CM Punk will come crawling back....

If he comes back, he will come back on his own terms and with his head up high. He will be offered a big contract to come back eventually, and a WM main event. No one can deny that, and this return is by no means anywhere near what you describe it to be as "tail between his legs, begging to return".
None of these guys come back unless they CHOSE to come back. Sure, they need a sweet deal, but Vince could live without these guys, most of who are retired, so the deal happens because BOTH PARTIES want it.

C.M. Punk is an attention-seeker. His promos, the way he baits crowds at house shows etc, he is like a little child who says "Look at me!". Everything C.M. Punk does is to bring attention to C.M. Punk. ROH won't give him such attention.

If Punk was making movies like the Rock, or doing the activities Jericho is, then he wouldn't need wrestling, as he is getting his ego fed elsewhere. But Punk has left WWE for ......what?

Punk NEEDS WWE! Only they can give him the attention he craves.

Punk wanting a family? But where else would Punk meet Divas to be up? Maybe he should join that company that Maria Kallelis is in, since he was banging her once.

Punk couldn't have a family, as it would require him loving someone other than himself.

I am not sure where you've gotten so much information about Punk. I mean I am a Punk fan, but I don't personally know Phil. I have no way of knowing what's going on with him. Plus, there is no official word on what's the deal between Punk and WWE. So whatever we're writing here is mere speculation, isn't it?

I hate it when people start taking characters seriously and start associating it with real life people. Is Phil a jerk? May be, may be not. I have never interacted with him to know it. This whole thread is based on one assumption: Punk's ego would be deflated one day. This is completely asinine. We have no way to know how much Punk and WWE need each other.
When you basically tell your bosses to go screw themselves, and/or walk out and take an extended vacation for as long as you like, or punch your boss in the face (Bret), and can still return to your job and make a lot of money on your own terms down the road, that's not "crawling back with your tail between your legs." That's fighting the system and and winning. WWE wrestlers are contractors and the WWE is simply their biggest client. And as a contractor, getting your client to pay you on your terms is the holy grail of accomplishment. In any other profession, if you talk trash about your client and basically make up your own rules and still get their money in your pocket at the end of the day, people might assume it's because they need you more than you need them. Or in this case, they know they can make more money with you than without you. I'd love to know in what other profession a guy like Austin or Bret or any of the others you mention could do what they did and get away with it, and still have some people criticizing them for weakness when the same company they publically insulted wants to work out a deal for both parties to make more money. That's power, and anyone backstage trying to equate it to "crawling back" is just envious of it.

Besides, Punk never said he wouldn't come back. For all we know the only thing he said was that he was going home. He's not selling out himself or anyone else if he returns; he got to take his vacation, he got to draw his line in the sand, and if he does return I would imagine it would be on his terms. Like another Paul Heyman guy who got sick of the WWE's schedule and it's B.S, went off to do his own thing for a while, and got to come back with a contract for more money for less dates: Brock Lesnar.

I wouldn't say the employee always wins in this.

By Bret Hart coming back, Vince wins, because Vince can think "If Bret was SO upset about Survivor Series 1997, then why would he come back?".

By Bret Hart caving (even if it was to avoid a bad DVD coming out on him), it makes Vince think that he was 100% right to act as he did at SS 97.

If you think you are right, you stick to your guns. The one who caves is the loser in the fight. Bret realized, like all the other did, that he needed WWE more than WWE needed him, and came back. Vince won, and he will again when Punk realizes that no-one cares what he does anymore, and he needs the attention he craves as much as he does tattoos.
None of these guys come back unless they CHOSE to come back. Sure, they need a sweet deal, but Vince could live without these guys, most of who are retired, so the deal happens because BOTH PARTIES want it.

C.M. Punk is an attention-seeker. His promos, the way he baits crowds at house shows etc, he is like a little child who says "Look at me!". Everything C.M. Punk does is to bring attention to C.M. Punk. ROH won't give him such attention.

