Crocker do you watch the NFL? **Steakhouse Wrestling**

Same reason why people constantly post updates on Twitter, Instagram, FB, etc. Because why not? All it takes is 10 seconds.

The same amount of time it would take to prove to us you're not lying. The only reason you don't is because you are lying to us again!
Same reason why people constantly post updates on Twitter, Instagram, FB, etc. Because why not? All it takes is 10 seconds.
All those other mediums probably have more people that give a fuck about you and your imaginary bae
That was the only 2 posts I made today. Took about 2 minutes of my time to post both of them. I don't get the argument, "Why are you wasting your time here if you're so busy"? I'm not even posting that long of a message..

Anyways I'm leaving now because I hate arguing with ignorant people
That was the only 2 posts I made today. Took about 2 minutes of my time to post both of them. I don't get the argument, "Why are you wasting your time here if you're so busy"? I'm not even posting that long of a message..

Anyways I'm leaving now because I hate arguing with ignorant people

When you come back, we need to have a word about you sleeping with my wife boy.
People aren't concerned about the actual quantified amount of time you spend posting. They're wondering why on earth someone experiencing Crocker's Real Life Totally True Sex Stories would feel the need to tell us about it every day.

(Note: This is not a cue to take a three-day break, come back and say "oh, I've been so busy with all the sexy sex I've been having.)

Now, even if we give you the benefit of the doubt and figure that the blind squirrel has found his nut in the forest..... the best you can hope for is a slow clap from the room, because you'd be participating in an act that most of us have had the time to get over and bored with, find bizarre new kinky shit to do, and get over and bored with again.

But since you're being incredibly dodgy over this Instagram account you're claiming is yours, and since your stories read more like bad fan fiction written by someone who only knows about sex from reading bad fan fiction than actual sex, people here are figuring this is just your latest salvo in your years-long campaign to try to make people feel bad here because they don't accept you.
People aren't concerned about the actual quantified amount of time you spend posting. They're wondering why on earth someone experiencing Crocker's Real Life Totally True Sex Stories would feel the need to tell us about it every day.

(Note: This is not a cue to take a three-day break, come back and say "oh, I've been so busy with all the sexy sex I've been having.)

Now, even if we give you the benefit of the doubt and figure that the blind squirrel has found his nut in the forest..... the best you can hope for is a slow clap from the room, because you'd be participating in an act that most of us have had the time to get over and bored with, find bizarre new kinky shit to do, and get over and bored with again.

But since you're being incredibly dodgy over this Instagram account you're claiming is yours, and since your stories read more like bad fan fiction written by someone who only knows about sex from reading bad fan fiction than actual sex, people here are figuring this is just your latest salvo in your years-long campaign to try to make people feel bad here because they don't accept you.

You know this is a pile of dung, he's knows it's a pile of dung, the whole forum knows it as well. And we all know it's not his Instagram account. My suggestion is to let Crocker spin his fantastic tales of whatever, and Tim Rule this whole thread.

There is no point anymore, it's all about the attention. He wants it and he gets it. Time to stop giving him the attention and focus more on other things. People have tried to help him get out of Prison but he's not interested, and he's dragging us all down here with him. I for one am crawling out of this world of make believe and heading back to the other world of make believe that I enjoy. The world of profession wrestling. This is not enjoyable, so who's with me.
There's currently a thread on Reddit praising Cena. Check it out it's a good read for Cena marks like you dagger Dias :

it's funny, when people look back on Cena's career I doubt there'll be much negativity (as compared to in recent history). Worked hard, drew insanely well, never got into trouble, carried the company on his back for 10 years and then slid down the card putting on great matches every week for the secondary title.

Interesting statistic and yet Cena was still relevant for most of the year.
Cena is so relevant to the main roster he doesn't need to be put in the main event ever again. He can continually compete for the US title and everyone will follow what he is doing, fans and haters alike. Look what happens when Cena isn't in the picture, ADR made it irrelevant again.

Agree 100% this post :

It's funny and sad for me at the same time. Cena is a great performer in the ring and on the mic and has always been loyal to WWE. He definetly deserves to be remembered as one of the all-time greats.
Still, the John Cena character we see on TV is one of the worst things to ever happen to the overall quality of the WWE product for everyone older than 12. The way John Cena is presented, booked and scripted has been horrible for more than a decade.
TL;DR: Let's go Cena, Cena Sucks!
I don't get where you got the "iwc hivemind" mentality, baconbits. Reddit seems pretty reasonable and intelligent
I don't get where you got the "iwc hivemind" mentality, baconbits. Reddit seems pretty reasonable and intelligent

Say something negative about CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Cesaro, Ziggler, or Ryder and watch the downvotes come pouring in. Say something positive about Roman Reigns and it'll be downvoted so fast maybe five people will actually see it before it gets hidden. That's this week. Next week, it'll flip flop back the other way. The week after, it'll change back to the first way.

Let it get some "insider" like MetsFan or Falcon Arrow. Watch the whole board ********** around them and drive them off with the absolute quickness.

It jerks off to everything Dave Meltzer says. If Dave mentioned it he was talking a shit, they'd talk about how many stars the shit is.

It's a shithole of a board, and in no way better than this one, despite how much you want it to be true, it simply isn't.
...but Bacon, it has sub-forums for the most random of topics. Clearly that makes it the hip place to be when you arent knuckle deep in lady pink.

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