CM Punk?

Not that it matters to him but he doesn't need the money and even if he did, I'm fairly certain he'd go to TNA or RoH before he'd even consider the WWE.

Well stated, yet if he needed the money (or even if he didn't, as you say) I can't believe a guy like Phil Brooks would consider doing the same thing he'd do in WWE, but for far less money. Plus, if a performer thinks of himself as an all-time great, as Punk apparently does, he'd want to perform on the grandest stage of his profession. So, no TNA or ROH, even if they built their entire promotion around him.

The equation I always use involved Derek Jeter of the NY Yankees.....that after being offered a spot on the big league team, he decided to play his career in the minors because he liked it better. Can you imagine?

Same with Punk. If he came back, I figure it would be with WWE. Both he and Vince McMahon would grimace while shaking hands, but they'd work together.

Considering all this, Punk won't wrestle again......he likely won't ever fight in UFC......and he'll have to find some other way of keeping his name in the public eye, if that's what he's aiming at.
I always though of Punk as a Punk (in the musical sense) doing whatever the hell he felt like.

If he fancied wrestling again but only occasionally he'd either try and work out a part time deal with WWE or go back to ROH. I mean ROH would blow their load everywhere if he wanted to come back. I mean they essentially did it for Samoa Joe and AJ Styles and they're nowhere near as big as Punk is.
A snowball's chance in hell of a Punk return ever happening. Way too much bad blood on both sides, and you would need at least 2 or 3 years to even consider this as a somewhat realistic possibility.

Never say never is a saying that actually holds some weight in pro wrestling (i.e. Sting in WWE, Taker losing The Streak, etc.), but going by everything he said on the podcasts, and how Punk continues to take the occasional shot at WWE every now and then, a WWE return is a real longshot. Hate is a strong word, but I seriously believe Punk is genuinely disgusted with WWE to the point, where he would never make the effort to bury the hatchet, or meet Vince and the powers that be in WWE halfway.
I disagree I don't think either vince or Punk needs each other, I actually think WWE bringing Punk back right now as their champion would be one of the worst business moves ever in WWE, I think he's the most overrated wrestler in the history of pro wrestling and I was going off the product whilst he was champion so I'm really not interested in seeing him back ever and I'm also very sick of hearing him whine about not having a wrestlemania main event just handed to him etc.

Problem with your argument is that you are basing all of on your opinion of not being a fan of Punk. However if the fans in general want it and if WWE thinks him coming back will be good for business it can happen and there has been strong evidence to show him coming back will generate interest in the product (he was over with the crowd, his merchandise sales were strong, and Dana White signed him for a fight).
WWE doesn't need CM Punk at all. WWE doesn't need Hogan, Rock, Austin, Michaels, Hart and so on and on - all bigger Superstars than Punk.

You simply want CM Punk and convince yourself WWE needs him because you miss him. WWE will never need CM Punk.

CM Punk doesn't need WWE. I think he made some decent money out of Wrestling and now he is contracted to the UFC and will make some nice dollar there too. He has other projects going on like writing for Marvel and a bit of acting here and there. One day he may get bored and want that final run but he is a very stubborn man so I am not sure he will ever return to WWE although stranger things have happened.

Del Rio stayed in Wrestling and he was fired. CM Punk has left Wrestling and walked out. Different scenarios and different people.

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