Crazy Idea for the New WWE

As much as I like Bryan, that is just being booked way too strong IMO. And is entirely unrealistic, as there is no way they only have less than a year to make him look strong enough to contend with The Undertaker at WM. He's a great wrestler and has a great future in the company, but it just doesn't make much sense to me in what would be accomplished by this. Maybe next year I would not mind him winning the RR but as for now I think he is progressing quite fine.
I've got a funny feeling that The Miz's MITB contract is only for the WWE champion and only for this year...?

Everyone keeps saying he's gonna cash it in on The Undertaker when I think he can only cash in on the WWE champion... I dunno I maybe wrong.
Everyone goes out of wrestling on their back. Flair did it, HBK did it. All the greats have and will do it. Taker is no exception. He will lose his last match. The only match that has any significance to Taker anymore is his WM match.

That being said, while I don't personally like the wrestler, I see John Cena being the one to end the streak.

He is the only big name on the roster that Taker hasn't faced at Mania. I don't see Jericho being a challenger to the streak, not when he's so close to ending his own career.

Flair to HBK to Undertaker to Cena... There isn't anyone left on the roster to carry the torch.

To be "The Man" you have to beat "The Man". Cena will be given the torch to carry, he is the only logical choice.
Daniel Bryan beats The Undertaker at Wrestlemania?! You werent kidding when you said it was a crazy idea. I need to start taking these warnings more seriously.

Undertaker's opponent will likely be Cena. But it should be Orton. They are the only two guys who could duplicate the kind of anticipation we saw last year w/Micheals and Taker. They are also the only 2 plausible candidates that would make the fans think the Undertakers streak could come to an end. I would prefer Orton as he is white hot right now. I could see a realistic buildup to Mania between The legend killer Orton and the legend the Undertaker that would leave fans actually thinking that it might be possible Undertaker's streak will in fact end. We know thats not gonna happen but you have to at least have an opponent fans think COULD end the streak.

Cena would be a poor choice imo. If Cena were the opponent the crowd would be entirely pro Undertaker, which would take away an important dramatic element to any good mania main event away, which is that the crowd needs to be split between who they want to see win. Do they want to see the streak end or continue? You need a 50/50 crowd. You need to have an opponent the fans want to see win as much as they do Undertaker. Orton could pull that off right now. Cena cant.

Another scenario I came up with a while back would see Miz cashing in his money in the bank at the end of such a match. He wouldnt win, but cashing in at Mania against The Undertaker would certainly pop the crowd, and once again make them think their was a slim chance this could be the end of the deadmans streak. But Daniel Bryan? As Mr.Mcmahon would say, "No chance in hell"
Wow, dude, he was giving a POSSIBLE scenerio. Who appointed you know it all of the wrestling product?? Anything can happen and his scenerio COULD happen. The likelihood of it isnt great, but the WWE has shocked us before.


I like the idea of the Taker gong playing, lights go out, and Taker disappearing for good when he loses at Wrestlemania. I think the odds of Taker losing at Wrestlemania, if he makes it to Wrestlemania, are much higher than before. I know the WWE can go the route of keeping the streak alive, but I'd like to see the streak ended by who the WWE is going to pass the torch to. Daniel Bryan isnt the big guy that the WWE stereotypically pushes, but he has the raw talent and promo skills to go far.

i agree with him taker wont lose at wrestlemania. if he does compete in that match he will win, no question about it. that will be it. i dont even think that taker will be in that match unless he just gives the title up after he wins and then a tourn takes place and will finish at backlash. or what ever the 1st ppv is.
Taker's steak will never end. Just the thought of riots and losing support would scare the WWE from the idea. Right now, there are only a handful of people who deserve to have a match with Undertaker at Wrestlemania. John Cena, Randy Orton, Edge, Jericho, Big Show, CM Punk, Triple H, and Sheamus. If Taker were to go out with 20 Wrestlemenia matches, his last two should be against Orton, Cena, or Jericho. Orton and Taker II would be a very good match, and Orton back at Wrestlemania 21 was even considered by the Undertaker to let Orton defeat him. But Orton denied. That alone should say how much respect the Undertaker has.

