Wrestlemania 31- Sting VS Triple H

You see how they have somewhat fixed Wyatt. Made him win that feud with Ambrose, he has beaten uppercarders on Raw consistently, good showing in the Rumble, hell they even gave him the coveted mid-Rumble promo!

Thats how they are making him look slightly like a threat after fucking with him in 2014 with all the hopeless flip flopping. If someone like Ambrose charged in with momentum (and by god he has some momentum already) and faced Sting, he would still come out of it better as a loser than in this musical chair IC match we are getting.

Him painting his face and stalking Sting, looking for Sting in the rafters, he didn't need to win as long as they gave it their all in that ring. I stress, this isn't a championship match, you can come off way better than you come in, and it doesn't matter that you lost at Mania. There has to be a great story and a smashing match, the crowd would ne emotionally drained by the end of it and all this was possible.

Don't get me wrong here. I would totally dig Sting vs Ambrose/Wyatt, however, I am just pointing out what the WWE thinks with regards to their bringing in Sting after so long... and their continued belief or 'attempt' to put HHH into the discussion of "Best of the Best" with the likes of Rock, Austin, Taker, HBK, etc.

As for why Taker vs Sting couldn't be done this year. I think after the negativity around Taker(given the poor match due the concussion), the Wyatt-Taker programme is merely an attempt to show that the Deadman can still go and last year was an exception and not really a 'confirmation' that Taker is past his sell-by date in the WWE.
Don't get me wrong here. I would totally dig Sting vs Ambrose/Wyatt, however, I am just pointing out what the WWE thinks with regards to their bringing in Sting after so long... and their continued belief or 'attempt' to put HHH into the discussion of "Best of the Best" with the likes of Rock, Austin, Taker, HBK, etc.

As for why Taker vs Sting couldn't be done this year. I think after the negativity around Taker(given the poor match due the concussion), the Wyatt-Taker programme is merely an attempt to show that the Deadman can still go and last year was an exception and not really a 'confirmation' that Taker is past his sell-by date in the WWE.

Taker Vs Sting should be his last match, and as JR has said numerous times, it should be in Arlington and have the Deadman headline the HOF. I don't have a problem with no Sting/Taker this year. Actually after the ME, Taker/Wyatt is the match I am interested in.

See, H is pegging himself when he says he is going to finish WCW because A) No one really cares about the Monday Night Wars as much as they think fans do, B) if it is that and they wanna destroy the last vestige of WCW, H isn't the most logical choice. Even the casual fan will tell you in that case it should be a poster boy VS poster boy match. And H ain't no poster, boy. (sorry) I'm gonna stand back now as I am flooding this fucking thread. Will respond later.
You see how they have somewhat fixed Wyatt. Made him win that feud with Ambrose, he has beaten uppercarders on Raw consistently, good showing in the Rumble, hell they even gave him the coveted mid-Rumble promo!

Thats how they are making him look slightly like a threat after fucking with him in 2014 with all the hopeless flip flopping. If someone like Ambrose charged in with momentum (and by god he has some momentum already) and faced Sting, he would still come out of it better as a loser than in this musical chair IC match we are getting.

Him painting his face and stalking Sting, looking for Sting in the rafters, he didn't need to win as long as they gave it their all in that ring. I stress, this isn't a championship match, you can come off way better than you come in, and it doesn't matter that you lost at Mania. There has to be a great story and a smashing match, the crowd would ne emotionally drained by the end of it and all this was possible.

Yeah, that would be a great program, but it still fails to establish Sting in the WWE. That's the first step the WWE needs to execute before Sting can have a relevant program with a younger talent. You'll also notice Wyatt is already involved in a program going into Wrestlemania without a championship. That's in no small part because he's going up against an established WWE guy.

You're also assuming that Sting can have an emotionally draining match. I'm a Sting fan, but he had very few excellent contests in TNA, and frankly, a few embarassing ones.

Thirdly, they have fixed Wyatt to some degree, but his aura is still a fraction of what it was going into WrestleMania. What was that about "doesn't matter that you lost at Mania."? I'm not saying that statement is universally untrue, but wins and losses at WrestleMania matter.

