Daniel Bryan's rumored Wrestlemania Plans


Dark Match Winner
Anyone who has seen previous posts of mine knows that I am no Daniel Bryan fan, but I do acknowledge the guys popularity. So when I came across this article at http://whatculture.com/wwe/wwe-backstage-report-daniel-bryan-will-lose-triple-h-wrestlemania-30.php I instantly knew that if this comes true that Daniel Bryan fans will ruin the remainder of WrestleMania 30. According to the article, despite his recent confrontations with Randy Orton and Batista, Daniel Bryan is still supposed to face Triple H at WrestleMania 30, not only that, but according to the link he is supposed to LOSE to Triple H at the event. If this is the case for him at WrestleMania, what do you think will be the tone for the rest of the show and the audience reactions? I have come to terms with the fact that DB will be champion sooner or later but as of right now he is rumored to lose to Triple H on the grandest stage of them all. Is this a good move on WWE's part to further Daniel Bryan's support and the heat on Triple H? Or is this a huge mistake?
Bryan losing makes everything that follows just that little bit more interesting. There's no logic behind it, but then again there's no logic behind most things in wrestling, so lets make this happen.
Who in the entire globe thought HHH would job out at WM30 to Daniel Freaking Bryan?

I mean, I get that Bryan is popular this last few months, but come on, HHH isn't getting beaten by DB on the biggest stage in the entire history of the profession.

If DB does go over, though, it won't be clean, so either way, HHH is going to be protected.
Thing is though, HHH and his Authority know that the IWC wants Daniel Bryan in the main event at Mania, so they'll try and find some way of making it happen, whether he has to go through HHH to gdt there I don't know.
I take any dirtsheet report with a grain of salt. However, if this is true, creative would have no one else but themselves to blame if the crowd turns against the event itself. This is Wrestlemania XXX we are talking about, and at some point, the fans have to get what they want. They've milked the "Daniel Bryan: the underdog" story for all it's worth. Even if they book a whole PPV after this and book Daniel bryan to wrestle a 2 hour gauntlet and win the WWEWHC on that event, it won't be enough. Whether you like Daniel Bryan or not, you can't deny his popularity. And fans have been waiting (patiently and impatiently) to finally see him go over while HHH gets what's coming to him. People are already clamoring for a title match with DB in it. In case he goes down to HHH on that event, the proverbial hell may break loose that day!
Who in the entire globe thought HHH would job out at WM30 to Daniel Freaking Bryan?

I mean, I get that Bryan is popular this last few months, but come on, HHH isn't getting beaten by DB on the biggest stage in the entire history of the profession.

If DB does go over, though, it won't be clean, so either way, HHH is going to be protected.

Last few months? Where were you last year? Also I don't see the point in protecting HHH. He's not going to be wrestling again anytime soon, hell I'll be extremely surprised if he wrestles again in 2014. So it's not like we need him to stay a credible threat. Even then if they would let Brock Lesnar, a guy that they want to bill as some unstoppable monster, lose a good chuck of his matches I think they can afford to let the guy that has far more interest staying backstage than in the ring lose a match to one of their current most popular stars.
if Triple H beats Daniel Bryan, and the main event remains Batista/Orton, I'm walking out of the Superdome, as should EVERYONE else...Bryan needs to beat HHH AND win the WWE WORLD TITLE at WRESTLEMANIA 30!!!!
Last few months? Where were you last year? Also I don't see the point in protecting HHH. He's not going to be wrestling again anytime soon, hell I'll be extremely surprised if he wrestles again in 2014. So it's not like we need him to stay a credible threat. Even then if they would let Brock Lesnar, a guy that they want to bill as some unstoppable monster, lose a good chuck of his matches I think they can afford to let the guy that has far more interest staying backstage than in the ring lose a match to one of their current most popular stars.
He was an overrated mid carder a year ago, and his whole comedy schtick with Kane was exactly where he should have stayed.

And HHH wins at WM30 because he's FUCKING EARNED THE RIGHT TO GO OVER at WM30. I don't understand why people don't understand this very very very simple concept of working hard for something, and getting the payout at the end. Daniel Bryan can get his WM31 moment. HHH deserves this one.

if Triple H beats Daniel Bryan, and the main event remains Batista/Orton, I'm walking out of the Superdome, as should EVERYONE else...Bryan needs to beat HHH AND win the WWE WORLD TITLE at WRESTLEMANIA 30!!!!

