Crazy Idea for the New WWE


Occasional Pre-Show
So it's all but confirmed that at WM 27 the WWE and WHC Titles are going to be combined and it's also been rumored that the Undertaker will end his career the same night. So it got me and friends thinkingand we came up with an insane but still technically plausible storyline that could rock the WWE.

Three things to remember at this point. Undertaker is no longer feuding with Kane but there is still harsh feelings. And The Miz still hasn't cashed in MITB and hasn't lost the US Title. And the US Title and Intercontinental Championships have remained separate.

So we start at Royal Rumble where after a long Rumble Daniel Bryan beats out 29 other superstars for the title shot. (PS I chose Daniel as a place holder. It could be him or someone else.)

Daniel then will start to try and figure out who he will face at Wrestlemaina. At the same time Undertaker announces that this WM will be his last. Bryan will then decide to wait and see as the GM has stuck him and 5 others into Elimination Chamber Qualifying matches. Everyone wins there respective matches making the Elimination Chamber match. Bryan, Miz, and four others (Probably Cena, Orton, HHH, and Sheamus.)

The EC PPV Starts and the first match is the Raw EC where after along and drawn out match the winner is Daniel Bryan!

This leaves a bad taste in the Mouth of the Miz who goes on a bit of a crazy spree backstage.

Then it's time for the SD EC where the winner is: The Undertaker. As the cage is raising and Taker is cheering all of a sudden you hear. AWESOME! as the Miz's music hits and he trudges to the ring with the MITB Case. He's just about to cash in the Title Shot when suddenly Daniel jumps the miz slamming him with his finisher.

All looks right as the Miz rolls out of the Ring and Daniel and Taker stand there to the Cheers of the crowd. It's at this point that...Daniel Slams Taker! The Crowd would be in shock as Bryan grabs a mic and tells the Unconscious Taker that he still has a shot at a title of his choice at Wrestlemaina and he chooses to face taker in a winner take all match.

The next month and a half would be an insane time as Daniel and Taker both try to one up each other with Daniel winning the technical game and Taker winning the Psychological game. All the while the Miz is steaming with rage that he's being left out of Maina. It's at this point that he picks a fight with the Intercontinental Champ and they decide to have a unification match at Wrestlemaina too.

Maina comes and right off the bat Miz loses his title and goes into a trance just looking at the MITB case and walks to the back.

Then the Main Event takes place Daniel vs Taker.It becomes an amazing match with both superstars hitting move after move on each other. The match ends with one superstar countering the finisher of the other and at the end the winner is DANIEL BRYAN!

Both wrestlers exchange handshakes as the Undertaker's Gong hits and the lights go out. The Gong hits again and Taker has disappeared, this time for good.

And just before Bryan is about to roll out of the Ring. AWESOME!!!! The Miz's music hits as he charges the ring with a new referee. Miz is announced to be cashing in the Money in the Bank and the Bell rings. Miz runs over to Bryan and is about to hit Skull Crushing Finale when Bryan turns it around, slams the Miz and gets the 1, 2, 3.

Immagine the shock from the WWE Universe. Not only did Bryan beat the Undertakerand win two title matches in one night. he will have also cost the Miz his title shot. Imagine the feud that could be sparked here.

Anyway, give me your thoughts and opinions and be a little nice about this. I know there are a ton of flaws but hey WWE has done stupider stuff. *coughraw's900thepisodecough*
Nope... Not going to happen. Especially with Daniel Brian, if someone beats Taker at WM it's not going to be a mid carder at best. Now a crazy match with a big star say HHH that lasts nearly an hour, maybe casket match? Is way more likely.

Although a run in after a successful title defense / win by taker by Miz I could take. For that matter let him catch Taker and win it. That way Taker goes out on his back, but not clean which cements Miz as one of if not the top heels in WWE.
it's a shame that you actually think this is plausible? taker has beaten the biggest and the best and yet he loses to fucking daniel bryan! please, taker will finish undefeated at wrestlemania, you can't throw 20 years of hard work down the drain to push someone who isn't going to be around for long. no star on the roster deserves that accolade of ending the undertakers career. i don't think miz will be US champ for much longer and i highly expect him to lose his MITB title shot.
Nope... Not going to happen. Especially with Daniel Brian, if someone beats Taker at WM it's not going to be a mid carder at best. Now a crazy match with a big star say HHH that lasts nearly an hour, maybe casket match? Is way more likely.

Although a run in after a successful title defense / win by taker by Miz I could take. For that matter let him catch Taker and win it. That way Taker goes out on his back, but not clean which cements Miz as one of if not the top heels in WWE.

