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CM Punk: Good or Bad


Pre-Show Stalwart
I've watched CM Punk over the past month and he has been doing some heelish like things. I mean, he cashed it in on the biggest thing in the WWE, the way he's been acting since then seems like Edge kinda. But it seems that he's not as believable as I'd want him to be, and it seems he getting more cheers than boos. Tonight he GTS'ed John Morrison, and still doesnt seems like a heel yet. Now i don't know or anything, but I don't think Jeff signed a long-term deal yet. Now maybe, CM Punk's heel/face status is based on Jeff decision. Any thoughts?
It would have to be base on what Jeff does as if Jeff goes Punk needs to be a face as the only other faces on the roster that could main event would be Rey Mysterio and maybe John Morrison then Undertaker when he comes back and maybe turning Kane face. So the lack of faces on Smackdown if Jeff leaves would make Punk a face as Rey, Taker, Kane are always getting hurt and you can't have top talent getting hurt. So if Jeff leaves, Punk is a face.

If Jeff stays, Punk goes heel as the crowd will not except him as champion as they have this love for Hardy just as the crowd turned Bret Hart heel as they fell in love with Austin. Its a domino effect, once one fans boos, the rest will follow.

I like punk as a face and hope he stays that way, but after he GTS Morrison, I think he is going heel.
I disagree I think Edge needs to be the face of the show because he has been a heel for soooooo long and although he is really good at it, it has kinda gotten old. We need the funny Edge back that can kick ass AND provide some comedy at the same time. Punk I think would be a better heel right now because he has been a face ever since debuting with the company and what more can he do. If he turns heel he can feud with Rey Mysterio,John Morrison,Taker, and maybe even R-Truth if they would give him a half decent finisher with a half decent name COUGH The Lie Detecter Sucks COUGH.
C.M. Punk is the biggest disgrace to the World Heavyweight Title since David Arquette. Not that Jeff Hardy is World Heavyweight Champion material, but I'd much rather see him with 'Big Gold' when I watch Smackdown than that wannabe from ECW.
C.M. Punk is the biggest disgrace to the World Heavyweight Title since David Arquette.

Wow.... Quite the statement there. Let's compare the two, shall we?

CM Punk

Is one of the bright new stars of the WWE. He always works consistently good matches, and has a style in which is effective for the audience he works to. He rarely injures anybody, and is extremely careful in how he treats his opponents. His promos are getting far better, and unless you flat out hate Punk (as you seem to for very little reason. Fact: Spam is never cool. Like drugs. Don't do drugs, or spam) they are some of the best promos in the WWE. He has a passion for what he does, which exudes in all of his matches. His character is different, and even though he is not even close to looking like the typical star that the WWE covets, Vince still manages to make time for this man, and give him the push to become one of the WWE's best stars. His slow build to a heel is so well played, and most of that comes from Punk's ability to sell his actions, and even seem stunned by what he does. Pretty soon, he will become the main star of Smackdown, and will probably carry the belt for some time to come, if the WWE is smart.

David Arquette

Is an actor who's worked in two matches. His best move is a spear.

Holy Balls! You're right! My gosh. Someone call Vince, and tell him to step down. I officially have someone to replace him!

Not that Jeff Hardy is World Heavyweight Champion material,

Except that, you know, he's mad over. Except that really is a moot point... Because so is Punk.

but I'd much rather see him with 'Big Gold' when I watch Smackdown than that wannabe from ECW.

Normally, Smackdown can't go wrong either way, and they'd be perfectly fine with either man winning. But since it seems like Jeff is leaving, and Punk could use a decisive win to solidify his reign, I have to give this one to Punk.
Punk is getting better and better. And yeah logically Jeff's contract does decide Punk's faith. He's is still being tagged with baby-face's in tag matches. And he still gets cheered. So Punk's a tweener right now. But I think if Jeff leaves Punk will become an effective heel! Another reason why is because Edge might be out for another 8 months!
Easily one of the best "tweener's" in the WWE in the last 20 years. He reminds me of Bret Hart in a weird way. I like his role right now, and I think he should stay this way. Punk needs a strong tenure as champion as well. A solid feud with Jericho would be nice for the time being.
Because of his choice of lifestyle, it could be very easy for Punk to be a believable heel. I know a couple of straight edgers and they can really come off as a couple of arrogant turds when they want to be. Comparing his lifestyle to Hardy's, given Hardy's documented drug history coupled with Punk's "Just Say No" comment is how he justifies his superiority to Hardy both in life and, in his view, as a professional.