They don't mind if you walk out after you already dropped $200+ per ticket. They don't care what you do, actually. The people that would walk out after watching HHH win in a match against the homeless wonder Daniel Bryan aren't people that the WWE is concerned with pleasing anyway.
And HHH wins at WM30 because he's FUCKING EARNED THE RIGHT TO GO OVER at WM30. I don't understand why people don't understand this very very very simple concept of working hard for something, and getting the payout at the end. Daniel Bryan can get his WM31 moment. HHH deserves this one.

I understand the concept of working hard for something and getting payout at the end. But since HHH's last match, Daniel Bryan has worked 162 matches. So if hard work was the metric you're applying to this particular match, then Bryan should probably hit the Knee Plus at the bell and take the three count.

But it's nothing to do with 'hard work', it's something more nebulous and intangible that you'd rather dress up a certain way to seem logical but also a bit contrarian, but can't just out and say for whatever reason: you prefer HHH to Daniel Bryan.

And that's fine by me and I wholeheartedly disagree. If HHH goes over - and I'm not saying he won't or shouldn't - then they'll have to have a very good creative reason for it because the post-WM period could get pretty ugly without their #2 face not ever getting a clean win on a big show, let alone a clean defeat to a guy who hasn't wrestled since June 2013 despite being fit.
He was an overrated mid carder a year ago, and his whole comedy schtick with Kane was exactly where he should have stayed.

And HHH wins at WM30 because he's FUCKING EARNED THE RIGHT TO GO OVER at WM30. I don't understand why people don't understand this very very very simple concept of working hard for something, and getting the payout at the end. Daniel Bryan can get his WM31 moment. HHH deserves this one.

So what, did you miss Summerslam and beyond?

Wow, the sheer irony in this, thankfully Gibby put it better than I could above. And I guess HHH does deserve a payout for all his hard work, it's not like he got rich, successful, and is in a very high position in the #1 wrestling company or anything. No he needs a win at WM30 for his reward! :rolleyes:
I understand the concept of working hard for something and getting payout at the end. But since HHH's last match, Daniel Bryan has worked 162 matches. So if hard work was the metric you're applying to this particular match, then Bryan should probably hit the Knee Plus at the bell and take the three count.

But it's nothing to do with 'hard work', it's something more nebulous and intangible that you'd rather dress up a certain way to seem logical but also a bit contrarian, but can't just out and say for whatever reason: you prefer HHH to Daniel Bryan.

And that's fine by me and I wholeheartedly disagree. If HHH goes over - and I'm not saying he won't or shouldn't - then they'll have to have a very good creative reason for it because the post-WM period could get pretty ugly without their #2 face not ever getting a clean win on a big show, let alone a clean defeat to a guy who hasn't wrestled since June 2013 despite being fit.

So what, did you miss Summerslam and beyond?

Wow, the sheer irony in this. And I guess HHH does deserve a payout for all his hard work, it's not like he got rich, successful, and is in a very high position in the #1 wrestling company or anything. No he needs a win at WM30 for his reward! :rolleyes:

Sorry guys, Daniel Bryan working a handful of years in high school gyms as a spot junkie and then being artificially pushed beyond his actual talent level does not equal the amount of dedication that HHH has to the industry. I've never concealed the truth that HHH is just a straight up better character in the WWE than Daniel Bryan. He's believable when he wins matches. He can promo. He can wrestle. He can brawl. And he's given the WWE more than Daniel Bryan can ever give.

The truth is that at this point, there's no one better than Bryan to get the push, as he's popular. It doesn't matter that he can't promo and can barely wrestle without being an idiotic choreographed spazz. What matters is that the people like him, so he's getting his push. He opens and closes Raw. He's at every Raw and Smackdown and now even Main Event. Him fighting HHH makes sense. Him beating HHH clean is seriously the dumbest thing ever.
Sorry guys, Daniel Bryan working a handful of years in high school gyms as a spot junkie and then being artificially pushed beyond his actual talent level does not equal the amount of dedication that HHH has to the industry. I've never concealed the truth that HHH is just a straight up better character in the WWE than Daniel Bryan. He's believable when he wins matches. He can promo. He can wrestle. He can brawl. And he's given the WWE more than Daniel Bryan can ever give.

The truth is that at this point, there's no one better than Bryan to get the push, as he's popular. It doesn't matter that he can't promo and can barely wrestle without being an idiotic choreographed spazz. What matters is that the people like him, so he's getting his push. He opens and closes Raw. He's at every Raw and Smackdown and now even Main Event. Him fighting HHH makes sense. Him beating HHH clean is seriously the dumbest thing ever.