I'm not even arguing that I want Sting/Triple H, but I acknowledge it's more logical then jobbing out a younger guy to an older guy that half the modern audience doesn't know.
Even if Sting could still build a quality match with a mop, there are other things wrong with the idea that Sting should be building others. Cena, DBry, and Ambrose are faces. They shouldn't be feuding with or beating on 55 year old men. There is no passing the torch or getting a rub from an AARP member in 2015. Most fans can do the math and calculate that Sting equals old. If you want Sting to face one of them you have to make them a heel. Are you OK with doing that?

Next, what does anyone else on the roster have to feud with Sting? Maybe Orton if he went all legend killer. Throw in the fact that WWE and Sting have worked out few appearances and who better than HHH to have a one sided feud?

And even if your description of HHH as an uppercarder is accurate as opposed to a main eventer back in his hey day, you are ignoring the fact that he is the most powerful person on WWE television. He is very important. He also has been in the highest quality match in two of the last three Manias.

And who are you to say what Sting does? Is it possible that this is the feud Sting chose whether you deem it worthy or not? Was The Rock begging to fight Sting? Do you really think if Sting and UT wanted each other at Mania 31 Vince would say "No"?

And on top of all that, this feud between them has been shit since after Fast Lane. Even though HHH probably has creative working on it as much as anything and it is the easiest thing to write, it is still shit. Imagine what crap they would have come up with if he were to face Cena.

But most importantly Peggy, you couldn't find another thread that this could have fallen under?
Even if Sting could still build a quality match with a mop, there are other things wrong with the idea that Sting should be building others. Cena, DBry, and Ambrose are faces. They shouldn't be feuding with or beating on 55 year old men. There is no passing the torch or getting a rub from an AARP member in 2015. Most fans can do the math and calculate that Sting equals old. If you want Sting to face one of them you have to make them a heel. Are you OK with doing that?

Next, what does anyone else on the roster have to feud with Sting? Maybe Orton if he went all legend killer. Throw in the fact that WWE and Sting have worked out few appearances and who better than HHH to have a one sided feud?

And even if your description of HHH as an uppercarder is accurate as opposed to a main eventer back in his hey day, you are ignoring the fact that he is the most powerful person on WWE television. He is very important. He also has been in the highest quality match in two of the last three Manias.

And who are you to say what Sting does? Is it possible that this is the feud Sting chose whether you deem it worthy or not? Was The Rock begging to fight Sting? Do you really think if Sting and UT wanted each other at Mania 31 Vince would say "No"?

And on top of all that, this feud between them has been shit since after Fast Lane. Even though HHH probably has creative working on it as much as anything and it is the easiest thing to write, it is still shit. Imagine what crap they would have come up with if he were to face Cena.

But most importantly Peggy, you couldn't find another thread that this could have fallen under?

No, I thought the WSZ but then this thread made you call me Peggy, so...#giddy

Sting also equals the last big star out of WWE. Still a star, and doesn't matter if they all go in as faces. There is enough respect been thrown around that they both will be adored at the end if it. A face Vs face match at Mania is fine, if there is one on the card.

Why does H have a reason to feud with him, because Sting after 14 fucking years came out for no reason except for 'justice'and that he saw WCW sink to an authority. Please, those WCW heart tugs dont work no more. Sting coming out at SS made as much sense as Russo backing DeMott and expecting sympathy.

Powerful person on TV, fuck me if I think I'd rather see Sting take on a D Bry than the figure head of the Authoritay. Storyline can be whatever you want it to be, if the players are compelling. Shoving Flair's old ass doesn't make me wanna kill H.

i wish the Rock was begging to fight Sting. I wish Austin could get off his ass and face Bill Goldberg next year in Texas. I really don't see any real appeal in H and Sting. Heck I'd rather see Dolph and Sting.

