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CM Punk getting buried - obviously leaving


Mid-Card Championship Winner
CM Punk is way over as a heel, he is a fantastic talent in the ring and great on the stick but we have seen Orton go over him 3 times cleanly now. He has been buried.

Its a common technique by WWE to 'bury' their departing stars. Remember Batista? 3 losses to Cena and one involved fucking duct tape! Every time Jericho leaves he also has a bad run of losses.

I think its pretty obvious Punk is leaving. And it is a sad day for WWE if he does.
He's not getting a push until he signs a new contract, because of this I think we should not be surprised if he gets some horrible booking in the next few months until (if ever) he signs.

Im actually really worried that he may not re-sign, the fact that he doesn't take painkillers due to his straight edge lifestyle means that the WWE schedule is more likely to burn him out quicker than a lot of other wrestlers. This is his apparent reason for him not wanting to re-sign and I think it is likely to be true.

I think he is going to leave and like you said, it will be a sad day for the WWE
Punk will be back, the WWE wont do much with him from now til the end of his contract. He'll take some time off while he and the E' figure out his new contract, then he will return. If he's smart(which he is) he will threaten to go to TNA in an attempt to get a better contract on his next run. I think unless he resigns immediatly that he will take some time off and negotiate his contract and I dont want to sound like an idiot making an idiotic Royal Rumble prediction but I believe it would be smart to bring him back then whether he wins or not.
I'm sick of people starting threads on here about guys getting buried bcuz they lose. When Sheamus went on his losing streak before WM everybody was like OMG Sheamus is getting buried he pissed off someone backstage etc. The losing streak was to give a credible reason for him to challenge for the US title. I guess since he got drafted to SD and lost the title he's getting buried again. Losing to SuperOrton is not getting buried. Getting buried is only being on Superstars. Like other people already pointed out, they're not going to invest a lot in a guy that might be leaving. Plus, if someone is leaving or retiring it's thier job to go out putting someone over, that's booking 101. I hope he stays and but if he doesn't it's his perogative. If he does leave I hope he comes back later refreshed and on top of his game like Jericho did. Hey, maybe if he takes time off we'll get an awesome autobiography out of it.
First, I really don't think CM Punk is getting buried. It’s not like he's been sequestered to Superstars & is jobbing in squash matches to Hornswaggle & Yoshi Totsu every week. Being featured in a PPV match against one of the company's top stars seems to be the antithesis of being buried. Just my opinion, I could be wrong.

Second, I think its a little to early to suggest that he's leaving. I'd be willing to bet that he's holding out for a better deal....WHEN Vince gives him the right offer he will undoubtedly resign.
1st off call me crazy but I seriously dnt believe for 1 min that Punk is so str8 edge that he would rather be in pain than take a pill lol 2nd I dnt buy into the notion that he's getting buried becuz if u truly look at things he's being used to give Orton a bigger boost for when he heads to smackdown plus I also predict that we'll knw soon if he is leaving by how he's booked if he restarts his feud with Cena he's staying but if he gets turned on by Nexus he's probably leaving
Are you seriously that stupid? Since when does being involved in a main event level feud with the second biggest face in the company constitute being buried? Since when does feuding with (and beating) John Cena count as being buried? It is hardly like he is being put on superstars jobbing to Yoshi Tatsu and Horsswoggle. He is a heel for fucks sake he is meant to loose more often than he wins, that is the basic definition of a heel.

He is getting TV time every week on Raw and he is involved in main event programs. If that means you are being buried then I would love to see what a push is. Perhaps he isn't being used as well as he could be but he sure as fuck isn't being buried.
This is how WWE treats everyone wrestler (yes I'm still going to say wrestler whether Vince likes it or not) that's on the outs. This is why Orton has gotten over in all the feuds and why Truth was involved in the match last night. I know Nexus isn't much, but have someone in the group rebel and take over. They aren't what they were a year ago, but those guys could still do something right? Hell the Corre is still around.

Anyway, Punk has his lifestyle and it does seem he's burned out. That said he'll take some time off and HOPEFULLY resign in a year or so. There shouldn't be all this pandemonium about it. Every WWE Superstar needs time off at some point. A professional wrestler's schedule is daunting to say the least. I just want to see just how he's written off at this point.
People need to stop treating every match like it's the end all be all. I agree that having Punk lose to Orton three times in a row does seem a bit questionable and that he's lost quite a bit of momentum since Wrestlemania, but I would hardly say Punk has been jobbing. Once I stop seeing him on RAW on a weekly basis and I see him jobbing to Hornswoggle on Superstars, then we'll have something to talk about. As for Punk leaving, I still think he will re-sign with the company although that just might be me doing some wishful thinking.
What people forget is that this isn't the first time Punk lost. No, Punk lost to Orton at Wrestlemania as well, and for the life of me I can't remember the last time Punk looked credible. Not just as a leader of the New Nexus, even before that.

