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Daniel Bryan - Training For MMA Or Killing Time


I ran across an interesting little piece today that suggests that Bryan MIGHT be considering a trip into the world of mixed martial arts or is merely taking his love of grappling to the next level.

Former UFC Lightweight Champion Benson Henderson recently gave an interview with Sporting News and says that Bryan has been putting in a lot of time at the gym where he trains.

"He was out with some injuries in WWE. He came to our gym and moved up to blue belt in jui-jitsu under my coach John Crouch. Every time I go in there, he's working his butt off. I heard he was pretty strong and actually surprised me with how technical he is. A lot of guys have a hard time learning those techniques. I heard he was really great at being able to use his technique and not relying on his strength. He's smooth and does jui-jitsu really well."

Bryan has been a huge fan of grappling for pretty much his entire life, often traveling to Japan to learn anything he could or attending seminars held by the likes of Billy Robinson. Personally, I doubt Bryan is looking to jump into MMA but if he's able to withstand the rigors of training in a physically demanding grappling martial art like jui-jitsu, then maybe he really is feeling every bit as good and healthy as he claims.

However, WWE's medical director and neurosurgeon Dr. Joseph Maroon, has Bryan under a microscope and wants to be as certain as possible. To my understanding, he's considered one of the nation's foremost experts on concussions. However, he reportedly will be featured in a less than flattering portrayal in the upcoming film Concussion starring Will Smith as many within the media have criticized his position that the development of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, which is a progressive degenerative disease found in people with repetitive brain trauma, isn't as widespread within the NFL as some claim. Bryan has been cleared by several other doctors but Maroon is THE man among WWE's medical personnel and given that the film comes out on Christmas Day, Bryan will be kept under a microscope.
If Daniel Bryan is looking to a career or maybe a start in MMA, then move over CM Punk, you just got out maneuvered. Not only would Bryan be a bigger draw, he would most likely go in wanting to win. He appears to me to be more driven than Punk at what he tries.

Also wondering if this is a shot across the bow to the WWE. Either let me wrestle or I'm jumping ship. The WWE needs Bryan back, simply because his name alone would put people in seats, but not if he's still not 100%.

On the other hand if he signs a deal with UFC, then he would have lot's of time to train and recover for any fight he might have. Unlike the WWE where he would be in the ring almost nightly.

I can't really decide if this is a good move or not.
If Daniel Bryan is looking to a career or maybe a start in MMA, then move over CM Punk, you just got out maneuvered. Not only would Bryan be a bigger draw, he would most likely go in wanting to win.

Agreed. Daniel Bryan is a more likable figure than Punk, from a public relations point of view. We never read of Daniel being difficult in his relations with WWE management and he never quit on an employer who featured him to the heights of his profession, as did Punk. I would think more folks would be interested in seeing Daniel do well in MMA, although a greater number might buy a Punk fight for the purpose of hopefully seeing him get his block knocked off.

That said, my initial thought upon reading this post is that Daniel is just using martial arts training to: (1) keep himself in shape for an eventual return to WWE, and: (2) Show Vince McMahon that if he can take 'real' physical punishment, he's certainly able to take the scripted stuff.

If I were McMahon, I'd be relieved Bryan is doing it. This way, Vince can't be held responsible if Daniel winds up crippled. While that might sound harsh, I doubt McMahon has said to Daniel: "Train in martial arts and then we'll see about you coming back to us."

No, I would think this is Daniel's idea.......and frankly, if Bryan wanted to try real MMA fighting, he wouldn't be the first pro wrestler to find himself not enjoying fighting an opponent who wasn't being paid to make Daniel look good.
I think DB has already said in an interview that he was due to be seen by the top doc for concussions and if he wasn't cleared after that consultation he would move on to other things.

H wasn't going to retire but he had no issues ending his relationship with WWE if they decided not to clear him
At this point, WWE needs Bryan more than Bryan needs WWE. Bryan is in a unique spot like Rey Mysterio was. We all know WWE is petty and they are purposely keeping Bryan off TV. They are paying him to stay home so he doesn't go anywhere else.

And Bryan is torn because he is getting free money to do nothing, but doing nothing is driving him crazy.

I wonder how much more mental abuse Bryan can take? He is such a nice/humble meek guy, so I don't know if he has the balls to leave WWE and make money elsewhere. We all know he would make the same amount of money on the indies he is making now and he would have freedom.

Vince better suck it up, quit being petty before Bryan grows a pair. They are losing out on their biggest face star since....well John Cena LOL.

It must eat at Vinces soul everyday knowing that the fans would rather cheer a bearded midgit over a muscular Roman Reigns god with pretty looks. Hahahaha.
I can't think of much better training than MMA. If he's doing it to stay in shape, then smart move by DB. If he's doing it to leave WWE for a career in MMA then...not such a smart move. DB has issues with concussions and he enters a sport where he could take kicks and punches to the head ? Not a good idea.

