CM Punk Speculation

If you look hard enough, there's plenty of information regarding how CM Punk saw money. This isn't a lottery win. This isn't a neckbeard living at their mom's house talking on web forums about their lack of financial planning knowledge. It's a guy that made a strategic move.

And I'm completely opposite of fanboi. I think that the WWE is better in every way with CM Punk gone. But discussing his finances as though he'll be broke because you (or anyone else) can't grasp how he could make it work is ridiculous.

I don't know what he has. I just know that a basic understanding of money would tell you NOT to keep it in banks and to put it into investments. They return more money and those returns are taxed at a substantially lower rate than normal income.
We get it. You know all about money, and we don't.

Here's the truth: If he is worth 8 million, and was making 1.2 million, and he didn't have at least ONE financial advisor, and didn't have his money actually working for him, I'd say he was the dumbest human alive. Not a single human being who has the lowest amount of intelligence would pass up investing for a 3-5% yield instead of putting it into a zero sum gain free checking account at Bank of America.

I know that you're trying to sound smart, and I hate to burst your bubble, but CM Punk is a pretty smart guy. He knew exactly what he was doing. And having 8 million invested and making money for you would really do just fine in the Chicago area.

Im not trying to sound smart...i am being a realist. I went by what was given not by some made up theories that people have because they think CM Punk is the smartest guy ever.

CM Punk has to to think that his 8 mil, which is his net worth and not even what is in his bank, is just collecting money is ridiculous. Houses lose value, cars lose value, people's net worth's drop all the just happened to Vince.

Dumbest Human alive? I know people with around that amount that handle their own money with no help...its not hard to do. If Punk was a smart guy like you claim he is, he wouldnt have walked away from a 1.2 million dollar job with a net worth of only 8 million at the age of 35 considering that he could have doubled that by the time he was 40.

I suggest you talk to a surgeon or some type of physician. They will tell you that they try to at least have 6 million in the bank when they retire at 65 and this is so that they can live close to the standard of living that they were used too while working full time. So to say that Punk can live his normal life on 8 million starting at 35 is freaking idiotic.

Where Punk lives is irrelevant because people live within their means. Punk, no matter how much you want to believe it, does NOT live like he makes $50,000 a year while bringing in 1.2 million, this kind of stuff just doesn't happen.

What magical interest rates do you people believe in? At the most interest may get him an extra million if he sits on it long enough but by that time it wont even be worth it. Plus that extra million divided by 40 years is only an extra 25,000 dollars a year. Interest is not some magical money that gets thrown at rich people for the hell of it. BTW net worth generally includes investments.
If you look hard enough, there's plenty of information regarding how CM Punk saw money. This isn't a lottery win. This isn't a neckbeard living at their mom's house talking on web forums about their lack of financial planning knowledge. It's a guy that made a strategic move.

And I'm completely opposite of fanboi. I think that the WWE is better in every way with CM Punk gone. But discussing his finances as though he'll be broke because you (or anyone else) can't grasp how he could make it work is ridiculous.

I don't know what he has. I just know that a basic understanding of money would tell you NOT to keep it in banks and to put it into investments. They return more money and those returns are taxed at a substantially lower rate than normal income.

And again, this is all on the basis that he still has all or most of the money he had from his years of supposedly making 1.2 million a year. Which again, can't be verified in any way shape or form.

And hey, you can sound intelligent in an interview then proceed to ignore yourself, crazier things have happened.

Furthermore can we all just stop talking about CM Punk. No matter what his finances or why he left all that matter is he isn't there anymore. he isn't wrestling he isn't doing anything with the business and as such shouldn't be a topic of discussion.
Just read the last line that I wrote. Please. Stop angry replying to the first sentence. 8 million could keep a reasonable person living extremely comfortably for the next 30 years EASILY if handled properly. I don't know what he's done with his money, but pretending like he has to come back begging at WWE's doorstep is stupid.
it doesnt matter how much money punk has, he is married (or about to be) to aj, she still makes money, i doubt punk will be looking for income any time soon
Just read the last line that I wrote. Please. Stop angry replying to the first sentence. 8 million could keep a reasonable person living extremely comfortably for the next 30 years EASILY if handled properly. I don't know what he's done with his money, but pretending like he has to come back begging at WWE's doorstep is stupid.

Nobody is referring to him going back to the wwe. My response isn't angry, I'm trying to get you to understand what I am saying.

The average person could easily live off of 8 mil for 40 years...that is 100% correct. Must people don't ever make that. However Punk is not the average person, he is a guy that gets 1.2 million dollars a year. For someone that brings in 1.2 million a year and lives like someone that makes 1.2 million a year, 8 million is only about 7 years of his normal income. Making an adjustment this huge is ridiculous and 9 times out of 10 would result in someone going completely broke. 40 years at 200,000 probably won't even cover th average millionaires bills. This is completely doesn't matter where he lives. Only billionaires could probably handle dividing their pay by six and still living their normal lives. 8 mil won't do that.
Isn't CM Punk still signed by the WWE? Aren't they still selling his merch? Phil Brooks has a contract with the WWE, and it's not over until that contract expires.
I'm sorry how are you aware he still collects a paycheck? From all accounts I've read he isn't receiving anything and logic alone should tell you that. He isn't performing while under contract. let it go. He left. His fault. Stop bringing him up.

His stuff is still being sold on WWE Shop. Case closed!
WWE keeps CM Punk and AJ on their website. They continue to pay him and his gf - where is the lawsuit to get their money back they paid him? They let AJ take time off too. WWE talks about him during events. Guys do "quit" (and then eventually come back) it happened again this week. They will release his latest action figure and still have his merchandise for sale.

Instead of saying the guy needs to take time off due to the fact his body is in bad shape and he wants to get married ... just have him quit so when he eventually does come back there is built in heat and storyline possibilities. They couldn't repeat the threatening to quit storyline again so they went straight to quit.

Why wouldn't he or WWE or both come out with a clear statement of what happened. There is a lot of interest in this in this amongst a lot of fans because there was no clear statement.

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