Wow, dude, he was giving a POSSIBLE scenerio. Who appointed you know it all of the wrestling product?? Anything can happen and his scenerio COULD happen. The likelihood of it isnt great, but the WWE has shocked us before.


I like the idea of the Taker gong playing, lights go out, and Taker disappearing for good when he loses at Wrestlemania. I think the odds of Taker losing at Wrestlemania, if he makes it to Wrestlemania, are much higher than before. I know the WWE can go the route of keeping the streak alive, but I'd like to see the streak ended by who the WWE is going to pass the torch to. Daniel Bryan isnt the big guy that the WWE stereotypically pushes, but he has the raw talent and promo skills to go far.
People are forgetting that this whole Unification of the titles thing is only a RUMOR!

Rumours for the most part in the WWE turn out to be false, for Example...

Banning of Flair chops- I still see yoshi tatsu, Chris masters and even Kaval use them in almost every match....

New WWE logo- The Rumor was it was gonna appear on the 900th raw, but guess what? no logo change.

But....if this rumour is true, then I'm sorry I just don't see your idea happening.

True...It would be an AWESOME Match! but I don't think WWE is ready to make Bryan a Main-eventer quite yet, and I certainly can't see him ending taker's streak...
Lol that would be totally ******ed.... One, how the hell can we believe Daniel can beat Undertaker clean 1 on 1 after all the ppl Undertaker has beaten, that would totally ruin everything the streak has been made to be. Then on top of that, you have the person who just ended the WM streak, get beaten the same night and lose that title? WTF....

That would ruin the whole streak, and the massive push DB would get from taking the streak by losing the title the same night...

Not gunna happen.
Do I love all the drama, suspense, and pure epic notion of your idea? Yes I do I think it would be awesome as hell. Do I think Brian Danielson (won't call him DB I just won't do it) would put on an absoloute wrestling clinic with the dead man on the worlds grandest stage? Yes I think it would be what we all thought the HBK v Taker WM rematch was gonna be and more. Would I love to see the Takers streak final moments given the true praise it is worthy (and probabley will not get). YES...however there are limits to how awesome WWE could possibly be. Miz aint losing...sorry to burst your awesome hating bubble but if anyones standing tall with the gold at the end of WM its The Awesome One (yes like the great one but just AWESOME). Batista and Cena both won their first world titles on the mecha of all wrestling events and I strongly believe if Vince has the patience too hold Miz's meteoric rise until then we all will be pleased with the result. And as much as I would love this kind of future for the American Dragon he's gonna need some epic fueds (Kaval and CM Punk PLEASSSSEEEEEE) to get over enough with the crowd to be thrust into that kind of role, because lets be honest outside the IWC only about 20% of Raw watchers have any idea what this kid has got in his bag of tricks (only about 60% of that bag will WWE let him use) I'll be happy if The BEST IN THE WORLD is unifying the US Title with the IC title at WM against (wishful thinking) Kaval because come-on someones gotta put on a clinic.
Note: This is just in general. I'm not really digging into the OP specifically. The spoiler tags are for those who don't want to read my bullshit.

Honestly I'm just not sure what the point of these "Here's my idea for…" threads are and what I'm supposed to do with them other than flat out ignore them. I guess it's fun to hang out with friends and come up with wildly implausible storylines that sound cool at the time but then why throw them up on the boards? I mean, you've got to know that they're just going to be shit on and torn to shreds. Right?
Or worse yet people will give the thing a fleeting glance at best and be left so nonplus that they close out the thread and move on never to open a thread by you again.

I dunno, I just see these things as tremendous wastes of time and board space. But hey, if you guys like em' and keep wanting to post them then by all means go right ahead and do so. I just don't understand what you want us, the readers, to respond with once you posted. I've no real interest in talking about it or going point by point into detail as to why the whole thing is just a terrible idea. Specifically regarding the above OP you yourself say there are tons of flaws. You can't even stand by your own ideas.

I don't really want to actually have a discussion arguing/defending my thoughts (or for that matter listen to the OP defend theirs) either. There just doesn't seem to be a meaningful discussion hidden within these types of threads. I guess what I'm saying is why post things that are almost assuredly going to be ignored and/or ridiculed? These things often get minimal replies and just get pushed down the list 'til they're buried on the back pages to never be seen or heard from again. If that's the ultimate fate of these things why not just rethink pressing the submit button in the first place?