Punk is getting buried in a major way, and I don't blame the guy for complaining and wanting time off to sort this out perhaps. He's an amazing talent, busts his ass, clearly better than Cena, Orton or The Miz, yet he's food for them and nothing more. Always has been.

Ever since he retired Hardy his career went downhill. You had The Straight Edge Society which was a good idea, except that WWE stuck him with a bunch of talentless nobodies, except for Serena Deeb, but they fired her for the stupidest reason on the planet.

Then S.E.S was over, Punk got injured, did a stellar job as color commentator, came back, took what's left of The Nexus (way to fuck that one up), once again was stuck carrying a bunch of losers that have zero talent and zero everything else, and lost all the important matches to Orton. The only credibility he had wasn't the booking, it was his own doing. How good he was and how he made some of us believe that .. hey, Punk is doing REALLY good, he's got a stable going, maybe they'll push him and have him come out the victor out of this feud. But no. This is WWE. How good you are makes absolutely no difference, especially when you're feuding with Orton or Cena.

So yes, he is being burried. I hope he leaves and never comes back to the WWE. I don't care where he goes. Ring of Honor, TNA, Japan - whatever it is, it's gonna be better than wasting his time and health for an organization that won't appreciate who and what he is.
Are you seriously that stupid? Since when does being involved in a main event level feud with the second biggest face in the company constitute being buried? Since when does feuding with (and beating) John Cena count as being buried? It is hardly like he is being put on superstars jobbing to Yoshi Tatsu and Horsswoggle. He is a heel for fucks sake he is meant to loose more often than he wins, that is the basic definition of a heel.

He is getting TV time every week on Raw and he is involved in main event programs. If that means you are being buried then I would love to see what a push is. Perhaps he isn't being used as well as he could be but he sure as fuck isn't being buried.

Like I said, exact same thing happened to Batista before he left, Lesnar before that, Jericho. There are so many interpretations of getting buried but losing week after week to the same superstar is that in my book. We all know his contract is ending soon - he is being made to look weak.

I think you are stupid, open your eyes.
He's jobbing on his way out. Just about every wrestler does it. It really doesn't make much sense to put a guy over when he's going away for a while. If anything it would make Orton look like shit.

He's going to take some time off and re-sign with the E when he comes back.
I still can't wrap my head around why people considering losing jobbing/being buried. They're not the same by any means. He will, however, lose quite often until he resigns (if he does).

And, though it doesn't really matter, just because he's straight edge doesn't mean he can't take pain killers rofl. It's against abusing them, not taking them.
The term buried is not the proper word for it, he needs to sign a new contract, and if not I'd rather him leave to let Orton become miserable for the rest of his life, because he knows WWE will never place him in Cena's spot.
I've never understood the fact at the stupidity of burying a guy who they WANT to re-sign his contract...Punk should have at least gotten ONE victory over Punk. In 5 Matches now, Orton has won every single one of them. The first two were back when Orton did the original Punt to the Head. What a waste of a perfectly good feud. Orton went over every single member of New Nexus and went over Punk THREE TIMES?

Good luck trying to re-sign him. Morons.
He's not getting buried or jobbing Orton is second to Cena. Face it Orton is moved to SD! going for the WHC they ain't going to make him lose now to a guy who's contract is running up.

I love Punk and i can see how people are pissed but it's not being buried or jobbing he's just not getting a decent push but in a way he is because he's involved with factions he's had a lot of mic time it's just in ring and match outcomes that are out his favour.

I'm not sure about the painkillers you get different levels of Straight edge people believe putting anything into your system is poison yet punk drink Pepsi (loaded with Caffeine and has Tattoos which SxE people do moan about with the ink or some silly shit)
He wants a reduced house show schedule things is once you do it for one you have to compromise for more.

Punk sells merchandise he must be in the top 5 for sure. He's also popular with fans, i'm sure he'll re-sign soon enough.
I've never understood the fact at the stupidity of burying a guy who they WANT to re-sign his contract...

The only WWE wrestler I can remember who openly cared about whether he won or lost was Kurt Angle. In an interview after he left the company, he was complaining that WWE had him only as a transitional champion; and that wasn't enough for him. I thought all wrestlers just concerned themselves with getting in-ring time..... it's not whether they win or lose, it's the quantity and quality of how they're used.

If that's the case, then I don't know how Punk can be unhappy with how he's been used. After all, he's been at the forefront of major angles and we see him almost every week. Even when injured, the company put him at the announcer's table to keep him on the air.

Does he think his push has been reduced? I'll bet guys like Trent Barretta and Chris Masters would love to be "de-pushed" the way Punk has been.

Like others in this thread, I think Punk is probably looking to re-sign and he's just using these threats as a way to buy some time off between contracts and maybe to get himself a few more bucks in the process.