Well that's your opinion and you're entitled to it, but it lacks the hard evidence or reason that I prefer when entering into these things. You've said HHH is more dedicated? By what do we measure dedication? Marrying into power, or wrestling in these high school gyms (some of which are in Japan, and hold 5000+ people ;) ) until their dreams came true?

You've said Bryan is promoted beyond his level? People in the industry such as Steve Austin and Mick Foley disagree with you. That's fine if you think that, but if the fans like him and people in the industry have constantly like him, do you not think that it's a little unreasonable that he have to personally please you into the bargain?

Sure, if you think HHH is a better character, that's fine. Certainly he's a better promo. You will brook no argument from me on that count.

As for 'believability'; that's just a preference really - I know what professional athletes and skilled grapplers look like, and I think that someone one with mat-fighting skills and inside knowledge of submission techniques looks a more credible winner than a bodybuilder who can't find the right end of a sledgehammer.
Sorry guys, Daniel Bryan working a handful of years in high school gyms as a spot junkie and then being artificially pushed beyond his actual talent level does not equal the amount of dedication that HHH has to the industry. I've never concealed the truth that HHH is just a straight up better character in the WWE than Daniel Bryan. He's believable when he wins matches. He can promo. He can wrestle. He can brawl. And he's given the WWE more than Daniel Bryan can ever give.

The truth is that at this point, there's no one better than Bryan to get the push, as he's popular. It doesn't matter that he can't promo and can barely wrestle without being an idiotic choreographed spazz. What matters is that the people like him, so he's getting his push. He opens and closes Raw. He's at every Raw and Smackdown and now even Main Event. Him fighting HHH makes sense. Him beating HHH clean is seriously the dumbest thing ever.

You think HHH actually cares about getting that win? OK I'm sure there's a small part of him that does, but end of the day with the wealth and success he's enjoying that win is absolutely nothing in comparison. He's gotten plenty of reward for all his hard work and will get plenty more in the future, and a clean loss at WM won't change any of that. A win on the other hand gets him nothing, just him losing does nothing to him. If anything I think he would legitimately LOL at the idea that a win at WM30 is his "reward".
Sorry guys, Daniel Bryan working a handful of years in high school gyms as a spot junkie and then being artificially pushed beyond his actual talent level does not equal the amount of dedication that HHH has to the industry. I've never concealed the truth that HHH is just a straight up better character in the WWE than Daniel Bryan. He's believable when he wins matches. He can promo. He can wrestle. He can brawl. And he's given the WWE more than Daniel Bryan can ever give.

The truth is that at this point, there's no one better than Bryan to get the push, as he's popular. It doesn't matter that he can't promo and can barely wrestle without being an idiotic choreographed spazz. What matters is that the people like him, so he's getting his push. He opens and closes Raw. He's at every Raw and Smackdown and now even Main Event. Him fighting HHH makes sense. Him beating HHH clean is seriously the dumbest thing ever.

I take it that you don't like Daniel Bryan, and it's fine. It's your opinion. However, discounting the fact that their have been a huge roar by the crowds over the last few months to make DB a champion would be huge mistake on WWE's part. Royal Rumble provided the proof of it.

And when was wrestling ever about believability? Pro wrestling is about story telling, and every story needs an appropriate end at the appropriate time. Wrestlemania is the right time for this story to end. DB going over HHH is the appropriate end. You don't want your audience to turn against your show. Sending crowd home happy is what this business is all about, isn't it? Whether DB deserve to beat HHH or not is subjective. The story demands it. That's where the money and satisfaction of the masses lie.
The time for Triple H to be worried about being rewarded in the form of victories in a predetermined sport has passed, and I don't buy this report for a second.
If hhh wins which there is a good possibility I believe it will be of a dirty tactic. He is a wrestler yes but is now a business man.
I'm sure most of you remember when Vince was with us full time he went into his fair share of matches with the then popular faces of the company and won his fair share aswell (dirty tactics) ... It's all part of building someone up and making people hate hhh even more...
Daniel loosing to hhh wouldn't hurt him in the slightest. It would make him stronger.... Unless hhh won clean. If he won clean hhh would be backing up that Daniel is a b+ player and can't step up against the big boys when it matters but that wouldn't really fit into the current story line so I can't see a clean hhh win happening.
Daniel does need to work on his promos. Why doesn't he ever sneak in any jabs at trips when he's callingim a b+ player at all?
Tell him that maybe he should step down to the b+ rankings because the last few times you've wrestled in the a+ category he's lost on all accounts. C'mon danielson
Honestly the way I think the WWE should handle this situation, although I know all of the die hard Daniel Bryan fans still wouldn't be happy with this, is they should in fact keep the DB/HHH match and Orton/Batista match. They just need to adjust how these matches are going to happen. First, they should turn Batista face in a big way. And the way to do that would be to have he, Orton, Kane, and HHH beating down Bryan only for him to turn on the rest of them and rather SAVE Daniel Bryan instead and cut a promo about how he was just having some fun messing with Orton and the Authority or something. Then they should change the Daniel Bryan and HHH match to a big stipulation ladder match, having the stipulations that if HHH wins then DB can never receive another World title match, and if Bryan wins he is the automatic #1 contender for the WWE WHC at the NEXT PPV. Would that work?
My prediction is that this report is off base WAY OFF BASE.