If Punk was making movies like the Rock, or doing the activities Jericho is, then he wouldn't need wrestling, as he is getting his ego fed elsewhere. But Punk has left WWE for ......what?

Punk NEEDS WWE! Only they can give him the attention he craves.

Punk wanting a family? But where else would Punk meet Divas to be up? Maybe he should join that company that Maria Kallelis is in, since he was banging her once.

Punk couldn't have a family, as it would require him loving someone other than himself. how do we know Punk walked out in such a way that him coming back will be him 'Crawling Back' to the WWE?

I'm confessing to ignorance of the details here, assuming said details are accurate. That and your topic positively reeks of smug self-indulgance. But as far as I know, Punk simply left and didn't so much as drop his drawers to smack down the business he left behind.

So kindly enlighten me, or are you just another worthless poster?
I wouldn't say the employee always wins in this.

By Bret Hart coming back, Vince wins, because Vince can think "If Bret was SO upset about Survivor Series 1997, then why would he come back?".

By Bret Hart caving (even if it was to avoid a bad DVD coming out on him), it makes Vince think that he was 100% right to act as he did at SS 97.

If you think you are right, you stick to your guns. The one who caves is the loser in the fight. Bret realized, like all the other did, that he needed WWE more than WWE needed him, and came back. Vince won, and he will again when Punk realizes that no-one cares what he does anymore, and he needs the attention he craves as much as he does tattoos.

Another assumption that you've made. You assume Vince won. How do you know that? According to you, everything has to have a win/lose situation. Ever heard of win/win situation? Can't two parties make peace with each other? We also call it burying the hatchet.

And again, there is no way to know exactly what went down between Bret Hart and Vince.
Another assumption that you've made. You assume Vince won. How do you know that? According to you, everything has to have a win/lose situation. Ever heard of win/win situation? Can't two parties make peace with each other? We also call it burying the hatchet.

And again, there is no way to know exactly what went down between Bret Hart and Vince.

I'm sure Vince and John Cena have a win-win situation. Randy Orton and Vince have a win-win situation.

I bet even your boy Bryan has a win-win situation, even if he doesn't win the title, since he is getting more and getting more exposure than a pool-hall bush league like ROH can offer him.

Win-win is where both people get what they want. So you do have both win. These are win-win, because Vince sees value in them, and they know that it is WWE or nothing (unless they want to go to TNA, which may go under and be bought by WWE eventually anyway).

Bret, Bruno,Austin, Warrior and Punk thought they were bigger than the business. They put themselves before the business, the company and even their fans.

Punk made a fatal flaw. He showed WWE what life would be like without him. And you know what, people don't care. They are focused on Daniel Bryan instead. The WWE have learned to live without Punk. Punk has lost hand in contract negotations, as ratings haven't suffered as a result of Punk not being there. He made himself expendable.

Also, ask yourself this. If Punk wanted to main-event Wrestlemania, who would he replace...Orton, Batista or even Bryan. Maybe, just maybe, Punk left because Daniel Bryan is now the man, and he isn't.

If Punk wanted to win the Rumble, then he is saying that Daniel Bryan shouldn't win the Rumble, which is what the fans wanted. So he puts himself before his friend, Bryan. Punks scoffs at fighting Triple H at Mania, but has no problem with Bryan doing it.

I think C.M. Punk is a self-serving douche who just uses wrestling for his own ends. If he doesn't get what he wants, he walks. WWE doesn't need ungrateful losers like him in WWE.
I think C.M. Punk is a self-serving douche who just uses wrestling for his own ends. If he doesn't get what he wants, he walks. WWE doesn't need ungrateful losers like him in WWE.

He uses wrestling for his own ends? Guest what, every wrestler ever does. I'm sure if you don't get what you want, you stick around forever and do something you hate. This is just ANOTHER Punk-hater thread. You and people like you seriously need to shut up and let it go. He's gone. There is literally no reason to talk about him at the moment.

