Damn Juggalos.

So I'm picking up a few things for my mom from Costco, she's having a huge Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow, and what do I see? An entire FAMILY of Juggalos. Two adults, mid thirties I'd guess, a teenager, and a little boy. They're all wearing raggedy ass ICP clothing, yelling at store employees, destroying the sample displays, and the worst part.... They have ICP blaring from one of their iPods.... And Juggalos wonder why people have this idea that they're stupid.
fuck off Stinger :p

odds are good those people would be giant ***** regardless of their taste in music Crock please don't lump all of us in with those people.
I did notice someone tagged the local gas station down the street, they tagged the handicapped parking space wtih a juggalo icon, coincidence? LOL
No no? I'm not lumping you in. That's the reason I believe people don't like Juggalos, Milenko. Association. You're actually very nice.
get back in the kitchen and make me a sandwich woman. When I want your opinion I'll give it to you.
I've learned not to make associations, but sometimes... It's a struggle.

LR79, if you're making sandwiches I like BLTs. Just saying.
Wow....Milenko..I thought you were a nice person on WZ. Obviously I thought wrong... :wtf: Maybe its about that time for me to withdraw the nom for nicest person lol
Why would I shove a sandwich up my ass? I'm not an Afghani boy trying to get a some hash onto a plane, I'll take it in my mouth please.
That's contradictory, champ. Coming out of the closet means someone is gay. But if I like women... I'm not going to try to explain it to you. I'm just not.

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