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Great Vader sig. I'm sure IC will love it. Keep up the great work.

Anyways, I wanted to request a sig. An AJ Styles sig. I'm not sure what I want it to say, maybe something about him being phenomenal. I'm sure you'll come up with something that's good. Thanks in advance.

EDIT: Could you also make me a Chris Jericho sig so that I can switch to it once I get bored of the AJ Styles sig?


I wish I could use the Atlas sig for myself, dejan. It's probably the greatest thing I've ever made.
Hey Doc, I'm getting kind of bored of my colbert sig. I was wondering if you could make one where it has colbert with an eagle in the background and with the "Th3Truthiness" written on top and "The Word" written on the bottom. Many thanks.
I know I could make my own sig, however, I'd really love for you to make me one. I want it to pertain to the modern day Chris Jericho. I'll leave this ambiguous and let your great imaginativeness do the effort. I'm sure it will be top-notch like all of your stuff. I'll certainly give you rep and credit in return. Appreciate it, Doc.
Hey Doc,
could you make me a TNA sig?
Can I have Hogan and Joe
and in bold letters (yellow) WHAT WILL YOU BE WATCHING?
sorry about such a late reply Doc But thank you so much, your a champion mate.

i was also wondering if you could do a Hart Foundation and Hart Dynasty Comparison Sig. If you could. that would be just great. thank you.
Hey Doc,never mind what I said on Twitter.How about you make an Edge and Christian sig for me.I want it to say "You think you know me".
thank you.
you are a true legend in my eyes Doc. I cant thank you enough. i wish i was as talented as you to do this kind of stuff. have a good christmas :)
doc my brother, love the latest sig. can never get enough hitman or the hart dynasty. keep up the great work, the latest stuff is the shit!
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