the BS from this fans. They seem to dislike him merely based off of the fact that HE won the Royal Rumble. Oh weh weh weh, get over it! Daniel Bryan is not a draw like Batista, Bryan was put in the main event back the fall and buy rates ALL SUCKED. When Daniel Bryan was closing Raw every Monday night, ratings SUCKED. There's a stroke of truth to all the butthurt Bryan fans out there who think he's god. Batista is better than Daniel Bryan and NO he is NOT overrated.

I'll agree with some of this. Batista is certainly a star in the WWE landscape. It's why during his four-year hiatus, fans kept trying to figure out who on the roster would replace the big man. It's why we looked first at Mason Ryan - and now at Roman Reigns - and said "There he is. That guy is going to be Batista." We've played similar games with HBK, Eddie Guerrero, Hogan, etc over the years, but we've never once played that games with Doink the Clown, Tatanka, Jim Duggan, Duke Droese,, etc. Why is that? It's because we only play that game with stars, and that we've played it with Batista should be an indication that the guy is just that.

Now, keep in mind that being a star doesn't make him Austin. It doesn't make him Cena, The Rock, Flair, Hogan, Warrior, Savage or even Mick Foley. That's where the overrated question comes from. Batista was definitely a star during his initial run in the company, and he's going to be a star again, but he was NEVER at the level of the aforementioned guys. People didn't buy tickets to see Batista. They don't buy pay-per views to see him or tune in to Raw to see what he's going to do. There are very few guys in WWE history that made us watch, and Batista wasn't one of them. Despite that, Batista is currently getting treated as if he was at that level - getting pushed straight to the WrestleMania 31 main event after just one appearance. Look, Batista was a star - but he's not that big a star. He's clearly overrated.


Now you can bash Daniel Bryan in your posts despite the fact that the question doesn't pertain to him, but it doesn't change the fact that Batista not only didn't push the needle, but that he was apart of the main event scene during a four-year period when people started to seriously tune out the WWE. Ratings were still hitting 4's on a consistent basis when Batista won his first championship but were hovering in the low 3's by the time Batista quit in 2010. There is four years worth of evidence that says people don't want to see Batista.

...but hey, go on and use the small sample size for Daniel Bryan. Tell me how that 2.9 rating dipping to a 2.7 during a 5-week period is an indication that Bryan sucks. Just keep in mind that you look ridiculous when pointing to that number considering that the WWE went from a 4.3 at the start of Batista's run to a 3.2 rating at the time he left.
Batista first of all did not deserve to win the Royal Rumble.. True i wonder who pursued who in this case. Batista's return was spoiled weeks before he made his return so we all knew he was going to win the Royal Rumble. Had it been kept a surprise and his music hit at the Royal Rumble then maybe some of the heat he is getting would have been lessened.

He has the look the size that makes Vinnie Mac cream in his drawers. His charisma though is that of a war hog. But when that man is focused and zoned in,he is a main event player as much as it pains me to say,he is. Batista though,has always been about the money and never the love for the business. Which IMO is why,he left 3 years ago. He didnt like the direction of the company,which is too bad because at that time his heel work was the best thing in his career to that point!
What standards are we coming him to?

Is he overrated compared to the current WWE roster? I'd say no. Compared to the CURRENT WWE roster, he is a main eventer, without question. He's fought in Wrestlemania main events, won multiple championships, won the Rumble twice, feuded with Cena, Edge, Undertaker, Triple H, Orton, to name a few.

BUT if we're comparing him to the all time greats, then I think anyone that wants to put him in the all time great category is overrating him for sure. Batista is a solid main eventer that can fight in any feud, he's decent enough on the mic, and has the big muscle-head beast look (not the homeless bum look).
As a monster heel with an intimidating look and power moves, I would say no, he isn't overrated. He fits that role to a T.

As a must-see superstar with big movie aspirations who is going to draw tons of viewers to the WWE, then yes, he is massively overrated.