He really should stay in WWE where injuries can be prevented and he could have a longer career.
lol at the ludicrous Punk bashing in this thread.
Daniel Bryan is a helluva an athlete but people are pretty delusional stating his drive to succeed is higher than Phil Brooks. That's a know-nothing blanket generalization about two men you've never met in your life. What a joke.

Also...people tend to forget very quickly that Daniel Bryan's dream WM30 was booked as a reaction to Phil leaving the WWE. If you think he was going to go over all three remaining members of Evolution in one night to win the strap if Punk was still a legit draw you're INSANE. Punk leaving forced the WWE to put all their eggs in Bryan's basket. Fact.
Exactly, also Punk is a much more polarizing figure and he's more likely to get you to buy that PPV as he'll sell the match well, whether you want him to win or simply hope he gets destroyed. I like DB simply because he comes across as genuine and a good guy, being a vegan, growing his own food, can't get more down to earth than DB. Although I don't know them personally, I feel I'd like DB more but as a character, CM Punk is far and beyond for me.
Whether he is training for MMA is redundant really. The truth is that he is still under contract with the WWE and there is no way that they are going to release him to sign with the UFC, or some other MMA organisation. I think Vince would rather pay him to do nothing rather than let him escape to some competition, quite frankly.

That said, I don't think this is anything more than Bryan just training his way back to fitness. By all accounts, he enjoys grappling and this martial art is all about that aspect of wrestling. He's out of the WWE for the meantime, he might as well go about pursuing other endeavours whilst staying fit. I don't see it coming to much really.
I think it has to be more of a fitness thing. Bryan wants to wrestle again but I think he's smart enough not to jump into a sport where they can legit kick you in the head. I don't know what his WWE contract pays but a schedule of indies and Japan pays pretty good.
lol at the ludicrous Punk bashing in this thread.
Daniel Bryan is a helluva an athlete but people are pretty delusional stating his drive to succeed is higher than Phil Brooks.
Also...people tend to forget very quickly that Daniel Bryan's dream WM30 was booked as a reaction to Phil leaving the WWE. If you think he was going to go over all three remaining members of Evolution in one night to win the strap if Punk was still a legit draw you're INSANE. Punk leaving forced the WWE to put all their eggs in Bryan's basket. Fact.
first things first.....if Bryan is training for an MMA career and is leaving WWE then good for him. i think he's a great in ring competitor and as much as i think Punk's great in the ring, i always felt that Bryan was better in the ring. with THAT said, Phil "CM Punk" Brooks is a bigger draw due to his personality. he's real polarizing because he speaks his mind. people will tune in to either watch him win or watch him get killed. as for Bryan, people will watch him too, but they'll watch him for just the match.

as for Bryan winning the world title, agreed that it was WWE's reaction for being stupid, but thankfully they did it as it made Wrestlemania better. if they would've kept that stupid Batista and Orton main event, it would've been booed out of the building. they likely would've put Punk in Bryan's spot if he stayed, but he left and Bryan got it.
Whether he is training for MMA is redundant really. The truth is that he is still under contract with the WWE and there is no way that they are going to release him to sign with the UFC, or some other MMA organisation. I think Vince would rather pay him to do nothing rather than let him escape to some competition, quite frankly.

That said, I don't think this is anything more than Bryan just training his way back to fitness. By all accounts, he enjoys grappling and this martial art is all about that aspect of wrestling. He's out of the WWE for the meantime, he might as well go about pursuing other endeavours whilst staying fit. I don't see it coming to much really.

Are you on acid worst wrestling excrement couldn't care about Daniel Bryan at this point they have been holding him back and putting him down because of his size and that exactly what happened with Phil Brooks ( CM Punk) The small guys get the short end of the stick ! Daniel Bryan is looking to a career or maybe a start in MMA, then that's an addition with CM Punk. Not only would Bryan be a bigger draw, he would most likely go in wanting to win. He appears to me to be more driven at what he tries.
UFC will pay him helluva lot more money and give him time off to recuperate till his next fight and with the UFC reality show I am sure Daniel Bryan would want to hop on that with his friend CM Punk on the same show UFC can place these 2 top drawers on their ppv! He can be breach of contract and UFC will buy him out.
Daniel Bryan has already said in an interview that he was due to be seen by the top doc for concussions and if he wasn't cleared after that consultation he would move on to other things which is now revealed MMA! Daniel Bryan is looking to a career or maybe a start in MMA, then he ll be joining his pal CM Punk. Not only would Bryan be a bigger draw, he would most likely go in wanting to win. He appears to me to be more driven at what he tries. UFC can place these 2 top drawers on their ppv! He can be breach of contract and UFC will buy him out. I think ****ty Steffy and HHH( hot,horny and hard) have been holding him back and putting him down for over a year now and they seem to do this to small guys as they always end up with the short end of the stick!
Kudos to DB to training MMA and having these 2 great athletes in UFC on the roster and facing each other can put many wrestling fans and MMA fans onto the seats!
Many wrestlers are transitioning from fake sport to REAL SPORT! Bobby Lashley, CM Punk, Dave Batista, Alberto Del Rio etc so that helps the extendability and curiosity of MMA and attract audience as well as Wrestling fans.
lol at the ludicrous Punk bashing in this thread.
Daniel Bryan is a helluva an athlete but people are pretty delusional stating his drive to succeed is higher than Phil Brooks. That's a know-nothing blanket generalization about two men you've never met in your life. What a joke.