No, now I'm just angry. I don't want that match.
Unless you are of a certain age the "special" nature of seeing Sting finally compete in a WWE ring won't have the proper effect. Levesque is the perfect opponent because the two will undoubtedly put on a solid in-ring performance and Sting will get put over with a big W and his "Wrestlemania moment"

There is nothing stale, stupid, or played out about it.
If it were the main event of the card it would be a bit overdone but since it's just a massive undercard spectacle I think it's an A+ booking that has a long term build...even if we are over the authority angle it did it's function when it comes to introducing Sting in a great way that builds him up as an ultimate vigilante and supporter of Wrestling justice.
Yeah, I definitely want to see this match actually. But don't get me wrong, I wasn't too excited about it when it first seemed likely that this was the match WWE were going to run with. But I think that Triple H has made this work almost single-handedly. And that definitely says a lot for the skills of Triple H as a performer. So kudos to him on that one certainly.

But I have to agree with Jake, there is absolutely no reason that Sting can't be on TV every week. I'm not saying he has to wrestle every week but there would definitely be a lot more interest in this match if both parties seemed like they were invested in it, rather than just the party who is on TV week in and week out. It hasn't helped to say the least.

Still, I think that Triple H and Sting will do a good enough job of delivering the match at Mania. I don't think it's going to be a classic but it's the best match that was available to the WWE this year. I'm keeping an open mind and hoping for greatness.
There is so much wrong in this thread I'm not sure where to begin.

  • Triple H is an upper midcard heel from the past? What? This statement alone is insane.
  • Sting doesn't want to be fed to The Undertaker? What? Sting has gone on record specifically requesting to work with The Undertaker.
  • Sting vs Daniel Bryan or Dean Ambrose is a bigger marquee match than vs Triple H? How? I'd like to see those matches, sure. But neither guy has the name value Triple H does. At least not yet.
  • If Undertaker can work Wyatt, Sting can work Ambrose? Undertaker has 20+ years of history in the WWE. This will be Sting's FIRST match in WWE ever. He's not going to put over an up and comer in his first match.

Now, here is my take on this. Would I rather see Sting vs Undertaker? Yes, absolutely I would. I think it's a waste that they will both be on the same card but not against each other. But I understand why they did it this way. First, people are already complaining about the lack of Lesnar and Sting on weekly WWE programming. How in the hell would you build up Sting/Undertaker without EITHER of them around? You simply can't.

Secondly, what is the storyline reason for Sting coming in to challenge Undertaker? For that matter, what is the storyline reason for him challenging Ambrose or Bryan? Why would they even want to book a face vs face match for Sting's first feud? It would fall much flatter - and there would be a lacklustre build.

Now, finally...in reality they wanted to debut Sting in the fall and build towards a match at WrestleMania. They had no idea at the time if Undertaker would even be healthy enough to compete. We still don't really know what kind of shape Undertaker is in. They had to move forward with Sting under the assumption that 'Taker wasn't available. With all of that in mind - it makes sense they went with someone else.

So why Triple H? It's really not a bad option. Triple H is the biggest heel in the company. The kayfabe storyline makes sense in that he has a history of "burying" former WCW stars. He was a big part of the Monday Night Wars. And he has a history of abusing his power, much like the n.W.o. as mentioned in Sting's video promo this week. Plus, he can still go in the ring and if need be, carry Sting for 20 minutes. Sting may be fine. He may not need to be carried at all. But he is 55. 10 years older than Hunter. And, I am a huge Sting fan, but even during his best days his matches vs people who were not named Ric Flair weren't exactly 5 star classics.

Would I prefer Sting vs Undertaker? Yes. But with all of these things considered, Triple H makes a lot of sense.
  • Sting doesn't want to be fed to The Undertaker? What? Sting has gone on record specifically requesting to work with The Undertaker.

If you re-read my comment, I was deliberate in my use of the word hypothetical. I'm blatantly assuming.

I just feel that if I were in Sting's position, I wouldn't want to show up for the sole purpose of losing one match, regardless if it's one that I've wanted. I think giving Sting this opportunity to establish himself in a new company would clear his conscious to some degree, and frankly, gives Undertaker vs Sting more gravitas.
I'm all for HHH vs. Sting. It just sucks to see potential feuds like Miz vs. Mizdow and Stardust vs. Goldust being build up over the past couple of weeks just to be canned for this match up.

