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Cyber Sunday: Randy Orton vs. (HBK, Jeff Hardy, or Mr. Kennedy)

Who Will Orton Face?

  • Shawn Michaels

  • Jeff Hardy

  • Mr. Kennedy

Results are only viewable after voting.
jeff hardy will never be a main event guy. He isn't big enough and when he has gone against bigger guys, he's gotten crushed. Shawn Michaels got his chance in the past because of Bret Hart and the steroid scandal. The WWF at that time was going through a change and needed a more "athletic" champion. Michaels got over against bigger guys because he had better charisma. Jeff Hardy just does that dance thing with his arm... (remember edge making fun of it?) ;) As far as Kennedy.... they haven't built him up enough yet. He kinda has the same thing as Orton where he knows how to hurt people or put them out of action. Its just not going to happen yet. Plus... the writing team is smart enough to sway the votes based on matches or promos. Kennedy and Hardy will kinda fade away into a side thing and Shawn will beg for your votes :) I am more interested in seeing how Vince goes to the well one too many times with the whole "I'll make a match you can't win" angles. Its getting old unless there becomes a new corporation faction of some sort.
HBK as frankl;y it has been said and posted He delivers the big matchs and frankly put if he did win the belt and held it on until Cena returned that would make a heck of a storyline to go with considering their past together and frankly
I think it could be even more interesting way to put DX together even stronger.
I think it's interesting that krayzie110 mentioned Shawn Michaels getting "his chance in the past because of Bret Hart and the steriod scandal." Uh, isn't WWE just about ass-deep in a steriod scandal right now? I know Congressional hearings haven't started yet or anything, but it's only a matter of time.

Also, at the risk of turning this into a "small guys vs. big guys" discussion, where's it written that HBK is the only worthwhile "small guy" in the business? Look at the last five years: the title runs by Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio were way more entertaining and deserved than those by guys like Khali or Batista. Anyone who thinks Jeff Hardy isn't a better performer than those two is nuts.

Really, though, why's everyone so down on Randy Orton all of a sudden? A week ago, we were all prematurely popping champagne corks and toasting The Randy Orton Era. He's a natural heel and the next Triple H, for God's sake. We just came off a 13-month title run by a babyface champ; I say it's time for a solid heel to bask in WWE Title glory for a while.
Wow, false advertising by WWE, 'cause at No Mercy, it said we'd be able to vote on a HIAC, Iron Man, and something else... maybe it'll be for another match? ;)

Anyway... I hope HBK wins this one, and wins the World Title another time! :D
I voted for HBK theres alot of history there between him and orton and unfinished buisness for HBK to take care off, also i think they will move the Hell in a Cell Match, No Holds Barred Match or Falls Count Anywhere Match choices over to the Triple H vs. Umaga match.

That is exactly how I feel. I am kinda disappointed because I may not be able to see a Hell in the Cell match since I am going Cyber Sunday. I really really hope that the Hell in a Cell Match, No Holds Barred Match or Falls Count Anywhere Match choices over to the Triple H vs. Umaga match because I have never seen a Hell in the Cell match live in person.

They could also make the Orton vs HBK (i voted HBK and I think he will win) a Hell in the Cell match since it is the 10th anniversary of the 1st Hell in the Cell match which HBK was in. Or they could have a 2nd voting for the main event in which we choose if it is a the Hell in a Cell Match, No Holds Barred Match or Falls Count Anywhere Match.
I think the obvious choice storyline wis would be HBK. not only did Orton put him out of action in a storyline hes also clearly the person the WWE is going to choose regardless of the fan vote. this will also make Hardy and Kennedy the team that will probably end up facing Cade and Murdoch for the tag team titles and probably win and become the MVP Hardy styl feud like they have in Smackdown. I think this is the logical choice because this would put both the Hardy boys in similar feuds and could potentially lead to a survivor series match between team Hardys and team Kennedy and MVP. so that is why this is the obvious choice as far as storylines go.
It's obviously gonna be HBK, and I was really pissed when I heard about this new match because they haven't done a Hell in the cell in like a year and I was actually looking forward to it.

It won't be Jeff cause he's already got a title and he isn't gonna be pushed for the WWE title now matter how over he is.

I really would like it to be Kennedy but I guess he's getting burried as he's jobbed two weeks in a row and there's been no new development in the Vince storyline thing. He really keeps getting fucked over.
the fact is this, kennedy screwed himself with the steroid thing. i think it made the wwe look bad that he went on tv and said he was off of them for a while, and then this came out that he was buying them in the last year.

as far as jeff hardy goes, i could see them giving him the shot. they could always go with the story that vince and orton somehow "rig" the voting so that HBK doesn't win, and he ends up costing orton the belt leading to a match at survivor series with orton, mcmahon, umaga and possibly carlito against HBK and HHH.

