Dark Knight Rises Casting News

If it was about similarities between people it was about similarities between everyone. The differences were what was important though. The fragile human psyche, how experiences can shape it and choices haunt it. Symbolism juxtaposed against reality in the scope of good vs bad and needs of self vs needs of society. Also, some pretty cool actions scenes.
Heath Ledger's Joker cared about nothing but creating chaos. He wasn't doing what he was doing to get rich or anything like that. Creating chaos and anarchy were his only goals. Batman had no idea how to defeat a guy like that while staying inside his set of "rules."

Harvey Dent was an idealist, who had his entire world (and psyche) shattered after losing the woman he loved. He was a passionate guy, and when Rachel died, all of that passion turned into rage, and that's where Two Face came from. I thought Nolan did an excellent job of showing all of this.

I just do not see how anyone can say this was a bad film. It was more than just a comic book film, it was a great crime drama. It wasn't cheesy, or campy. It was, next to Batman Begins, the most realistic comic book film I have ever seen. I just can't understand all of the hate Nolan is getting around here.
He's not getting that much hate, besides me and tdigs really, and that's just two of us.

As is with everything in life, not everyone is going to like the same exact thing.

I also don't dislike people or things because it's the cool thing to do, I state my opinion. I don't go around telling people I smoke and play with lego's to try and fit in, that's just who I am. Just like I don't go around shit talkin' Nolan to be the cool kid on the block, I loved Batman begins, and have been let down by everything he's done since then. It's called an original opinion, something many of you seem to be lacking.
...so your opinion is the original one because it's unpopular? You're making it sound like our opinions are invalid or don't mean as much because we share a more popular opinion. You're better than that.

It's you fellows with the popular opinion who are shitting on two people who liked the original, and thought the second wasn't as good. That's a pretty simple opinion to understand.

Not everyone is going to be hungry for Nolan's cock, that's what I'm getting at. I haven't enjoyed his work since Batman begins, I thought Batman Begins was lightyears better than The Dark Knight.

I'm getting shit for having the opinion that the Begins was better and everything since hasn't been as good, which is my opinion and just so happens not to be the popular opinion.

No need to be original when I sincerely like the popular thing.

Nothing wrong with that, I enjoy the popular things too, just not in this case.
It's you fellows with the popular opinion who are shitting on two people who liked the original, and thought the second wasn't as good. That's a pretty simple opinion to understand.

Not everyone is going to be hungry for Nolan's cock, that's what I'm getting at. I haven't enjoyed his work since Batman begins, I thought Batman Begins was lightyears better than The Dark Knight.

I'm getting shit for having the opinion that the Begins was better and everything since hasn't been as good, which is my opinion and just so happens not to be the popular opinion.

Yes dude, we're hungry for his cock. We aren't just fans who like his work, we're mindless fan boys who are more then eager to swing from his nuts. And I wasn't shitting on anyone for liking anything. I don't think he's the fucking messiah, I just think TDK was better but I could see why people would/could make a case for Batman Begins being better.

People shitting on your for your opinion is just as annoying as calling everyone else fanboys, which is basically what you were doing.
You would have to be a fool though to think this movie was gonna be the last one, and BOTH Catwoman and Riddler were getting left out. Anyone who thought the main villain would be one of those two was fooling themselves.

It's the last one Nolan is planning to do, I've heard that he's has said he is planning on producing a TV show that would allow his Batman universe to continue, I beleive the one of reasons he wanted to do a show was because he had more stuff he wanted to do with the Joker character, and it would be easier to do those stories through a weekly TV series

I like the idea of Bane as the main villain, and I'm really interested in how Nolan plans on bring him in, the best thing with a character like Bane is that it's not the same line-up of Villains we always seem to get, it's a villain not many people really know of, which automatically freshens things up, also doesn't really matter if "mainstream" Batman fans know anything about Bane, this movie already has a built in audience, he could have Egg Man as the villain and everyone would go see it
FFS could this get any worse?

The Eddie Murphy as Riddler rumor may have been the 2nd most ******ed thing to come out yet, the most ******ed being that people actually believed Nolan would cast Murphy as fucking Riddler
I decided what I like about the nolan verse is a bad guy just rocks up, with the exception of two face we didn't bother with an origin story for the bad guy (like the original 4)
And another thing

What's this Nolan won't have Robin in yet Barbra Gordon's in the Dark Knight?
Yes dude, we're hungry for his cock.