I like where it's going thus far overall. Punk's a good tweener and they should keep him that way for a while. Keep the speculation going as to which side of the fence he'll ultimately wind up on.
Right now Punk is playing a fantastic tweener. I think that the WWE is heading for a full blown heel turn, but that may depend on a few things. First of all, is Jeff Hardy going to resign his contract. Jeff is the biggest face in the company and the obvious choice for a lengthy fued with a heel CM Punk. I think the WWE is leaning twoards this, however, they are being very careful not to commit to a heel turn until things are squared away with Hardy. Unfortunately, with Edge's recent injury, the WWE may be forced to make the heel turn regardless of Hardy's contract status. Edge is the biggest heel on SD and a Punk heel turn done right could fill that spot nicely.
I don't know after that tag match and through out the feud it seems like Jeff is being more heel like he didn't accept Punk's congrats on his win on Raw and other various things he's done in his recent feuds with tweeners like HHH.
But I think Punk is going to go full blown heel anyway caseu of edge's injury or Edge'll be repalced by Jericho which I doubt because Ziggler would have to replace Jericho's spot and it's to short notice for that to happen and Punk can be replaced with Cryme Tyme maybe idk Jeff leaving when Edge is injured will really poke ahuge hole in SD it'll probably be okay btu you never know.
You know...Im tired of people saying the CM Punk cashing in MITB when Jeff Hardy won is a "heelish" thing. I think who ever thinks this is a hypocrit. Why? Because when he cashed in last year against Edge every body thought it was miraculous and was the greatest thing since sliced bread. But now, since he did it on the beloved Jeff Hardy everybody is like "Oh whoa, thats what a heel would do!". He saw and opportunity and he captured it, just like last year when Batista went in and destroyed the hell Edge, he saw tha opportunity and got praised for it. So please everybody stop being a hyprocrit and making that a reason why CM Punk is a heel.
I'm loving this storyline. Punks promo on SD last week was perfectly done.
It's right,he almost lost the title when his foot was under the ropes and if we believe his eye is injured(Storyline wise) then he has done nothing wrong.
A poster on here said in a weired way Punk reminded them of Bret Hart. I was thinking the same. Remember how Bret kept getting screwed and complained, he got booed(despite his claims being corect). He talked about what a poor role model Austin was and yet Austin was cheered which made Bret turn his back on the (US) fans. This is kinda like the storyline with Punk now, except he is being booed for acting "heelish", whilst claiming he has done nothing wrong. He is coming across as someone who believes because of his lifestyle choices he's better than other people. And everyone who drinks or smokes HATE people like that. This is probaly my favourite storyline in 2-3 years. I personally would like to see a regin a bit like JBL's but with a twist. Whilst Punk manages to hold on to the title by hook or crook, he always has a reason or an excuse to say "it wasn't a cheap win because what you clearly don't realise is.....". Well done to Michael Hayes for completly blowing Raw away creativly.:one_samuria:
Wow.... Quite the statement there. Let's compare the two, shall we?

CM Punk

Is one of the bright new stars of the WWE. He always works consistently good matches, and has a style in which is effective for the audience he works to. He rarely injures anybody, and is extremely careful in how he treats his opponents. His promos are getting far better, and unless you flat out hate Punk (as you seem to for very little reason. Fact: Spam is never cool. Like drugs. Don't do drugs, or spam) they are some of the best promos in the WWE. He has a passion for what he does, which exudes in all of his matches. His character is different, and even though he is not even close to looking like the typical star that the WWE covets, Vince still manages to make time for this man, and give him the push to become one of the WWE's best stars. His slow build to a heel is so well played, and most of that comes from Punk's ability to sell his actions, and even seem stunned by what he does. Pretty soon, he will become the main star of Smackdown, and will probably carry the belt for some time to come, if the WWE is smart.