I can see it now. If Punk ever comes back, there will be a million threads with people whining, bitching and crying about it.

He's burnt out and frustrated and IMO, handled it very unprofessionally. At least that is what people have been saying. I'd call it accurate as he was very banged up and was frustrated with a lot of things within the company.

I still find it a little strange how he hasn't said a peep on Twitter since he left (and is normally someone who tweets about random stuff outside of wrestling) and people close to him haven't said a word. I still believe it is some sort of work and that he will be back before his contract expires in July. He'll be refreshed and ready to go both physically and mentally.

But for now, the reality is he is not with the company (even though he's still under contract), he doesn't need the money and has said this many times. He doesn't live a big crazy spending lifestyle and doesn't need a lot to be happy. He doesn't need to work another day in his life if he doesn't want to.
I'm sure Vince and John Cena have a win-win situation. Randy Orton and Vince have a win-win situation.

I bet even your boy Bryan has a win-win situation, even if he doesn't win the title, since he is getting more and getting more exposure than a pool-hall bush league like ROH can offer him.
Punk can still get attention ex: the walking dead.

Win-win is where both people get what they want. So you do have both win. These are win-win, because Vince sees value in them, and they know that it is WWE or nothing (unless they want to go to TNA, which may go under and be bought by WWE eventually anyway).
And Punk has value, it's just the question of what went on behind the scenes to make him leave.

Bret, Bruno,Austin, Warrior and Punk thought they were bigger than the business. They put themselves before the business, the company and even their fans.
Bret didn't think he was bigger. Vince made a mistake in giving Bret a huge contract, then they did the screwjob, then there was the deal with his brother dying at a WWE show. I don't think bret put himself above the business. And you're talking to a guy that never like bret.

Punk made a fatal flaw. He showed WWE what life would be like without him. And you know what, people don't care. They are focused on Daniel Bryan instead. The WWE have learned to live without Punk. Punk has lost hand in contract negotations, as ratings haven't suffered as a result of Punk not being there. He made himself expendable.
Unless he doesn't care about being expendable...

Also, ask yourself this. If Punk wanted to main-event Wrestlemania, who would he replace...Orton, Batista or even Bryan. Maybe, just maybe, Punk left because Daniel Bryan is now the man, and he isn't.

If Punk wanted to win the Rumble, then he is saying that Daniel Bryan shouldn't win the Rumble, which is what the fans wanted. So he puts himself before his friend, Bryan. Punks scoffs at fighting Triple H at Mania, but has no problem with Bryan doing it.

Oh so I forgot that Bryan won the Royal Rumble.... Oh wait no he didn't, in fact he wasn't even in it. So punk wanting to win the Rumble has little to nothing to do with Bryan. They could've done the same storyline exit batista, enter punk.

I think C.M. Punk is a self-serving douche who just uses wrestling for his own ends. If he doesn't get what he wants, he walks. WWE doesn't need ungrateful losers like him in WWE.

So a guy who risks his body for the business is just worried about himself? Yeah I agree and people who quit drinking because it might have long term health issues, might take a beating in their social lives but it's still a sensible thing to do.
Who cares if CM Punk comes back or not. This whole thread is irrelevant. CM Punk is gone right now. Get over it.

Logical answer to such a stupid post:

Who cares?

CM Punk specific fans?

General wrestling fans that liked CM Punk?

Is that hard for you to understand?
CM Punk walked out with people saying he was burned out, exhausted, and nursing injuries. His contract isn't up and it's not like he was demanding a raise and didn't get it. He's tired and taking time off. It'd be logical that he would want to come back especially since he still has goals within the company. Him returning isn't him crawling back, it's him being healthy, recharged, and happy. Happy CM Punk is best for business.
Dude will be back when he gets what he wants, and that's to main event wrestlemania. I mean, can't you imagine some of the smart ass conversation Punk had with Vince? Probably said something like, "If a guy who left years ago and is working part time gets to come back and main event cause of his 'comeback draw' then I'll do the same in a few years. See ya later."