But in reality, everyone knows after monday that it will be HBK, and that will be a good match, but i think we've seen that enough this year.
vince wont rig the votes, read heartbreak and triumph, they suggested rigging the votes because hbk was out of shape and vince said he would not cheat the fans.

the thing with the whole cyber sunday/taboo tuesday experiment is that wwe gives us the choices and we have to vote for the best of a bad bunch, each vote is predictable. is anyone goining to vote jbl or foley over steve austin i dont think so.

how about a free vote on any two superstars from any brand (outside the main event) of our choice facing off against each other.

that could give us for example kennedy v punk
vince wont rig the votes, read heartbreak and triumph, they suggested rigging the votes because hbk was out of shape and vince said he would not cheat the fans.

the thing with the whole cyber sunday/taboo tuesday experiment is that wwe gives us the choices and we have to vote for the best of a bad bunch, each vote is predictable. is anyone goining to vote jbl or foley over steve austin i dont think so.

how about a free vote on any two superstars from any brand (outside the main event) of our choice facing off against each other.

that could give us for example kennedy v punk

First of all, yes, Vince McMahon would absolutely rig a vote. Anyone who thinks he wouldn't need only look to the "Who Should Win the WWE Title" poll that Val Venis won last week on WWE.com. If that vote were real and Venis won a title shot at Cyber Sunday, Vince would orchestrate a JFK-assassination-like coverup backstage and throw HBK in the main event.

Second of all, yeah, the votes are predictable and boring. Think about if they weren't, though. If our options for the Cyber Sunday main event were HBK, Triple H and Chris Jericho, two of those guys would end up off the card, or they'd end up getting booked in some last-minute match that wasn't promoted at all on TV or online. WWE knows damn well you don't make PPV bucks by obscuring your main event guys.
First of all, yes, Vince McMahon would absolutely rig a vote. Anyone who thinks he wouldn't need only look to the "Who Should Win the WWE Title" poll that Val Venis won last week on WWE.com. If that vote were real and Venis won a title shot at Cyber Sunday, Vince would orchestrate a JFK-assassination-like coverup backstage and throw HBK in the main event.

To be fair, the point of Cyber Sunday is that the votes count. The vote on WWE.com was just something done by them, its not like they said "who do you wanna see in the WWE champ match and the winner WILL be." it was just another random vote. they have them week in week out, but they never mean anything.

I've voted Jeff Hardy for this match, coz I think it would be cool to see him main event, even though its clear HBK and Kennedy are the obvious choices over Hardy! Either way it should be a good match.

Hopefully on the RAW before Cyber Sunday we'll see a triple threat match between the three, could be a good match.
hbk vs ortan would be refreshing from the prudiktable cena vs the great kale and will also be exsiting bacause hbk has been out for so long i want ortan vs hbk on cyba sunday
HBK is amazing in the ring, and would probably put on a good match with Orton, but I want Kennedy. Sure it's not gonna happen because WWE fixes their polls, but one can pray. Obviously it's HBK because he just returned and there is no way he won't have PPV match.
I really do not care who Orton faces, as long as he comes out the winner, i really think Orton deserves this and he needs to keep the belt for a while.
That is an awesome idea.
I voted for Jeff 'cause I think Jeff would put on an awesome match. Then he could team with someone else and have all the titles. Then the next PPV he will have all of them on the line in one big ass ladder match. In that match he'll lose all the titles except the IC.

Jeff is gonna lose in real life cause they are gonna fix it to have Michaels win the polls.
Well theres my:twocents:

lmao but nah thats too predictable
HBK is amazing in the ring, and would probably put on a good match with Orton, but I want Kennedy. Sure it's not gonna happen because WWE fixes their polls, but one can pray. Obviously it's HBK because he just returned and there is no way he won't have PPV match.

People need to stop with the whole "HBK will face Orton because WWE is rigging the votes" thing... out of any match, this is the one match where, even if they wanted to rig the votes, they wouldn't have to!!!

HBK will be in the main event not because "Vince will rig the votes"... but simply because he is downright more popular than both Kennedy and Hardy combined. Yes it is obvious, yes it is predictable, but it also makes sense and it'll also be an incredible match.