Again this isn't personal, or even much to do with this specific thread per se. This is just the stream of thought reaction that goes on in my mind when I'm done reading these types of things. I just sit there for second and think to myself "Ok. Now what? Do I bother to respond?" Ninety-nine percent of the time I don't. But I guess this is that one percent. Hell, perhaps I should take my own advice and reconsider pressing the submit button myself and just go back to ignoring these things…

OK, real quick then:
No one who needs Taker's rub via "The Streak" is actually good enough for it. Thus creating a catch 22 of sorts. Those who could do it (vets like HHH) don't need it so its pointless to end it just for them. Hence Taker should probably go out on top(if he's even retiring at all).

Miz waiting all year 'til WM27 just to lose to wrestler X who just assumingly went to the physical limit ending Taker's streak—remember he just did something "legends" like HBK, HHH, Kane, etc., never could—is also kinda stupid. It really buries Miz in a way.

Whoever wrestler X—btw Daniel Bryan?! I'm a DBD MARK and even I think that's ABSURD—is is pretty damn bad-ass seeing as how he's able to take out Taker, end The Streak, and end the MitB cash-in streak as well! Who is this guy that is so incredible that he can do all the above—and in such a way that the fans will buy it and not shit all over it—yet isn't established enough and needs such a monumental rub? I don't think that person exists (and if he ever did he's now in UFC and this should've happened years ago).

Again, giving it to a guy already at the top is kind of a waste. Sure it looks impressive but you didn't "make a guy" and you probably didn't entice new people to care about this already established star. You also sort of buried Taker (who will no longer be making money for you) and The Miz to do this and got nothing worthwhile in return. So what's the point?
Taker losing to a 2-month rookie at Wrestlemania? When the greatest of all time Ric Flair couldn't do it, HHH couldn't do it, Shawn Michaels couldn't do it in 2 attempts and retired trying to do it, you think Daniel Bryan or any other competitor in the history of the sport can do it? No. This is a highly delusional post from you, if you think that the streak is going to end, that too at the hands of a fresher. The streak is never end; its business.
Well the title of the post says it. Crazy.

Did you get high thinking of this?

Daniel Bryan is defitely one of the top technical wrestlers in the world, I'll give him that, but he isn't nearly over enough to deserve such an accolade, nor is anyone else for that matter. There simply isn't a single person worthy of endin the streak in the company today. The only one that deserved it was Michaels.
It's a good idea and it's very conceptive. I just don't think it'd follow through. Why? Here's why:

These "unification" of brands is only a rumour so it might not even be true. (Abit like the 'new logo' that was supposed to debut on Raw's 900th ep.) Another reason for it not to work would be the fact that nobody in history has risen to the top that quick.

We've just come into September now, and Daniel Bryan is already booked in a match for the United States Championship. That's took until the very first season of NXT. So no way in hell do I see Bryan being in the main event of WM27, not at all. Plus, you're completely forgetting about Night of Champions. He could win his match against The Miz and carry on as the US Champion for a while.

Another reason why it wouldn't work is because of the Elimination Chamber idea. First of all, why does Undertaker need to be in his 3rd consecutive Elimination Chamber running? It's unworthwhile and that's just wearing him out even more. Triple H can't be in it if the news is true about him being promoted and having a managerial and executive position in the company, he's getting older, he's injured alot and I don't think "satan's structure" is going to help his chances of remaining uninjured.

At the end of the Elimination Chamber, you said that Daniel Bryan would win the Raw chamber and interupt Miz' cash in on The Undertaker. If Daniel Bryan did that to Miz then their feud wouldn't just end, it'd grow into something more extravagant and it'd most likely be something at Wrestlemania. Maybe, JUST MAYBE It could be a Triple Threat match for the Championship at Wrestlemania, and that's like a 10% chance.

Finally, if the other rumours are true about Undertaker retiring this year then he obviously isn't going to lose to somebody who hasn't even been there a year. If he did, I'd literally stop watching WWE because they've taken this new superstar, Mean Mark Callous and turned him into this amazing phenom; The Undertaker, with such an amazing streak that nobody could replicate it. I don't see how it's right for a newbie to the business come and piss all over his legacy.

I think I'm finished now. Like I said in the beginning, it's a very conceptive and imaginative idea. I just don't think it'll follow through. It's more of a "dream match" or "dream mania". Good thread through.
i'd like to see some form of match where taker desnt actually LOSE but still has a fairwell match. something like undertaker V kane in a casket match or buried alive match. finish could be something like kane/taker both end up in the casket and have a third person come in and bury them BOTH. meaning no clear winner thus the streak NEVER ends. but that would also mean kane is gone to unless wwe go the way of saying kane was superior and was able to escape from hell but undertaker is "trapped for eternity".
c'mon, the streak cant end :p
I would honestly never see this happening, the streak is undertakers legacy, why ruin it with a mid carder (although very talented wrestler) beating him at WM27.