I do believe that Taker and Cena will have a match at Wrestlemania. These two hardly ever fought against each other, except for tag matches and at the beginning of Cena's career. A feud between Cena and Taker would be phenomenal. I could see a very close match between the two, and Taker winning the match by a thread, like he did with HBK, Batista, Edge, Orton, and Triple H. The reason why I add Jericho is because Taker and Chris Jericho would be a good match.
Daniel Bryan? WTH hes only been in the wwe for what... 4 months and beats takers streak? Daniel bryan? LMAO i think u have been smoking the same stuff RVD and Shawn Waltman light up. Jk seriously i don think daniel bryan is a good candidate i would pick morrison is he gets huge before WM or a newer coming superstar but daniel naw come on
It's funny my friends and myself came up with a similar senario for the streak ending it just doesn't involve titles Bryan or the miz it does involve a superstar that people could see beating taker- John cena but as a heel a more agressive monster heel and it would start months earlier at survivor series the place the undertaker should be retired I believe taker should finally take out Kane for good at braging right or he'll in the cell he's 43 he needs to go other than the last couple months Glenn has been irrealivant I say you have some young bloods take out taker maybe a stable headed up by the man who brought the undertaker in son Teddy jr and the fourtunate sons then super cena turn heel possibly joining forces with nexus and we get to a few weeks before mania cena boast that he's 6-1 at mania and he'll never lose again and will go on a longer streak than even taker (gong) light go out Druids come out with torches takers back and he says he's come for cenas soul this sets up cena taker and taker wins the light go out and he dissapears never to be seen again(actually had that idea before reading this) the next night cena comes out says that taker disappeared because he's afraid to face him again (gong) lights go out out come the Druids with torches and a casket is rolled out Paul bearer comes out and says that the undertaker finally rests in peace and raw goes off the air perfect way to write off the undertaker keep it mysterious and the streak lives
This is delicious.

"Fans will riot if the Undertaker loses at WrestleMania!" "I'll stop watching if Undertaker loses at WrestleMania!!!"

No, fans are not going to riot. Why bother hyping a streak so much if there's no real threat of him losing the match? You'll see a few little kids cry. That's it. And no, you aren't going to stop watching because a scripted match didn't end in the way you thought it should end. You people act as if wrestling is supposed to be completely predictable to the fans. The whole idea is to generate emotional responses. Judging by this thread, having him lose at WM to an opponent everyone expects him to beat is a perfect way to draw shitloads of heat to whoever beats him. I can hear it now, how Soandso didn't deserve to beat Taker, how Soandso never would have beaten Taker if he wasn't friends with Someoneelse, and all kinds of other comments that the smarks don't understand are just another form of heat.

Wrestlers- the good ones- don't go out with their arms raised. They go out on their backs after giving someone who's continuing on the credit for it. Unless you're Hulk Hogan, who I'm pretty firmly convinced will die in the ring of natural causes, you put someone over. That's how the industry works; a retiring guy has no use for a victory.

There's just too much you can do with the first guy to break Taker's streak. It doesn't even have to be Taker's last match; that can be built up into another feud at SummerSlam. There is no "because he deserves it" in professional wrestling, because there is no shame in being the loser in a match scripted by a bunch of college dropouts in a Stamford office. There is honor in not being a glory hog and doing what's right for the business; which, if you haven't noticed over the past decade, is what Taker is all about.
Really? cmon DB, there is no way the wwe is going to let someone like DB to end the taker's career and sreak i nthe same night. heck if DB is even lucky hell might make it to Wrestlemania. I see that Cena will face taker at mania because that is what the people want and the wwe will probably want to probably want the face of the company to end a legend like that's career
Seriously, anyone who thinks that the streak won't in are the most delusional people I've ever seen. Taker, himself, doesn't want to leave with the streak intact because if he does, then somebody would be looked at as "can they top the streak"... that would put a big burden on future stars.

