
TNA is bad. For whatever reason people still watch. Though at a time I did enjoy TNA the same as the E.
Yeah, I don't read that shit anymore, people just take that tourny way to fucking serious, I vote when I see the thread and move on with my life, but Yoko fans are seriously delusional, the guy is a fat worthless sack of Samoan poo, and for the love of god, he was never fucking agile!!!!!
Yeah, I don't read that shit anymore, people just take that tourny way to fucking serious, I vote when I see the thread and move on with my life, but Yoko fans are seriously delusional, the guy is a fat worthless sack of Samoan poo, and for the love of god, he was never fucking agile!!!!!

I think Jericho fans are a little out there this round.
I liked TNA when they were trying to be something differant from WWE, they were a nice alternative, then they decided they were going to start acknowledging WWE and attempt to compete with them, and shit just went downhill quick, it's really kinda sad because they were on the right path, they had a lot of good young talent and their house shows are fun, and very fan friendly, they just have a bunch of ******ed chimps booking and running the company
I liked my beach whale analogy for Yoko the best.

And I'm with you David, I like SSC and some of the other guys pushing for a Jericho win, but there's no way he beats Cena when both men are at the top of their game.
The fact that they (TNA) have to duplicate WWE/WCW storylines kills it for me.

Don't even get me started on the STUPID arguments for Jericho to win.
And I'm with you David, I like SSC and some of the other guys pushing for a Jericho win, but there's no way he beats Cena when both men are at the top of their game.

Sly should spend some time in that thread because it's far closer in there than it is in the Hogan/Piper thread. I feel guilty because I used the same excuse SSC is with Jericho, the chance argument, but I'm taking the piss in that thread, SSC appears not to be.
Probably because there are enough Cena haters and Jerichoholics that he can avoid taking the brunt of the attack. Also, there are other people vocally defending Jericho. I haven't taken a look into the Hogan/Piper thread, but I'm assuming you're pretty much alone in that one.
The match requires you to use your opponents signature move to beat him, the Walls of Jericho is really nothing more than a standing Boston Crab, I'm relatively sure that a guy who grew up in the Boston area would know how to lock in a standing Boston Crab
Probably because there are enough Cena haters and Jerichoholics that he can avoid taking the brunt of the attack. Also, there are other people vocally defending Jericho. I haven't taken a look into the Hogan/Piper thread, but I'm assuming you're pretty much alone in that one.

Shocky has said it won't be a route. They are pretty evenly matched, and that was basically my argument. But then Sly was going to be condescending towards me so I just gave the jig up and admitted it's about shiggles for me in that match. I posted it in the tourney thread.

The match requires you to use your opponents signature move to beat him, the Walls of Jericho is really nothing more than a standing Boston Crab, I'm relatively sure that a guy who grew up in the Boston area would know how to lock in a standing Boston Crab

I don't know Justin. It's a difficult move to put on against a Gawd like Jericho.
He's being extremely insightful in the draft. Did you Jose Bautista's name is actually spelled Bautista?
That sucks brother. Hopefully the fact that she's made it this long means that she'll be able to pull it out, make it out of the hospital.

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