Wrestlemania 31- Sting VS Triple H

The match that no one ever thought possible? Yeah because everyone naturally assume that if Sting did ever appear in the WWE, he would be facing off against The Undertaker. But as far as opponents go, Triple H is a decent choice. The build up to this has actually been pretty good. The two guys haven't got their hands on each other since Fastlane really and I've been waiting patiently to see what both guys can do. Sting appears to some Japanese drum music for an unknown reason. I don't really get the significance of it but I'm sure someone does... Triple H appears to a Terminator themed entrance complete with Arnold as the Terminator; which is needlessly cheesy and something that I didn't enjoy that much. I thought that last year's entrance was a lot better but since Triple H and Arnie are best pals now, this wasn't completely unexpected.

As far as the match goes, I enjoyed it. But not as much as I thought I would. It really walked the narrow line between being a great homage to the past and being completely overbooked. For me, I didn't need to see the NWO and DX. this match would have been a wrestling classic without them, so I don't really follow the decision to get them involved. Having said that, it seemed to get the crowd into the match and that is enough to give it the thumbs up. And as much as I thought the match could have done without those guys, it was a cool moment to see Hall, Nash and Hogan heading down to "Save the day". After all, what is WrestleMania without Hulk Hogan, right?

However, the moment that Shawn Michaels got involved was the moment that I felt it become overbooked. What difference does a match like this make to Shawn Michaels? He hadn't been a heel for absolutely years and has shown no interest in this match throughout. I don't think he needed to be there and I didnt like it. These two guys should have been allowed to have their match without any outside interference and give the crowd what they wanted.

As far as a result goes, this was the wrong decision. As much as I am a huge Triple H mark, he should never have gone over here. I get that he is the representation of the WWE and is a legend in his own right. But this feels like a final middle finger to WCW, an insult that never needed to happen. Having Sting return for one WrestleMania is great. But having him lose to someone who hasn't won a WrestleMania match in almost half a decade is not the right decision. I am perfectly willing to see what becomes of this result and I don't think I will have to wait very long. But right now, it seems as though Sting got shafted. He showed exactly why the WWE wanted him for so long and hope that isn't the only time we get to see him at Mania. That said, the handshake between the two men afterwards was a nice touch... Even if it did seem a little forced.

Rating: 8/10
I was disappointed to see Sting lose... but it was the result I was expecting.
14 years on.... we're still reminded that WWE is better than WCW.... JBL on commentary still singing the praises of the WWE!

I actually think that all the hokey interference from the DX guys, NWO guys, and Michaels.... whilst very nostalgic... helped to mask the fact that you have 2 guys in there way past their prime.
Now the match wasn't bad at all.... given you have a 46 year old and a 56 year old in there, but in their primes this has 4 star match written all over it.... and they wouldn't have needed all the interference to get the crowd red hot.

Sting looked pretty anxious before the match started mind!
I wonder what they'll do with him now? A return win of Triple H? It would be a shame if he was brought in to WWE just to lose in his big Wrestlemania match.
I actually think that all the hokey interference from the DX guys, NWO guys, and Michaels.... whilst very nostalgic... helped to mask the fact that you have 2 guys in there way past their prime.

Yes, it did that, but there was also something that bothered me that I didn't grasp until the next day: All the interference took the focus off Sting and Triple H.....particularly Sting.

It's him I wanted to see. As much as I've always liked Triple H, having Sting in a WWE ring was what I've been hoping for a long time. Yes, I preferred to see him fight Undertaker, but if that match couldn't be made (because WWE couldn't figure out who would lose) I thought Triple H was a reasonable replacement, even though there was no particular gripe between the two, except for what they tried to create for us.

But as much as I enjoyed seeing DX and NWO, all their appearance seemed to do was mess up the one-on-one match we wanted to see. Watching Scott Hall take a bump was great, seeing HBK deliver Sweet Chin Music was super, but the match between Sting and Trips had a flow that was interrupted. Yes, they were working slow, but telling a story......that was blown to bits when the cavalry arrived.

Guess I just can't be satisfied, huh? Loved it & hated it at the same time.:shrug: I should be thankful these guys are still around to do stuff like this.
This match, this fucking match. I just don't know. I've watched it multiple times, I love it, and I fucking detest it's very existence.

Something was up straight from the beginning. I hated the video promo to hype this match. I thought HHH was a heel? Unfortunately, that video package made Sting look like he assaulted Stephanie. Here comes big bad Hunter to save his wife, (the aggressor bitch in the scenario) while wearing the shield of honor of the WWE. Foul taste to say the least. Then you get to the intros, HHH with his high expense custom entrance. It just left a bad taste in my mouth.

The match itself was a tale of two matches. The first half was an actual nice, slowly built match. Yes, both guys had limitations, but both guys let this thing burn nice.

Then Vince Russo style over booking reared it's ugly head. I get the DX interference, I honestly do. Triple H is a heel, here comes his asshole clan to take Sting out. Absolutely content with that. Then outcomes the NWO? Why on Earth would the NWO help Sting?

The ending is just mind boggling. Yes, I understand, it took a Pedigree, Sweet Chin Music, and a Sledge Hammer shot, to finally put Sting down. Why in the Hell would Sting accept a hand shake from a guy like HHH after all of the nonsense it took to beat him? Sting must be the king of good guys with absolutely no mean bone in him as a character. I just hated it.

I realize I over analyzed a match that was clearly designed for Nostalgia pops, it just felt like they marginalized, or doubted Sting's ability to work a 20 minute match. Sting flat out went in that match. He looked good, damn good. I have high hopes that he'll be ready to work Wrestlemania 32, knowing it's probably the swan song.

I hated this match. Triple H hitting Sting with a sledgehammer and then having a handshake after the match was very stupid.

I guess they thought Sting and Triple H couldn't have a good match together so they had to turn it into a gimmicky nostalgia type match.
and then having a handshake after the match was very stupid.

Yeah that's thrown away the possibility of a rematch in storyline purposes.
The ultra heel Triple H who blatantly cheated to win, offers Sting a respectful handshake afterwards, and Sting who had supposedly entered WWE to oppose the Authority accepts it.... they may as well have hugged it out!

So Sting loses and accepts that the Authority will rule supreme.
Triple H returns to the ring later in the (pre) Rock segment and openly brags about disposing of Sting, returning to his heel authority persona.

I understand the mark of respect from a wrestler standpoint... but it didn't tie in with the storyline that has been building several months
Then Vince Russo style over booking reared it's ugly head. I get the DX interference, I honestly do. Triple H is a heel, here comes his asshole clan to take Sting out. Absolutely content with that. Then outcomes the NWO? Why on Earth would the NWO help Sting?

Thats what I have the biggest problem with. Sting was the Franchise. He was team WCW during the original incarnation of the nWo. His arch enemy was Hulk. The crow gimmick was essentially avenging WCW after the Outsiders and nWo had taken over and killed it, throwing back to The Crow.

Sure he was in Wolfpack, but that was essentially just Nash.

Why in the blue hell, would Sting, accept help, from the nWo? If this was team WWE v team WCW, then having him team up with the nWo was a slap in the face. Sure I loved it. I loved seeing the retirement home let the nWo and DX out for the day, but I just scratched my head.

As a match, it was decent, it had everything I kinda wanted from a Sting match. The no sell, the chest beating, the woo. Didnt expect much, but it was a trip down memory lane. I am more angry that after a decade and a half, Sting decieded to step foot in a WWE ring, after him openly saying he didnt want to be one of the "WCW guys" who got buried after the move, to loose to HHH. Lets just piss on WCW one last time.

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