As long as he is used as the monster heel described in #1, and not as the second coming of the Rock or Lesnar, then I've no problem with Batista.
I agree with the above. Batista is known as the Animal, but he has looked a different person since he returned.
Remember when he was like below:


THAT was the "IT" factor that Batista had. people say, he looks like Pitbull....which doesn't get people anticipating Batista at all,unfortunately.

Yeah, he has gotten a lot smaller. He must think that the WWE Wellness policy actually tests for steroids now, and isn't just a facade for PR purposes. Get back on the juice Dave, its your only hope.
In terms of overall talent and what he accomplished, probably not. By the WWE in terms of what he can offer, I'm saying yes.

Batista was a good main-event talent when he was in the WWE. He has a good look; worked plenty of high quality matches and feuds as well as being a decent talker. It is no surprise he held the World Title and did so successfully. While, I don't rate him at an elite level, he is certainly an all-round talented superstar.

Some are desperate to brand him as the guy who was Triple H's mate that only reached the top because of favouritism and his big muscles. I don't buy that: Batista was good enough in his role and had a memorable run.

As for here and now, I'm not so sure. The WWE bringing him back and him instantly winning the Rumble is a little disappointing. It would have been better as a surprise but even then I'm worried. I'll probably reserve judgement till we see him in a singles match because there is the danger he is rusty. Not everyone is HBK and can return with ease. I doubt he is going to draw big either.

By wrestling fans overall, I'd say he is underrated. However, I feel the WWE, as of right now, are rating him a little too highly expecting his return to be of an elite level when he isn't an elite superstar.
Batista was hot when he started to turn on evolution, I really think his angle with Triple H really made put him over the top at the time carried over really until his injury at late 2005. Though I think when he returned his star status went down a bit he was still a top talent but he wasn't a huge meteoric star like in late 2004 to late 2005. Heck people even boo'ed him (well the matches in particular) during his feud with Booker T. He kept the course steady and had some good feuds with Taker but he didn't do a lot that was memorable.
He's slightly overrated.

Batista has the credibility and stats for a main eventer, but WWE is overselling his return. When it comes to returning part time guys for Wrestlemania, think of who we're used to seeing over the past couple of years. The Rock, Brock Lesnar, and The Undertaker. Batista might have the credibility of a main event guy, but he's not a superstar.

WWE was hoping for Batista to generate some real buzz, but it's not happening. Instead, fans are pissed off at him for taking the spotlight from Daniel Bryan, and after this Monday's Raw, you can throw CM Punk's name into the hat. As long as he's a face, Dave Batista is going to feel the venomous backlash from the fans.

If anything, I put most of the blame on WWE for overestimating Batista's popularity and appeal as a "star" or an elite guy. He hit a ceiling as the jacked up meathead. It's a stale persona, and I never sensed a desperate urge for a Batista return. Not from the fans, not here on the forums, nowhere.

To make matters worse, other wrestlers on WWE's roster surpassed Batista during his time in WWE, and during his four year absence. For a little while, Batista and Cena were neck and neck, but Cena left Batista in the dust during his rise to the top. CM Punk rose to the spot of the #2 guy in the company, and Daniel Bryan is white hot right now.

Depending on his availability and the status of his contract, Batista will be useful when Lesnar and Undertaker go on their hiatuses after Wrestlemania. They can use him to fill in spots on B and C level shows like Payback, Hell In A Cell, and Battleground. But he's not a blockbuster Wrestlemania main event guy, and nothing will change that in the future.
Batista would snip off his ding-dong for us fans and some of us argue he is overrated? I am glad he is back and I want to see him prove himself again. Most importantly, his mic skills. I do believe he must be booked well to succeed. But I will cheer for him as long as he is a face. I like heel Batista, so I enjoy cheering against him.
I would say Batista is overrated. Not necessarily by the fans but by the WWE & definitely by himself.

I was a fan of Batista's orginal run in WWE but no matter how much WWE hyped his return or made it seem like a big deal, it just never really felt like it mattered. I'm not sure if it's just because I wasn't really ever expecting him to come back or what but even now, Batista is the 2014 Royal Rumble winner & on his way to win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship... so what? Does anyone really even care? I just have very little to no interest in Batista being back or what he does.

