Dark Knight Rises Casting News

I hope there's at least some mention of The Penguin in this. He's my favorite Batman villain.
Yeah, that's why he's picked Bane. Bane is an intelligent villain who isn't in the same vain as Joker. That way he's had three different types of main villain (Ra's Al Ghul, Joker, Bane). Interesting to see if they do go down the Knightfall arc, and if so who will step up to the Batman mantle.
If Catwoman isn't a playable character in Arkham City,I ain't buyin it. She one of very few reasons I put up with Batman. The other reasons are Robin and my love of superheros in general.
;_; I was really hoping they'd put Harley Quinn in her first movie. Catwoman's never done well in the films. And Bane's only good in the comics...
My only experience with Bane is Batman & Robin, after that, the only way he can go is up.
Isn't every director a Kubrick wannabe?

What is the huge difference between Begins and Dark Knight?

Nah, only Nolan. I think American cinema is absolute shit for the most part, but there are few certain directors out there who can claim to have developed their own style (e.g., Michael Mann, David Lynch, and Wes Anderson are the three that come to mind immediately).

Oh, and Batman Begins was an epic story about a man coming to terms with his destiny with the greatest supporting cast ever assembled. The Dark Knight was supposed to be about two very similar men in opposition to each other (I thought Nolan failed big time at this because Batman and the Joker were nothing alike, not even in their values).
Even if it is Efron, what's the big deal? He is a good actor and if you want proof of that watch Me and Orson Welles.
Oh, and Batman Begins was an epic story about a man coming to terms with his destiny with the greatest supporting cast ever assembled.


The Dark Knight was supposed to be about two very similar men in opposition to each other (I thought Nolan failed big time at this because Batman and the Joker were nothing alike, not even in their values).

The two similar men opposing one another (who were a lot alike) were not supposed to be The Joker and Batman, but rather Batman and Harvey Dent. This film had two major feuds, one being Batman facing someone he saw a lot of himself in, Two Face, and the other being a man he had absolutely nothing in common with, The Joker.
Robin's not going to feature. In BB, Nolan confirmed that Dick Grayson is a baby during this period of his franchise. I highly doubt that given TDK followed BB by 6 months they would suddenly advance the plot to 10 years later at least.
The Dark Knight was supposed to be about two very similar men in opposition to each other
That's not the movie I watched. That's so far from the movie I watched that I need you to tell me where you heard this.
Tom Hardy will be awesome, mark my words. He has a ton of potential and behind Joseph Gordon Levitt he was the second best performance in Inception. I am indifferent to Hathaway so we shall see. I don't believe it will be any Batman Begins but it has a good chance of being not "shit", then again most films do.
Also, Catwoman and Bane are pretty much the two best options of people who will fit Nolanverse.

Catwoman can have a simulair origin to Batman, and Bane is fucking HAUUUUGGGEEE ripped crazy guy. Two people who are easily brought to reality.

Anybody that says otherwise either isn't a fucking real Batman fan or just a fucking idiot.

THIS. If you're serious Lee. Honestly Bane is in my top five Batman villains. People bitching that he's a roided up idiot are obviously unfamiliar with him outside of the awful Batman and Robin movie. He's more complex a character than The Riddler would have been, which honestly would have probably been too hokey. Not super stoked about Selina Kyle making her way in as I've never been a fan of the character but I'm going to wait a little longer then the day the news is announced to shit on it.

Also, lol @ the people here who said Nolan ''failed'' at what he was trying to turn TDK into. I'd suggest, in every way possible, he accomplished what he wanted. Since I'm positive here no one wrote it...I find it odd that someone could say he failed at what he was trying to do.

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