Damage control for Sting vs HHH

I really hate to be pessimistic here, but I think the way this match went was all Vince McMahon. I thought the match was highly entertaining. Sting and Triple H did far a better a job than anyone could've expected. And even though the NWO coming out to help Sting made little sense (a group of WCW guys coming out like Flair, DDP, Booker T, and or Goldberg would've made far more sense), it was still absolutely fun to watch unfold. We finally got our NWO vs. DX moment.

But to me it definitely had the wrong ending. I was always a WWE guy, and always have been, but even I'm tired of this point of Vince shitting on WCW like he has for the last 15 years. And Sting losing was another example of that. Why in the world would you bring in an all-time legend for his first WWE match ever, to have him lose? I'm sorry, I can't find any other explanation for it other than to bury Sting, and WCW at the same time. Vince's comments at the shareholders meeting this morning talking about how he and WWE brought Sting back from irrelevancy only proves that point.

If Sting never wrestles again, it will be an absolute crappy way to end Sting's career, and only solidifies Sting's fears about coming onboard. If Sting had come in to face Bray Wyatt, or Seth Rollins, or even Brock Lesnar, and lost, that would not be a case of burying him. That would be a case of a veteran on his last legs putting over a younger guy, which is perfectly fine. Wyatt, Rollins, and even Lesnar had nothing to do with the Monday Night Wars, so it would be fine. Sting losing to Triple H, and the NWO basically losing to D-X, was another way for Vince to bury WCW. Heck, listen to the commentary from the match. Michael Cole and JBL were just burying Sting and WCW throughout the whole match, it was sickening to listen to. Jerry Lawler was the only voice of reason, trying to build both guys up, like a commentator is supposed to. It's obvious that Vince was feeding JBL and Cole's lines to them.

I'm sorry, but I just don't see it as anything other than a burial of Sting and WCW. Especially if Sting does nothing from here on out. Luckily, Sting's promo tonight alluded to the idea that he's not done, and hopefully WWE can right the wrongs of last night and give Sting some credible wins and not continue to bury him.

If WWE is planning on building to Taker/Sting next year, the match can still happen, but the build-up definitely hurts with Sting losing his first WWE match. It makes no sense.

Triple H and Sting and the members of D-X and the NWO did a great job of entertaining the crowd and creating a much better match than anyone could've expected. Kudos to them. Great match, great spectacle. Wrong and shameful ending.
Heck, listen to the commentary from the match. Michael Cole and JBL were just burying Sting and WCW throughout the whole match, it was sickening to listen to. Jerry Lawler was the only voice of reason, trying to build both guys up, like a commentator is supposed to. It's obvious that Vince was feeding JBL and Cole's lines to them.

which is funny cause if you re watch WM19. Lawler and JR have this back and forth all match about WCW and their belts.

"King: Yeah JR, Booker T was a WCW Champion, but everyone knows that company was a joke.
JR: Did you ever work for WCW king?
Kin: No
JR: well I did
King: well was it a joke?
JR: Damn right!
King: lol so triple h was right?
JR: Yeah, but Booker T wasnt a joke"

You Buried his Championship reigns and the Company he one them in. how does that not make Booker look like a joke then?
here's a list of things JBL and Cole said about Sting. and I dare someone to try to spin this any other way then Burying him and WCW.

"This isn't Starrcade, this is WrestleMania"

Compered WCW to the 66 Chiefs and WWE to the 66 Packers and "The Superior Brand" talking about SuperBowl 1 (game was a 35-10 blowout by Green Bay)

JBL "He looks fine, and has Make up on great, but this is where (meaning WWE) you fined out if Sting was ever really good to begin with" King's reply "Point well taken"

"Sting was a big star in a company full of stars, but this is The WWE, and this is WrestleMania"

"It's Easy to win in the D-Leagues, but when in the NBA it's a world of difference"

Cole "Triple H got Sting in his Trap, and is destroying the last solider of WCW"

JBL Repeats multiple times how Sting deserves this for trying to put them and their families out of jobs (says the people that were not in the company that had that happened to them) Cole "the face" keeps saying he agrees with JBL on that point.

Cole basically calls Sting a sore loser for "not jumping ship and becoming a megastar"

JBL calls Sting "a big fish in a little pond" and an Idiot for "going down with the Titanic" (they praise Taker for that same reason later that night)

JBL and Cole keep bring up how Sting going to lose two wars

JBL after the match acts like he won the SuperBowl saying "the Right/good side won again" and how the nWo and Sting were losers again.
Commentary on this match was just ridiculous. It usually is, but this was too much. I don't know what creative to this match got in their head, but when I thought they abandoned the WCW vs WWE angle, here we go and here comes DX and the nWo(new age outlaws according to Michael Cole). Awesome mark out moment but as some forum members said, right there we all knew HHH would win. Sting came to WWE for a Wrestlemania bout and he got it. I truly believe he didn't want a win, just to participate and he did. But something tells me that WWE will not resist, and Taker vs Sting will indeed happen and trust me, this loss won't affect Sting going into that match.
I think this is getting blown out of porportion. They had to bury Sting on commentary cuz he it's WCW. I really dont think it mattered who won this match. Also Sting had won every encounter other than mania so he doesn't necessarily look ask that weak in losing. Also he lost to DX and a sledge not just HHH. If sing is going to wrestle again i just hope it's not the Undertaker as this match will be very disappointing and not love up to its huge expectations.
The commenators sucked ass.

WCW was bigger then WWF many times under late 90's.

94-95-96-97-98-99 WCW exploded and had the best years.

They dropped in late 99 when Russo came in.

Talent and star namaes were bigger than WWF when it came to more names:
You had Sting, Hulk Hogan, Goldberg, NWO, Outsiders Scott Hall Kevin Nash, Macho Man, Ric Flair, Chris Jericho, Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio, Dean Malenko, Bret Hart, Curt Henning, Scott Steiner, Rick Rude, Ric Steiner, Sid Viscious, Vader, Booker T, Diamond Dallas Page, Raven, Chris Benoit

Look at that roster list.

WWE saying "small pond" lol. Cheap. Sheeps.

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