Also...people tend to forget very quickly that Daniel Bryan's dream WM30 was booked as a reaction to Phil leaving the WWE. If you think he was going to go over all three remaining members of Evolution in one night to win the strap if Punk was still a legit draw you're INSANE. Punk leaving forced the WWE to put all their eggs in Bryan's basket. Fact.

I wasn't bashing Punk at all, just stating a fact. I think the same amount of fans would watch a UFC event featuring either of them. The only difference being, they would be cheering Bryan to win. Punk has already been gone for almost two years now, and has still yet to have his first fight. A shoulder injury had stopped his training.

Daniel Bryan just strikes me as the type of person who in that length of time would have already been in the Octagon. I'm really wondering if Punk did it to keep himself relevant or not. And let's face it Punk left the WWE not on really good terms. I do think though he will be invited back one day, and will get a huge pop, but Daniel Bryan has always been the more popular of the two with fans.
If it meant reducing the risk of injuries I would prefer to see him wrestle part time only on the big events as the past few years no matter who he has wrestled he always seemed to have the match of the night and wrestling that style with a heavy schedule must take a toll on anyones body.
I hadn't heard of any rumours of him doing MMA but If he does go to MMA or some local independant wrestling company I would still watch his matches if I could.
Concussions. Once those start racking up, it begins to be a problem. How big of a problem each one is a mystery but current research suggests that it becomes very dangerous after 3 concussions.

WWE is looking out for his best interests. They are protecting him from himself. The notion that he is trying to show he can do tough stuff by this training is dumb. Concussions don't care about how tough you are. Concussions also don't care how long you have to recover between fights.

I think he is just killing time. Someone with his condition should not enter MMA.
I think its only for fitness ..... Because of his concussion history, he really shouldnot go to such hardcore fight where his neck is in much danger than it is in WWE.... And i dont think he will ever breach his contract and thus he will remain on WWE only..... He might be just preparing for a comeback :rolleyes:
It's possible, he is a fairly sound technical wrestler and if he has been studying other things, he could make the jump over but there s a much greater chance of him getting hurt in mma compared to wwe so it might be something his doctors advise against. After all, with all the shots to the head, the chances of his getting another concussion are pretty high. Plus, who knows how long he is still under contract with wwe - they may not let him out. Wait and see i guess.
In today's age of insider spoilers, pro-wrestling companies have to be pretty damn tight lipped about their intentions regarding someone who they might want to bring back as a surprise. For that reason, we have to be suspicious of every stupid possibility imaginable in order to be mildly realistic about what we can be certain of.

I think that Daniel Bryan would be a good addition to the UFC roster, or the rosters of one of the countless groups under the UFC umbrella. It would be neat, in the one or two years it would take him to get into the kind of shape necessary to compete without losing in ten seconds. I get it that he trains really really hard, but he'd be fighting people who've trained for most of their entire existence on this Earth.

Mixed Martial Arts is great in that you can really see how tough someone is, but as a seasoned pro-wrestling fan I've been spoiled by the notion of the athletes almost never having an off-season. We see pro-wrestlers almost every week, and they're back in the ring pretty damn quickly after horrifying injuries. The most popular MMA practitioners might fight four times a year, sometimes one of those fights can get cancelled due to an injury incurred while training for the fight.

This would be a great way for the UFC to make some quick cash, but it really wouldn't be the same since Daniel Bryan (as Bryan Danielson of course) obviously won't be doing backward somersaults off the cage. If he wins, he'll fend off some striking and lock his opponent into some kind of submission hold. The fight might only last ten seconds and then the real return on your ticket money is that you'll likely get lots of time to get an autograph.

I'm not excited about this idea.
I'm hoping he takes the ball and run with it. The YES! Movement is his, and he can take that promo to any company he wants to.

I'm hoping he is training to get back in the ring, if not a WWE ring... then hopefully a NJPW/ROH/PWG ring.

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