If my instincts are correct, then Bryan should be thanking Dave Batista for the rest of his life for failing the gag test with the fans, resulting in Bryan's big moment getting moved up from SS-2014 to the WM-ME.

You have no idea how big this is probably going to get.

I don't just think HHH is going to lose to Bryan, I think he's going to 'see the light' & become Bryan's biggest advocate in WWE once this thing is over with.

I think they've moved a nuclear bomb into place & are about ready to set it off.

When you truly understand what they might well have planned for Bryan, these forums are going to explode with both love & hate... looking forward to the flame wars. :D
Honestly the way I think the WWE should handle this situation, although I know all of the die hard Daniel Bryan fans still wouldn't be happy with this, is they should in fact keep the DB/HHH match and Orton/Batista match. They just need to adjust how these matches are going to happen. First, they should turn Batista face in a big way. And the way to do that would be to have he, Orton, Kane, and HHH beating down Bryan only for him to turn on the rest of them and rather SAVE Daniel Bryan instead and cut a promo about how he was just having some fun messing with Orton and the Authority or something. Then they should change the Daniel Bryan and HHH match to a big stipulation ladder match, having the stipulations that if HHH wins then DB can never receive another World title match, and if Bryan wins he is the automatic #1 contender for the WWE WHC at the NEXT PPV. Would that work?

That wouldn't work simply to the fact that Batista at the moment is in a huge heel push at the moment. He's more of a heel now than orton is. I live in winnipeg and we just had a house show you probably read about it on wrestlezone but he came out flipping everyone the finger and fighting with fans lol....dude won't be a face anytime soon the fans do not like him at the moment, I'm glad they didn't take the cena roll with him and have him respecting all the fans boos and all that crap.
Daniel will get his push and his match with hhh is only furthering his popularity. Be patient. It will happen lol
That wouldn't work simply to the fact that Batista at the moment is in a huge heel push at the moment. He's more of a heel now than orton is. I live in winnipeg and we just had a house show you probably read about it on wrestlezone but he came out flipping everyone the finger and fighting with fans lol....dude won't be a face anytime soon the fans do not like him at the moment, I'm glad they didn't take the cena roll with him and have him respecting all the fans boos and all that crap.
Daniel will get his push and his match with hhh is only furthering his popularity. Be patient. It will happen lol

Oh no! Do not get me wrong I couldn't care less if DB gets his push I hate the guy. Im just trying to find a way to appease everyone. Maybe turn Orton face? Because while I don't want Bryan in the main event at 'Mania 30, it really doesn't make sense to have two heels main eventing. Even if the crowd boos the guy who is supposed to be face because he isn't Daniel Bryan. One of either Orton or Batista does need to become a face soon. I really don't want Bryan in the title match but the biggest WrestleMania of all time does need a face in its main event.
Oh no! Do not get me wrong I couldn't care less if DB gets his push I hate the guy. Im just trying to find a way to appease everyone. Maybe turn Orton face? Because while I don't want Bryan in the main event at 'Mania 30, it really doesn't make sense to have two heels main eventing. Even if the crowd boos the guy who is supposed to be face because he isn't Daniel Bryan. One of either Orton or Batista does need to become a face soon. I really don't want Bryan in the title match but the biggest WrestleMania of all time does need a face in its main event.