David Arquette

Is an actor who's worked in two matches. His best move is a spear.

Holy Balls! You're right! My gosh. Someone call Vince, and tell him to step down. I officially have someone to replace him!

Except that, you know, he's mad over. Except that really is a moot point... Because so is Punk.

Normally, Smackdown can't go wrong either way, and they'd be perfectly fine with either man winning. But since it seems like Jeff is leaving, and Punk could use a decisive win to solidify his reign, I have to give this one to Punk.

Because when anyone with even the slightest eye for talent can look at either of these guys and see NOTHING that screams 'best wrestler in the world'. Yes, I say thimbs down to Punk because I can't see some guy who looks like the dude everyone in middle school used to kick the crap out of (even the girls) as being the World Heavyweight Champion. And he STILL looks like even the nerds and geeks could stomp a mudhole in him and walk it dry. Heck, C.M. Punk looks like the dudes from 'Revenge of the Nerds'. Sorry, but this guy has no business being World Heavyweight Champion. Same guys for Hardy who is only about a 1/2 step up from Punk.

Hopefully 'Taker returns soon and can show these guys what being the World Heavyweight Champion is about. At least he has the look for 'Big Gold'.
Because when anyone with even the slightest eye for talent can look at either of these guys and see NOTHING that screams 'best wrestler in the world'. Yes, I say thimbs down to Punk because I can't see some guy who looks like the dude everyone in middle school used to kick the crap out of (even the girls) as being the World Heavyweight Champion. And he STILL looks like even the nerds and geeks could stomp a mudhole in him and walk it dry. Heck, C.M. Punk looks like the dudes from 'Revenge of the Nerds'. Sorry, but this guy has no business being World Heavyweight Champion. Same guys for Hardy who is only about a 1/2 step up from Punk.

Hopefully 'Taker returns soon and can show these guys what being the World Heavyweight Champion is about. At least he has the look for 'Big Gold'.

So your whole basis for you hating Punk is the way he looks. That's a bad argument if there ever was one. What happened the last two times Taker had the belt- He got stripped of it and never regained and he got injured so don't put much stock in that. If you don't like Punk as champion, stop watching Smackdown.
it does have to do with jeff's decision. i would have liked to see punk turn full heel and edge turn face with a feud against jericho. i think edge could benefit from a face turn as he has carried smackdown almost half his career as a heel. but... all this got thrown out the window when edge got hurt. so turn punck heel. have someone else step up and replace jeff and when edge gets back he will be the new top ace of smackdown
So your whole basis for you hating Punk is the way he looks. That's a bad argument if there ever was one. What happened the last two times Taker had the belt- He got stripped of it and never regained and he got injured so don't put much stock in that. If you don't like Punk as champion, stop watching Smackdown.

It's not only his look, but I'm also not impressed with his in-ring ability. Ric Flair, Sting, Brunno Sammartino, Lou Thesz, Harley Race...... these guys looked like World Heavyweight Champion, but also backed it up in the ring by looking like the best in the world.

The only person on SD now who has the look would be Taker or Morrison. Hopefully they push Morrison right and 'Big Gold' will be around his waist.
It's not only his look, but I'm also not impressed with his in-ring ability. Ric Flair, Sting, Brunno Sammartino, Lou Thesz, Harley Race...... these guys looked like World Heavyweight Champion, but also backed it up in the ring by looking like the best in the world.

The only person on SD now who has the look would be Taker or Morrison. Hopefully they push Morrison right and 'Big Gold' will be around his waist.