Time will tell and if he does return, I doubt it would be bad.
I'd have to imagine he would come back with his "tail between his legs" for financial reasons. So now you are an expert on Punk's financial acumen? Good to know, please continue.

I'm sorry, you're going to have to show me where Punk said he "vowed never to grace the halls of WWE again" or else the basis of your argument is moot. I can't just take your word for it.

Still waiting to see where Punk said he would never return.

What else do you believe that WWE, dirt sheets, and the wrestlers try to tell you?

Why do you think you know what Punk thinks? Are you mixing up the ramblings of some angry kids on the internet with Punk's true feelings?

Or they may not need each other at all.

What are you going to do when Punk realizes you are watching him through his blinds and calls the cops? How do you know that he is sulking?

He probably will be back. Doesn't take a genius to figure that out. Humility comes generally with aging so that is normal. As far as resisting WWE's pull, is that so bad or so wrong? He went there in the first place, why wouldn't he go back? All we think we know is that it is not the place for him right now. You have no knowledge of his feelings about his future. Do you think he doesn't know the stories of SCSA, Bret Hart, Sammartino, and Warrior?

I'm confused. If Vince offers Punk enough money, then who is the one "that is coming back with their tails between their legs"?

And you need to seek counseling if you have delusions that you know what Punk is thinking.

Firstly, I never said that Punk said that he wasn't coming back. Others in the past have said that, especially Bret Hart, and yet, they all caved. The fact Punk hasn't said it makes it more certain that he will come back.

Secondly, why would Vince offer Punk more money? WWE has shown it can survive without Punk. Punk did the stupidest thing possible- he showed WWE what it would be like without him, and, as long as WWE keep pushing Daniel Bryan, it will rate well.

Punk, like Bret and all the others, were the ones coming back, when they see that there is nowhere else for them. What is Punk going to do, sleep in all day? He hasn't even talked about a side project. If this was Rock or Jericho, I could see them having more credibility, because they have things to go to outside of wrestling, but what would Punk do?

Punk is a sulky whiny baby who put himself before the company. I have Vince kicks him to the kerb if he ever comes back, to show an example to others what happens when you leave.

The fact is, too, that Punk breached his contract, since he was contracted until July, so he shouldn't get paid for the remainder of his contract.

Punk has lost stroke at the negotiating table. Why would Vince kowtow to a guy who showed such disloyalty? If I were Vince, Punk would only ever come back on MY terms, since he lost the right to negotiate by going early, showing he can't be trusted to fulfil a contract.

You people are deluded if you think the WWE misses C.M. Punk. Most of the fans are more focusing on Daniel Bryan, and no one even notices Punk not being there.

Besides, if Punk never comes back, then he definitely can't headline Wrestlemania, so Vince has that carrot to hang over his head.
Firstly, I never said that Punk said that he wasn't coming back. Others in the past have said that, especially Bret Hart, and yet, they all caved. The fact Punk hasn't said it makes it more certain that he will come back.

Who are you talking to? Who is running around saying Punk will never be back? I think most people assume he will be back in some way, shape, or form in the future. You just have some wild delusions that I can't figure out where it is coming from.

Secondly, why would Vince offer Punk more money? WWE has shown it can survive without Punk. Punk did the stupidest thing possible- he showed WWE what it would be like without him, and, as long as WWE keep pushing Daniel Bryan, it will rate well.

Do you really believe that Punk or anyone else thought WWE would suffer or die from his absence? It's WM season, people watch, go to shows, buy merchandise, and mass media takes notice this time of year

And when did I say WWE would offer more money? They might with inflation and all. Some part timers are certainly getting paid more for the amount they work compared to full time. It's reasonable to think that although none of us know for certain.

Punk, like Bret and all the others, were the ones coming back, when they see that there is nowhere else for them. What is Punk going to do, sleep in all day? He hasn't even talked about a side project. If this was Rock or Jericho, I could see them having more credibility, because they have things to go to outside of wrestling, but what would Punk do?