I guess I should expect ER to be what WrestleMania should have been.
How was Sting during his final year in TNA? Were his matches any good? Or was he as wooden as Hogan?

Sting was still having good matches in 2013. His world title match with Bully Ray at TNA Slammiversary XI was very enjoyable, and he didn't look broken down at all in my opinion.

From what we've seen from him in WWE, he can throw a punch, a kick, a reverse DDT and a Stinger Splash with no issue. That, along with a dramatic staredown and some smoke and mirrors will at least make for an acceptable match against Triple H. Who knows, Sting might be so motivated that he turns the clock back 20 years at WrestleMania - we saw Flair and Steamboat do it. We can only wait and see.
Couldn't be more perfect. People trying to act like they can't grasp the concept or Triple H's character are being purposely dense in my opinion.

Fuck the story anyways, the only things that matter are that Sting can still go, and Triple H is gonna bump like a mad fucking fool for him in this match. He is the perfect guy to put Sting over, and should be a damn good time.....I think there is a great chance this ends up exceeding everyones expectations and be turned up a few more notches than anyone is expecting.
So, I was critical of the booking of this feud until last night. Sting straight up saying that fighting HHH for WCW would be stupid, and that WCW was a relic of some forgotten war. I loved it. He blocked Stephanie's slap. HHH came out, and I thought it was on.

Nope, perfect tension. This is the single match I'm the most excited for this Sunday.
So, I was critical of the booking of this feud until last night. Sting straight up saying that fighting HHH for WCW would be stupid, and that WCW was a relic of some forgotten war. I loved it. He blocked Stephanie's slap. HHH came out, and I thought it was on.

Nope, perfect tension. This is the single match I'm the most excited for this Sunday.

After Bray's promo last night, and based on the pics of Taker... I'd say I'm hyped for both This and Taker's match. Hopefully, they both hit it out of the park and I can finally get to see my All-Time Fav vs Sting at Mania 32 in Dallas next year. :thumbsup:
DOES Triple H win this? I mean, it sounds ridiculous but he is the WWE guy. Plus, I kind off want him to win and I think the crowd might be a little split.

Everything points to a Sting win and The Authority disappearing. Triple H is just so good that he will be able to get a great match even if Sting isn't 100%. I have faith that Sting will be in good shape and I reckon this could be a very good match. Maybe not physical but it will tell a great story. Sting will probably win to set up something with Taker.
To be fair, the last 14 or 15 months look to have been good to Sting. When he left TNA, he was disgusting, fighting in XXXL T-Shirts, etc. But seeing him the last few Raws, I'm pumped for this match.
I have never thought of Sting vs. HHH as a dream match, and after the build, I still don't see it as a dream match. It's cool that we will get Sting on a Wrestlemania card, but I can't buy into the hype that this was some match 14 years in the making.

Sting is giving me that Ricky Steamboat WM 25 vibe. I think a lot of people are going to sleep on Sting performing at a high level, but I think he has a chance at being the performer of the night. You can tell the last few weeks, Sting is ready. Sting looks like a guy that is genuinely excited to be where he is at. It's a shame that a 56 year old man seems to care more about Wrestlemania than a roster full of complacent full timers.

Sting absolutely should win this match. I see nothing gained by a HHH victory here, other than ego satisfaction. If we get some bullshit mini program, that ends with a Sting victory at Extreme Rules, what a damn waste of time that will be. Sting needs to win, and this match needs to get us to Undertaker vs. Sting.
Sting is giving me that Ricky Steamboat WM 25 vibe. I think a lot of people are going to sleep on Sting performing at a high level, but I think he has a chance at being the performer of the night. You can tell the last few weeks, Sting is ready. Sting looks like a guy that is genuinely excited to be where he is at. It's a shame that a 56 year old man seems to care more about Wrestlemania than a roster full of complacent full timers.