We are talking about two different eras. There's no use in comparing Punk to Flair, Sting, and Sammartino. If Punk is over with the crowd and entertains them, why does he need to change. If he's winning matches and impressing the crowd, I don't care about how has in-ring ability. He could do a little more stuff but if it ain't broke don't fix it.
We are talking about two different eras. There's no use in comparing Punk to Flair, Sting, and Sammartino. If Punk is over with the crowd and entertains them, why does he need to change. If he's winning matches and impressing the crowd, I don't care about how has in-ring ability. He could do a little more stuff but if it ain't broke don't fix it.

But if they hope to ever increase the ratings and bring in some new fans then they need to promote the World Heavyweight Champion as being the best in the world, and the title holder ought to look the part.

I know professional wrestling and UFC/MMA/K1 are two different industries, but Dana White can promote Brock Lesner as the UFC World Heavyweight Champion and he's believable as champion - both in and out of the octagon. The same used to be the case in wrestling for many, many decades.
But if they hope to ever increase the ratings and bring in some new fans then they need to promote the World Heavyweight Champion as being the best in the world, and the title holder ought to look the part.

I know professional wrestling and UFC/MMA/K1 are two different industries, but Dana White can promote Brock Lesner as the UFC World Heavyweight Champion and he's believable as champion - both in and out of the octagon. The same used to be the case in wrestling for many, many decades.

I don't know necessarily if that will increase the ratings. The guys who get the belts generally are the guys who get the best crowd reactions. If that great reaction slowly fades away, than that person won't be champion anymore. These days is about all entertaining the crowd and less on the wrestling "aspect" of things.
I don't know necessarily if that will increase the ratings. The guys who get the belts generally are the guys who get the best crowd reactions. If that great reaction slowly fades away, than that person won't be champion anymore. These days is about all entertaining the crowd and less on the wrestling "aspect" of things.

And that's why the product today is horrible compared to how it used to be. Back in the 80's, the 4-Horsemen sold out stadiums on WRESTLING (what the NWA was known for). Vince can't sell out a basketball arena with the junk he displays.
And that's why the product today is horrible compared to how it used to be. Back in the 80's, the 4-Horsemen sold out stadiums on WRESTLING (what the NWA was known for). Vince can't sell out a basketball arena with the junk he displays.

I somewhat agree but as long as he keeps making money and the buyrates keep increasing, than Vince is going to put out the same old stuff although the past few RAW's have been the best ones in years.
I somewhat agree but as long as he keeps making money and the buyrates keep increasing, than Vince is going to put out the same old stuff although the past few RAW's have been the best ones in years.

That reason, coupled with my being the biggest Sting fan, are what finally got me watching TNA. No, I still can't get myself to watch a full episode of IMPACT, but I watch more of the show than I do RAW, Smackdown, and "ECW" (I'm not home on Friday nights anymore to see SD).
That reason, coupled with my being the biggest Sting fan, are what finally got me watching TNA. No, I still can't get myself to watch a full episode of IMPACT, but I watch more of the show than I do RAW, Smackdown, and "ECW" (I'm not home on Friday nights anymore to see SD).

I like their wrestling better than I do WWE on occasion. Their tag-team division and women's division are better than the WWE's but that can be attributed to Vince not caring much about them.
I like their wrestling better than I do WWE on occasion. Their tag-team division and women's division are better than the WWE's but that can be attributed to Vince not caring much about them.

The only times Vince showed any signs of caring was when the NWA was huge (and you also had AWA, UWF, and WCCW as major players as well), then again when ECW showed up and WCW came along (after they had left the NWA) and almost put him out of business (which I WISH had happend).

I agree, TNA is far more tolerable to watch, and their women's division is full of real talent.
The only times Vince showed any signs of caring was when the NWA was huge (and you also had AWA, UWF, and WCCW as major players as well), then again when ECW showed up and WCW came along (after they had left the NWA) and almost put him out of business (which I WISH had happend).

I agree, TNA is far more tolerable to watch, and their women's division is full of real talent.

Well when you can buy all the territories and put WCW out of business, you can feel pretty confident that nobody is going to challenge you. TNA mentions WWE all the time but it's not the other way around because Vince doesn't feel that TNA is a threat.

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