This is true it's not as interesting with 2 faces... If they don't insert someone else into the match I think even if they don't put effort into making orton the face the fans will either cheer for him anyways or it will be a very quiet match sadly...which I hope doesn't happen
IF Daniel Bryan faces Triple H at WrestleMania XXX and loses, then I honestly think that would go a long way in hurting Bryan's momentum. Fans are behind him and have been behind him especially since Trips screwed him over at SummerSlam, so it's natural they want to see some sort of payoff. WrestleMania XXX is the biggest show of the year and if said payoff not only doesn't happen there but Bryan loses to Trips, then I do think there's a good possibility in a lot of fans just throwing up their hands and declaring they're done with it. Off & on since SummerSlam, there've been teases of Bryan getting his hands on Triple H; if it happens at WrestleMania and Bryan doesn't win, then I think it's over for Bryan as a potential main event level player. The Authority have called Bryan a "B+ Player" for the past half year and Triple H going over Bryan in a match at an event where it'd be the most opportune time for Bryan to have a huge moment could very well solidify it. The payoff for Bryan vs. Triple H would be Bryan winning and proving that he's an "A Player." It's also an opportune time for one of the biggest stars in the history of the company to give a major rub to a much younger guy that can help carry the company going into the next decade. If it doesn't happen at WrestleMania, then I don't think it will be coming period.

As someone else said, however, you have to take a lot of what's said in the dirtsheets with a grain of salt and that goes especially for anything concerning WrestleMania. For instance, yesterday I read a report in which Dave Meltzer states that WWE plans on pushing Cena & Bryan as the top two guys coming out of WrestleMania. IF that turns out to be the plan, then I don't see Bryan jobbing at WrestleMania.

I honestly don't see why some think it foolish to expect Bryan to go over Triple H. He's red hot, has been for half a year, he's massively over, he draws well for the company, makes money. If Triple H AND Shawn Michaels both put over Chris Benoit at WrestleMania XX, someone that never came remotely close to being as over as Bryan is, then I fail to see what's so hard to believe about Bryan going over.
IF Daniel Bryan faces Triple H at WrestleMania XXX and loses, then I honestly think that would go a long way in hurting Bryan's momentum. Fans are behind him and have been behind him especially since Trips screwed him over at SummerSlam, so it's natural they want to see some sort of payoff. WrestleMania XXX is the biggest show of the year and if said payoff not only doesn't happen there but Bryan loses to Trips, then I do think there's a good possibility in a lot of fans just throwing up their hands and declaring they're done with it. Off & on since SummerSlam, there've been teases of Bryan getting his hands on Triple H; if it happens at WrestleMania and Bryan doesn't win, then I think it's over for Bryan as a potential main event level player. The Authority have called Bryan a "B+ Player" for the past half year and Triple H going over Bryan in a match at an event where it'd be the most opportune time for Bryan to have a huge moment could very well solidify it. The payoff for Bryan vs. Triple H would be Bryan winning and proving that he's an "A Player." It's also an opportune time for one of the biggest stars in the history of the company to give a major rub to a much younger guy that can help carry the company going into the next decade. If it doesn't happen at WrestleMania, then I don't think it will be coming period.

As someone else said, however, you have to take a lot of what's said in the dirtsheets with a grain of salt and that goes especially for anything concerning WrestleMania. For instance, yesterday I read a report in which Dave Meltzer states that WWE plans on pushing Cena & Bryan as the top two guys coming out of WrestleMania. IF that turns out to be the plan, then I don't see Bryan jobbing at WrestleMania.

I honestly don't see why some think it foolish to expect Bryan to go over Triple H. He's red hot, has been for half a year, he's massively over, he draws well for the company, makes money. If Triple H AND Shawn Michaels both put over Chris Benoit at WrestleMania XX, someone that never came remotely close to being as over as Bryan is, then I fail to see what's so hard to believe about Bryan going over.

People also forget that Triple H has more losses at Wrestlemania than he has won.
His record currently reads 8 Wins - 9 Losses.

From WM 20-24, he lost 4 straight matches, putting over the likes of Benoit, Batista, Cena and Orton.
All of those guys needed the wins to help them reach the next level and HHH did the job for them.
I don't see why after championing the "Best for Business" for so long, he would do the complete opposite at Wrestlemania.
People also forget that Triple H has more losses at Wrestlemania than he has won.
His record currently reads 8 Wins - 9 Losses.

From WM 20-24, he lost 4 straight matches, putting over the likes of Benoit, Batista, Cena and Orton.
All of those guys needed the wins to help them reach the next level and HHH did the job for them.
I don't see why after championing the "Best for Business" for so long, he would do the complete opposite at Wrestlemania.

Eh, for what it's worth, I think it's best for business for Bray, Big E, Cesaro, etc. to get their shot, and for Bryan to be edged back to the midcard. You can use his fame to push midcarders, where he's totally fit to be, and the talent with main event ability can get their shots.

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