Even that comparison, I feel sells Sting short.

It feels like no one is aware that Sting was a full time wrestler.....like, last year. Not a decade ago.

People are BIG TIME sleeping on this, I think it is really going to be a damn fine match.

There's really only two possible matches that could go on last at Wrestlemania 31. This is one of them. It definitely goes on toward the end of the night, no earlier than 5th. It's had tremendous build and the fact that it's the first Wrestlemania event ever for STING is such a big deal. It might end up being one of the better matches of the night and I'm pretty excited for it. While I am a fan of both guys, I've got Sting winning this. It's his first Wrestlemania match. If this does close then Sting having won would be a great way to send the fans home happy, and even if it doesn't close then it's nearly impossible to find a good reason for Trips to win the match. Can't wait to see how this goes.

Sting will defeat Triple H.
Since Triple H became Corporate H, I sometimes wondered why he inserted himself in special matches against guys like Brock Lesnar and Kevin Nash .....and scheduled himself to win. I figured he could afford to lose because it made no difference anyway.....whatever the result of his occasional matches, he would still be an owner and corporate officer of the company.

I think I understand better now. If he were to function in this fashion, what attraction would his matches have if we knew he was always going to lose to whomever he was trying to put over? Yes, many folks on this forum felt he won his share of PPV matches just to feed his ego, but I think he would have been comfortable losing all of 'em if the company just needed a big name to oppose Brock, Punk, Daniel, or whomever. But Triple H's plan is better; because he might very well win, it adds spice to the proceedings.....we know we'll be seeing a wrestling match instead of just an exhibition. A man of Triple H reputation should never be cast as a jobber.....and he hasn't been.

That said, everything has been well set up for Triple H to lose to Sting. Steve Borden is a certified legend.....Triple H has nothing to lose by losing......the match-up is pristine; two of the best performers from the past facing each other......and Sting starts (and perhaps ends) his WWE tenure with a win.
And not to mention Sting this is his first WWE match and I know they wouldn't just bring Sting in just for him to lose so here is hoping Sting beats Triple H at Mania and honestly from a logical standpoint with logistics Sting should win this match, and Triple H by losing this match he wouldn't really be losing much of anything when you think about it
I've been waiting to see this match ever since I heard the first report that the WWE were thinking of making it a match at WrestleMania. I've been waiting for months for it but it is finally here and I could not be any more giddy. And of course Sting is going to come out of the match as the winner, that much has never been in doubt. But I think everyone can agree that this match is going to be a world class match that has the distinct possibility of being a 4* match or above.

I can't really say anything about this match that other people who are better qualified and better minds haven't already said. The potential of this match is beyond anything on the card, if you ask me. Both of these guys are legends in the wrestling world and sure-fire Hall of Fame top tier talents. What's more, I am positive that they both have a huge amount of respect for each other and what they both have accomplished in wrestling. Triple H seems to have been the man who brought Sting to the WWE and, as much as I think there is still some hatred towards Triple H and the WWE on the part of Sting, there has to be some level of respect for what Triple H can do in the ring.

For me, the result is not in doubt. I am just going to sit back as a fan and enjoy the occasion and the emotion of this match. It might be literally personal between the two but the WWE have did a good job of selling that to me. And I do feel as though it is going to be special to see Sting walking down the WrestleMania ramp and into his first WrestleMania match. It was a match that I never thought I would see as a wrestling fan and I am just going to enjoy it.

Dave's Prediction: Sting wins. But every wrestling fan wins too.
My pick for the best match at Wrestlemania 31, and after his promo on Monday, you can tell Sting is pumped for this. It’s Sting’s first match in a WWE ring, so that’s enough to hook me in. If Steph is at ringside, I’m sure she’ll be a nuisance, but I fully expect Sting to walk away with the win, because I honestly can’t think of one reason for Triple H needing to win this.
I've been excited for this match since Survivor Series. I look forward to this match. It should be good, even if HHH has to carry Sting. I wonder will this match close out the show over Brock/Reigns.

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