I don't know, and it's none of my business. Sounds to me like he is going to do what he wants to do. He's been gone for about two months and as far as I know he is still alive and not driven to madness.

Maybe he will sit on internet wrestling forums and create inane threads about stupid, pointless shit. It works for some people.

Punk is a sulky whiny baby who put himself before the company. I have Vince kicks him to the kerb if he ever comes back, to show an example to others what happens when you leave.


So where do you work? Do you really put the company before yourself? Do you throw your hand in the scalding hot oil to save that fry that fell over the basket?

The fact is, too, that Punk breached his contract, since he was contracted until July, so he shouldn't get paid for the remainder of his contract.

Now you're a lawyer?

Punk has lost stroke at the negotiating table. Why would Vince kowtow to a guy who showed such disloyalty? If I were Vince, Punk would only ever come back on MY terms, since he lost the right to negotiate by going early, showing he can't be trusted to fulfil a contract.

Unfortunately for Punk and Vince they can't work together again unless they agree to mutually agreeable terms.

You people are deluded if you think the WWE misses C.M. Punk. Most of the fans are more focusing on Daniel Bryan, and no one even notices Punk not being there.

Besides, if Punk never comes back, then he definitely can't headline Wrestlemania, so Vince has that carrot to hang over his head.

We get it, you're mad at Punk for leaving you. You loved him and he abandoned you. The people that remain somewhat loyal to him are in denial. If Punk returns in any way shape or form it means he lost and he will return because he doesn't have hobbies. Message received.
If Punk comes back it will be a mutual thing, he's not hard up for money as has been noted many times, and he's probably at a point where he just hasn't got the will to fight things anymore and has little desire to play puppet. So yeah, I wouldn't be shocked if he returned under a certain type of situation, just like Austin did, I mean I'd hardly call the role he came back into a one that "humbled" him.
Will Punk come back? Yea. Anytime soon? I don't think so, and I would be shocked if we saw him back before survivor series. Hell I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if we don't see CM Punk in the WWE for the rest of 2014.
The part of your post that i can't agree with is that he'll be crawling back with his tale between his legs. A matter a fact I don't think any of the men listed came crawling back with their tail between their legs. You made it sound like all those Wrestlers started blowing Vince McMahon's phone up begging him to take them back.The past is the past, and business is business. Vince is a good business man, and if you wanna be successful in pro wrestling, then you need to be part good business man. If both Vince and those man can let go of whatever happened in the best, and have an opportunity to doing something successful, from both an entertainment and economic standpoint, then they'll come to a deal. I doubt the Hitman was on all fours kissing Vince's feet to come back. I think they both felt it was time to bury the hatchet and saw a good business opportunity present itself.
I will give you this. I don't know if you feel this way but by the sound of you're post you might. I think Vince McMahon has done a great Job of establishing that the WWE does not stop moving for anybody, and that no name is bigger than World Wrestling Entertainment. If as guy is going to leave for whatever reason and vow not to come back he just picks up the pieces and keeps moving with whatever is next. When someone is pissed and leaves, Vince seems to just keep moving and let them know that when they're ready to do business they can give him a call. But at the end of the day even if Hogan, Warrior, and the Undertaker didn't come back. And if CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, and John Cena all got pissed for some reason and left. There would still be a WrestleMania XXX. There is no wrestler that's name alone holds more value than the letters WWE. Case closed.
That last rant went a little off topic, but I almost posted a thread about it and just figured I could slide it in here. But to some everything up. There is no wrestling company that can hold a candle to WWE from an economic and popularity standpoint. So no one wrestler is bigger than the WWE itself. So yea I see CM Punk coming back, unless he feels he is truly done with wrestling on the highest level. Will he come back crawling with his tail between his legs, as you put it? No. When he wants to do Business he'll come back, and if Vince thinks it'll put more cash in his bank account then he'll be more than happy to do business.
I think most people assume he will be back in some way, shape, or form in the future.

