Dagger Dias, I guess you should give an infraction to to WrestleZone reporters too

But Red*it users are random people. Twitter is generally following celebs and your own friends and Facebook is comprised of your own friends so are you saying your friends are idiots?

Do you really have any doubt that any of Crocker's "friends" (and FB defines the necessity for quotation marks) have intelligence and judgement issues?
But Red*it users are random people. Twitter is generally following celebs and your own friends and Facebook is comprised of your own friends so are you saying your friends are idiots?

Do you think he has friends? And if he does do you think they would be smart? I mean how low would your iq have to be before you stopped realising Crocker is a fuckwit?
Apparently you don't even have to be talking about the WWE now to get called a WWE apologist. You just have to think Crocker's an idiot.

Clearly we are all just common sense apologists. We storm in here, pointing out how great common sense is despite how frustrated it makes the narrow minded. Why cant we just accept & agree with the moronic minority?

Oh, yeah. Right. Because they are idiots with terrible boundaries and life comprehension.

Carry on.
But Red*it users are random people. Twitter is generally following celebs and your own friends and Facebook is comprised of your own friends so are you saying your friends are idiots?
On Twitter and Facebook you have to go through the hassle of rebuilding a friends' list every time you get banned for general assdouchery. With Reddit (and this forum!), you can simply create another account to continue hanging around the people who continually tell him they're sick of his bullshit.

We're talking about someone who's enough of an assdouche that he invested in a VPN subscription so he could continue visiting places where no one wanted him around. Creating burner accounts on Facebook and Twitter (if you're using them to try and talk to people, and not sell Ray-Bans) is a pain in the ass- he's been a different handle on Reddit each time he cross-posts.

Which is a bit of a window into our future here. In thirty days, KB tells him "hahahahah no", we probably get some Reddit nonsense about how an admin here violated a deal he made, and then for a week or so he'll try creating burner accounts on here. Eventually, because Ser Assdouche hasn't realized that the problem is him, not the rest of the world, he'll succeed in getting one past, the admins will realize it soon enough because Ser Assdouche is incapable of long-term self-control, but let it slide while he's being a dormant assdouche, since they don't want to deal with it and who can blame them.

Oooooh, this should be in the CALLED IT thread.
Apparently you don't even have to be talking about the WWE now to get called a WWE apologist. You just have to think Crocker's an idiot.

He says it so many times I didn't realize he called me that. It's became the new Godwin's law. Or LBK's "power ranger".
Where are all the Crocker apologists? Have they figured out the douchery they were supporting?
Starkist realized he was turning into a douche, and has seemingly put the brakes on saying anything recently. Good man. Douchery is contagious.

BSE doesn't have the opportunity here to say he doesn't want anyone's opinion forced on him, but everyone else is wrong and just doesn't get it, so there's really no opening for him to do the only thing he does here.

Pretty sure the rest were Crocker's alts.
Let us not forget the mob mentality accusations BSE throws around.
Hey, go easy on him. He's not trying to force his opinions on anyone, but how many times does he have to repeat himself before people realize that he's right and they're wrong?
The Prison hasn't been this entertaining in a long time?

I get that, but even then, I don't understand how you keep him/her/it around the forum, especially The Prison, when he/her/it has broken almost every forum rule here except for the porn and overly sexual image ones. If there isn't a single rule that whatever the hell Crocker is hasn't broken, that should tell you that "Crocker" needs to be banned ASAP.
The Prison hasn't been this entertaining in a long time?
While technically true, 'entertaining' is a misleading word here. It's like a Miz segment, you aren't exactly diving to change the channel, but it's not like there's much better on anyways, so you stick through it and hope the next segment's better.

Todd, LBK, those were the great entertaining meltdowns. This is more of a "how long can he not be an assdouche for" competition, and now that that's pretty much decided, we're all just waiting for the inevitable temper tantrum when this 60 day thing is over.
I get that, but even then, I don't understand how you keep him/her/it around the forum, especially The Prison, when he/her/it has broken almost every forum rule here except for the porn and overly sexual image ones. If there isn't a single rule that whatever the hell Crocker is hasn't broken, that should tell you that "Crocker" needs to be banned ASAP.
Here's the realistic thing though; he's been banned before. Apparently, he's been banned from enough places that he actually bought a VPN subscription in order to keep getting back into the places where no one wants him. (Which, honestly, wow.) And unless you're stupid with your VPN (Crocker is), it's pretty tough to have that traced through the tools available to the admin.

So say they ban him again, or do the inevitable thing and just leave him in here. He stews over it for a bit, probably goes on Reddit to annoy those posters, then starts making accounts here again. I've been a vBulletin admin, wouldn't do it again if it was a paid position that came with a daily blowjob, and can promise that none of the admins want to play hide-and-go-seek with this idiot.

So here's the thing that's going to happen; Crocker gets told in a couple of weeks that he couldn't have fucked up his chance at rehabilitation worse than if he had been actively trying. Crocker throws a temper tantrum (again, involving Reddit), and starts making burner accounts here. Since he's an idiot, this will likely be banned quickly, because he's the kind of idiot dumb enough to do something like create a false account immediately after he realizes the one he's been using is no good. But eventually, The Bomber Gets Through, and he'll have an account with ten posts that he'll be able to use to post again. And, because he's an idiot, he'll start acting in exactly the same way that's gotten him banned/rejected from countless other communities, then forget to log into his VPN one day. And the cycle repeats.

Banning him just speeds up this whole process. Fuck that.
I'm still holding out for an epic meltdown. Much like my hopes for a more watchable wrestling product, I'm sure I'll be disappointed.
Don't be greedy, remember how funny it was when he went crying to Reddit the first time that there was an evil administrator here intent on stopping him because he didn't like people saying bad things about John Cena?

Hell, stuff like that only comes around here like once a year at best. Be thankful for what you already have.
Don't get pissy with the mods because you can't follow rules. They have a job to do and if you were following the rules you wouldn't have got a ...
And what exactly is the difference between the two? As farm as I'm concerned this forum and that forum are social media sites.
Social media reveals more personal information, such as your real life profile pic, address, etc.. this is a wrestling forum not a social media site.

You made the statement that Reddit users have more intelligence than FB, Twitter, and apparently now Wrestlezone users. All you were asked was why you thought that, and for some proof. You provided neither to back up your statement.

Does this really need to be proven to people? Its common knowledge that a lot of Twitter and FB users are damn stupid. Look at any post from WWE and look at the comments. They are filled with unintelligent people with terrible grammar : https://instagram.com/p/8MpeRQAFCz/?taken-by=wwe

And now compare that to Reddit posts (go search them up yourself i don't want another infraction)

I mean this is common knowledge, why would I need to provide proof on this. Thats like asking what will happen if someone runs into a car..
Oh for the love of god..................

At this point, I don't have any faith at all.

Reddit is a mix between social media and forum okay.. i made a mistake and u guys gang up on me like that; mistakes happen. When Slyfox makes a mistake, like saying "Characters in the Walking Dead do not receive character development at all, but John Cena does" nobody gangs up on him; in fact people even SUPPORT him..

You guys break more rules than me in here. More importantly the mob mentality and constantly insulting me for no reason
If the rules were more clear, like advertising reddit squared circle is NOT okay, but reddit the main site IS okay, then I would be fine with that and this case can be settled. But the rules were unclear to me..

Reddit shares similar features to social media , just look at the style of the posts. It also shares similar features to a forum.. so I'd say its a mix ture of both

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