Also I would see a riots happening and viewers and ratings dropping, because I for one would switch off if the streak got neded.
I swear, people on this damn forum need to learn how to read. OP clearly stated that Daniel Bryan was a place holder... you can substitute him with who ever you think would be more plausible.

For me, it would be someone like Sheamus or Skip Sheffield... however, I could also see Sheamus or Sheffield taking the loss so that Miz would be cashing in on a face, and Miz could get a victory over Taker.

Sure, it's not likely, but if it were to happen like that, it would give Taker a way to leave the WWE and WM without completely ruining his legacy and give Miz a way to get over more as a heel, and build him into a main eventer.

Honestly, I've always felt that Mr. MITB should cash it in against taker after a match. It just seems like the most opportune time to do so.
For God's Sake......can we PLLLLEEEEEAAASSSSEEE stop annointing Daniel Bryan as the new WWE Messiah?!?!?!?!

The fucking guy is a journeyman who never made it and has been lucky enough to catch lightning in a bottle because "E" story lines are just so piss poor right now and the talent is not being used properly. Yes, he's a breath of fresh air and yes, he's got some talent. But he is NEVER.............AND THE ROCK MEANS...............NEVER going to be given the WWE title let alone, beat the iconic Undertaker. The streak is too legendary; it can never die. It's like Dimaggio's 56 game hitting streak. It ain't happening and must remain for the good of the business.

STOP HITTING THE CRACK PIPE! Switch to Trident. It's safer and doesn't melt brain cells.
Well for the record after reading this it says that it doesn't have to be Daniel Bryan
Now personally I think this will never happen but just saying thqat it did I think that the WWE Universe would be throughly pissed
I swear, people on this damn forum need to learn how to read. OP clearly stated that Daniel Bryan was a place holder... you can substitute him with who ever you think would be more plausible.

For me, it would be someone like Sheamus or Skip Sheffield... however, I could also see Sheamus or Sheffield taking the loss so that Miz would be cashing in on a face, and Miz could get a victory over Taker.

Sure, it's not likely, but if it were to happen like that, it would give Taker a way to leave the WWE and WM without completely ruining his legacy and give Miz a way to get over more as a heel, and build him into a main eventer.

Honestly, I've always felt that Mr. MITB should cash it in against taker after a match. It just seems like the most opportune time to do so.

The point most people are making isn't just the Daniel Bryan is unworthy. ANYONE is unworthy to be pushed in this situation. Jimmy Snuka, King Kong Bundee, Every Member of Evolution. All were given to the streak, and there isn't anyone on the roster that deserves or could handle the responsibilty of ending it.
The streak must not remain "for the good of the business"... indeed if that is the justifcation for keeping it and I was Taker, I'd walk... cos its wrong and damaging to believe that.

No man can ever be bigger than the business even a dead one, no streak can go forever... Andre was man enough to let his time come and Hogan replaced him. Goldberg knew the streak would end sometime...

Everyone drops matches in big situations eventually... Taker above everyone will know the right time to lose that streak...and i am betting the right person... and that not doing the job when the time comes would be a slap in the face to all those who helped him get that streak...

Taker is in the position where once he goes, he knows the gimmick is done but more importantly... Win, lose or draw... the person who defeats him will take his place as the locker room leader... the guy who is most respected and experienced... logically with Trips in the office, it'll be...

Chris Jericho

With the current changes and Chris's short break coming up I think rather than him leaving the biz we will see him come back in Taker's role backstage... seems to me he's getting the Fozzy stuff out of the way before committing to a long haul...

As for the thread idea itself... Why can't it work that way? Bryan is as good a pick as any young star if Taker chose to drop his streak to elevate someone... The hate on him is not justified, he is someone who chose to walk his own line in the business, not put his hopes on Vince... It's telling that WWE have come for him twice now...

I don't hold that The Miz is the next big thing, I think he is a great modern day Jake Roberts possibility... but not the face of the company...
At this particular point in time, the only wrestler on the WWE roster that's really even "worthy" of ending The Undertaker's WrestleMania streak is John Cena. It's also really the only match in which could possibly follow the matches Taker has had with HBK at the past two Manias. They haven't really wrestled one another since Cena's early days, they've also really been on two seperate brands for most of the time John Cena has been in the WWE.

I like Daniel Bryan. The guy has genuinely impressed me but the idea of him ending Taker's streak at this particular point in time is absurd. As I said, I do like Bryan and he has a huge following on the net but he's just not ready at all. Now, I will acknowledge that maybe, just MAYBE, something could happen over the next 6 months or so that'll make me change my mind but I'm not gonna hold my breath on that.
Well, I as a Bryan mark should appreciate that, but it's just way too much. I'd love him to unify the title belts, because he's the biggest talent in the world along with maybe Punk, Orton and Styles, but I don't want him to go that route.