Taking the term hungry for cock literally?? Don't flatter me.

We aren't just fans who like his work, we're mindless fan boys who are more then eager to swing from his nuts.

Some of you come off that way, but I never said you in particular; and again, taking sexual joke terms and trying to make them literal is causing me to lulz uncontrollably.

"hungry for cock" and "swinging from his nuts" should never be taken seriously, pretty sure that's like internet rule number one or something.

And I wasn't shitting on anyone for liking anything. I don't think he's the fucking messiah, I just think TDK was better but I could see why people would/could make a case for Batman Begins being better.

My statement was general, that's why I didn't quote anyone in particular, my little rant wasn't directed at you, it was just my general view of the thread. If you don't see a lot of knob slobbering in this thread (every other post is Nolanverse Fapfapppfap) than your just choosing to ignore it.

When has Catwomen EVER been an interesting character (pretty sure the answer is never), I don't care what Ann Hathaway looks like in the Catwomen costume, I see my girlfriends titties everyday, and there bigger and better than Hathaway's. Sorry I'm not a giddy about seeing a girls boobs in a Batman movie; or maybe they hired her because of her great career of boring chick flicks.

People shitting on your for your opinion is just as annoying as calling everyone else fanboys, which is basically what you were doing.

ST style.

1. Like you just said, I didn't call everyone fanboys, it was your interpretation.

2. People shitting on me for my opinion also started first, and I don't care that people don't agree with my opinion; but I'm not gonna sit around with my thumb up my ass and let people shit all over me. I eat too, and have plenty of bodily waste to excrete all over my victims.

3. This is all a matter of opinion, and obviously very early on in production; but I'm still entitled to think Hathaway as Catwomen is going to make this film shitty, as well as Nolan's downhill trend in movie making (obviously my opinion). Just because a movie like inception grosses hundreds of millions of dollars doesn't make it some great piece of art. I found the movie to be pretentious, drawn out and boring; sprinkled with just enough bad/annoying acting, obvious plot twists and just enough special effects to make you forget about everything I just listed. I've given plenty of reason why I feel this way, and I'm perfectly justified for thinking so.

4. The Dark Knight and Inception prove that Nolan knows how to target a film to a mass audience, and that's great for his bank account; but that doesn't mean that what he's putting out is fucking brilliant. His film quality has gone down hill since Memento and BB, because he started dumbing down his films so they can reach a wider audience and gross more money (Inception was a pretty dumb film too, for all the GREAT stuff I heard about that film I was EXTREMELY disappointed when I finally got around to seeing it - A dream within a dream I GET IT.)

5. I get where you're coming from and your more than entitled to your own opinion, but in essence, we have almost the same opinion - just opposite sides of the fence in this case.
When has Catwomen EVER been an interesting character (pretty sure the answer is never), I don't care what Ann Hathaway looks like in the Catwomen costume, I see my girlfriends titties everyday, and there bigger and better than Hathaway's. Sorry I'm not a giddy about seeing a girls boobs in a Batman movie; or maybe they hired her because of her great career of boring chick flicks.

3. This is all a matter of opinion, and obviously very early on in production; but I'm still entitled to think Hathaway as Catwomen is going to make this film shitty

While totally premature, I agree with you on Catwoman. She isn't an interesting character, and I do not care what she looks like in the costume. It's not like Anne Hathaway hasn't been naked in nearly every movie she's ever done. If this franchise starts thinking about which female looks great in a leather suit, it's fucked.

But, I think where we differ is with Nolan. I trust him to not turn this into some campy, Joel Schumacher bullshit. You're not a big Nolan fan, so I understand your concern.

Also, I'm slightly encouraged by her character not being called Catwoman..yet. Maybe this is his new love interest, before the change to Catwoman. Whatever happens, I have enough faith in Nolan to not turn this into a complete shitshow. Both of these characters are a bit of a reach, but I think he knows what he's doing.
And another thing

What's this Nolan won't have Robin in yet Barbra Gordon's in the Dark Knight?

Because Gordon can have a kid that's not a part of the Bat Family. I know that the does become Batgirl in the comic books and everything derrived from them but that doesn't mean that she is in the Nolanverse. she could be used simply to add something to add to his character. Also, according to Wikipedia Barbara Gordon was Commissioner Gordon's wife in the The Dark Knight. He did have a daughter, but she wasn't named.

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