People want HHH vs Sting?!

It looks like Sting-HHH is the way they go with it, but i still think the match will stink, simply because i can't see any chemistry between the two of them , i can't see how this match could turn out into anything memorable. Yes, they are two big names, but both can't offer anything new. If Sting/Taker at least was a two Legends dream match, HHH/Sting looks more like 2 old guys going through motions because of the money.
From all the roster avaible in WWE at the moment, i will prefer Seth Rollins wrestle Sting at WM, there you have your young talented heel vs old good guy veteran who can still go, The Past vs The Future, this can easily turn out to be good, and Rollins can actually benefit big time from carring old Stinger even if he will lose.
Absolutely. Two huge names in the wrestling business who have never wrestled. I want to see them wrestle despite their age. I mean, for Wrestlemania, this is more interesting than watching guys who appear every Raw, Smackdown and PPV. It should be special.

In terms of the story, there are a lot of options. Sting can simply be the guy fighting for justice which is what he has done in the past. Or, it could be WCW v WWE. Sting is the WCW guy and Triple H is in the WWE family for life. I want to see this match regardless and Triple H is good enough to make it work.
HHH vs Sting? Please god no... at least not for Sting's first feud.

The thing is, we don't know how many feuds he's going to have.....maybe this is the only one.

Presuming it is, I think Triple H is a great choice. First, there's the practical reason; as an old pro, Trips is a terrific ring worker....along with Undertaker, no one works a smoother contest.....and the benefit to that is it's less likely a creaky-boned veteran like Sting will get hurt. Did you ever notice how few wrestlers get injured in matches with Trips and Undertaker? It's not a coincidence.

Second, I found it entirely proper that when Sting finally hauled his huge gut into a WWE ring, the guy waiting for him was Triple H. Sure, many folks will say it was a member of management indulging himself by calling his own number to be present during this historic moment, but I found it to be exactly the right move; to have a legendary veteran be the guy to meet the other legendary veteran. Sort of a Relic Royale.

Lastly, a WM31 match between the two would be a worthy attraction; they could yell at each other in the months leading to April without getting physically involved....and face it, Sting hasn't come aboard to face a low midcarder in the ring, right? He needs to do battle with a big name.....and shouldn't really be used to disrupt someone else's program just for a one match deal.

Triple H fits the bill on both counts, especially if he's not working a program with someone else....and if Undertaker isn't available to fight it out with Sting ('Taker also qualifies in both areas)....I'd look forward to watching Sting vs. Terra Ryzing.

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