But I agree with the majority; losing three times to Randy Orton in featured matches at a PPV is hardly being buried. Being buried is not appearing on the PPV at all.
Buried? Sorry, what? Buried? Remind me never to ask any of you guys to bury some evidence for me, I'm sure you'll leave that swathe of bloody cloth in plain sight on the kitchen counter rather than, you know, putting it in the ground. There are those of you that seem to have a semblance of what burial means so, um, yeah, I'll be giving you a call next time I wake up with a bad hangover and scratch marks on my face. Congratulations.

Not only has Punk not looked weaker during this feud, he's actually looked superior. Last night at Extreme Rules is the weakest that Punk has looked in any of their matches and he still firmly looked equal to Orton - AKA the number two face in the entire company; the guy who's built to be the baddest man since Steve Austin. Both previous matches ended with Punk pulling at his hair, wondering how Orton managed to steal victories from him after he dominated the match for so long. Oh, a heel barely loses a series of matches, looking strong throughout. Yeah, he's getting buried. I'd like to see you guys over in London in 2012, they're making jumping to conclusions an Olympic event. You could go for gold!

Punk being reluctant to sign a new contract does not seem to have shown through in the product at all. He might be unhappy with his place in the company, but I doubt being a heel and losing to faces in matches where he looks the stronger of the two bothers him that greatly. I've never seen evidence to suggest Punk is anything but a consummate professional. A consummate professional that might be somewhat too comfortable telling The Undertaker to go fuck himself, but a consummate professional nonetheless. If anything, the WWE are more likely to placate Punk by throwing him a bone than hitting him with the door on the way out.

Orton's on SmackDown, leaving Punk alone on Raw. Let's see where we go from here.
Am I the only one that remembers Orton being exactly where Punk is at a few years ago when he was a heel? If he won, he cheated but he often lost when going up against Cena one on one.

I don't see Punk leaving... he may hold out on signing a contract until he gets something he likes, but I bet he stays.
I think people are using the word 'burial' far too liberally - Punk dominated most of the match and Orton sold Punk's offense very strongly. Also, remember Punk is a heel and does not go over cleanly - otherwise his being a heel is brought into question.

That is not a burial. A burial would be if the match had lasted 5 minutes and Punk had no offence.

I don't know, the painkillers/needing a rest thing may well be true. But Punk is a shrewd and cunning bloke. I don't think he'd pass up the chance to be an even greater success lightly.
CM Punk is great but if he leaves, I won't really care. I mean, he isn't really doing anything now but being beaten down by Orton, and leading horribly wack ass factions. You can get anybody to do that. Yeah his mic skills are good, and when he was preaching his straight edge stuff it was great, well, it was either epic or boring, but most of the time epic, but as far as the current landscape of the WWE, they have enough heels to carry the company, especially on the now heel crowded raw, with del rio and miz being the obvious main event heels moving forward. I felt he was going to lose at ER anyway.
Yeah I'm not really sure on how you come to the conclusion that Punk is being buried at this point. He's been in a high profile feud with arguably the most over face in the WWE at this time, who also happens to be a legit long term main eventer and 7 time World Champion. This doesn't scream burial to me.

Now if Punk starts jobbing out to Santino Marella over the course of the next several weeks, then we actually have something solid to base this opinion around.
I don't think you can all this burial at all. Sure, I was pissed that Orton got the clean sweep of victories, but the results don't show the whole picture. Punk had the better matches, he dominated for large amounts of time, only to be defeated in the end. Orton is the top face, and is very rarely booked to lose any match. Punk is a top heel, but a great heel won't go over the top face, 9 times out of ten.

It will be developing situation in the coming weeks to see if Punk is going or not. To be buried, he needs to be beaten by the likes of Bourne and Santino, and then we can say that Punk is gone once the contract is up. If he gets on a hot streak in the coming weeks, he's probably going to stay. We will just have to wait and see.
Getting buried means losing to everyone on the roster and barely making any significant appearances, if at all. CM Punk has been in two feuds in recent memory. One against John Cena and one against Randy Orton. He actually defeated John Cena in some matches, and he still managed to eliminate Randy Orton from the Elimination Chamber. The next subsequent series of events sure did piss me off with Randy Orton winning every match. It was the same piss-poor pattern over Sheamus, before Sheamus went on a downward losing streak. Orton has gotten way too predictable. You know when he's in the ring with a heel, it means he's winning. Since this feud is pretty much finished at this point, there might not be another opportunity for a rebound. CM Punk will be leaving the WWE without a single clean one-on-one victory over Randy Orton. If he does stay with the WWE, then a victory over Orton might happen in the far future.

The order of over goes like this...

John Cena > Randy Orton > CM Punk/Sheamus
Yeah I don't see that he's buried in any way. I hate the fact that he's lost almost every match he's been in since January. And the fact that he's never even beaten Orton, a much worse wrestler. But he's feuding with Orton, the company's #2 face. He hasn't been buried, he's just not really getting a chance. But it makes sense, if he's threatening to quit. Why push a superstar who wants to leave to the moon?

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