Sure, it would be great to see Kennedy and/or Hardy in the main event... and as far as I'm concerned, they both deserve it.... but I'm not going to pretend that HBK winning the votes has something to do with the polls being rigged.
randy orton deserves it
he works hard like edge and gets hated by everyone
theres not even alot good about cena
hes not that good of a wrestler and he jsut talks alot
he gets owned during most of the match like the rock use to
and then he whens at the end with a stfu or a f-u
its retarted wwe needs to go back to wwf and like how it was n the ninteys
then i bet austin the rock and even lesnar would come back
I voted for HBK.
I voted for him for a couple reasons.

1)I wanted to see H.B.K in action after his long absence.

2)I wanted it to turn into a good storyline.After the match I hope that WWE
just wont leave it and throw the storyline over to HHH and have him go for the gold.I love watching H.B.K work with younger stars.Especailly his feud with Edge in 04.

3)H.B.K. was the best choice out of the three

---Im much more of a reader than a poster.I apologize if the post is sloppy.
Well i have voted for hardy 23 times only because he is my favourite wrestler and i think this could be a good story line remember last year when hardy defeted orton to become the number one contender for the ic title. just say if hardy wins the poll but looses the match, this could lead up to a wwe title vs ic title match at survivor series.plus theres two are both athletic and the match at survivor series could be a ladder the way wwe are always saying "don't worry hardy fans jeff hardy will get his wwe title oppurinty one day, and we are sure it will be a ladder match". they said that one wwe.com and on the wwe magazine sprcial issue with cm punk gracing the cover

but personally i think who ever wins the poll will loose the match because i got a feeling if jericho returns there could be a orton vs jericho at wrestlemania 24.
I have to throw this out there because I haven't seen anyone else mention it yet: How does an Orton vs. The WWE Version of Roger Clemens main event at Cyber Sunday make any sense? Granted, it'll be a good match, but why would WWE pit two guys against each other in a match that they both absolutely need to win?

Here are the two situations we're looking at:

If Orton wins: Great. Randy solidifies his "Legend Killer" status and gains some more heat by probably smacking HBK in the face with a chair, grabbing the tights, etc., for the win. The only problem is, HBK will only have been back from a prolonged injury for just under four weeks and will lose a decent amount of "overness" with the crowd by losing to Orton.

If HBK wins: Then the WWE creative team is officially ******ed because they could have just as easily had him win the title at Cyber Sunday (seeing as how he was obviously ready to come back at that point) and having a one month title reign only lessens the value of the WWE Title.

Actually, though, there's a horrible third option on par with a mid-air collision that I wouldn't be surprised to see:

Match ends in some kind of draw: Orton, HBK and the WWE Title all lose overness and prestige and Vince McMahon spends Halloween smacking Brian Gerwitz over the head with a hammer after receiving the news of a 1.9 Raw rating from the 29th.
Hmm decisions decisions. Lemme take a look here

Randy Orton vs Ken Kennedy

Potentially a great match. Both guys have bright futures in the WWE as long as they stay out of trouble. Both can wrestle a half way decent match. I however will not vote for Kennedy for one reason. Should Orton defeat Kennedy what happens to him after words? I use Umaga as an example. He was in the main event against Cena and now he's bein fed to HHH. If Kennedy gets the shot, and he does not win. I don't want to know what kind of stance he'd be brought down to.

Randy Orton vs Jeff Hardy.

WWE champ vs IC champ is usually a pretty good match. It's not that I think this won't be a good match, but up to this point there is no real build up between Jeff and Orton, and Kennedy and Orton for that matter. As much as I think Jeff Hardy is completly insane in his moveset I really would rather see him as IC champ then WWE champ, let alone both.

HBK vs Randy Orton

There's my vote. The only real logical choice is for Orton to defend against HBK. However WWE could pull something out of their asses, but as Taboo Tuesday and Cyber Sunday have proven in the past... All the polls are not untampered. I'm looking for this match to happen.I'm looking for Orton to retain, then I'm looking to see HHH get into the hunt...again...
I'm voting for Kennedy. Not because I want to see an Orton vs. Kennedy match. But because I don't want to see another Orton/HBK match. Nor do I want to see Jeff Hardy in a main event.

Hopefully this means that Hardy will be left of the show all together.

And it's not like Orton is going to lose so him having a match with a returning HBK would be pointless.
Why would WWE book these 3 as possibles to face Orton.. We all know it is building up to be HBK so why not just throw away Kennedy and Hardy and put them in an IC match.. Have fans vote for stipulations to both matches.. Now we will prob be without another IC match
shawn michaels is good, i do wanna see him go against randy orton but in my heart i have to really go with mr kennedy, i dont know if wwe fixes their polls but right now i am testing them out by voting for mr kennedy over and over again, i know the wwe wants shawn michaels to get picked but i urge everyone to vote for kennedy just to test if wwe does fix their polls but if they did fix their polls whats the point of the pay per view existing

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