Not to mention, streaks are made for the simple fact of being broken. Sure, Daniel Bryan isn't deserving to break the streak, but I'm sure somebody is.

Although, if Daniel Bryan were going to break it, I'd have him walk into Mania hell bent on gaining revenge for Taker putting HBK into retirement. Hell, have Bryan walk into Mania with HBK at his side. That would put the guy over big time.

As for a heel scenario, I'm sticking by my belief that Sheamus (if anybody) would be the right man to do it. He's just the guy that I can see generating big time off of this. WWE seems bent on making him a future star of tomorrow, and what better way then by having him take out a living legend? The last legend in WWE. Some others may disagree, but I really believe Sheamus has the greatest chance of winning... and I don't give a damn if people do mention that he's too green. So what? He's talented and unique... taker is talented and unique... give Sheamus the push.
Everyone goes out of wrestling on their back. Flair did it, HBK did it. All the greats have and will do it. Taker is no exception. He will lose his last match. The only match that has any significance to Taker anymore is his WM match.

That being said, while I don't personally like the wrestler, I see John Cena being the one to end the streak.

He is the only big name on the roster that Taker hasn't faced at Mania. I don't see Jericho being a challenger to the streak, not when he's so close to ending his own career.

Flair to HBK to Undertaker to Cena... There isn't anyone left on the roster to carry the torch.

To be "The Man" you have to beat "The Man". Cena will be given the torch to carry, he is the only logical choice.

The thing is, Cene does not need to beat the streak, Cena is already WWEs post child, whats the point of having him end the streak, it wont boost him to the top of the WWE because hes already there, its pretty much a waste of a 20 year storyline....

The problem with the streak ending is, although some people may not think so, its a career push, the person who ends the streak will be known as that for the rest of there WWE career, not just a few years. This is something that has been building longer then like any other storyline in WWE. WWE can't give that push to someone who might leave the company a year or two after it to go make movies or go into MMA, that would be a total waste of the whole streak storyline.

The only people who can really make it seem like a legit win against Undertaker and are people who wont leave the company after a few years
are already big enough superstars to not need that push.

Although I think a lose at WM ending the streak is the only real way for the Underttaker Character to finally retire, I just can't think of anyone who should do it that actually needs the push from it. Undertaker losing and then the lights going out and the druids carrying him away would be a perfect ending to his career. Or even have the druids bring him to the top of the ramp, set him into a casket and then light it on fire showing that the Undertaker is gone now or something like that.

The problem with Undertaker retiring without losing is you will then have people coming out like every month/year saying they could of ended the streak, but Undertaker ran away before they had the chance or something like that. I think Undertaker should win 1 more mania and then lose at next years, I just don't know who.

Also the problem with the idea of having HBK come out and like coach Bryan heading into WM and then being with him at WM and Bryan winning is kindda being like, Look Bryan's been in WWE for less then a year and already is better then HBK was and did something he couldn't do 2 years in a row....
I already posted a logical scenario on how Undertaker could retire in another thread about Undertaker retiring. Short end of that post was Taker wins WM and then gets beat at the next PPV in a buried alive casket match.

This is all pointless! The Undertaker is not going to retire at WM27...its possible he might not even retire at WM28. He has been the go-to guy for the WWE the last few years. There is no one on the roster at the moment that needs the push or should do it. Next year we might have someone NEW (OMG a new wrestler, but WWE has too many) that is the next Orton or Cena. Miz is already being pushed to be the new star so he doesn't need it and Bryan is nowhere near ready for it. Hell Shawn Michaels didn't NEED to wrestle Taker again, but it was a way to capitalize on the year before and retire him in a good fashion. Taker and Michaels had a history in WWE throughout the years. NO ONE can match what they had except maybe Kane and they started that program too soon.

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