Could be. All the speculation (and there sure is plenty of that, yes?) is worth little since we don't know the true reasons for his departure.

If the only reason he left is because of burnout, then yes, he'll probably be back after he recharges his energy cells. He really did look good on that episode of "Talking Dead" which lends itself to the notion he was simply tired.

Of course, he should remember that the reason he was added as a celebrity guest to that show's panel was because of his fame as a pro wrestler. Had it not been for WWE, Phil Brooks would be an unknown outside the world of wrestling. As time goes on, his notoriety will fade and his inclusion in gigs like "Talking Dead" won't come around. If Brooks likes the spotlight, let's see if he remembers the reason he merited it.

It gets dicier if he left because he didn't like the direction of his character as written by WWE's creative team. If that's the case, then he comes back only if: (1) he gives in and tells them he'll play it their way, or (2) the company gives in and Vince McMahon says to Brooks: "Oh, golly gee, Phil. We need fact, we need you so friggin' bad that we'll quadruple your salary, we'll give you star billing on every show whether you're wrestling or not, we'll have John Cena lick your boots at the close of every Raw, and we'll let you write every line of dialogue for your character as well as dictate every situation and scenario that involves your CM Punk character........oh shit, we'll just let you write the whole show! Just tell us what you want us to do and we'll do it.....but come back.....oh please, please, please.....come back!"

Hopefully, they'll be able to meet somewhere in the middle of those two scenarios and Punk will return......but if he never does, that would be okay, too.
I think we will eventually see CM Punk back in a WWE ring. Once people start forgetting about him, he will come back.

I forgot where I heard this but the feeling is that if Punk were ever to retire or leave the WWE/Wrestling he probably would live a pretty quiet life. Which has been the case so far, sure he made a few TV appearances, but for the most part he's been pretty quiet in this whole thing.

I think Punk thought that the reaction from his fans about him walking out was going to be bigger than what it was. It is already starting to fizzle out.

Or maybe he doesn't care. Maybe he didn't want to make a statement and just realized he's had enough for now and called it quits for now.

If Punk has saved well then he probably won't need to be back any time soon. What he does next is interesting. Edge, Jericho, Austin and The Rock went into different things: acting, music, podcasts and Punk might not make that transition. I could envisage Punk wrestling for at a few indies but that ain't going to pay well.

It's not like he needs the money but I am sure Punk can make good money working at a few indie appearances. I forgot who said it but the advantage Punk and Bryan has working in the indie scene for so long is that they have worked a good relationship with these promotions and fans. The combination of their indie roots and their exposure in the WWE means there's going to be a lot of indie promotions willing to pay a Punk a good amount for him to make appearances. Plus if he should return to ROH, where he has an extensive library of matches before even signing to the WWE, they can probably pay Punk producing an Punk ROH DVD. Sure it's not WWE money but, as someone said, his networth is already $8 Million, a steady income in the indie scene is just going to be icing on the cake.
CM Punk left, he knew that he was second only to Daniel Bryan in the eyes of the IWC, yet he still left, walked out on his fans, do I respect him for that? Nope. Would I care if he returned on RAW between now and Wrestle Mania? Nope.

Every wrestling fan on here should watch this interview. If you cannot respect Phil Brooks/CM Punk as a man who gave the wrestling business everything he had, I do not know what to tell you.

I am not condoning him walking out, but I understand why he did. I am not yearning for his return, but I would welcome him back. As fans, we do not have a right to truly judge Punk until we have a first hand account of what led to his walkout. That should be the stance of every objective person who researches the situation. Unfortunately, it is not. The interview I posted took place less than ten days prior to the Royal Rumble. If you pay attention, it offers insight into his state of mind.

D_Henderson1810 - You are so wrong, as usual. The fact that you have so many green bars hurts the validity of reputation around here.

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