Damage Control: What to do now?

I kind of feel the WWE will have to make big changes with their plan to salvage this. No way WWE can turn this around in 3 months time at WM. I can see Batista turning heel or a temporary tweener down the line maybe costing Bryan a World Title match with Orton at EC. Leading to a Triple Threat Match at WMXXX.
I don't think the hugeness is taken away, especially if Tista and Orton are big time heals, which after last night, Tista is going to be.

I don't think they'll do Lesnar, and that is only because he doesn't want to do all the training with Taker for a match against him, where imo DB would since there is no one that works their tail off harder than him, cept maybe CM Punk.

How do you know that DB and Punk work harder than anybody else? Its definitely not because of their physiques, so really how do you know? Is this just some bs that you made up in your own mind because they are two of your favorite wrestlers?

I want to see Lesnar Taker...I have no interest in watching a midget fight Undertaker. I also have no interest in seeing DB lose than the stupid smark fans disrespecting Taker. As far as a triple threat goes...I hate em. Most 3 way matches suck. DB should face Sheamus as reported. It will be a good match, DB will still get his yes chants and the rest of the card will be solid.

Have Batista challenge Orton for the title at EC. Orton doesn't have the backing of the Authority, nor the support of the fans, so he shouldn't be in th main event at WM. Have Batista challenge him and turn heel in the process, aligning himself with the Authority. Then we have a number 1 contenders EC match at the PPV. Fill it in with all the big time players, Bryan, Cena, Punk, Wyatt, Sheamus, Reigns, and have Bryan win. Bryan vs Batista and Authority is way bigger underdog story than Orton, and for me at least, the only way they'll save WM. Round out the card with Punk vs HHH, Lesner vs Undertaker, Cena vs Wyatt, and Orton vs Sheamus and we got a pretty big show.
I really don't know why everyone is getting so worked up about this . Is this not a similar veiled storyline to that Of Stone cold , Daniel Bryan has allready wonthe belt twice and he will get it again. There is no guarantee that Orton vs Batista will be the main event yet. There is still The Elimination Chamber to go!

Have Batista challenge Orton for the title at EC. Orton doesn't have the backing of the Authority, nor the support of the fans, so he shouldn't be in th main event at WM. Have Batista challenge him and turn heel in the process, aligning himself with the Authority. Then we have a number 1 contenders EC match at the PPV. Fill it in with all the big time players, Bryan, Cena, Punk, Wyatt, Sheamus, Reigns, and have Bryan win. Bryan vs Batista and Authority is way bigger underdog story than Orton, and for me at least, the only way they'll save WM. Round out the card with Punk vs HHH, Lesner vs Undertaker, Cena vs Wyatt, and Orton vs Sheamus and we got a pretty big show.

What logical reason would Batista have for changing his wrestlemania main event to the main event of Elimination Chamber? Not only is he taking a huge risk of losing his spot at Mania but he has to watch someone take a mania spot in a number 1 contenders match moments before he wrestles? How would Batista turn heel by feuding with a heel? Would Orton somehow become a face? So you want the wwe to completely devalue the concept of winning the rumble and getting a title shot at mania just so DB can be in the title match at Mania?

This makes absolutely no sense and doesn't do anything good for the wwe. Why would you crush Orton just to put DB in a title match? There are other more sensible ways of adding DB to the title match. Personally, I dont think its going to happen though because if that is what they wanted than DB would have just simply won the rumble and Batista could have easily taken the belt at EC instead of this crazy nonsensical scenario that you just described.

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