Don't get me wrong I would still classify Batista as a main event superstar & I would like to see him have a few matches with some guys who weren't around during his original run like Alberto Del Rio. But Batista is definitely in that lower class of main event caliber superstar, I'd say a notch or two below the likes of Chris Jericho & Rob Van Dam.

It just seems like Batista's attitude is that his level of superstardom is equal to that of John Cena, The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Hulk Hogan, etc. & the WWE seemingly wants to buy into Dave's attitude & just go along with it since they invested so much time & money in him back in the day. & of course the WWE would like nothing more than to cash-in a second time on their cow. As much as I don't even care for Hogan, Cena or even The Rock for that matter, Big Dave is a bigger looney toon than Bugs Bunny if he thinks he is on par with them.
Overrated as far as what?

not everyone has to be good on the mic or good in the ring, some people just connect with the audience and that is what Batista did. Batista carried smackdown and was one of the last few guys that kept the world title relevant. He served his purpose. Nobody can deny that he was a top guy. I don't see what's overrated about him.
He's not overrated. He's just not the mega star that WWE's making him out to be. Personally, I think he's on the same level as Sheamus, Edge, Orton, etc, not The Rock, Stone Cold and Hulk Hogan.
He's not overrated. He's just not the mega star that WWE's making him out to be. Personally, I think he's on the same level as Sheamus, Edge, Orton, etc, not The Rock, Stone Cold and Hulk Hogan.


Batista being booked to win the Royal Rumble for a second time in his career is an insult to the likes of Hulk Hogan,Stone Cold Steve Austin,Shawn Michaels and John Cena.

He is N O W H E R E near those guys in any capacity whatsoever.
Whoever thought up such a stupid booking decision should be smashed by Brock's chair shots legit on Live TV. :banghead:
Yes he is overrated, Damian Sandow is the most underrated and miss used person in the wwe, he is even more miss used the db end of story, I could only imagine the pros he would have with top stars if wwe just gave him a chance

This was about Dave Batista, Not that loser hack wannabe Genius/Poet/Lanny Poff called Damian Sandow.

As for Bats, he is both over and under rated. His in ring work is under rated as he had some good moves at times, but the impact he had and his so called star power is over rated. I dont' now a single person who isn't a wrestling fan who knows who he is. Nor do I know a fan who admits to paying to go to a show to see him as the main attraction.
He was bland and predictable on the mic and boring as pain drying when a face and as dull as a blade of grass as a heel. He was also Mr. Botch as while he could perform moves well at times with the right opponent, he constantly screwed up or mistimed his selling of others moves on him. Remember the botched RKO from Orton? Remember the stagger back and throw himself after botching a 619?
Overrated as far as what?

not everyone has to be good on the mic or good in the ring, some people just connect with the audience and that is what Batista did. Batista carried smackdown and was one of the last few guys that kept the world title relevant. He served his purpose. Nobody can deny that he was a top guy. I don't see what's overrated about him.

No, Undertaker, Edge and JBL carried Smackdown. Batista was always in the 2nd tier of the top guys. He could hit his moves, but couldn't sell worth shit, always causing people to botch due to his bad timing and reactions to the moves being done to him. Connect with the Audience? I can't recall watching a single Batista match in full. Any time he came on, I had to turn to something else and check back to see when he was done, either a match or a promo.
And let's not kid ourselves. What really put him in the main event was that the other muscle bound moron Brock left. If Brock had stuck around, Batista would have been nothing but a Heidenreich, Tomko, or Luthor Reigns. Some bigger star's muscle bound enforcer/bodyguard. Don't believe me? Just look at what's been done with Mason Ryan? Who you ask? He was the one they were grooming at first to take Batista's spot as musclebound freak but fans had finally seen through the hype and realized they wanted wrestlers again, and not body builders. So strong, but more natural guys like Cena, Orton, Edge, Punk and Bryan became what fans craved and muscly bound morons became a relic of the past. There's been a few hanging on, but they are no longer what draws or what up and comers aspire to be. They are roadblocks and monsters a real talent faces to show just how good they are against someone larger then them so you can get behind them and root for the underdog as it were.

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