Dark Knight Rises Casting News

For the record, Batman Begins and The Dark Knight aren't bad films. In fact, they rank very highly on my list of superhero films. They're very good - better than a good 95% of the tripe out there.

However, people treat them as if they're on the same level as The Godfather or Taxi Driver or, I dunno, Blade Runner.

The fact of the matter is, they're really good superhero flicks. They're not stone cold classics. A clever, digestible take on the Batman lore. Half great monologues, half cheesy speeches. Some dodgily edited action sequences, some deeply flawed pacing, some really laboured exposition.

They're not bad movies by any means, but they don't transcend the genre as people claim they do.

they do though, dont they?
Not really.

I dont think so either, just saying that is likely why the producers pushed into another direction.

And besides, interaction with a female villain against this crazy semi maniacal version of batman is something they had to do.

I was hoping for Riddler as the main baddie, Bane the muscle, secondary baddie, and Catwoman as a neutral secondary character.

Not to be, it would seem.
Oh, and I was wrong about Batman Begins. People don't treat that film well; they pretend that film never happened even though it was every bit as good as its sequel. If only it weren't for "If that train gets to the mains, it's all gonna blow!".
Hmmm... let's see, Christopher Nolan, one of the best American filmmakers working today still at the helm; Tom Hardy, one of the best English actors working today playing the main villain (see his performance in Bronson if you don't buy that statement; the movie itself is just okay, but his performance is incredible); and Anne Hathaway, one of the best and sexiest American actresses working today as the female lead... yeah, don't think this will be anywhere near close to "shit," as people seem to be putting it.

jmt knows his shit. Nolan might be a bit dodgy in his film pacing, but as far as mainstream director's go he is the best. Not Cameron, Spielberg, or Scorsese match his current work (at their best, maybe, but nothing they've released recently).
Actually from New Zealand I believe and, aside from Fellowship, not that great. Don't feel bad - I had to edit Ridley Scott off of my list.


King Kong was long and kind of boring, but the T-Rex/King Kong fight sequence is fucking epic!

Plus he did production on District 9, one of the last movies that I REALLY enjoyed.
Looks like the Dark Knight and the casting of Heath Ledger as the Joker. I remember everyone shitting on that casting call, only two eat shit as soon as the trailer came out. It was the cool thing to bash, and then the same fans that bashed couldn't stop saying how great Ledger was when the movie first came out. Then the movie became this huge hit, and now it's cool to shit on Ledger's Joker.

I trust Nolan with this. Hathaway is bad ass, and Catwoman is a great character, fuck the haters. Bane was the best choice for a villain in the Nolanverse.
Really would've preffered what had been rumored:

Jim Carrey/Johnny Depp - Riddler
Phillip Seymour Hoffman - Penguin(I think he would've been golden in that role.)
Gabriel Byrne - Hugo Strange(I think. I know that Nolan was contemplating the character.)
There's more which i will try to remember.

I like Hardy though, Anne Hathaway not so much but anything beats Katie Holmes.
Bane's cool, only Batman villain to ever break seriously hurt Batman... until he was killed anyway.

Catwoman, on the other hand, is not that great a villain. Fortunately, if anyone can make Catwoman interesting it's Christopher Nolan.
This should be the last image of the movie if Nolan and Bale aren't coming back.

I'm disappointed that they didn't do the Englehart arc. Could've worked well with a new love interest as well as Deadshot, Strange and Thorne. Sadly, it looks like it will remain in my head. Hardy's as good a choice for Bane as any, and Selina Kyle could be played by pretty much any slim, attractive woman in Hollywood. I'm still confused by her ethnicity. I swear she was white for decades and then Frank Miller made her black.
Catwoman riding my cock = Interesting

Catwoman in ANY batman movie ≠ Interesting

To be fair, she's only been introduced as Selina Kyle so far.

Warner Bros. Pictures announced today that Anne Hathaway has been cast as Selina Kyle in Christopher Nolan’s “The Dark Knight Rises.” She will be starring alongside Christian Bale, who returns in the title role of Bruce Wayne/Batman.

So Catwoman is still not officially in the movie.
I fucking love this. The Batman movies have reached the Hogan / Cena heat level, were they are so motherfucking awesome its not the "in" thing to pick at them, and say they are shit, and whatnot. Good times.

This, x1000. I think some people believe it is either the smart, or cool thing to do when they bash commercial, big-budget films. Nolan has put forth nothing but solid, above-average films for years now..minus The Prestige.

Also, Catwoman and Bane are pretty much the two best options of people who will fit Nolanverse.

I was hoping for Hush, Hugo Strange or possibly even a Two-Face return, but whatever. I'm just not big on female villains, as they really do not register in my mind as legit threats to the hero. Call me sexist, I'm just being honest.

However, people treat them as if they're on the same level as The Godfather or Taxi Driver or, I dunno, Blade Runner.

For the comic book genre, I believe they are. I think Begins has taken a hit due to the overall popularity of The Dark Knight, but both films are great, almost equal.

I really would like for someone to point out a specific flaw in The Dark Knight. Great story, great acting (underrated performances from Eckhart and Gary Oldman), great direction, etc. It was shot about as well as any big-budget film I have ever seen. Also, if you knew absolutely nothing about the Batman and his mythology, you could still really enjoy this movie. I hear a lot of "Nolan is overrated" and the sort, but nothing concrete.
Oh, and I was wrong about Batman Begins. People don't treat that film well; they pretend that film never happened even though it was every bit as good as its sequel. If only it weren't for "If that train gets to the mains, it's all gonna blow!".

That line performed by the one and only Shane Rimmer aka Scott Tracy ;)

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