You know, you just made Bryan win:
- the Royal Rumble by "beating out" 29 opponents
- the Elimination Chamber with WWE's biggest stars
- his first WrestleMania in a Main Event ...
- ... to end the Undertaker's streak ...
- ... and unify the belts after ten or so years
- a second match after his match against the most dominating wrestler in the world ...
- ... to be the first one to fend a MITB cash in

Can there be anything more than this? Right, it can't. That's so much people would probably hate him, we already have another case of that.

Ok here's a better idea. We all know Taker is a big MMA fan. Lets say Rampage Jackson or Chuck Lidddell are released. McMahon wants to capitalize on their popularity and try and bring in a bit of the boxing we had in the Attitude Era.

Royal Rumble comes around and there are 2 open spots still. Rampage runs out about half way through and then Chuck Liddell is the last man to arrive and wins it. The next night on Raw the GM congratulates him and has called all champions to Raw. Liddell says he and Undertaker have been friends for awhile and he respects Undertaker and doesn't want to see the streak get broken. Thats why if anyone is going to do it its going to be him, and Liddell challenges him for the title.

The next 2 months its hyped and they show training videos for both guys. WM arrives and Liddell is able to beat him and become the champion. Undertaker and Liddell shake hands and Taker leaves, but not before Liddell raises Takers hand! New star, new world champion!! (note the sarcasm)

C'mon people really? No one is going to beat Undertaker at WM. IF and when the Undertaker decides to retire, he will probably retire as a world champion. Its senseless to have some up and comer beat him and there is NO NEED for guys like Cena, Orton or Triple H to do it.

This needs to be merged with the many other "How is Undertaker going to retire" threads on here.

I digress. Bryan is a great wrestler and I love him...I just dont see him as a believable main eventer for another 2 or 3 years. Look how long it took Miz to get where he is, Miz even said on Raw how long it took him to be where he is. Its going to take some veterans to put him over and WWE needs to build him up. When I see him out there next to those guys, he reminds me of Colin Delaney when he was trying to get a contract and was constantly Dreamers whipping boy. He has only been back less than 2 months and most of the IWC see him as the golden boy of WWE. The person who started this thread proved my point too.
1) It is not a given that the titles are all going to be unified, based on the fact that they unified the tag titles a year and a half ago when they realized they had only a couple of tag teams, and that they're unifying the women's titles now that they've realized they've only a couple of women who can carry the strap.

2) Fan fiction almost always sucks.

3) When the Undertaker's streak ends (and yes, it will, the rub someone can get from that is just too big NOT to have it end), it's going to be done by someone you wouldn't expect. HHH isn't going to end the streak, because he has no use for the rub. It will be an ascendant midcarder. That will give whoever does end the streak a few years of "I'm the guy who ended the Undertaker's streak."

Where does all this "oh, the responsibility!" talk come in? This isn't like raising a child, folks. It's not like they'd be given some precious, breakable piece of expensive and told to walk through a strange room filled with furniture. It's one hell of a rub you'd give to a guy that you expect big things from in the future. It could have been Orton a few years ago. It could have been Kennedy before the W soured on him. Get the idea out of your head that it's some kind of high honor only afforded to some super legend.
I am a huge wrestling fan, and love that there is a place for all of us to discuss what we love, but dude, Daniel Bryan beating the Undertaker at WM, nope. Even if any of you think the Undertaker will ever lose at WM, you are crazy. It will never happen. He will go 20- 0 and retire at WM 28. Undertaker....20-0 will be the biggest selling dvd in wwe history. The undertakers streak has become bigger than any title defense at mania, and as long as the deadman is walking around the wwe, HE WILL NEVER LOSE AT WRESTLEMANIA, PERIOD!!! I do like your idea though, it was creative.
I just can't see how if Taker was to lose his match, how he WOULDN'T be the last thing we remember about Wrestlemania 27. HBK was the last thing we saw. Taker had an even MORE historic career, and there's no way a run-in should taint something like that.
I just want to hit this point one more time, UNDERTAKER WILL NEVER LOSE AT WRESTLEMANIA, NEVER. You will see 70,000 fans riot by having him lose to someone other than Orton, Cena, HHH, Y2J. But that doesnt matter, because I will stress this once again, UNDERTAKER WILL NEVER LOSE AT WRESTLEMANIA. All of your ideas are creative though, just not realistic

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